Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 98: Don't Underestimate The Blacksmith.

Chapter 98: Don't Underestimate The Blacksmith.

Somewhere in Paradise.

An average-looking male with brown hair arrived at the yard of a two-floor house.

''I am home...'' Ray said emotionally.


The earth quaked and shook, but Ray didn't look fazed.

It was already the hundredth time it happened today.

He looked towards the sky, and he felt like a battle between Gods was ongoing.

Ray opened the front door and stormed inside, ''Yui?! Lucas?! Luna?! Mathias?!'' Ray kept shouting his wife's name and his children.

''Anyone?!'' He anxiously looked around the room, but then he saw four figures hiding under a table.

''D-Daddy!'' A small girl with pigtails left the table and hugged Ray's figure.

''Luna!'' Ray hugged the tiny figure of his daughter.

''Ray!'' Yui looked thrilled and happy.

She and her children left the table and hugged Ray's figure.


Another quake happened, and this time, even the house trembled.

''D-Daddy! I-Is the world ending?'' Luna asked with teary eyes.

Ray gritted his teeth and hugged his children tightly he looked at Yui and saw her loving look.

''No... Everything will be fine.'' Ray said and patted Luna's head gently.

Similar scenes happened in millions of different households.

They tried to pray for the Gods, but they had no idea that the Gods were the reason for this event.

A bald man with golden robes was sitting in front of a vault.

Buddha watched as the earth around him trembled without stopping.

He closed his eyes and smiled gently.

Destiny has already changed so much. Buddha's duty is over.

His figure started becoming transparent, and soon afterward, he transformed into millions of flowers.

Buddha's 237-year-old journey... Has ended.

The Power Core doesn't need any more protectors.

4 other figures somewhere in the world who was safeguarding the Power Core's also disappeared mysteriously.

It didn't matter was the person Hero or Villain. Everyone stopped and looked at the heavens where a heaven-shattering battle was ongoing.

In Smiley.

Ariane and her parents looked at the Heavens with different looks.

Arya looked scared.

Andrew looked solemn.

Ariane looked... Angry.


Her belly has already increased in size, but it didn't diminish her beauty even the slightest.

Instead, it made her look more mature, and there was a different kind of charm around her.

She was feeling nervous her husband was most likely fighting against Gods.

Against Gods!

She did read about them in school, and they were existences no one can reach to.

There weren't even proper proofs that they even existed.

But now... A small shadowy figures was seen in the sky, and everyone became sure... That Gods are real.


Heavens was in chaos.

The battlefield has changed from the Heavenly Gates to everywhere in Heavens.

Some brave soldiers even reached the Heavenly Temple but was quickly killed.

Demeter was using her pitchfork to defend against the attacks of the Underworld army. She didn't want to kill anyone, but she was the target of many.

She didn't want this war. First, her daughter Persephone was captured, which made her sad and angry towards Zeus. She even tried to convince Zeus to let her go, but he was too stubborn to listen to anybody.

Now, this war happened.

She was also the victim of the Heavenly Ceremony. She was captured by Zeus like her daughter was and suffered in his hands.

She thought that she would hate Persephone after the experience with Zeus, but she didn't. She loved her a lot.

The reason why she is the target of many is to capture her.

Hades knows how deep the love between Demeter and Persephone is. He remembers Persephone's face when she talked about her mother.

She was born in a way that made her despise herself. Zeus forced himself on her mother, and the result was Persephone.

But, Demeter showed nothing but love, something Persephone never received from Zeus.

Demeter looked around her and saw that she was surrounded. She could escape using brute strength, but that would cause casualties.

She dropped her pitchfork and fell down on her knees. She surrendered.

One of the Underworld army soldiers grabbed her arms and put handcuffs on them.

He took Demeter away from the battlefield she was quickly locked away in a cage, which was located on the back of one of the giants.

''Take her to Tartarus!'' Hades' voice rang in the giants' ears.

The giant nodded and started running out of the Heavens.



''GRAAAH!'' Zeus' body became lightning, he pointed his muscular hand towards the sky, and out of nowhere, a massive lightning bolt struck his hand.

Zeus grabbed the massive lightning bolt and threw it towards Hades!

No... He didn't throw it towards Hades he threw it towards Demeter!

In hopes of killing her!

Demeter looked with a pale face as the lightning bolt approached her.

She closed her eyes and waited for the death to embrace her.

But out of nowhere, a massive water wall appeared in front of the lightning bolt, which stopped it!

''KRAAAH!'' Zeus shouted with an angry face as he looked at Poseidon.

Poseidon snorted and dodged Krios' mace.

He was still battling against the three Titans, but he had enough strength to protect Demeter.

Soon the giant and Demeter left the Heavens.

Two lightning bolts appeared on Zeus' hands, and with an enraged face, he went after Hades.

Hades swung his bident and clashed with Zeus.

The collision of their attacks caused deaths in the Heavenly Army and in the Underworld army.

Hades used his death energy to protect himself and to throw a few attacks at Zeus, but sometimes the death energy touched one of the Heavenly Army's Angels, which caused chaos.

Zeus' lightning bolts was flying everywhere, and sometimes it flew where Angels were and sometimes towards the Underworld army.

Ares was moving alongside the Underworld army, and he was effortlessly slaughtering the Angels.

Not even Archangels were a match for him.

But soon, someone who is a match for him appeared.


Ares felt something hard hitting his cheek. His head was pushed to the side, but he didn't look injured even slightest.

''Pfft.'' He spat blood towards the ground and looked at his attacker.

It was Hermes.

''You are annoying,'' Ares said and pointed his sword at him.

Hermes grinned, ''I have heard that many times.''


Hermes disappeared and started causing chaos around the Underworld army.

Ares went after him, but Hermes was so fast that the Underworld army was under his mercy.

But then, a beautiful brunette Titan turned her head towards Hermes.

Phoebe slyly smiled, ''Oceanus! You always wanted to find out who is stronger, you or Poseidon!''

Oceanus, who was effortlessly beating up dozen other Gods smirked.


He stomped the ground, which caused a massive tsunami to appear in front of him!

The tsunami washed all the Gods around him away, even killing some of them!

Oceanus turned around and stomped towards Poseidon, and in only a few steps, he was already behind Poseidon.

''Well then, Nephew. Let's see how strong you are!'' Oceanus grinned, and his arm turned into water.

His water-coated arm enlargened he used that to throw a massive punch towards Poseidon!

Poseidon grimaced he knows that Oceanus has great mastery in control of water he might be able to rival him!

He also had to be wary of attacks from Krios and Hyperion.

Things aren't looking good!

The wave marks in his trident started moving, and a massive mouth of water dragon appeared behind him!

[Divine Sea Dragon!]

The water dragon closed his mouth and trapped Oceanus' water-coated fist in his mouth.

''Hmph!'' Oceanus snorted and used his left arm to smash the water dragon to pieces.

Phoebe saw that Oceanus had arrived she ran towards the battlefield of two armies, or more closely... Towards Hermes.

She used her prophecy ability, and she already knew where Hermes soon appears.

She grinned and used her massive feet to stomp towards the Underworld army.

Thousands of Underworld army soldiers paled, but then Phoebe's feet landed and killed them!

Tens of thousands of Underworld army soldiers died, but Phoebe didn't care because... It wasn't only Underworld soldiers who died!

She raised her leg, and a figure of Hermes was lying on the ground, twitching and squirming.

His body was completely crushed! Only his head was intact, but soon Ares appeared behind him and swung his sword.

Hermes' head was sent flying.

Another God has died!

Hermes, The Herald of the Gods, has perished!

Poseidon paled and lost his concentration.

''Heads up!'' Oceanus grinned and smashed his fist on Poseidon's figure.

Poseidon crashed on the ground. His eyes widened in shock, and he spat a mouthful of golden blood.

But then Krios' mace landed on his body as well.


Poseidon felt his bones getting crushed. Gods seeing the scene, felt endless despair.

Hyperion raised his flaming sword and swung it towards Poseidon's bloodied figure!

It was like time had stopped.

But then, out of nowhere... A figure no one had expected... Arrived.

A figure with a disfigured face appeared in front of the flaming sword and stopped the sword with his hammer!

It was Hephaestus!

''Hmm?'' Hyperion eyebrow twitched he felt humiliated that a mere blacksmith managed to block his mighty strike.

''Poseidon, use the sea to heal you. I will handle these three!'' Hephaestus deflected the flaming sword, and under the astonished look of Hyperion, he appeared in front of him and swung his hammer!

His hammer hit Hyperions' cheek, which made his skull crack and made his teeth fly out of his mouth.

''ARGHHH!'' Hyperion fell down on the ground with a cry of agony.

Gods and Titans alike were shocked to see the strength of Hephaestus.

But, Poseidon only calmly smiled.

Hephaestus might be low-key, but he knows better than everyone that Hephaestus is one of the strongest Gods!


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