War Online

Chapter 101: WBT: Qualifying to Top-8 without a battle

Chapter 101: WBT: Qualifying to Top-8 without a battle

As the news of the match result exploded in the forums, players from all the kingdoms started to get curious about Time Traveler and his unique skills that were unheard of.

Meanwhile, those who bet on Wil for a 1:3.5 ratio were celebrating with joy while Deloris town became extremely popular and several small guilds decided to shift towards the town as their base as the info of a huge scale construction of new Scarlet district being started in the town was leaked by someone. 

Aster was also exploding with excitement after winning 2000 gold from the betting and sold 1500 gold to make 300 million credits / 30 million dollars out of it and sent it to his family.

Not just him; several people who tried their luck with a huge betting on Time Traveler became millionaires in 5 minutes while tens of thousands of players became paupers for trusting the system's judgment.

Those who lost their money became haters of "One" all of a sudden and began to complain in forums that this match is a sham to cheat gold out of their pockets but before even the matter became popular, his loyal fans and experts crushed it with their explanations of why "One" admitted losing in the middle of the duel.

As for the sisters, the youngest whined as she sent 100 gold to the third sister, Akiko as a part of a bet while the eldest is watching the recording again. After watching a couple of more times, she mumbled, "Hmm, this Time Traveler guy did he evolve during the middle of the match, or did he play with his opponent from the start?

No matter how I see it, the second one is more likely to be true. After all, with so many elites in the company, there's a high chance he might be trained from the young. By the way, isn't he still a college freshman? Hmm, how about"

Kiyumi then suddenly turned her head and stared at her third and fourth sister, who in turn asked at the same time, "what?"

She shook her head and thought, "Hmm, honestly, Akiko will be a good match but there might a chance of rejection because she's two years older. How about Rini

Hmm, with her personality, there's no way it's possible. Nah, let's just stick to Akiko. After all, westerners don't care about the age gap. As long as it's within range, I guess it's possible... 

Let's ask mom and uncle's opinion about it."

Meanwhile, the matches continued, and slowly everyone forgot about the matter of One's defeat as new powerful figures emerged such as Crimson Sun, who finished the match in one second with a simple strike once again;

Solar, who has a level-203 legendary grade griffin as a pet even though she's only level-103;

And finally, Madheart, a summoner who revealed two legendary grade dragons in the current round and became one of the favorites to win the tournament.

The matches went on one by one. Along with "One", favorites like Wishing Hero and Devil were also out of the tournament.

*Ding. World Battle Tournament top-32 is going to start in 30 minutes. Random matching is going to start.

*Ding. You are paired with Blasterzone.

"Hmm, Blasterzone? Never heard of him before," mumbled Wil while continue to look at other pairings.

"Oh, Bran matched with Supreme Conqueror, who was dubbed as the greatest guardian. Too bad that I can't watch it from this space. Sigh"

30 minutes later, the system sent Wil, a notification that his match going to be the first one.

With great excitement, Wil entered the dueling platform and saw his opponent is a 7.5 ft beast in human skin with thrice as wide as him and have deep red eyes with a stern face.

Wil gulped in fear and stepped back for a sec and then, closed his eyes while mumbling, "Empty your mind, Wil. Forget excitement, fear"

He paused as he suddenly opened his eyes with a shock on his face as the system sent a notification.

*Ding. Blasterzone gave up the match.

*Ding. Congratulations, you advanced to top-16 and receive 10000 battle coins as a reward.

"Eh? I advanced to top-16 just like that?"

Wil doesn't know that most of the top-32 contenders were now afraid to face him. After all, it's an established fact that "One" is the favorite to win the tournament.

After winning against "One", most of them hoped they don't get Time Traveler as their opponent so early, especially melee fighters who think that Wil is a nemesis to them since he can freeze them and finish the match if they get in his range and they can't attack him from distance. They don't consider the possibility of even dodging as even someone like "One" wasn't able to do so.

Blasterzone was also one of those, who thought, "Why to reveal all of my skills when my defeat is decided?"

A few hours later, Wil pumped his fist in excitement as his next opponent also withdraw and sent him to Quarterfinals.

*Ding. Congratulations, you advanced to Quarterfinals and receive 25000 battle coins as a reward.

At 5 p.m., the system sent a world-wide notification.

*Ding. World Battle Tournament is now going into phase 3. Random matching is going to start.

*Ding. You are paired with Madheart.

Unlike with "One", this time, Wil grinned as he cracked his knuckles, "I was really hoping that we get to meet. Looks like the system heard my wishes, my second arch-nemesis."

After buying Mask of Tranquility, Night vision goggles, and another limit-break stone, Wil logged out and stepped out of the capsule and then, went to brush and shower.

"So, Dad. Don't you think it's the right decision to create a gaming company?" asked Wil the moment he came out to the living room but saw his dad wasn't there.

After finding even the guest room is empty, Wil mumbled, "Hmm, where is he? He logged out just ten minutes ago"

As Wil went to his room again and took his mobile phone to call him, he saw there's a text message from his dad.

He opened it and read, "I'm going out for a walk to feel some natural air."

"Ah, I see. I guess staying in the capsule for a whole day is indeed hard for him. But, did he go out alone or with security?"

Wil quickly called Scarlet's branch and enquired about it. After they said they were following him from a distance, Wil sighed in relief and sent a message to his dad.

Wil: Dad, don't eat outside. It's not good around here. I'll take you to an amazing place for local delicacies.

Three hours later,

Philip looked at the crowded people around food stalls and asked in a dazed expression, "this is the so-called amazing place?"

Just then, Aster asked, "Lord Philip, should we clear out the street?"

Wil then shook his head, "Don't disturb the lively atmosphere. Follow me to bring dishes for everyone else." Then, he looked at Philip and said, "dad, let's sit there."

As Philip and the bodyguards' occupied tables, Wil brought the dishes and placed before Philip while Aster and a bodyguard brought food for the rest of them.

Looking at the food before him, Philip glanced at his son and saw an image of his wife enjoying street food like crazy back when they were dating.

"Looks like I failed to remove your traits from him even after all these years, huh, Letty I guess it's time to tell him about you. I think the present Wil is matured enough to understand the situation"

"Dad Dad Hello, Dad"

"Ah, yes?" Philip came out of his thinking.

"What are you thinking, dad? The food is going to get cold. They taste best when they are hot."

Philip shook his head, "it's nothing. Let's eat"

"Oh, it's indeed good. This place is better than Dragon Street," commented Philip as he was enjoying takoyaki.

"Eh? Dragon Street?" As Wil wondered where it is, Philip replied, "Oh, it's a street in Pregas city. I used to eat there with your mom when we were young."

Upon hearing it, Wil immediately got interested in the topic as he rarely heard of his mom since young. Since his dad seems to be in a good mood, Wil slowly asked as he was munching his food, "Dad, Tell me some" 

Just then, three girls walked beside them while laughing.

"Eh? Wil?" A girl called out in a surprise interrupting him.

As he turned his head, Wil was taken aback, "Hyori?"

"Hmm, you knew each other?"

"Dad, this is my Cough Ah... damn, it's too spicy. Sorry about that. Just a second."


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