Wisher Beware

Chapter 22: On the Nature of Geese

Chapter 22: On the Nature of Geese

Irje, I spoke with Yeva still in my hands, What about you?

She hummed, thinking. I do have some money saved up if you are planning on buying her.

That earned her a grateful Thanks, from Yeva.

I shook my head, No. There is no need for that. By tomorrow morning I will have enough. What I am asking is if you wish for the same?

You will have enough to buy us both? You know I am much more expensive than Yeva, especially now. Her teasing smile faltered at my unflinching gaze. Turning into a solemn one instead. And what would you do, if I ask to be free?

I will let you go. In fact, I would probably free you as soon as I buy you. Can I do that?

Irje shook her head. You cannot. Only a free master can release the slaves. Which in our case would still be Domina.

I frowned. Then maybe you are better off directly under her. She is more likely to let you go sooner than she would release me.

She slid closer and enveloped us into an embrace. That wasnt the reason I was asking. And yet, I am unsurprised by your answer. Do it. I will not split away from our sadaq.

I wasnt convinced, however, I dont want you to stake your entire future on a rash decision.

Irje chuckled and pulled us closer. You know, for someone so smart you can be so stupid sometimes. I know what I want. And I know my risks. Compared to the time when I decided to stake my future on Aikerim Adal there is nothing for me to worry about. Domina would still be able to release me. And I would also gain similar protection from the rest of the Kiymetl, just as Yeva would. Even though I dont need it as much.

Her words nice and soft, close to my ears: I know you, Erf. I have seen how you treat those who are beneath you. And I know I have nothing to worry about. All for the exorbitant price, that Domina would request for me. The price that you are willing to pay without blinking. All that for me. For us. Do you know how that makes me feel?

I know your worth, I replied, And you are worth way more than what she would ask for.

Her hug grew stronger, nearly smothering, but I let it be. I felt her emotions through her skin and I saw Yeva melt in the same embrace, a quiet smile on her lips.

I let the moment linger.

Now, I murmured, slowly extricating myself from their affection. This is all extremely nice, but I need to do some work in the alchemy lab. Otherwise, I might not have fuck you money in the morning.

Irje let me go laughing. Why do you always add fuck to everything!

Habit. I scratched my chin. Sorry Irje, since you were planning on doing the Flow training tonight, but I will probably spend the rest of the night working.

Thats fine, She magnanimously allowed. I am a patient girl, someone made sure of that.

That teasing minx.

Um, Yeva, Can we help you?

I stroked her hair, Probably not, I need to work with extremely precise temperatures and possibly strong poisons. But you can come if you want to, just dont spend the night awake.


So off we went back to the Alchemy lab as the sun started to set.

Lamp oil was expensive to waste for no reason, so the work in the manor was usually over at the onset of twilight. I didnt care. By my estimation, what I was about to make would be worth its weight in gold if not more. My time and sleep were even more expensive, but I didnt care for that either. Some things could wait, while others couldnt. And Yevas happiness was the latter.

Girls stayed around for few hours, as I kept tinkering with reagents and starting up still warm kilns. We mostly chatted to pass time, but I did manage to get a few more tidbits on noble bathing from Irje. Apparently, there could be up to ten slaves present to bathe just one. And I knew the reasons why.

The hairstyles of the nobles were rather set in stone. Unless you were Albin. All incorporated twin braids up front with either a long ponytail or an equally long braid at the back. Add a tail to the list and you will get an enormous amount of work to do every day. I wasnt sure if they washed their hair, but they definitely rinsed it and re-braided. Aikerim always looked fresh and clean in the afternoon.

She was also extremely busy. Spending hours daily in the bath was an impossible luxury.

Domina probably had up to five slaves working on her hair alone.

By the time kilns were hot and ready, the night was on. I let the girls go back to bed and started working on my project in earnest. There was sulphur involved and I didnt want them around when toxic fumes start to seep out.

I also came to yet another realization during our conversation. Ive severely underestimated the amount of conditioner I needed to prepare for Anaise.

Yevas hair was almost to her shoulders. The hair of the Lady of the House was well past her hips. Where an equally voluminous tail started.

Luckily for me, most of the work on the dye was done inside the kiln. I only had to maintain proper temperatures for reduction reactions to occur, leaving me to pursue other projects for the rest of the night.

Having plenty of easily accessible heat I even decided to improve the conditioner even further. Alchemists of Emanai were well aware of the distillation process thus my lab had the proper tools for it. Ive used it in the past already to purify my reagents and tonight Ive set it up for one of the oldest uses of distillation - extracting oils from fragrant plants.

Something that I couldve easily bought in the city, but I had no time for that in the morning. I knew that I could finish everything over the night, and stores would open too late for me to show up with a finished product for Anaise bath on time. Besides I wasnt just looking for nice smelling perfumes but oils that would assist the conditioner as well.

I had a lot of work ahead of me.


She had an odd feeling, setting the bed with Yeva. It would be the first night for quite some time now, that she would sleep without him. She didnt feel lonely, just a bit off. Like if a familiar tunic was missing.

Um, Irje, Yeva finally broke the silence, Ive wanted to thank you.

For the money? Dont worry about it I got the most of them from soap anyway.

No, Yeva shook her head, For everything. For looking after me in the beginning. For letting me in too.

She chuckled and sat down on the bed. Youre welcome, then.

Irje could see the lithe girl's anxiety: twiddling her thumbs, unsure whether to join her on the bed or to keep standing. She did nothing, however, waiting for Yeva to come out of her shell herself.

But why. She blurted out finally.

There you go Irje thought to herself, but said something else instead: Why what?

Why did you do it? I-I mean, I know youme. Yeva stuttered, with a faint blush, But you like him more!

She stopped for a moment, unsettled with her own outburst, but pressed on. Almost mumbling. I like him moreand you know it. And dont tell me that tale you fed to him. I know its more than that. So tell me. Why? Please.

Irje patted the mattress. Come here.

As soon as Yeva cautiously approached the bed, her hand outstretched. She carefully grabbed her only to pull her into a bed with a squeak.

Irje sighed lying prone with Yeva on top of her. You are correct that there is more. Do you think there will be only three of us in the future? Judging by his growth?


Exactly. She ruffled Yevas hair, There will be others, hopefully only a few, but definitely some that none of us will be able to refuse. Perhaps even Domina herself would order Erf to take someone in.

Like Lady of the House?

Irje snorted. Hah! He could dream. No, the wermages are an exclusive bunch. A murk wont sire strong mages, if they would be magical at all. And for them the power of their Spark is paramount. He couldve ended up as the companion himself, but he made sure that won't come to pass.

Is that why you brought me in?

She stopped and sighed ruefully. You said my selfless reasons werent enough. What if I told you I had selfish ones? I know how Erf feels about me, about us. But he is naive as a baby. He still sees only the best things in others. That is why I love him, and so do you, She felt Yeva nod and cuddle deeper into her chest, But that is why someone could easily wrap him around the finger, and I will make sure it won't happen.

Irje continued. And I know that I, myself, might not be enough. Especially as a slave. I would need help. Someone, whom I like, someone who likes me back. Her tone turned sly. Someone who is grateful and wont stab me in the back that easily. Someone who shares my ideals, a bosom buddy.

You are forming a faction, Yeva observed.

She gently stroked her ear. See, even you know this but, I bet, he doesnt.

The lithe girl hummed and fell silent for few moments.

You said you liked me. Does that mean you liked me before you set all this up? Or that was planned too?

I did. She murmured as her hands roamed around. You reminded me of him from the beginning.

A huff. Because I am flat?

Irje chuckled. No. Because your hands are just as skilful as his. And so was your tongue after youve shared the bed with him. She sighed wistfully. That first time, when both of you held me in your arms when I couldnt figure out whether the hands were yours or hisBut there were so many of them. And tongues! Multiple tongues on my body. Mmmmhmm! I lost the sense of myself, surrendered to the touches.

Wait you are not forming a factionyou are making your own sadaq! Yeva exclaimed, rising up

If I could. She replied smugly, Besides, it is our sadaq. Erf made it clear.

Yeva sat up and huffed. Resigned.

Did my answer make your worries go away? Irje eventually asked, curious at her stance.

No, Came a prompt answer, In fact it made me worry more.

Irje breathed in ready to retort, but a hand stopped her short from speaking.

Right over her left nipple.

I see why Erf needs to punish you from time to time. Yeva slowly murmured as her fingers traced the peak through her underclothes. If he doesnt, you start to get ideas.

Her other hand started to slide down. Slowly, unbearably so.

Irje couldnt stop a shuddering breath. Half-lost in expectations, half-focused on ten tiny fingers that would make her scream tonight.

A faint murmur within the fog of pleasure: I think I should help him. When he is busy somewhere else.

It felt odd not to have Erf with them.

Odd, but not lonely.


I tried to make myself invisible, as I waited for Aikerim's visitors to disperse. Every day after breakfast she would receive the petitioners and missive runners, thus keeping her informed of the everyday problems. Id been present through these before when I shadowed Sulla. But then I was an unknown scholar slave.

Now I was an unknown scholar and an alchemist slave. And heads were beginning to turn. If I was beneath their notice before, now I was becoming an important entity in the Dominas court. Important but still unknown. And that was already making some of them suspicious.

Fortunately for me, it looked like I was still beneath them to come and talk to me in person. But Ive seen multiple people murmuring and eyeing me from afar. Great. Instead of whispering in the corners, they shouldve confronted me head-on.

Just so that I could hide behind the status of Anaise attendant.

Sulla noticed me too and promptly ignored my presence. Talk about experience. I didnt care about Albins stories, if someone tells me he can read my mind I would believe them.

But then again all these people accosting Domina were either of higher status or had some immediate news to deliver. I was technically the former based on my request and later based on my status. Which firmly placed me at the bottom of the pecking chain. Exactly as I hoped it would.

I didnt want anyone to see what was in the oilcloth bag that I held tightly in my hands. My goldenest goosest and eggest offer that I hoped to barter with.

Eventually, the crowd was dispersed and my turn was finally up. Sending off the last petitioner Sulla silently gestured me to the door.

I bowed to him as I passed only to realize that he remained outside.

Leaving me alone with Domina.

I knew he was a mind reader.

But I had to keep myself in check. I was walking on needles the entire morning and wayward thoughts could get me in trouble now.

Erf? Aikerim raised an eyebrow, I dont recall asking for you.

You didnt, my Domina. I bowed. Ive come with a personal request. To purchase some slaves.

Ah. I see. News of my husband's arrival has reached you as well. Very well. What was her name? Yeva? She is yours.

And her grief was over just like that. A single sentence. A wave of a hand. And Yevas entire future direction went the whole one-eighty on the spot. Probably even gained an imaginary component to her current vector as well. A past me would probably be offended at such indifference, but this was what I came here for. And she correctly assumed that as well.

My deepest thanks, but-

Do not overstep your place. You might have earned my benevolence but you will not demand from me. Her voice was crisp but calm, Irje is an invaluable asset to my household. Especially now with all the knowledge you have given her.

Her logic was sound, but it was the logic of Domina.

I sighed, I won't demand or ask for anything, Aikerim. Ive come here to trade. And its not like Irje would just leave, there is plenty of time to train another one, probably more.

Her eyes zeroed in on my bag as soon as I said the word trade but my last sentence drew her gaze back at me. Even more intense.

She isnt planning on leaving? She narrowed her eyes. Sadaq. And not hers, but yours.

I smiled, appreciating the acumen. Ours, I corrected her.

Aikerim hummed as her tail slowly resumed its normal routine that Ive come to expect in our meetings. An unusual decision. Not unique - there have been fools before. And yet somehow it does fit you. Tell them that I have heard it. Make sure she trains well.

I will? I said, unsure what she meant. Irje would probably explain it later.

So. You have come to buy these two? Aikerim pressed.

I nodded, And my family.

Her tail froze mid-swipe. You wish for me to buy them out and gift them to you? You would think their Domina would sell them for cheap?

I shrugged. It's a farm manor, and she needed money when she sold me. Even if she asks a higher price they are still murks to her.

Just murks? Not like you?

Unfortunately, no, I answered honestly. I saw that she was amenable to the purchase already: her issue was with Irje only. And avoiding the truth now would mean that I will get in trouble later.

Domina nodded to herself, most likely getting the confirmation to what she already assumed as a certainty. Her tail conveying her satisfaction and growing amusement.

You have come asking for a lot while expecting to pay with something that is rightfully mine. Did you not? Aikerim returned to our original topic instead. Her voice was full of amusement. I think Ive spoilt her too much - she even rose up slightly on her sofa to see the bag clearly, a pose full of anticipation.

Aikerim wasnt expecting a trade. Just as she said, everything that Ive made was technically hers. Including whatever was in that bag, it just needed to be unwrapped.

Like a birthday present.

Nothing unusual and something that I already suspected anyway. I just needed to make the unwrapping ceremony as memorable as possible.

But it is not the money we are trading, are we not? Money cant buy everything: if I had bags of gold I still wouldnt be able to walk into the Summit of Speakers and buy myself a spot. At a certain level money loses its worth. And then you start trading favours instead.

She chuckled, For all your naivete, you do have some knowledge of politics. A favour for a favour.

I spread my arms, leaving the bag alone on the table. You have provided me with multiple codices about it, I simply made sure to read them fully.

Or you were actually capable of reading between the lines. So what favour are you offering, then? Aikerim prompted.

Two days ago, Albin Chasya mentioned that your daughter will be having an Entrance Feast soon. Even gave her an appropriate gift. I believe my present would compliment it well.

Oh. She leaned back with a slightly teasing smile. Even though her kaftan was already made?

Even though the Domina just received a new type of loom: faster and more precise? I challenged back.

Perhaps. But if said Domina had plans to make a new dress, the daughter should stay unaware.

My lips are sealed.

Good. She acceded, But then it is very bold of you to claim that your gift would be comparable to the gift of Shebet.

Their workmanship is praiseworthy but so is the rarity of mine. I saw her urge me on and continued, You know that nature has myriads of colours of every type, yet some are scarcer than the others. And then there is a colour that is nearly impossible to gain from nature, despite how common it is.

Her eyes squinted in thought only to open wide after a moment of thinking. Blue. She breathed quietly.

Well, thats the Domina of the House of Trade, textile branch. Who else would recognize the implication so quickly and be properly impressed as well? Granted that was the reason I even bothered to develop it, nothing else would pique her interest as much as this.

I nodded Blue. Because nature doesn't use that pigment, it uses specific shapes to emulate that colour instead. Which makes extraction a useless prospect-

You have found deposits of Arksite within the Emanai?

She interrupted my lecture on biology rather forcefully. Arksite? Was that how they called lapis lazuli here?

I shook my head. No. I have made my own. Perhaps with more intense colour.

I slowly unwrapped the cloth to reveal the vivid blue content within. Aikerim breathing hitched and her sofa creaked and groaned under the grasp of her fingers. It appears that my present was well received.

It is called Ultramarine. I slowly murmured, watching her absentmindedly rip wooden chunks from her bed in excitement.

Heh. Just like a kid in front of the present.

The goldenest, goosest, and eggest of them all.

and Synthetic




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