Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 97: Death Of Three.

Chapter 97: Death Of Three.

Persephone and a hundred other Goddesses watched as the building around them trembled without stopping.

The magnitude of the war reached every part of the Heavens.

Persephone tried to get rid of the handcuffs but couldn't. They were made from the same metal as the Godly Weapons were.

She looked frustrated, but she had faith in Hades, but she was afraid that if the winning seemed impossible, Hades might do a suicidal attempt to rescue her.

She knows how stubborn Hades is that was the reason she fell in love with him.

The Heavens Neighborhood was in chaos everyone hid in their houses, hoping that their houses will withstand the tremors.

But, a pair of woman and a little girl kept standing outside the house.

Jasmine looked with her bright blue eyes as two figures kept clashing in the air.

''Is that my daddy?'' Jasmine asked while holding Sophia's hand.

Sophia smiled, ''I think it is, but I don't remember him having horns.'' She giggled and covered her mouth.

Jasmine giggled.

They were standing outside the house without any care in the world. The surrounding people thought that it was the apocalypse, and the sky itself almost fell down, but Sophia and Jasmine still looked fearless.

On the battlefield.

The Heavenly Gates was slowly crumbling, and the Gates started having visible holes, which can be used to enter the Heavens.

But, the armies still didn't move.

There was two people having death and life confrontation, and if anyone gets even close... They will die.

Hades was holding Artemis' throat, and his leg was pushing Hera deeper inside the ground.

Artemis and Hera... Lost!

Artemis' face was bloodied, and her Godly Weapon was lying on the ground. She looked pretty pitiful, with her clothing on rags, making her skin visible, and not many could resist looking at her beautiful smooth skin.

Hera was almost unconscious she knew that if she fell unconscious, she might never wake up.

Hades' didn't have a shred of pity towards them. He only waited for Zeus to make his move, but he was standing like a statue.

''Zeus, are you going to let your daughter and wife die?!'' Hades shouted, trying to make Zeus even hesitate.

Everyone's attention was shifted to Zeus, but... He didn't look faced even the slightest.

Athena was battling against Krios, but she was paying attention to their fights.

She felt incredibly annoyed that her father, Zeus, didn't do anything.

She thought that if she was in the same position, he would not help her either.

Those thoughts made her battle spirit vanish, which caused Krios to make a decisive blow!

His mace hit Athena's head, making her head explode like it was watermelon.

Her brain tissues, pieces of her skull, and even her eye was seen flying in the air.

Athena's body lifelessly fell down on the ground.

''ATHENA!'' Hestia and Demeter screamed with horror-filled eyes.

''HAHAHAHA!'' Krios roared in laughter he stomped towards Zeus with his massive body.

''YOUR DAUGHTER IS DEAD YOU ARE NEXT!'' Krios swung his massive mace towards Zeus' muscular figure.

Zeus was brought out of his imaginary pain he turned his head towards the massive mace he paled instantly and put his arms as a guard.


The mace sent Zeus crashing through the Heavenly Gates and straight towards the ground where the Heavenly Army was located.


Zeus was buried deep inside the ground, and a few hundred of Angels died because of the collision.

The Heavenly Gates fell apart.

Every God on top of the Heavenly Gates jumped away and watched as the Heavenly Gates which has been standing since the dawn of times... Was falling apart!

Ares and Hermes stopped fighting. Ares jumped towards the Underworld's Army, while Hermes followed behind other Gods.

Hades smirked he crushed Artemis' throat and stabbed through Hera's heart with his bident.

A light left Artemis' eyes, and Hera gave one final scream of agony before dying.

Hades threw Artemis' body away, and her corpse was instantly crushed by Hyperion's massive foot.

''Nasty.'' Hyperion wiped the bones and blood from his feet and kept storming towards the Heavens.

The rest of the Titans followed.

Poseidon, while fighting against Jack looked pained. Three Goddesses died because of Zeus' fear of pain.

The tide of the war instantly changed!

The Gods need a leader since Zeus obviously isn't capable of being one, but they have Poseidon, who is well-liked.

But, he is busy fighting against Jack.

Poseidon gritted his teeth and deflected another sword strike, which could have ended his life.

Each sword strike from Jack is deadly!

Poseidon skillfully spun the trident around and used the hilt of the shaft to hit Jack's torso.

Jack put the sword as a block but was still sent flying backwards.

He used two small crimson clouds under his feet to stop his momentum, and he instantly went after Poseidon.

Poseidon clenched the trident tighter, and soon his arms bulged, and it looked like his muscles was about to explode!

[Divine Sea Serpent!]

Poseidon thrusted his trident forwards, the wave marks on the trident started moving all around the trident, and out of nowhere, a massive water serpent with two huge fangs appeared in front of Poseidon!

The water serpent opened its massive mouth and lunged towards Jack.

Jack's eyes glowed, and a familiar crimson-colored beam left his eyes and collided with the water serpent.

But, the water serpent swallowed the crimson beam and appeared in front of Jack!

Jack widened his eyes and swung his sword, but then the water serpent swallowed him!

''UGH!'' Jack was moving around the mouth of the water serpent, like he was in a tornado, except he didn't have any air since he was pretty much underwater!

He could survive without breathing for months, even years, but this is an attack made by God it definitely isn't ordinary.

Jack felt his body being crushed, and he truly felt like he was about to die.

But, when those thoughts came to his mind.

He only scoffed and covered his body in crimson color.

''GRAH!'' Jack roared, and the crimson energy started spreading in the mouth of the water serpent, and soon...


The water serpent exploded, and Jack came visible in the world once again.

But he noticed one thing... He was falling from the sky!

He widened his eyes and saw the ground of Heavens getting further away, and the ground of Paradise was approaching with deadly speed.

''Well played, Poseidon!'' Jack's body crashed on the ground, which caused an earthquake in Paradise.

Entire Paradise twisted and quaked, and this time... Apocalypse wasn't far away.

Poseidon started fighting against the Titans, and soon the Gods again got back their fighting spirit.

They needed a leader, and Poseidon was perfect for the role.

Hades scoffed and went after Poseidon, but he was quickly interrupted by Zeus' enraged shout.

Zeus left the hole in the ground with pain and anger--filled gaze.

His body flickered in lightning, and he didn't care if people around him were enemies or allies he killed everyone around him!

Hades snorted and went after Zeus instead.

Zeus was obviously unstable it was the perfect time to kill him.

The Underworld Army started marching towards The Heavenly Army.

The debris of the Heavenly Gates was soon cleared because the Titans stomped all around it.

Heavenly Gates was now completely gone!

Heavens were wide open!

''HAAAAAAA!'' The Underworld Army did battle cry and started running towards the Heavenly Army.

''ONWARDS!'' The Angels shouted and started running.

The two armies collided, and the battlefield instantly was filled with chaos.

Poseidon was single-handedly holding back Krios, Hyperion, and Phoebe.

But, he was barely holding.

Phoebe has the ability of prophecy, and she knew Poseidon's attack before he even thought about it.

Hyperion and his flaming sword vaporized the water to nothingness.

Krios used the light of the star to make Poseidon's field of vision limited.

But, even after all that.

Poseidon was still holding them back!

Hermes moved around the battlefield like lightning and gave endless trouble for other Titans.

Aphrodite and Hephaestus had no other choice than fight against one of the Titans.

They were trying to hold Iapestus back, but The Titan God of Mortality was one of the strongest Titans.

Black Death was fighting alongside the Underworld army, but even with his Calamity-Moon Rank, he could barely kill any of the Angels!

All of the Angels were at least on the same rank as him! The weaker ones were on the Disaster/Super Level.

There was also some Demon-Moon level individuals, but they were in rarity.

Lust and Lilith fought with the Underworld army as well.

Lilith was one of the stronger ones on the battlefield between armies, which caused the stronger Angels to take notice of her.

One of the Archangels went to fight against Lilith.

Lilith grimaced and had no other choice than leave Lust's side their battle might injure Lust.

But, now Lust was alone without any proper protection, but she was still a Calamity-Level individual and can fight back.

But then one decisive battle started in the Heavens.

Hades appeared in front of Zeus and swung his bident!

Zeus put his two lightning bolts on the way and blocked the bident.

Once their weapons collided, the sky went quiet until... The sky became nervous and fearful.

Their battle shook the heavens once more, and the noises of their battle was echoing in outer space!


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