Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 96: Rage Incarnation Vs. Sea Incarnation.

Chapter 96: Rage Incarnation Vs. Sea Incarnation.

''Jack Wrathelm...'' Poseidon murmured.

Zeus looked shocked he remembers that name...

''YOU ARE THAT BASTARD!'' He screamed, and even his voice cracked multiple times. He now remembers that Jack is the one who humiliated the God Aerion, his favorite human.

A lightning bolt appeared on his hand, and with a rage-filled face, he threw it!

But, A figure appeared in front of the lightning bolt and deflected it with ease.

''Hades!'' Zeus screamed.

Hades smirked and landed on the ground.

Jack took a decisive step forwards that step alone made the ground shake.

Poseidon thrusted his trident forwards!

Jack parried the trident with the side of his blade and swung it towards Poseidon's unguarded neck.

Poseidon spun the trident around and deflected the sword with the shaft of his trident.

''Ohh...'' Jack looked slightly impressed.

He thought that the Gods were like Apollo, who trusted their Godly powers and ignored the importance of their techniques with their weapons.

But Poseidon wasn't like Apollo he is master with the trident!

It was like the trident was another limb of his.

Jack took a lower stance and swung his sword even faster than before! But Poseidon used his trident to block all the sword strikes.

Their battle instantly shook the heavens, and they looked completely equal!

Everyone looked shocked seeing human able to fight equally against Gods!

They made the Power Cores significantly weaker so that humans can't even hope to dream about Godhood. But, some Gods, like Zeus, bestowed their powers on some mortals.

But still, it was supposed to be impossible for human to reach this height.

What they don't know is that Jack underwent Second Awakening.

No one thought it was possible, and surviving it was even less likely.

Hades smiled and attacked the Heavenly Gates once again!

But this time, Artemis and Hera fought back!

Artemis sent hundreds of arrows flying straight towards Hades, but he skillfully used his bident and deflected all the arrows he also did counter-attack and sent death energy wave towards Artemis!

Hera appeared on top of Hades and used her frail-looking arm to throw a punch!

Hades didn't underestimate her instead, he stepped to the side and let Hera's fist hit the ground.


The ground exploded because of her punch, and the Heavens shook one more time.

''Tsk.'' Hera clicked her tongue and stood straight she moved her bangs out of the way and put her hands on her waist.

Artemis jumped over the death energy wave, and while in mid-air, she aimed the bow towards Hades and started sending hundreds of arrows with perfect accuracy.

Her feat looked supernatural and impossible!

Hades used his bident to block Hera's fists, but he also had to dodge Artemis' arrows, which was easier said than done.

Zeus saw the scene, but he didn't offer help. He was holding his waist, even though his pain had subdued and the wound was gone. He still didn't dare to move because he thought that the pain might resurface.

His uselessness made every God angry.

Zeus is incredibly strong, but he doesn't like pain and fighting.

He likes to spend time in his bedroom and not on the battlefield.

Ares and Hermes was fighting not far from him, and their battle was completely equal as well.

Artemis was fighting against Krios, and it looked like Krios had the upper hand.

The rest of the Titans took action and started fighting against hundreds of other Gods.

The armies were still on standby.

Demeter, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and Hestia was standing behind Zeus.

Demeter looked conflicted she didn't want this war.

Hephaestus looked pained he is very close with Hades. Even though most of the Heavens don't interact with Underworld much, except with Elysium, he helped his uncle Hades and created most of the technology in the Underworld, even the PC in Hades' room.

Aphrodite had still her eternal smile on her face. Her eyes were curved as she watched the battles in front of her, but she took few glances towards Jack and licked her soft rose-colored lips. She has never tasted human before who could be better than the so-called Human Equal To Gods.

Hestia didn't want this war either, she is a calm and gentle woman, and bloodshed is always the last thing she wants. But seeing the Gods fighting against each other with the intention to kill broke her heart.

''Zeus, why don't we just return Persephone?'' Hestia asked, ''This war can be stopped.''

Zeus snapped and looked at her with an intention to strangle her, ''Shut up! She is needed for Heavenly Ceremony! It is Sacred Ceremony, and I won't allow anything to be changed!''

Hestia's eyebrow twitched, she clenched her fist. This war is foolish, but Zeus is too stubborn and idiotic to stop it.

She could only sigh and step away.

She won't take part in this war it doesn't matter are they winning or losing.

There were dozens of different battles going, but the biggest one was between Jack and Poseidon.

Poseidon's golden robes had multiple slash marks, and even his skin had wound marks. Golden blood left his wounds, but it didn't show clearly because of his golden robes.

Jack still looked calm, his body was unharmed, and he had the upper hand.

But he could only make a few scratches on Poseidon's body, his spearmanship was in a very high level, and he managed to deflect the sword strikes so he won't receive any fatal wounds.


Poseidon did a large swing with his trident and pushed the sword away he instantly went into his stance and thrusted the trident forwards!

The trident looked like it multiplied, and soon hundreds of tridents appeared in front of Poseidon, and all of the tridents started approaching Jack with terrifying speed!

[Divine Sea Storm]

Jack put his golden sword forwards and started deflecting the incoming trident strikes.



His arms became blurry, and only the sound of the blade hitting against the blade was heard.

Poseidon looked calm and composed. He changed the grip of the trident slightly, and the speed of the trident increased!



The trident's tip scratched Jack's waist, which made a small wound appear, but that alone... Made the blood gush out of the wound uncontrollably!

Jack grimaced, his golden spear started glowing on crimson, and he sent a small sword wave towards Poseidon.

Poseidon stopped attacking and put the trident as a block, but the sword wave sent him sliding towards the Heavenly Gates.

Jack looked at his wound even though it was a very small wound, the bleeding didn't stop.

He took deep breaths and flexed his muscles.

The wound closed instantly, and the bleeding stopped.

Poseidon managed to destroy the sword wave, but it drained his stamina a lot.


A figure flew past Jack and Poseidon and crashed on the Heavenly Gates!

Everyone turned their heads towards the Heavenly Gates, which is crumbling apart!

From the debris of the Heavenly Gates, Hera climbed with a bloodied face.

''Pfft!'' She coughed a mouthful of golden blood.

Jack turned his head towards Hades and saw him ruthlessly beating up Artemis, who was filled with wounds already.

Zeus was still not moving. Even though his wife and daughter are in danger.

Poseidon looked displeased, but he had no time to care about anyone else. His life is in danger.

Jack is definitely the strongest foe he has ever faced!

Poseidon crouched and jumped towards the blue sky!

Jack looked at Poseidon and clenched his sword tighter.

Poseidon looked towards Jack in the sky, he aimed his trident towards him, and again the trident started multiplying, and soon there were thousands of tridents!

[Divine Rain Storm]

The trident's started descending towards Jack. When he was looking at the incoming tridents, they looked like small raindrops, but instead of it being harmless, it is very deadly!

Jack now had to somehow block every raindrop or dodge, or he will get gravely injured!

He took a deep breath and swung his sword!

''GRAAAAAAH!'' Jack screamed and started moving his sword in perfect sync and faster than he had ever moved before!

His arms became afterimages, and they looked completely transparent.

Poseidon was also thrusting his trident forwards with a speed that didn't lose to Jack's at all!

They battled for supremacy, and one mistake will lead to death.

The terrifying sound of two blades colliding with each other rang in the Heavens. It was also heard in Paradise, and everyone thought that it was an ordinary rumbling sound, but the sound became louder and louder until it sounded like hundreds of explosions happened every second!

Jack kept pushing and pushing until soon his crimson hair became longer!

His crimson hair soon reached his butt, and pair of horns appeared on his forehead. His beautiful red eyes had tinge of black, and his teeth became longer, looking like pair of fangs.

His transformation shocked everyone, but he isn't the only one who has a transformation.

Poseidon's black hair started changing, it became ocean blue, and his blue eyes shined brighter than ever before! His middle-aged face became even more handsome, and he looked like Incarnation of Sea!

They didn't hold back anymore!


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