Wisher Beware

Chapter 23: Surprising Ingenuity

Chapter 23: Surprising Ingenuity

Aikerim reached across the table and very carefully prodded the blue lump, crumpling it with her fingers. She smudged it on her skin only to laugh awkwardly as she looked at the stain.

Can you make more? She murmured.

Can I make more? Yes. Can I make a lot or make it quickly - no. It took me all night to get this much made, but it took me weeks gathering and purifying ingredients to get something of this quality. Moreover, it releases toxic brimstone fumes during creation. I can make small batches but anything on a large scale would be very bad for everyone in the manor and especially me.

Only you, Erf. Aikerim chuckled leaning back. All alchemists dream of making gold, and you, in your usual fashion, made all their efforts meaningless in the span of the night. Do you even know how valuable this is?

I shrugged. Should be worth its weight in gold at least by my understanding.

She rose up and stared at me. More. Arksite is known as a divine stone. Both for its rarity and the celestial colour. Houses fight among each other just to offer some to the Gods. And you walk around with measures upon measures wrapped in some cloth. Like a lump of cheese. How many know of this?

Yikes. I think I went too far with my present. I knew it was an important and extremely sought out product in the ancient past, but I had no idea it held such reverence within their religion. The fact that they eagerly offered it as a sacrifice to their gods probably made an already rare product nearly extinct.

Just me and you. Irje and Yeva were around in the beginning, but I didnt disclose what I was making and what I was using to make it.

No reason to throw them under the bus if it ends up biting me in the ass.

Aikerim sighed and stood up. Good. Make sure you keep it that way, and I mean it.

Of course, my Domina. I nodded.

After carefully covering up my gift that was still lying on the table, she approached me. Amber eyes piercing into mine.

Her voice quiet but resolute, Swear on the Divine Horns of Magic. This isnt some glass or fancy soap. There are people out there willing to kill even me to get this knowledge. You will be ground to dust.

I gulped, making her nod. I swear on the Divinity of Magic.

Good, Aikerim murmured. Her hand rose up and slowly caressed my cheek, Recently I have grown to enjoy your presence in my Manor. I have found it rewarding and inspiring. Even more so today. I would be extremely disappointed if you end up dead for some inane reason. Or any reason at all.

Yeah, I would be disappointed too if I died. I quipped, watching her fingers.

She smiled and walked behind me, wrapping her tail around my waist. I find myself at a loss sometimes in trying to figure you out. I pride myself as a good master and shrewd merchant, yet you defy my expectations nevertheless. What is it that you seek so much to desire freedom?

Aikerim walked all the way around and lied down on her sofa, gesturing for me to do the same on the one across from her. That guard and Irje could keep you safe on the streets, but can you keep them sheltered from these above their status? Even if she would become a freed wer? And how will you keep your family safe?

I sat down with a boulder rolling off my heart. Once again, Aikerim managed to kill multiple birds with one stone both accepting my request without actually saying it, and enquiring about my agenda. And once again I was at loss on what to say.

She was right.

What did I want to do with my life? From a perspective of a murk, I was living in a paradise. I had a roof over my head, food from the kitchens, and loving arms to lose myself into. I had a Domina, but our relationship was odd, to begin with, and now I somehow didnt mind it so much.

What changed?

My priorities did. Or the way that I sought them out. Safety and security were paramount. Both for me and mine. The main difference now was that I didnt need to seek out ways to extricate my family from their current life of daily tolls. I wasnt worried that someone would decide to claim Yeva against her will, or even Irje. In a similar way, I didnt have to glance behind my own back.

Aikerim still owned me, but the benefit of having a smart master is that you can predict their actions. Even accounting for her previous outburst. She knew how valuable I was to her, and I knew that she knew. But now I had another concern. Now I will have to protect my family and my girls from my own notoriety. And Domina was my best option so far. Especially after today.

She was already raking the benefits from me by a bucket. Compared to others she had no reason to extort me with my family and every reason to keep said family safe. Every reason to keep me happy. To meet my own demands.

Just as she was doing right now.

So? Aikerim prompted, unwilling to let the silence hang for too long.

Remember my worth, right? I murmured, buying myself some more time to think.

Surprisingly enough that brought a smile to her face. Indeed, but remember to keep your audacity in check.

She wouldnt be Domina if she didnt say something like this.

You mean the lack of it? I raised an eyebrow.

Aikerim huffed good-naturedly and waved her hand hurrying me along.

I want to go personally to pick my mother and my uncle. I am seeking certain deposits and a riverbank would be a good place to start. I started off my list. I still wanted to visit the crash site as soon as possible and having an excuse to explore the river every step of the trip will give me plenty of time to sneak out and plunder whatever was available without anyone noticing.

Even if she saddles me with ten guards I won't expect them to follow my every step, especially if Erf develops sudden runs and steps into the forest to relieve himself. Curdled milk no doubt. Probably after eating some beans to scare the nosiest ones.

She raised an eyebrow.

Titania: white dye, better than lead one and non-poisonous. You can even add it to food. I elaborated.

You can even add it to nanite frames too, what a surprise.

Aikerim shook her head in exasperation. If this joke is your idea of request-

I quickly continued, It is just one of the things I would look for, I am interested in many things but without taking a look myself I simply won't know. A riverbank is a great place to start since the river brings all kind of things with it.

She huffed but relented, I will arrange a proper escort. Might even send Sulla too. I have a feeling you would offer her mountains. Your propensity to give away valuable things knows no bounds.

That would be prudent, I nodded along, completely ignoring her jab, And a place for them to live here afterwards.

Oh. Domina perked up, Is that common sense I hear for the first time?

I chuckled. My thoughts aside, the family takes a priority.

So it is, She nodded. If I knew that was all it would take to make you sensible, I wouldve bought them days ago. Is that all?

Shrugging I replied, Perhaps give me the ability to pursue my own projects and learn about Flow. I will continue my lessons and attend to you or your daughter as Ive done before, but I would like to spend the rest of my time pursuing projects such as these. Including possible trips to find better products. I would prefer to create and discover, not swim the muddy waters of politics.

Gesturing at the wrap on the table I finished, I can try and teach an alchemist of your choosing on how to make it if necessary.

I didnt like her previous reaction as well as the religious connotations of my present. The golden egg was burning hot, and I had to be extremely careful with it in the future. Offloading this burden to someone else was an acceptable outcome. Besides Ive already gotten what I needed. Greed would only get me killed sooner.


Ah fuck.

You will not teach this to anyone, but I will elaborate on your future after you are done with your price. Dominas firmness left me no room to argue.

I sighed, That is pretty much it. Safety of me and mine, a roof over the head, and freedom to pursue projects. Very vague, but I believe, as someone farsighted as you are, you can easily meet these requests based on my contributions.

No point asking for something specific if I only end up hitting similar rebukes. Aikerim was generous enough in the past so I was willing to risk on her to stay the same.

She scowled at my answer but said nothing in return. Her tail lied flat and her fingers absentmindedly played with the amber ring braided into the red hair. Eventually, her eyes regained focus on me.

I want Irje and Yeva to continue working as they were, if necessary I will find someone to replace them later. Both you and Sulla will be busy for the next few days, but after all imminent tasks will be over a group will be sent to one of the Chimgen branch Manors.

I was getting better at nods and thankful hand flourishes while lying on the sofas. I was also absolutely not surprised that Aikerim knew exactly where I came from.

She continued uninterrupted, In the meantime gather more ingredients, but do not make the final product. Do it in secrecy and tell no one about what they will be used for. From now on the alchemy lab will be off-limits to anyone but you. If anyone asks - come up with reasonable explanations, I believe you have a mind sharp enough for that, and then report to me immediately. I will take care of them.

Yikes indeed.

Do you know how Flow affects murks? Her question came out from nowhere.

As far as Ive been told it finds our minds murky and generally aren't as effective on our bodies. I promptly responded.

Who?Albin Aikerim groaned, Why I am not surprised that he would casually speak about something like that. What other non-public information did he manage to reveal?

He only spoke about him being a historian and his desire to listen to my stories. And called you a smart cookie too.

She raised her eyebrow. Historian, right. Why Shebet deemed him fit to hold the position of a Speaker is beyond me. Like all males, he has way too much blood in his head and an extreme lack of propriety. What is a cookie anyway?

Hmm? A type of dessert. A small sweet cake would be my best way to describe it. I wasnt sure how to describe the Dutch koekje without possibly digging myself into a new hole on why I knew unknown languages.

Smart and sweet, huh? If he had his tongue twice as short he wouldve been a great husband for my children. I do not, however, appreciate these who judge me by my height. She glanced at me to make sure I was listening, Enough of him, we have more pressing matters at hand.

Aikerim pressed on, He is correct about the Flow. And thats what makes your knowledge special. It is in your head - safe away from scrying eyes both within our borders and outside. And I intend to keep it that way as long as possible. Even if it means that I cant ask as many questions as I would like to. Even if it means that I have to make sure you keep your mouth shut. Through force or through reason. Fortunately for both of us, you seem to possess a decent amount of sense. And had shown a sufficient amount of prudence, even without prompt. This is why I am explaining this now instead of simply issuing an order.

Amber eyes almost shining with their intensity. So that now you are aware.

I couldnt stop myself from wistfully smiling at her final words. No matter how annoyed she was at my answers she still chose to remember and not dismiss them out of hand. It also shone a great deal of light on her actions in the past. Didnt excuse her, but explained them nevertheless.

But that was fine.

Just as she found solace from the understanding of my actions, Ive felt the same about hers. Even more so now, as more and more pieces would appear and link the gaping holes in my comprehension of this world.

Thank you, I replied, For your candour with me. I shall keep it in mind from now on, and seek your guidance first on sensitive matters.

In fact, I reached into my pouch, After todays revelations I want your opinion on this.

In my hands were two glass tori. Similar in shape to the rings of amber hanging in Aikerims front braids. With a blue tint but not nearly as bright as the dye in the bundle. The kilns were hot after tinkering with dye and I had no issue with re-heating a lump of glass and shaping it into a simple form with a bit of colour added in. I definitely couldnt call myself an artist, but making a simple doughnut shape was well within my capabilities.

I was planning on presenting these to your daughter. The colour is a bit diluted, but I believe it still looks presentable. But now I am not sure if it will be a good idea to do so.

She hummed as she looked at the light through them, slowly turning them around. Her eyebrows showing a plethora of emotions. Her tail was following suit.

I patiently waited for her response.

Then I waited some more.


Ah, right Where is my pair? She looked at me almost petulantly.

Yours, er, will be made tonight, since you are satisfied with the first attempt? Should I make it more vibrant? I half-mumbled, half-asked her, nodding at the bundle on the table.

Aikerim sighed. Not for now. This colour is enough: it is unique to catch the eyes, but not outrageous to attract suspicion. That would be done later and at an appropriate time to garner the maximum amount of influence for the notoriety it would most certainly cause afterwards. Perhaps, as you said, during the Entrance feast. A young Lady of the House, draped in Arksite dress, offering the same cloth to the Gods as a gift of her House. Quite auspicious.

She was almost salivating by the end of that speech.

Eventually, she huffed and, with visible reluctance, passed the rings back to me.

Very well, give it to her. Since my Little Moon will greet her father and a brother tomorrow. She should look her best. Aikerim thought for a second and continued, I am quite curious about your reasons behind such a gift to my daughter. Are you trying to curry her favour? Or are you trying to entice her to circumvent my orders once again?

I met her gaze head-on, Yes.

She raised an eyebrow. Is that audacity I hear?

Honesty, actually. You have trusted me with a great deal of knowledge and I responded in kind, by telling you the truth. When I was preparing this gift for you I wouldnt dare to put all my eggs in a single basket and hope for the best. The security of my family and the girls are too important. If I didnt get it from you I would have definitely tried my luck with your daughter. Besides I cant play favourites either, especially ignoring the heiress of the Manor.

I spread my arms as a gesture of openness. You said it yourself that you appreciate intelligence and sensibility. Would you prefer an honest discourse or platitudes of a fearful slave?

Aikerim smirked, And have you ever been a fearful slave?

Yes. At the farms. That is why Ive been sold for a pittance.

You are right, I definitely do not want that kind of Erf. She extended her arm in a now-familiar magical gesture, yanking the jar of wine across the room all the way to the table.

I kept my eyes on the spectacle until a filled cup flew into my grasp, only to notice the smirking Domina, that enjoyed my cross-eyed look.

She raised her cup. I believe my daughter will be amenable to a scribe writing down her notes during lectures.

It was obvious what kind of lectures she implied. Magical knowledge - here I come.

I copied her movement. Said scribe shall write down every word.

The wine was fresh but young. Full of youthful acidity and tannins. Perhaps a decanter with a wider body would be useful to let it breathe more.

You will be given a personal estate within the Manor.

I choked on my drink.

Aikerim, extremely pleased with her interruption, continued, I cant expect you to house your entire family inside your current accommodations. Especially if you end up working on sensitive projects in the future. A private estate would also allow me to cement your status within the Manor itself. Now and in the future.

The good news was that she was planning on keeping me sufficiently satisfied. The bad news was that there was still wine in my lungs.

Your manor is vast but not infinite. I croaked, rubbing my throat, I wouldnt want to intrude upon anyone.

She waved me off. I will expand the Manor walls. Did you really think someone of my status has to worry about the space within the city? You should observe as well, it not often you can see the earth mages shape their craft within the city walls.

I finally got control over my breathing, only to sigh in exasperation, You drive a hard bargain.

I must. Aikerim words were calm but with a tone of intensity in them, As Ive said before I find your continued existence in general and presence within my Manor in particular very rewarding. I dont think you have understood yourself how much profit your gifts will yield to me and mine. Both monetary and political. When finished, your estate will have private cooks and servants. You can drape your sadaq in the finest silks and have them spend the life in leisure from now on. And yet all that wouldnt cost as much as the bundle on my table.

She leaned back and sipped her wine. Instead of forcing you to come up with inventions that I have no idea about, I will make you want to make them for me. And I will do that by giving you what you have no ability to gain yourself. As you said - certain things are impossible to buy and favour of a Domina is quite expensive. Continue to do so and it will turn into the favour of a Manor Matriarch, one of the Seven that hold these lands under control. Who knows perhaps then you would be able to introduce your ideas to the world.

I raised my cup in silent acceptance and drained it quickly. Very well. I hope you will appreciate Anaise's hair tonight, as well.

Aikerim mumbled something obscene under her breath and promptly kicked me out.


I walked through the buildings enjoying the morning breeze. A bustle of activity all around me - the Manor was already in full gear of another day.

Especially the glassmaking area. I could feel the heat as soon as I saw the furnaces. People were hard at work, but the two individuals that I hoped to see were nowhere around.

Viter? Where is Irje?

The wertiger turned around Good morning, ma- I mean Erf. She wasnt feeling well so I took her place.

I raised my eyebrow. Just like that?

He shrugged. Ive seen her work yesterday, and she allowed me to.

I glanced around. The furnaces were running full steam and people were busy at work. Granted all these workers spent an entire day yesterday practising whatever their task was, but the fact that someone was around at least to respond and call out for girls or me was enough.

Very well then, I nodded at him. Good job, and keep at it. I will check up on her in the meantime. Do you know where she went?

He scratched his head. To the soaps, with the tiny girl.

I nodded to him in thanks and made my way to the other workshop building, expecting them to be inside. Most of the building was off-limits to the workers so if they sought privacy that would be the best spot.

Still, Irje?

I could understand Yeva feeling the unease and spending the night awake. Irje had nothing to worry about compared to her. Or was she covering up Yevas anxiety by faking her own sickness?

My feet picked up the pace.

I barged into the workshop only to find these two in a rather awkward pose.

I leaned on the door frame, resigned. Really girls?

Erf! Yeva dropped what she was doing and turned around, facing my direction, Did it work?

Irje tried to cover herself up in the meantime, blushing up a storm.

Of course. You are mine now, Yeva. I answered. Important things first, figuring out what the hell they were doing in the middle of the day, and skipping work as well, was second.

With a loud Squeee! a slim blond missile launched herself in my direction. No, this wasnt a missile but a rocket.

My eyes wide, I stepped to the side. Not to avoid her but to intercept her impending clash with the door frame.

Ooof! We collapsed into a heap. Please be careful, you almost hit a wall there.

Yeva hugged me tightly instead.

And please dont wipe your hand on my tunic, it is clean. I quipped.

She only hugged me tighter, with a small giggle included.

You know, I wouldve never imagined hearing these words from a master, especially right after purchase, Irje butted in, standing above us. She finally managed to hide the obvious results from their lewd activities under her skirt, but still looked flushed. Most likely both from embarrassment and arousal. An occasional shuddering breath was very telling.

Dont call me that, I grumbled, stretching an arm toward her.

She effortlessly pulled us up. So she kept me to herself, huh, Irje replied somewhat wistfully.

What I meant is that I'd like you to call me by my name. Leave the master kink for the bedrooms if you really want oof-

Another set of arms enveloped us. Squeezing with wers intensity.

Irje let us go quickly after, as soon as Yeva started to tap out.

You did it! You crazy prick. I don't know how but you did it! She kept shaking us, however.

Chuckling I let her rock us around. Content to revel in the Yevas giggles and Irjes cheers. But certain noises kept emerging. An occasional tremble, a hitch in her voice, a weakness in her arms.

Okay, seriously. What is going on? I finally couldnt let it slide anymore, Irje, I know you can be quite randy, but it is the middle of the day! Dont tell me your Heat is coming up.

No! I, er, I c-can explain! Irje, once again, turned deep scarlet with her hands unconsciously covering the area between her thighs.

Its my fault, Erf. Yeva sighed with a bit of exasperation.

I looked down at her. No, I dont believe it. Irje is the randy one. You are supposed to be the sensible one. You need to keep her in check or she would get ideas! This was getting dangerous. If both of them start to get each other excited we won't be able to leave the bedroom for days. Nor did I wish for them to succumb to carnal pleasures either. They were sexy and pleasing to the eye, but what I loved them for wasnt just their enticing curves and pliant flesh. I loved Irjes drive and determination, just as I adored Yevas sharp memory and honest sincerity.

Instead, I got a surprisingly loud laugh from the lithe girl in my arms, and an equally loud NO! from Irje, which slowly turned into a whine.

Did I say something weird?

Irje slammed her hands on our shoulders. Still crimson. Okay. Erf? Shut up. Yeva? Shut up too, and stop laughing! This is my tale. He told us great news now it is my turn to shine. So last night when you were gone, we decided to practise magic.

Uh-huh. Practise, ri-i-ight, I drawled.

Yevas silent shakes hitched and she started chortling into my arm instead.

Shadap! The vermilion amazon herself, Weve made progress during it! Not with the glowing runes on the floor but that carved ball you had! I could roll it around and move slightly at will. That was it Erf! I was using magic! I moved it with my mind! Thank you for carving it for me!

Congratulations! I couldnt stop a smile myself, her exuberance was contagious. I hoped that we could use it, but I didnt realize how fast you would progress. Also, I didnt carve it. It was a gift for me to study: it is a toy for wermage children. They train their Flow using these.

Irje choked, as the blood drained from her face. Oh no

Whatever worry I started to feel disappeared within a second of yet another sound.

Yeva was laughing again. Unrestrained and irreverent this time around. Her legs buckled and she grabbed on my tunic to hold herself up but otherwise surrendered to her mirth.

Oh no. Was it Anaises? Or Dominas? Of Gods, please dont tell me it was her toy!

It wasnt theirs, I shook my head, What happened?


I blinked. What?


It was kinda hard to understand her rapid mumbling. Yevas laughter didnt help my comprehension either.

I groaned, So that was the reason you were feeling sick all morning?

Irje nodded, an atomic blush still on her face. Yevatriedtohelpbutthenyoufoundus.

So let me see if I understood you correctly. You took a childs toy, used it as a magical vibrator and then lost it inside. At her whine of acquiescence, I shook my head. Only you Irje. And this toy was given to me by Albin Chasya.

She frowned at me. Apparently, his name wasnt as well-known among the slaves of this Manor.

Albin Shebet Chasya. That toy was given to me by the Speaker of House Shebet himself.

Irje sucked the air in sharply.

Yeva couldnt. Instead, she kept wheezing.

Cant breathe.

Yeva! Shadap!


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