Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 95: The Death Of Paradise.

Chapter 95: The Death Of Paradise.

The Gods couldn't believe their eyes.

They started remembering the scene of Titans' incredible strength in the previous war.

The only relief they got was that Kronos wasn't here, but that only gave them slight relief.

First Apollo's death, and now the appearance of the Titans.

But, not many mourned after Apollo.

Not even his twin sister, Artemis.

She only was surprised that Hades was willing to go to war over one Goddess.

She never liked Apollo either even when she was his twin sister, he still lusted after her.

The death of Apollo gave her one kind of pleasure.

Zeus threw the lightning bolt towards the skies.

Once the lightning bolt hit the sky, the sky changed from bright blue to dark blue.


The sound of rumble echoed in the Heavens this is the sound of war!

''GATHER THE ARMY!'' Zeus' shout woke everyone up.

Angels in their homes quickly wore their Heavenly Armors and gathered in the Heavenly Gates.

Angels kept coming and coming, and soon there were hundreds of millions of them!

There were also thousands of Gods.

The might of the Heavenly Army is not to be underestimated.

''Hmph!'' Hades snorted and stabbed the ground below him with his bident.

''Dark Abyss!''

The death energy started spreading from the bident's tip. The silver-colored ground turned black almost instantly, and soon the death energy has reached the Heavenly Gates.

Soon, the Heavenly Gates will be destroyed, alongside the Heavenly Army!

Hades' death energy is dangerous because it spreads very quickly!

If one person gets infected by his death energy, it will start spreading with touch.

If even one of the Angels gets infected, out of despair and fear, they can go to panic and push each other.

The death energy will start spreading like wildfire.

''Not on my watch!'' Poseidon jumped off the Heavenly Gates.

He pointed his trident with wave symbols towards the ground in front of the Heavenly Gates.

The ground started cracking, and out of nowhere, water started spurting out of the ground!

Once the death energy hit the water, it stopped altogether.

Poseidon's Water Energy and Hades' Death Energy started the battle of supremacy.

Zeus started throwing his lightning bolts towards Hades' army.

It was like lambs about to be slaughtered.

But the Underworld army didn't show fear.

''HAHA! ZEUS, REMEMBER ME?'' A mighty voice came, and a massive mace appeared in front of the lightning bolts!

The mace effortlessly destroyed the lightning bolts.

Zeus grimaced and looked at the grinning giant in front of him.

''Krios, The Titan God of Constellations!'' Zeus shouted with a twitching mouth.

Krios grinned and swung his mace towards Zeus and the Heavenly Gates.

''Heavens, open up!''

Another pair of lightning bolts appeared on Zeus' hands, he started throwing them like he was being possessed.



Each lightning bolt pushed the mace further away.

Krios' large eyes started glowing brighter than ever before!

His black eyes started glowing like they were pair of stars!

Krios, as the Titan God of the Constellations, has the power to control the light of the stars!

His eyes glowed so brightly that the Angels had to turn their heads away otherwise, their eyes would have exploded.

Even the Gods have a hard time looking at Krios.

Zeus' turned his head away he is very sensitive to pain, and looking at Krios made his eyes sting slightly in pain.

Krios grinned and swung his mace one more time.

This time, Zeus was not prepared to block it.

But, luckily for him.

There were other Gods around him.

Athena appeared in front of the mace and blocked it with her tiny shield.

Krios thought that his strike would send that puny Goddess flying, but his mace was the one who got pushed back!

Athena unsheathed her sword and lunged towards Krios.

Their battle shook the Heavens, and everyone had to be careful around them otherwise, only death awaited them.

Zeus could finally turn his head back to the battlefield after the light coming from Krios' eyes disappeared.

It didn't completely disappear, he only concentrated the light on Athena, but she didn't seem to care even slightest.

Hades' and Poseidon's battle was not that serious yet. They were going easy.

Hades tried to destroy the Heavenly Bridge, while Poseidon tried to guard it.

Neither of them was going all-out, but didn't stop their attacks either.

Even if they are brothers, in this war, they are mortal enemies.

Zeus looked towards the Titans and saw how carefree they looked.

Lightning flickered around his body.

''GRAHHHH!'' He pointed his arms towards the sky, and it looked like the sky itself turned into lightning.

The rest of the Titans looked towards the sky and watched as massive over 10km wide lightning bolt descended towards them!

Hyperion's eyes glowed, and out of nowhere, his massive body was lit in flames!

Other Titans stepped away from him because the heat itself might injure them!

Hyperion unsheathed his massive sword and swung it towards the incoming lightning bolt!

The sword was lit in flames, and out of nowhere, a battle between the flaming sword and the largest lightning bolt in human history happened.

The ground below Hyperion quaked, and the Heavens trembled.

The Heavenly Bridge started shaking back and forth.

The sky itself tried to make the lightning bolt more powerful, but Hyperion still looked unimpressed.

It didn't matter that Hyperion's left leg was already buried deep inside the ground. His form still looked strong, and the lightning bolt started losing its strength.

''Hmph,'' Iapetus used his fist to smash the lightning bolt to pieces.

Hyperion snorted and stood straight.

He looked towards Zeus, who glared at them with murderous intent.

But then, out of nowhere, everyone's attention was shifted to a red-cloaked figure.

The red-cloaked figure started walking towards the Heavenly Gates without any care in the world.

Zeus frowned.

He doesn't know who the red-cloaked figure is, which means that he is nobody.

But, the next thing shocked everyone.

Hades saw Jack approaching he stopped attacking and appeared next to him.

Poseidon looked surprised.

Zeus and other Heavenly Gods as well.

Hades rarely respects anyone, but he stood next to the red-cloaked figure, which means he treats him as his equal.

''I will go see Sophia,'' Jack said he can feel her presence.

''Can you save Persephone while you are at it?'' Hades said nonchalantly.

Jack nodded, ''I will save her first then.''

Hades smirked and nodded.

They didn't even hide their volume, and everyone heard their conversation.

''Arrogant!'' Zeus' voice thundered.

Jack looked at him he only smiled and started walking towards the Heavenly Gates.

''YOU DARE TO IGNORE ME?! KNOW YOUR PLACE!'' Zeus sent another angry lightning bolt towards Jack.

Jack didn't even change his facial expression and let the lightning bolt hit him.

Everyone thought that his body would explode into a bloody mess, but after the dust cloud settled down... Jack looked unharmed!

Even his robes was untouched.

''H-How?!'' Zeus asked with widened eyes.

Jack smirked and pointed at Zeus with his finger.

A bolt of small crimson lightning flickered on the tip of his finger.

''Oh, Zeus. King of Gods, your rage is very weak.'' The crimson lightning left his finger and pierced Zeus' body!

''PFFT!'' Zeus spat a mouthful of blood disbelief filled his face.

''ZEUS!'' Hera screamed with a pale face.

Everyone looked shocked.

They couldn't comprehend the things they saw.

Poseidon was still guarding the Heavenly Gates his face showed his shocked expression.

Jack put his hand forwards, and a beautiful golden sword appeared on his hand.

It was Apollo's! It is a Godly Weapon that can kill Gods!

Zeus was squirming in agony, but soon, his wound started healing.

That shocked everyone around him.

The Gods can still injure other Gods without weapons, but it is forbidden.

Because his wounds healed, that meant one thing...

''H-He is human...'' Artemis had never been this shocked before she covered her tiny mouth with her soft hand.

She looked towards Jack, who was approaching Poseidon and was holding a golden sword...

''G-Godly Weapon.'' She paled, she quickly shouted towards Poseidon, ''HE HAS GODLY WEAPON!''

Poseidon went serious.

First, he heard about the red-cloaked figure being human, which made him relieved because it means he can't die, but Godly Weapon is an entirely different matter!

Zeus stood up angrily with shaky legs.

He got injured by a human!

He has never been so angry before, but he doesn't know that his anger is making Jack stronger.

Ares knew, but he kept smiling innocently.

Poseidon swung his trident around him and prepared for the incoming battle.

The battle which could end his life!

''I am The God of Seas, Poseidon! May I have your name?'' Poseidon asked with a respected expression.

Jack smirked and took off his hood.

The first thing which astonished them was his handsome looks, with a tinge of beauty, but then his hair and eye color...

Zeus glared towards Ares, ''ARES!''

Ares grinned and swung his sword towards Zeus' neck!

But out of nowhere, handsome youth appeared in front of the sword and blocked it with his own sword!

''Hmph, Hermes,'' Ares said with a mocking look.

Hermes didn't change his expression, ''Ares, you are betraying us?''

Ares shrugged, ''It seems like a good idea.''

''It's a terrible idea. Only death awaits you.''

Poseidon felt like everything was falling apart.

But then Jack opened his mouth, ''I am Jack Wrathelm.. The Death of Paradise.''


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