War Online

Chapter 102: A talk with Dad

Chapter 102: A talk with Dad

After drinking water, Wil continued, "She's my friend Lee Hyori and her two sisters. Hyori, this is my dad."

Hyori and her two sisters bowed, "Hello, Mr. Ravens." 

Philip asked as he looked at Wil and then at Hyori curiously, "Is she your girlfriend? Did you tell your fiance about it?"

"Ah No, she's not my girlfriend" "Eh? You have a fiance, Wil?"

As both of them replied at the same time, Wil looked at Hyori, "come again?"



On the tenth floor of Scarlet apartments, Wil was once again in deep thinking without getting a night of sleep.

"What was Dad going to say about mom? Is there something he has hidden about her death?"

A few hours ago;

After they reached home, Philip asked once again, "Is she really only your friend?"

Wil replied indifferently, "of course. Why do you ask that?"

Philip shrugged his shoulders, "for starters, you don't seem to be shy around her."

Wil replied as he took out a bottle for his dad that Aster bought on the way and placed it on the table, "well, there are girls in the game. A lot of them I should say.

It's natural that I get used to talking to them. But, dad what's the point though? Even if I was interested in her, I already have a fiance. It's just a waste of time chasing around the girls, isn't it?"

Philip then commented as he poured the drink in the glass, "just because you are engaged doesn't mean you should stop falling in love with someone else, you know.

Moreover, according to our agreement, your engagement will be annulled once either of you found someone you want to marry within 1 year after your graduation."

"Eh? For real?" Wil was taken aback upon hearing his dad's words, then said calmly, "when I found such a girl, I'll tell you, then, dad."

Then, Philip took a sip and said, "Come on. Take a seat. Let's talk about something."

As Wil sat before him with a coke in his hand, Philip said, "First, let me hear what you think of Cherry."

"Hmm, honestly, I didn't spend much time with her but based on our conversation, I think she doesn't like this engagement. I wouldn't be surprised if she said she liked someone else on the day of our marriage."

Upon hearing it, Philip asked, "what will you do if she said she fell in love with someone after you are married?"

At Wil was indeed taken aback at first but looking at serious expression, Wil thought his dad is testing him.

So, as he thought for a while, Wil suddenly imagined if he supposedly married Sierra one day using whatever tricks but if she said she loves Bran, Wil thought what he would do then.

"Huh? Didn't she love Bran for real? What's with this stupid imagination? Ugh I shouldn't have chased only one girl in my past life. It left nothing but regrets."

After giving an impression of he thought deeply for a while even though he thought nothing but nonsense, Wil answered, "Well, what's the use of holding such a girl who doesn't love you back. I'll just divorce her. Moreover, when I imagined Cherry with someone, I felt nothing, dad. Maybe, it's because I don't love her?"

Philip nodded with a smile, "obviously. It's because you haven't even spent time with her. Why don't you give it a try if you don't have anyone to chase after." Upon hearing that, he drank silently while Wil refused to answer to it.

After waiting in silence for a while, Philip once again opened his mouth as he was already gotten tipsy, "okay, forget about Cherry. Let's talk about something else. say, Wil. Do you want to know something about your mom? Actually, I want to say this for a long time but I don't know how would you take it. So, I kept it hidden. I guess it's time to tell you the truth. Your mom's death"

Before completing his sentence, Philip suddenly collapsed leaving Wil frustrated all night.

"Damn it. You are the Mafia Lord for god's sake. How come you fell asleep just after two glasses of Whiskey... At least you should have finished what you are saying."

After helping on the sofa and covering him with a bedsheet, Wil went to his room. 

The next day, On July 8th; 

By the time Wil woke up at 2 p.m., he read a message sent by his father at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Dad: Wil, something came up at Yarlford. I don't want to wake you up. So, I'm leaving without informing you.

Dad: Oh, by the way, all the best for your tournament. I hope you win it.

Dad: No, I'm sure you will win it.

"This dad of mine. He comes and goes as he wishes without informing. Well, either way, he left at the perfect time. Now, there's no tension of assassination F*** Dad is going to be assassinated today at midnight. I need to do something. What to do"

Once again, as Wil wanted to save his dad as a last effort, he walked back and forth for a while to think of any ideas before dialing a number, "Hello, Silver? Where are you?"

Silver replied on the other side, "I'm here at the casino. Is there something wrong, Young master?"

Wil then asked, "Where is Dad?"

Silver replied, "Isn't he with you, right now?" 

Wil replied, "No, he left at 9. Ah, it takes 9 and a half hours, right. Ok, dad might reach there in four hours or something.

I'm sure you remembered our conversation from last week, right? I think today or tomorrow might be that day. Just make sure to maintain high hidden security for these two days."

"Uh, sure... If that's what relieves your worries."

After informing Silver once again, Wil took a shower and had lunch before logging in the game to find himself in the familiar white space.

After waiting for thirty minutes, the system sent a word-wide notification.

*Ding. World Battle Tournament Quarter-finals is about to begin in 60 minutes. Participants, please get ready.

After another half an hour, the same announcement has been made once again.

While matches were going on, Wil comfortably sat on the floor in a meditative pose, emptying his mind and forgetting all the unnecessary thoughts.

*Ding. Your match is going to start in 60 seconds. Please, get ready.

Upon hearing the announcement, Wil stood up before his surroundings changed and found Madheart standing before him with a smirk and folding his hands.

"Last time, you showed me what the difference between you and me is. Today, I will show you how helpless your beasts are, midget"

Looking at this 13-year-old prodigy, who was doing his doctorate in robotics, Wil spoke coldly, "bring out your legendary grade beasts, kid."

Madheart snorted, "hmpf, you have to become worthy of it, first."

"Summon, Taslan. Summon, Baltrow"

Two level-130 heroic grade monsters were summoned before him. The first one is a six-eyed poisonous green spider that at least as big as Wil while the other is a large Rhinoceros.

Looking at them, Wil grinned as he thought, "you are really a fool if you think you can defeat me with those." Then, he turned towards the kid who was brimming with arrogance, "I guess wiping that arrogant face of yours is very necessary. Today, I will show you what true dominance is"

"Arise, my faithful servant"

Since Dromeus died and need time to resurrect, Wil only summoned Kallius, the fallen angel mage.

As Kallius stood behind him, Wil then spoke, "today, I'll show you something that I didn't show until now."

"Summon, Golem. Attack mode."

A giant earth Golem was summoned before Wil which picked up Kallius and put him on its left shoulder and Wil on the right shoulder as Wil transmitted his thoughts.

Then, he raised two of his hands, "in the name of Time Traveler, I summon the spirits of Karion and Gyreon into the earth golem and my faithful servant, Kallius."

Everyone saw a portal was opened up in the sky and a beam of light shined on them. Slowly, two golden spirits descend and entered both of them.

As soon as they entered their bodies, they glowed brightly for a second before turning into a Giant red-dragon with two heads while Wil was standing on its back.

Wil smiled as he glanced at the latest skill he got from peak ranked skill book.

Spirit of Karion and Gyreon (Level 1): Summon the twin spirits, Karion and Gyreon into your pets, or summons to summon a two-headed dragon, Kagyre for 10 minutes with 500% of your health. Cost: 100 mana. CD: 60 hours.


Single Dragon Breath: Burn your enemies with dragon fire from one of two heads of Kagyre with a 200% attack of the user. Cost: 2 mana per second.

Double Dragon Breath: Burn your enemies with dragon fire from two heads of Kagyre with a 200% attack of the user at the same time. Cost: 5 mana per second.

Attack mode: Increase you and your allies attack by 100%

Fireball: Randomly conjures a fireball in one of the heads before spiting it at the enemy with a 100% attack.

It was for this very reason, Wil decided to summon it inside the golem and Kallius as their skills won't disappear.

Looking coldly at Madheart and then, at the two Heroic mobs that are running towards them, Wil ordered, "Kagyre, Double Dragon Breath" as he conjured an ice arrow before shooting at one of them. 


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