Wisher Beware

Chapter 20.2 Epiphany

Chapter 20.2 Epiphany

Leave him, Domina commanded. You can clearly see he is still hungry.

So she wanted to talk to me in private, instead.

Anaise picked up on that too and frowned. If it is about him listening to the Flow lecture, I assure you that he had already read and memorized all the codices, that you assigned to him. He had done it on my request as well.

Aikerim waved the Virnan scroll at her. Rest assured, I have no plans of punishment, especially after this. She turned to me. In fact, you can enjoy the alchemy lab in your free time, and my daughters Flow lessons in the future.

Thank you, Aikerim. I nodded deeply with a hand flourish. Bowing, while lying on the sofa was impossible. I was actually starting to grow uncomfortable eating while lying down. These daybeds of theirs were angled for comfort, with the end facing the table slightly higher, but my body still wanted to eat while sitting.

Return of the free time that I could use for chemistry was a godsend. The last couple of days kept me away from my tinkering and Ive accumulated an abundance of ideas I craved to explore. Especially with how tightly Ive seen Anaise hold that golden thread.

Her daughter looked at us for a second, then nodded as if confirming her thoughts. Please take care of my mother, then.

Domina looked oddly surprised at her exit. So was I. What did she mean by that?

The moments passed in relative silence. Aikerim was still thinking about something, while I was still sampling the delights on the table. I let her think, she had clearly a lot on her mind and she gave me permission to continue my feast anyway.

My new body craved nutrition on levels unheard of by any murk before. All these augmented processes, all that extra growth had a cost. And the cost was mostly in the calories. Fortunately, my body could process a much larger intake as well without leaving me looking like a perfect sphere. And I wasnt planning to let this opportunity go to waste.

Maybe I could throw some more augmentations too.

She rose up sharply, interrupting my meal.

Dont get up. She murmured, stopping my own rise. I chose to sit instead, comfortable in this position. I could still cautiously eat as she slowly paced across the room, ready to get up at a moments notice.

After a few passes, she plopped down on the sofa. Mine. Sitting down in the same manner as I was. I almost choked on my drink. Apparently, the position wasnt comfortable for her as she pulled her knees up to her face. Her black with gold kaftan contrasted brightly with her red hair. Her long ponytail reaching all the way to her even longer and bushier foxtail, like a waterfall of fire. Her customary twin braids hidden inside.

Do you think I am a bad mother? A quiet murmur.

I quietly put down the cup on the table. The time for eating was over.

What the fuck did Albin write in that letter of his?

No. Just that question alone makes you better than most. And your daughter adores you. I answered calmly but quietly.

Liar. She replied, without any heat. Anaise, my Little Moon, told me about the conversation yesterday. Leaving the other half for this morning. I thought of your ideas as wishful thinking, you know. Dreams of a kid, that had no knowledge of the world around him. Lost in his philosophies.

What changed? Was it the letter?

Aikerim scowled at the smattering of ash on the table but shook her head. No. It wasnt the letter. Or, at least, it wasnt just it. Youve spent what? One or two tendays teaching my daughter and I get this! She waved the intact scroll from Virnan into my face. Unending praise of my daughters skills from my old teacher! Skills that I could not claim as my own. A promise to teach her, that Ive spent years trying to wrangle from the old fox myself. I left you in her care for two days. Two! And now she acts as if it was twenty years instead.

But it was all done through you, nevertheless. I interrupted her outburst with the same calm voice. You have seen my abilities, and you made sure that your daughter would benefit from them. Have you not?

That stopped her short. I knew she would have come up with the same conclusion herself. But not right now. She was too tired for that and too stressed out.

Gently I grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled her over. She resisted it for a second only to think otherwise and accept my pull. Rolling sideways like a ball, her head in my lap. My fingers in her scalp. Massaging the stress away.

Is that what she meant? She murmured.


When she asked you to take care.

Perhaps. I allowed. She was very stressed out after meeting Virnan. I assumed you might need something similar as well.

She adjusted her position. No longer wound in a ball. Simply lying on the sofa with her head still in my lap.

I understand why she felt comfortable with you around after only two days, Aikerim said with her eyes closed. I will find you a guard. Maybe more than one. Albin Chasya is correct in his warnings, your worth is more than enough to warrant an escort. Even without the rumours already spreading across the city. Dont worry, they will be under your command.

You have my thanks.

She chuckled. Dont thank me yet. Judging by my daughters tale I am willing to assign you as an intermediary between me and the Administrative House. Only to smile wider as I shivered. You seem to have a much greater effect on him.

There is a pattern to his madness. It just clashes with your upbringing.

No. She got up and stretched. I could see how her image transformed in front of my eyes. All signs of weakness were gone. A tired mother was no more. In front of me stood Domina. Regal and all-powerful. There is something else. You have his interest somehow, And I intend to make use of it.

And the familiar tone was back again as well.

And what will you make of me then? My Domina. I played along. My form of the attendant proper.

A tip of her tail caressed my cheek as if trying to cradle my face. You don't need to follow Sulla anymore. Judging by the words of my daughter and my uncle you have a solid grasp of how to comport yourself. Moreover, while you were away I have spent a great deal of effort getting you a furnace. Your projects so far haven't failed to impress me and I expect the same with glass. Use your free time as you see fit, but assist Anaise when you can.

I got up and bowed. I knew the cues by now, our meeting was over. Then I will take my leave.

Erf. Her voice stopped me at the door. I might require your 'care' again in the future, but this will remain a secret among us.

Of course, Aikerim.

Moreover. A waver in her voice, a chink in her armour. I thank you for your words, both to me and to my daughter. And I will keep them in mind from now on.

A poet once said, I murmured. Maya Angelou. Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. Have a good night, Aikerim.

you too, Erf.


It was surprising how intricate a childs toy could be. But then again it wasnt just a simple toy either. It was a toy for a wermage child with a purpose in mind. From what I could manage to gather talking with Anaise, the runic arrays on the orb were extremely sensitive so that they would react even to the childs unfocused attempts at wielding the Flow. Entertaining them and at the same time exercising their supernatural senses.

Hmm. Food for thought. Would it qualify to be still called supernatural if it was actually a part of their nature? Probably not.

Nevertheless, if I can decipher it correctly I could improve my detection array. Perhaps turn it into something viable.

And yet again he is staring into a trinket of his, instead of paying attention to us. Irjes merry voice interrupted my investigation.

You expect me to sit in my room and wait for your return? I smiled, putting the orb aside on the table. Leave the man to his toys My voice trailed off as I turned around.

To say that they looked gorgeous was an understatement. Both of them had a new set of clothes, that Ive bought for them before. Clean and decently decorated to make even a free wer proud. But that wasnt the part that I noticed first. I've seen them in these clothes previously.

My, you look absolutely radiant. Especially Yeva. I murmured. This was the first time Ive seen their hair so shiny and soft. Both of them were, but Yeva also looked notably more proud. Which turned into outright smugness from my words.

Ive finished what youve left behind. She beamed at me. This is the latest batch of the conditioner and the best one so far.

I can see that. I smiled. Her happiness was contagious. Now come here so that I can feel that too.

A tiny missile of blond curls hit me head-on, forcing me to stumble to the floor. My fingers raked her hair, easily sliding through the soft pale gold, revealing a pretty face behind. I placed a soft peck on her nose, making her giggle.

Youve done a wonderful job, Yeva. Your hair is so soft that I cant take my hands off it.

Hey! What about my hair. It is soft too! Irje found a perfect time to interrupt us.

Fine come here, I will feel your- I turned my head and stopped speaking.

Once again Irje managed to pull a sneaky move on me. I was sitting on the floor with Yeva in my arms, so Irje's hair was right in my face. Her pubic hair that it.

Go on. Irje prompted. Her fuzzy mound rubbing into my face. Feel it.

I sighed. Really, Irje?

Curious, Yeva extended her hand only to accidentally slide her fingers right into her folds. Making Irje moan and my face wet.

You are incorrigible! She laughed at the antics of our amazon.

No, she is just permanently horny. I gave in to her demands and gently rubbed my face between her legs. Very soft and very horny.

Yeva pouted. I wish I had anything down there too.

I turned and gently kissed her, as she giggled and squirmed away from it: half of my face was already soaked with Irje which meant my kiss was extra moist.

Dont. You are already pretty soft and beautiful down there and I like it that way.

Yeva bit her lip. Maybe you should compare. And rose up.

Before I could say anything I was surrounded by tender flesh from both sides. Delicate and velvety pink on my left. A tiny slit with the promise for more within. And the bold and eager gold on my right. Short and very soft fuzz barely hiding the pink of inner lips poking from within. Waiting to be touched.

I looked upward. You are corrupting her. I fruitlessly warned the muscular stomach and two mountains above me.

I believe you have a job to do. Yeva made her reminder stick by mimicking Irje.

Despite all my grumbling, having two girls try to grind on your face was a very pleasant experience. A gentle touch, an obvious desire, and an ever-present smell of lust around me.

My hands slid up between their legs and cupped their asses. I got a synchronized moan as my thumbs slid inward across their folds and collected their juices, only to gently plunge into their openings. I was literally dual-wielding them, as I moved them closer together and in front of my face.

Hmmm. I hemmed, watching them squirm in front of me. Both of you get best marks on looks. And feel. I added, remembering the previous grind.

Now for the taste.

Yeva gasped as my tongue explored her folds, only to groan when it was time for Irje to gasp instead. I moved back and forth enjoying slight differences in their taste and tiny variations of their voices. I slowly ramped up my ministrations getting them more hot and needy by the minute. Having both of them inside my grasp meant that I could control their pleasure at will. My thumbs held them back from smashing into my face, greedy for release, while the rest of my palms cupped their butts to make sure they couldnt evade my touch even to the most sensitive spots.

I timed myself just right, leaving Irje frustrated once again. A feeling that was exacerbated further, when Yeva collapsed down with a wail, enjoying the bliss of her orgasm.

Taste is exemplary in both, so the score is tied for now, I said with a pompous voice, still holding Irjes core in a firm grasp, now assisted by another arm. But, since Irje cheated with a conditioner, Yeva wins this time.

Hey! An indignant squawk from above.

I continued, Since Irje lost, she gets the punishment. Yeva, be a dear and fetch the rope for me.

A lithe girl slowly got up, Okay!

Now, I got up myself, raising to the Irjes chest level. Are you gonna behave now? One of my hands still deep inside of her, keeping her on tiptoes. The other slowly roamed across her body, with lingering detours across her bountiful chest. Full of gropes and pinches.

Y-yes. Irje panted, trying to stand perfectly still. Her hands were behind her back, pushing her chest outward, and her legs shoulder-length apart. I saw the mad glint in her eyes and heard the incessant panting, but we both knew the rules of our little games by heart now. She would endure more than this. And then I will make sure she would get her release, and more.

Good girl. Now, I will have a task for you. A bundle was thrust to me. Thank you, Yeva.

I sat down, while Yeva stayed behind, her own hands exploring our needy victim. Enjoying her body just as much as I did. Irjes boobs were glorious, and I slowly and successfully converted Yeva into my camp. At least thats what it sounded like from the gentle sucking sounds above my head.

The task is simple. I continued, tying a loose loop around her knee. You have to hold the rope till the end.

The soon-to-be-ravaged cougar crossed her legs, trying to hold the loop in place.

I chuckled, Not like that, and threw the rope up. Across the beam.

Grabbing the hanging end, I pulled. More and more.

First, the rope went tight. Then it pushed her leg wider, slowly lifting her knee up high. Revealing her lewd folds for me to see, and for Yeva to play with. Her petite fingers were there as soon as she realized what I was doing. Irje squeaked, her face red in shame. Both from her position and from how direct Yeva was while she was so helpless.

Yet I kept pulling. Soon Irje couldnt balance herself anymore and grabbed onto me. Burying my head into her cleavage. A cunning plan from someone in her state but I didnt give up either. Her knee went high and she went sideways, legs wide open in a perfect split. Her foot barely touching the ground with the tips of her toes, just enough to keep her from swinging wildly.

Oh wow. Yeva couldnt help but mutter, fascinated by Irjes gentle sway after a single push.

Yeah, Ive outdone myself today. This was really hot.

I grabbed the hand of our whimpering amazon and placed it on the rope I just pulled down. Here. Now it is your time to hold it.

Irjes hand wrapped around it instantly, holding the rope for dear life. And leaving herself hanging in a very delectable form.

Good girl, I murmured and gave her a passionate kiss. A fitting reward for her eagerness. I let it linger. Our tongues entwined in a tantric dance as my hands kneaded and groped her. With her hand pulled upward, her breasts hang free giving me plenty of flesh to play around with.

Irje welcomed my kiss with a controlled passion, unusual for her in this state. By now she would be too desperate to simply enjoy the kiss, but I could see in the corner of my eye that Yeva kept her entertained down below. Or was it to the right, right now? It didnt matter.

Fill me. She finally panted. Her tongue is not enough. I need you inside of me!

I smiled and switched my location. My fingers trailing Irjes body as I did so. Suspended, her shiver was exaggerated so much it looked like she was shaking. Or maybe she already was. Impatient minx.

Enjoying your treat? I asked Yeva, coming closer to her face and the spread open pussy of our quarry. Three sets of lips, two spread in a smirk and one spread with desire and need.

Yes! Yeva giggled. You should do this more often. She is much more pliable like this.

I will teach you some knots later. I patted her head and she nuzzled in. Not into my hand but into Irjes crotch instead. That started to moisten once again from the topic of our conversation.

So soft. She murmured as her cheek slid back and forth through the golden and well-conditioned fuzz.

Somewhere, far away, Irje groaned.

Stay here, I whispered and stood up, throwing my clothes away. After all we had done today, it wasnt surprising at all that Ive been rock hard for some time now.

Now, I muttered, angling my shaft to the proper orifice. We need to be gentle with her. An indignant squawk in the background. So we need some lubrication first. I finished talking and slightly pushed forward.

My tip met the slightly parted lips. Not the ones filled with desire, but the ones smiling in satisfaction. Quickly picking up on my intention, Yeva opened her mouth and eagerly let me in, covering me with her saliva. I didnt linger for too long, aware of how wound up the kitten already was. Gently extracting my wet shaft I stopped for a second to appreciate the ropes of saliva that connected my shaft to Yevas delicate mouth. And then I plunged it into Irje.

A wail, that I expected, broke free from the amazons mouth. What I didnt expect was a simultaneous gasp from Yeva.


I can hear it! She grinned, her ear flush with Irjes stomach. I heard you sliding into her! I felt her expanding from your presence! Do it again!

Well, if the lady is asking, I muttered and I slammed once again. Causing another moan of pleasure and the giggle of delight.

Again! Yeva whooped.

Yes! Irje agreed.

Fine, Erf gave in.

I pumped in and out. Sometimes harder, sometimes slower, as Yeva enjoyed the show only she could appreciate. Her face as red as Irje. Both flushed with arousal. A submissive and an audio voyeur. I gently moved my leg, sliding between Yevas legs. Into absolutely drenched slit of hers. She definitely wasnt doing it for show.

She felt my movements and adjusted her stance, grinding on my foot with abandon. Her ear not leaving its place. A hint of drool on her lips. I wasnt sure anymore who was the most aroused of us three. Definitely not me.

To think that some of that moisture was from me, Yeva murmured.

Aw. Fuck it.

I pulled my dick out and pushed it to her lips instead. Put some more then. I couldnt stop but pant myself.

Yeva smiled and swallowed me whole. Twice. Once to remove Irjes juices and the other time to replace them with her own. Which quickly found itself deep inside our bound toy.

I was getting close myself and Irje was too, albeit I had no idea how many time she had come already from our combined ministrations. The variation, we had come up on the spot, enticed us beyond the norm.

I had to give it to Yeva. Her saliva bound us in a new way. It felt like we both were fucking Irje, and I had little doubt that Irje felt the same. Her moans gaining a new pitch after the addition of the lubricant.

Almost there! She panted. Please! Hurry up!

I noticed the hand trembling, her fingers slowly giving in. Only to be distracted by a sharp crack of wood on wood. I glanced down to see the wooden toy rolling toward my foot after it fell from the table.

Across the glow.


Do it! She shrieked. In me.

My eyes were wide. Irje!

Shut up and fill me! She was beyond reason right now.


I grabbed her waist and swung her away from us. Only to slam her on me. Once. Twice. On the third smash, she came hard. A hiss of euphoria and a shudder across her body. On the fourth, I plunged in deep. Filling her up with my seed.

She held out for a few more seconds. Then, her hand finally let go and she collapsed into a heap of flesh down at my feet. Slipping off my semi-soft shaft.

I felt a hug and my dick was once again surrounded by warm wetness. A gentle suckling sensation. Two small arms pulling the petite body tight to my legs. A brush of nipple on my thigh.

I gently started to comb Yevas hair with my fingers as she cleaned me up, my mind elsewhere. Eyes vacant, while Irje twitched on the floor.

Few moments passed. Eventually, the bronze girl started to regain her senses and slowly getting up. And so did my dick under the pleasant service of Yevas tongue.

What were you saying? She finally mumbled.

I sighed and looked at her sitting on a dark floor. Bending down, I picked up the petite limpet, prying her off my leg. And gently lowered her on the shaft she worked so much to get it hard again.

Nothing much, I murmured, as Yeva squirmed, relishing the fullness inside of her. Just that my runes were glowing.

What? Is there a wermage near? Irje hissed and Yeva froze in my arms.

Not quite. I softly answered, rocking my partner up and down on my shaft, telling her that everything is okay through the movements of my dick alone. Not quite.

Yeva finally relaxed and started to enjoy our union.


Now to the elephant in the room.

The runes were pointing at you, Irje.


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