Wisher Beware

Chapter 21: New Names and New Faces

Chapter 21: New Names and New Faces

Shut uuuuuuup! Irje moaned.

I couldnt stop, so I kept laughing. Only you, Irje!

Its not funny! The cougar buried her head into the pillow.

It does make sense, you know? Yeva gently murmured from the other side of the bed.

Yer a meanie too! Irje only blushed harder. How was I supposed to know that horny meant randy! Who even came up with these meanings, Erf!

Sorry, sorry, I rubbed her on the back, as we lounged in our bed. I couldnt help myself.

Do you think it is true? she whispered after I finished chuckling.

That I can use magic? The hope in her voice was more than palpable.

I shrugged. I believe so. I know you have affected the Flow in some way. Runes wouldnt light up another way. And they definitely pointed to you among us three. They might not able to sense far but I trust my work this close.

I could feel Irje vibrating from excitement with every word Ive said.

What does it mean, now? Yeva quietly whispered, What is going to happen?

Irje? I prompted.

Right. She pulled herself together. Only to shiver once again. Erf, youve been playing with these runes, can you teach them to me too?

I scratched my chin. To carve runes, yes. To teach you how to use them? Hopefully. The book Ive received was more of a compendium on runic shapes rather than an explanation of how they worked. I did eavesdrop on Anaise lesson with Virnan already, and most likely to attend her future classes too. I am being optimistic that in the recent future I could teach you more than just runes, but basic spellwork as well.

You will? She gaped, only to grin like a loon, Of course you would, why I am even surprised. Okay then. Not a word to anyone. This stays between us for the foreseeable future. Especially to Domina.

Yeva breathed a sigh of relief.

Fair enough. I agreed, and added, We will train together, and stay together.

Oh? Irje perked up, Is that fear I smell? Is the little Erf afraid that his sadaq would fly away? You think you can get rid of me that easily? Hmmm?

I chuckled, Didnt even cross my mind. I trust you Irje.

That shut her up and put a blush on her face.

I continued, I said that for her. And pointed a finger at very quiet and very tiny Yeva.

What? Oh. Irje sighed. Okay, come here!

Yeva squeaked as Irje picked her up and put her right between us.

Listen up. Irjes whispered to her as I cradled her from the other side. I didnt bring you into our bed just to toss you aside a few days later. Or do you really think I am like that?

Yeva broke down, unable to contain her emotions anymore. Barely managing to utter a weak But in the protest.

I cradled her tighter, No buts. You arent going anywhere. I need you, Irje needs you too. Especially now after this reveal.

I didnt need to be a psychic to understand her feelings of inadequacy. Especially exacerbated by the entrenched mistrust of mages. They stole her sight and now Irje was becoming one of them. Playing with the same fire that burned her.

H-how? She sniffed. My statement was clearly not expected.

Think about it. I gently whispered into her ear. How did we find out Irje could control the Flow?

Yeva snorted. By her being horny!

Our teasing was still fresh in her mind.


I ignored the protest from the bleachers. Exactly. So now she needs to find out how she is actually doing it. And you will assist her until she gets it. I paused dramatically. By making her horny over and over again.

Yevas sniff stopped abruptly. A snort, and then another. A little shake of her shoulders grew into a giggle.

Wait what? Irje gawked incredulously. OhOh!

Once again the room descended into laughter. Soon it petered out to be replaced with quiet murmurings and good-nights.

I fell asleep with Yeva safely inside our cuddle, smiling in her sleep.


Our morning started with a rush of activity. I was woken up by a slave, telling me the furnace was ready, and workers were waiting. I followed him out, rubbing my eyes open and dragging the girls with me. Only to realize how severely Ive underestimated Dominas efforts.

During our discussions, Ive stated that a remote shop would be more beneficial, allowing much more freedom to build. But Aikerim was of a different mind. This was a new technology and she wanted to hold the monopoly for as long as she could. Even if that meant establishing a workshop inside the Manor.

Granted, the manor was enormous, but it wasnt infinite either. As such, I wasnt optimistic on the scale.

I was wrong.

It wasnt a furnace. It was an entire workshop. Multiple furnaces, as well as few kilns, were surrounded by different piles of fuel and the large contingent of gawking slaves. I quickly started giving out the orders trying to start the warm-up as soon as possible. The task was quickly taken over by Irje as soon as she wrapped her head around what was I trying to achieve.

Yeva stayed with me as I needed someone to listen to my ramblings as I went along and to tell the important parts to whoever will be in charge of this.

There was another reason why she stayed close. I wasnt the only one who noticed the drastic change in their appearance. They were pretty, to begin with, but the new shine on their hair definitely made some heads turn. Add to that a much better complexion and crispy clean sets of clothes and they definitely stood out from the crowd.

Irje took it for granted, strutting around like a peacock. I wanted to warn her initially but then thought otherwise. As a wer, her body was magically enhanced and flow didnt discriminate based on gender at least. Which made her as powerful as most wer in the manor, including the free ones. For others there were stripes on her belt, that placed her among the overseers. Even though she was a slave she was too important to fulfil the fleeting desires of some many-times removed grandson. No matter how much some would ogle.

Unless it was Domina of course, but things were rather cordial between us, so Irje didnt have to worry about that either.

On the contrary, Yeva shied away from the risen interest, at least in the beginning. She didnt have experience of being in charge before or even being in high standing among the slaves. It took us almost half of the day in constant reminders for her to slowly relax once again.

Luckily I had things both to occupy her and busy myself into. Availability of both coal and charcoal meant that I could literally play with fire. And achieve different temperatures for the experiments.

Most of them were glass-related and usually were of the boring kind. Make a bunch of samples, let them cool down, tell observations to Yeva, repeat. But the reason I was excited wasnt for the glass. I also sneaked in a few experiments of my own and performed chemical reactions that I couldnt easily achieve before, due to the weak or inconsistent fires.

I had a secret project.

Two actually. The first one was a dye, another foot into the door of a different kind. If I manage to impress Aikerim with it, I could easily request a gathering trip well away from the city. Along the riverbanks. Hint hint nudge nudge. Totally unrelated to any crashed spaceships and source of titanium for the nanites. Only to gather a key ingredient of a beautiful white dye.

Hopefully, make her amenable to buying my family too. My thoughts on slavery aside, the quality of life on a farm manor was much lower than here. And that was excluding the Domina, already placated by my results.

The second one was of a more personal and circumspect matter. I needed chemicals and poisons to protect myself. After some consideration, I decided on a milder approach and start with the sedative kind. There was no regulation on plants and tinctures in Emanai, only the price. Which meant that trying to synthesize my own was a waste of time and reagents when I could just buy a foul looking concoction.

In fact, there was a thriving market for the exact poisons I was looking for. I guess I wasnt the only weak individual in the city that was looking for a method of self-defence or was trying to solve an issue quickly. Although some, unfortunately, were looking for a quick release in case things got too far for them to handle.

It took a shrewd merchant a single glance at me and I was presented with a bunch of mixtures that I was hoping to find. But I didnt stop looking and acquired quite a few herbal remedies of a recreational kind.

Now I just had to isolate the active ingredients and purify them. And fewer people knew about my actions, the better.

Who cares what a weird merk is cooking in his alchemy shop, right?

Erf. A voice behind me almost made me drop my tincture.

I carefully put my work aside. My fault really, shouldnt have invoked Murphy.

My Domina. I bowed.

Aikerim glanced around, taking in the sight of people working, and nodded to her own thoughts.

Walk with me.

She set a leisurely pace, walking around the bustling activity of the workshop. Observing without interfering too much.

What are your thoughts on the project. She finally acknowledged me.

I passed her a green lump. Extremely promising. I am grateful for the scale of the workshop. The furnaces are hot and first batches of glass are already being poured.

So it is working. She nodded, You keep meeting my expectations, as usual, what about turning it into glassware?

I shrugged. That would depend on how quickly the artisans would master glassblowing. I told them to start practising with the test batches such as these, while we are working on a better quality glass.

The fact that you consider this as inferior is promising. She threw me the lump back. But the lack of skilled artisans is an issue we cant avoid. Esca holds a tight leash on their product and the ones who make them. Are you sure you cant teach that too?

Unfortunately no, I know how to make it, but not how to shape it into something beautiful. The scale of the project is working in our favour as it allows them to experiment non-stop. Glass is also malleable and can be reused, so now it is a waiting game.

She frowned. Still, I would like to avoid it being seen as a shoddy attempt.

I scratched my head. We could try pressing the forms instead. There are plenty of skilled masons and smiths in the country that should be able to carve a stamp engraving. Add to that glass of different colours, including transparent ones and eyes will turn. In the meantime, I would like a little bit of silver. Pure.

You have something. Good. Work on that. She waved at Sulla, Take it. From now on, here and outside, you are the official Alchemist of Kiymetl. This would dim some curiosity around you, as well as explain your previous activity. And your purchases and questions within the city. Hopefully, it would also explain the Gestr on your neck and the status of a teacher.

I took the bundle from her attendant. Another sash. Another pattern weaved into it besides the now-familiar pentagrams of scholarship.

Sulla disappeared right away as soon as his task was done. He was way better at that than I was. Or simply had some other tasks.

You have my thanks, Aikerim, I murmured once we were alone. She didnt stop her walk although changed the direction of it, heading back into the inner courtyard.

Save it. The position is just that. A name. Your responsibilities wont change. But it would give me a few options in the meantime, starting with right now. Follow me.


Sulla entered the office, bringing in another person with him.

I took in his appearance, standing beside Aikerim. Already aware of the byplay that is about to happen.

A weretiger or sorts. His large frame barely fit into the door. A thin layer of striped fur covered his arms and legs, allowing him to wear a much lighter tunic. Either to keep himself cool or to show off his qualities. The bestial traits were the status symbol for them. The further away they were from murks, or as I preferred to think as standard humans, the more magical they were seen. And therefore, more blessed by the gods of theirs.

The person in front of me was one of the more blessed kind. Animalistic paws and a long tail, but no ears. Probably a mere step away from being a wermage. But that step was all it took. He was a wer and a captured one. And his clawed paws limited the amount of work he could perform severely.

Slaves like these would usually end up as pit-fighters, or in his case - bodyguards.

From now on you are his help and his guard. Aikerim declared, gesturing at me. Outside of the Manor you will shadow him, guard him and keep his head attached to his neck. Inside, you will follow his command.

He glanced at me for a second only to turn back and bow to Aikerim. As you say, my Domina.

As if there was any other thing he could say.

Good. She turned to me, You may leave.

I bowed quietly and left the room, my new guard following me behind. I knew that one was necessary but there were additional issues we had to iron out before that. Mostly on the matter of secrecy of the new research. Just because he was now responsible for my safety didnt stop him from becoming a liability if he learns what he shouldnt and accidentally reveals our secrets to the public.

Domina would most likely kill him on the spot for that, but the damage would be done.

I didnt contradict her assumptions either. I felt pretty safe within the Manor. This branch of Kiymetl was still pretty new as such Aikerim had the luxury of absolute authority. She was the true founder of this branch, there werent any powerful factions within the Manor, yet. Nor were there any sisters or cousins or aunts, who could claim the right to the title. It was only Aikerim and Anaise. And in case something would happen to them before another daughter or granddaughter would be born then this Manor would simply merge back into the Primary House.

I also didnt feel comfortable with another set of eyes snooping on my work at the alchemy lab. Or into my bedroom. Especially with the new development around Irje.

What is your name? I asked my follower as we approached the workshops. Due to the large number of slaves working here additional guard won't be an issue. Besides, it was already being accounted for. The chemical mixes were done in private either by me at the alchemy lab, or by Yeva inside the prohibited part of the soap workshop.

A huff behind my back. Isnt that something you would give me?

A belligerent. Great. I knew Aikerim kinda rushed with the guard acquisition but I hoped Sulla would do a better job than this. Maybe I should sic Irje on him.

I stopped and turned around looking at him. His posture was relaxed, yet he still easily towered over my head. His body language was guarded but not overly aggressive. A test I guess. I could see what he was trying to do and didnt particularly like it. I didnt really care what he was thinking about me at this point. What I did care about was his lack of caution in trying to test his new 'master' that early.

A hotshot for a bodyguard might prove troublesome.

Do you see all these people working? I pointed out to the furnaces in front of us. You are one of them now. If you are eager to stoke the fire day in and day out, you can just tell me.

He shuffled his feet. Yer saying they all your-

Yes. I didnt bother waiting for him to finish. They all here doing what I say. Most of them are happy to do so for I am generous with breaks and food. But I can make exceptions.

Emanai didnt really have any labour standards beyond dont waste the workers lives intentionally but I had my own.

I continued. Do not test my status wer. I might be a murk, but I am an alchemist and a teacher. I patted my sash, clearly showing I was both now. I dont even need to run to Domina for a complaint. Because her daughter comes to my lessons instead. Something you would realize in a matter of days. I looked him straight into his eyes. You look fit and strong, I can give you that. But make sure you dont look stupid in the process. Is that clear?

Yes, young master.

I grimaced. Call me Erf. I have no desire for the titles.

I saw his eyebrows rise.

Yes, a slave name. I turned around, no longer interested in his face. Easy for a master to remember and yell. But I dont care. This name was given to me by my mother, and I have no desire to replace it with anything else. So, I ask again. What is your name?


Good. Now-

Erf! A new voice stopped me in my tracks, too important to ignore.

I turned around and bowed to Anaise. Lady of the House. What can I do for you? The guard beside me bowed as well, clearly uncomfortable by the frequency of the wermage attention.

She stopped in front of us. A literal fountain of emotions, judging by the erratic swings of her tail. She was excited, indecisiveand embarrassed? What was going on?

Apparently, excitement won. I need to talk with you. She composed herself almost immediately as she started speaking, the years of training for sure. Alone.

Of course. I bowed as if we were discussing the weather. And turned to my other companion. Viter. Head into the workshop and seek Irje inside. Tall, tanned and muscular. Wer, cougar ears. Tell her you were sent by me and do anything she tells you to. I mean it. When I am absent she will be in charge.

My eyes told him more than I spoke, glancing between him and Anaise. Judging by the audible gulp when he followed my eyes, he got his confirmation on the truth of my claims. Good. At least I will have less trouble getting him to follow suit from now on.

Right away! he took off as soon as I stopped speaking.

Oh my. Anaise was surprised as well. I knew Sulla had a rush purchase, but to find someone that eager so quickly is almost unheard of.

Indeed. I looked around. It seems that we are alone.

Anaise fidgeted. I think the alchemy lab might be better.


I watched her walk around my lab idly trailing her fingers on the jars. Gathering her thoughts and courage.

It appears that you have finished yet another of your projects She finally found a good place to start.


The conditioner of yours. Ive seen its effects.

I smiled back at her. I can make you a batch any time you need.

Now that Yeva figured out the ratios, the rest was inconsequential. A new mix could be mixed in minutes.

Well, I will need it tomorrow. My father is arriving a day after and I wish to look my best.

So it was the time to finally see what the Master of the Manor looked like. It felt weird hearing it now. I remembered my frantic actions early on in the feverish attempts to keep myself safe from their grasp. And now it all felt so far off. Muted. There was a faint shadow of anxiety but that was mostly overshadowed by curiosity and concern. The two male wermages that I already had the pleasure knowing were colourful personas to say it mildly.

Very well. You will have the best product before your daily bath. I nodded.

Bathing was an ever-present aspect of life. While slaves like us would usually head out to the public baths or simply wash in a well. The wealthy usually used the more expensive and cleaner baths, made by the city specifically for their coin. Or used the personal baths right in the Manor.

G-good. She stuttered, hugging her tail close to her face. Because you will apply it yourself. I desire the best result I could get.

I raised my eyebrow but conceded easily. As you wish Anaise.

Bathing wasnt exactly a private affair. The public baths were always crowded with everyone busying themselves trying to scrub the body clean. The luxury baths were commonly used to meet with friends, discuss new business deals and even have full-on parties filled with food and wine. Even the private Manor bathhouses had a contingent of slaves to clean, scrub and massage their masters.

The only reason why someone would wonder why I was there was that I was a teacher, not a masseuse.

Or maybe I was. I guess my subtle touches were finally taking root. Well, Irje and Yeva told me not to shy away from her offered attention. Especially when it might be impossible to do. Besides, Anaise attention was quite pleasant if I say so myself.

It will be a part of your training. She kept arguing the point. My mother would be cross with you if you make a b-blunder in the upcoming meeting due to the lack of knowledge.

Wait? What? Oh no.

Dont tell me, I groaned, That the upcoming meeting would be actually in the bath.

Anaise blinked. You didnt know?

I buried my head into my palms. No. All I knew was that the Censor wanted to meet me, I thought it would be between them.

She giggled, her previous embarrassment forgotten. They meet every tenday or so. Mostly to discuss upcoming events.

She waited until I looked back at her and then grinned. All of them!

Wait what? How many there will be? I couldnt stop the exclamation.

Well think about it. Would you expect two houses to have a clandestine meeting by themselves? Even if they aren't between Dominas of the Primary Manors?

There will be all of them? I sat down resigned. They will eat me alive.

They probably could. I wasnt really looking at meeting another Aikerim from a different House. Being scrutinized by at least seven was worse, much worse. Especially inside the baths. I could keep my eyes from straying away. Could they? Especially that Sophia.

Somehow being present among the seven naked ladies didnt fill me with tons of joy. There is a thrill and there is a suicide.

Unfortunately, Anaise didnt share my views on the matter, judging by the tinkling laughter of hers.

I would expect my mother to keep you safe. But I will make sure you know how to act properly in the meantime

She trailed off at the end pinking up again, only to turn around and flee the lab with a quick. Tomorrow.

I watched her retreating form go. Great. Somehow the fact that I would be taught the ropes by an awkward teenager still in the throes of puberty didnt fill me with a lot of confidence. Was she a teenager though? Wer and wermage growth and appearance were much slower. I wouldnt give Aikerim more than twenty twenty-five in murk years, but she was definitely past half a century if not even older.

Perhaps it was for the best. Domina didnt show any excessive or lustful behaviour toward me so perhaps others will be the same. Who knows I might look too young for them to see me as a possibility.

A man could hope.

A man also needed to plan. Anaise didnt drop a bomb on me - she dropped three. Ignoring the baths there is also an issue of her father arriving and I needed Irjes knowledge to be ready.

It was getting darker and a giggle coming from my house told me where I would find my quarry.

I see someone is moving up in the world, Irje drawled. Getting himself personal slaves, walking around with the Domina and her daughter.

Love you too, Irje, I sighed. Where is he by the way?

Gave him my old bedroom, it was collecting dust for a while anyway. She smiled brilliantly at me.

A tug on my tunic. Um.

I turned and gave Yeva a kiss on the forehead, And I love you as well.

That got me a blush, a hug and a giggle. I gently lifted her in turn and carried her to our bed. Only to sit down in it with Yeva in my lap.

Now, girls. I know today was a hectic day, but I need your help. There is a lot happening in the upcoming days. Especially with Domina parading me to the whole slew of her equally important friends.

Irje whistled. No wonder she got you a guard, especially this serious about his job. I should follow you outside as well.

I waved her off, I dont think there is a need for that. I believe he is mostly needed to act as a visual deterrent. Just to prevent opportunistic attacks if someone gets an idea. Also, he wasnt that well behaved in the beginning.

Well, you definitely managed to affect him. Her voice gained a certain tease in it. An angry Erf, I wish I couldve seen it.

Behave yourself, Yeva interjected, smiling herself. And he isnt like that.

She is right. I didnt do much. Most of the impact was caused by Anaise.

Oh, Yeva quipped, Anaise huh. Since when did you start calling the Lady of the House by her name?

I frowned, thinking. I always think of everyone by their name or their title, but I think today was the first time I actually said it to her face. Its surprising she didnt notice, now that I think about it.

Yeva smiled. I guess you are already making progress with her.

You might be right, even though I have no idea how it happened so fast.

Irje butted in, This is what Ive been telling you all along. For you, it is like breathing!

I wordlessly threw a pillow in her laughing face. Then I need to learn how to avoid it.

Especially if I was going to be presented to a crowd of Dominas. Irjes willfulness was more than plenty for me, to have someone else even more wilful competing for my time would be disastrous. Especially if someone is a Domina of some house, who grew up expecting to be obeyed. Compared to them Yeva was a fresh breeze of respite.

Speaking of the cuddle bug.

I narrowed my eyes. Yeva?

Hmm? She kept smiling.

Why do you look sosmug?

Maybe I am just happy? She teased me back. Smugness personified.

I rubbed her head. Spill it. What did you do?

Nothing much. The imp nuzzled into my palm. She was looking around just as you left with Domina. Extremely curious. Irje was busy so I answered her questions. I might have touched my hair a few times in the process too.

Uh-huh. Just touched your hair? I wasnt buying it for a second.

She blushed. I might have suggested that it works best when applied by the expert

Irje gasped, Yeva! You sneak! and broke down in laughter.

I slapped my forehead. So you are the reason that I have to accompany her to the baths tomorrow!

Sorry? Yeva replied while sticking the tip of her tongue out.

It didnt look very sorry to me.

Its fine, great actually. I will have some idea what is expected of me in two days. For Domina is dragging me to the baths as the meeting will take place there.

Irje hummed. It might not be a bad place for a meeting. I think it would be much better for you if they are all relaxed and pampered.

Thanks, Irje. That does make me feel better. I do need your opinion on something else. Anaise father: what is he like?

Tarhunna Wafiq? Afraid that he won't like you cosying up to Domina? He is quiet and calculating. You dont need to worry about him just yet: he isn't prone to rash actions. You should be more worried about her second husband Ramad Qasam. That one is much more of a fire-head.

Nobles and their tongue-twisting names

Duly noted, but the reason I asked is that he is coming over the day after tomorrow. And I will be standing behind Anaise when she would welcome him back.

My hands slowly massaged stiff Yeva in my arms.

Irje nodded at me. I see why his daughter would be so eager then. He and her brother had been away for almost a year. She is most eager to show her growth.

The gossip power of my cougar was incredulous. That statement did fit Anaise and actually explained a few quirks in her behaviour that previously flew over my head.

So he is like Domina, then? I prompted.

She waved her hand in a so-so gesture. Yes and no. He is the father of the future Domina, so he is equally invested in the Manor success, which I could tell you for sure. But he is also the son of Enoch Manor She trailed off, unsure.

Thanks, Irje, that does help a lot. I nodded, thinking.

As the father of Anaise, Tarhunna was quite secure in his position indeed. No matter what happens, it would be his daughter to take the reigns of power in the future. That meant he would be much more forgiving to the attention Domina puts on me, and much more vigilant to Anaise actions. The fact that he was from Enoch Manor - the House of Infrastructure, told me little at this point but did point to me other avenues of research.

I will glean more information from his daughter and play it by the ear, then. I eventually added.

No. A tiny whisper in my lap.


I dont want to hope anymore, Erf. I need to know. She whispered, her fingers digging deep into my arms.

My heart clenched seeing her like this and knowing I felt the same merely weeks ago. Unsure. Afraid. Grasping for straws.

I will talk to Domina, I tried to assure her, gently cradling her face, She knows your value.

No! She forced my hands away, only to hug me tighter.

I dont trust Domina. She growled. They are all the same, looking only after themselves. Willing to discard you as soon as you are worthless in their eyes!

Judging by her vehemence, I could guess how her blindness factored into her current view of the world. And I couldnt judge her for it. In fact, it might be me who is naive in this situation: after all Aikerim never saw me as useless so far. Who knows how she would act if I stop laying the golden eggs for her.

The only one I trust here is you. Yeva continued into my chest. You watched over me all this time! When I was nothing more than a crippled slave. Please, you are the only one I could hope with!

But, wha-

The guard. Yeva interrupted He is your slave, right? Domina gifted him to you. Ask her for me! Make me yours!

II couldnt refuse. No matter what my thoughts were on the subject, what mattered really was something else. And Yeva happiness had much higher value to me than my political stance on slavery.

I glanced quickly at silent Irje, who quietly nodded.

Tomorrow, I spoke. My voice firm and set. I will make sure of it.


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