Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 76: Second Fortress Part 7.

Chapter 76: Second Fortress Part 7.

A few days later.

William was standing in the training grounds located in the Border City of Death Continent.

There were hundreds of thousands of soldiers in front of him and dozen of Heroes watching from the sidelines.

No one could notice it, but William's eyes was filled with pain.

He got used to the 0.0001% pain, but a few days later, it is now 0.0003% pain, and he could barely resist shouting in pain.

But he is still glad that it wasn't 10% because that was the pain he will never want to experience again.

He thought about seeking help from Main Government, but that would be suicide.

That's why he has no other choice other than speeding up the pace of war.

He instantly gathered hundreds of thousands of new soldiers, and a new group of Heroes and Villains will join the battle as well.

Raizo was standing next to the Heroes as well.

He managed to return here unscathed, but Entity is still in hospital healing.

He could have died if Raizo had been a few minutes too late to arrive at the hospital.

Killian and Zoe will join the battle as well.

With them, three new Hero-Level individuals will join.

They are hidden cards of the Alliance Forces, but they thought that now it was an excellent time to use them.

The first figure was a short male with short blond hair and a cute face. He looked around 10s, but he is actually in his 30s. He is Hero-Star Hero, Kid Adult! His superpower is Vampire Physique.

After he awakened his superpower, his body stopped aging, and he literally became a vampire.

He can't stand sunlight, and he usually sleeps during noon and does heroic deeds at night.

Currently, he was underneath a large umbrella, which blocked the sunlight from touching his frail skin.

A figure next to him was a muscular man with a stoic-looking face and buzzcut haircut. There was some tattoos reaching from his torso all the way up to his neck. He is Hero-Star Hero, Vulcan. His superpower is Magma Body with his ability, he can turn his body into magma.

The third figure was a very tall man, he was around 500cm at least! His large body easily made everyone look like a bunch of ants. He had a silly grin on his face, which didn't fit his muscular body at all. He is Hero-Star Hero, Garvangel. His superpower is Gigantification, which allows his body to grow at an unbelievable rate.

These 5 Hero-Star Heroes will attack Second Fortress.

But... Infinity is currently in border city!

If Lucifer makes even the slightest of movement, Infinity will know.

Their auras are battling against each other even during this meeting.

They are trying to find out who is strongest between them.

The stronger one will attack the other one instantly.

But currently, they look entirely even!

There are also many Disaster and Super-Hero individuals joining the war, but the start of the war will be between soldiers.

That's why William has gathered all the soldiers here to decide General.

All the previous Generals of the Army died.

William scanned every soldier until he saw a familiar face.

''You, come here.'' William pointed his finger towards an average-looking male.

The male gulped and started walking towards William.

''Ray, correct?'' William asked.

Ray nodded.

''Ray shall be the General, any objections?!'' William bellowed.

There weren't any soldiers who were stupid enough to go against William.

Everyone was skeptical because they had never heard about Ray.

Everyone who saw Ray's unbelievable feat has died, except William.

William nodded and turned his head towards Ray, ''Go get your new armor.''

Ray nodded and followed behind a few soldiers who took him to the armory.

The meeting ended shortly afterward.

They will start moving towards Second Fortress tomorrow.

Every soldier has one day left to write their final letters for their loved ones.

Ray's majestic-looking armor caught everyone's attention.

Everyone was very skeptical about this average-looking General.

Ray was the most skeptical.

He returned to his living quarters, he took off the armor and sat down on his bed.

He grabbed a notebook and a pencil.

He started writing letters for his wife and for his children.

His hand was trembling, and he felt tears leaving his eyes.

Ray didn't want to go to the battlefield no matter what.

It will be the battlefield of gods.

There will be 10 Calamity/Hero-Level individuals! The soldiers will be completely useless!

Even one of them could kill the enemy's forces instantly.

His two swords were on top of his desk the blades were red, caused by his enemy's blood.

He lied down on his bed and tried to get a wink of sleep.

But then.



He heard crying noises coming from nearby rooms.

Everyone has to act tough to not lower anyone's morale but in their rooms... Their tough act might break, and their honest feelings will be shown.

Ray with shaky hands took a picture from his pocket.

The photo showed three children and a beautiful middle-aged woman.

The three children all had brown hair with cute little faces, while the middle-aged woman was beautiful enough to be called a model.

She had beautiful long brown hair with delicate-looking eyebrows, long eyelashes, and a curved nose. Her body was slim and attractive with moderate-sized breasts. She had a gentle smile while the three children were holding her hands.

Ray got this photo one day before he was sent to Second Fortress.

Teardrops finally left his eyes. His blanket got covered in tearstains he held the photo close to his heart and closed his eyes.


Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, and Black Death were gathered in one of the Second Fortress rooms.

There was the sound of footsteps echoing everywhere because Second Fortress' soldiers started preparing for the upcoming battle.

More soldiers kept coming from the portal, and soon the Second Fortress was crowded with soldiers, almost around 300k!

Alliance Forces are only sending 200k they are instantly at a disadvantage!

They are sending only 200k because Death Continent has never sent over 100k.

They are falling for the trap once again.

Pride was looking outside the window.

Gluttony was eating his tenth meal for today.

Greed was sharpening his daggers.

Black Death was using his phone, looking at pictures of graveyards.

Lust was making a wooden basket.

She was already half done, and there were hundreds of flowers surrounding her chair.

She was making a wooden basket for flowers.

''Hmm...'' She was humming gently with her beautiful voice her voice alone brightened the atmosphere of the Fortress.

Her voice echoed outside the room, and the soldiers who heard her felt calm and relaxed.

''Blackey, what are you looking at?'' Greed asked curiously.

Black Death's eyebrow twitched because of the nickname, ''Graveyards.''

''... Why?''

''If I am going to die, I at least want to be buried where I want to.'' Black Death simply replied.

Greed snorted, ''Do you really think they will give us graves? That's wishful thinking.''

''I have my own ways.'' Black Death said mysteriously.

His Death Incarnation is a very mysterious power, and no one knows the full potential of it.

Greed snorted and looked at his shiny dagger, ''I feel greedy... Greedy for blood.''

''I am hungry!'' Gluttony roared and smashed the plate.

''Fatty, you will fucking eat all of our food at this rate!'' Greed roared.

''I will eat you then!'' Gluttony roared and stood up.

The building shook after he stood up.

Greed grinned viciously and pointed his dagger towards Gluttony's massive belly.

But then, a figure appeared in front of them.

It was Lust.

''Guys, let's all be friends!'' She said with a hopeful and sweet smile.

''Fuck off!'' Greed shouted angrily and swung his dagger towards Lust's neck.

Lust pouted she turned around and walked back to her chair.

Greed's dagger barely missed her neck.

''Fucking witch.'' Greed bit his lip angrily.

''FOOD!'' Gluttony roared and attacked Greed with his massive mouth.

''YOUR MOUTH STINKS!'' Greed jumped towards the ceiling.

Gluttony crashed to the wall and started eating the debris of the wall.

Greed landed on the ground he turned his head towards Gluttony and grimaced, ''Fucking hell.''

''Enough!'' Pride bellowed he turned around to look at them, ''You dare to be loud while majestic me is here? Do you guys have any shame?''

Greed rolled his eyes, ''Here we go.''

''You filthy commoners should be happy that you can be blessed to be in my presence.'' Pride said proudly and arrogantly.

Lust looked at him with her ocean blue eyes she smiled and said, ''I am happy to be here with you!''

Pride pointed his finger towards her, ''Shut the fuck up bitch, I don't want to hear that from you!''

Lust pouted and concentrated on her wooden basket.

''The battle will happen tomorrow, and my dome can't hold the attacks of multiple Hero-Star Heroes.'' Pride said solemnly.

Greed showed his dagger, ''How pathetic, I thought no one was allowed to enter Second Fortress without your permission.''

Pride's eyebrow started twitching.

''More friends? Yay!'' Lust finished her wooden basket and started putting all the flowers in it.

Soon, the basket was full.

She stood up and went towards Black Death she took one flower and offered it, ''A flower?''

''Piss off.'' Black Death said bluntly.

''Hmph.'' Lust humphed and went towards Gluttony, who was eating the debris, ''Flower?''

Gluttony looked at her he took the flower.

Lust had a beautiful smile on her face, but then Gluttony ate it.

''Meanie...'' Lust had a sad face she went to Greed, but before she could even offer it.

Greed said, ''Fuck off.''

Lust went straight towards Pride, but then he waved his hand.

''You are not allowed to talk in my presence.''

A red circle disappeared on his arm, and only 11 were left.

Lust tried to open her mouth, but she couldn't.

She stomped the ground angrily.

She turned around and left the room, 'These guys are meanies!'


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