Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 75: Second Fortress Part 6.

Chapter 75: Second Fortress Part 6.

''Solar!'' Zoe shouted with a pale face.

Killian and Lone didn't care about him dying instead, they concentrated on their opponents.

Black Death was pushed around by Lone.

He couldn't do anything to counter Lone and was pretty much a punching bag.

He tried to empower himself using the corpses, but after Pride used his reality-warping powers, the corpses vanished.

Even though they are on the same side, Sins doesn't like Black Death that much.

His loyalty is very questionable, after all.

Especially because... Black Death wasn't born in Death Continent.

He was born in a small village in Eternity Continent.

That village was destroyed by Heroes while they were trying to take down a Villain.

In the end, his family was killed, and he was the only survivor.

While holding his little sister's corpse, his Ultimate Awakening happened.

In the end, he tortured the Heroes and Villain for multiple years until he got bored and gave them a quick death.

Well, not quick because he boiled them alive, but anyway.

Black Death ended up at Death Continent with coincidence and was recruited by Lucifer.

Everyone else was hostile towards him, but Lucifer saw something in him.

Black Death is grateful towards him, but he doesn't have some kind of undying loyalty like other Sins have.


He was sent flying once again, and he flew through dozen trees until he landed on the dirty ground.

The ground was wet and slippery.

Black Death stood up while his black robes were wet and dirty.

He looked around him, trying to see his attacker.

But he only saw a peaceful forest around him.

But then...

He saw footprints appearing on the dirty ground.

The footprints started approaching him.

'Fool!' Black Death shouted internally and grabbed something invisible.

''UGH!'' Lone's invisibility disappeared, and he was struggling to get out of Black Death's firm hold.

Black smoke started spreading on Black Death's armor, and soon the smoke started approaching Lone's face.

''This will be a painful death.'' Black Death said with a cold face.

''Hmph!'' Lone snorted and touched the ground with his food.

Lone's body became invisible... But so did everything else as well!

Black Death looked around him, but he saw nothing...

He didn't see ground, forest, sky, fortress he didn't even see his own body!


Black Death felt a punch hitting his cheek, which sent him flying towards the distance, but he thought that at least he won't be hitting anything.

But he was wrong.

He crashed through invisible objects.

''UGH!'' Black Death's body crashed with something very hard he touched the invisible wall behind him and recognized it...

It was the Second Fortress, but it was invisible!

Black Death tried to find Pride, Gluttony, and Lust, but he didn't see them either.

Soon, an illusionary figure appeared some distance away.

''We are in my realm. Other Sins won't notice anything they can still see the fortress, etc... But they won't be able to see us.'' Lone said with a small smile.

''So this is your ability.'' Black Death clicked his tongue.

He felt like it became much harder to defeat his opponent.

''That's right... I have made the entire world invisible for us two.''

''Let me guess, I have to kill you, or I won't be able to see anything ever again?'' Black Death asked with narrowed eyes.

Lone chuckled and nodded, ''That's right!''

Black Death snorted, 'Bothersome...'


On the battlefield.

Pride and Killian was clashing with each other, each attack making a loud explosion sound which was heard even 100km away.

Zoe was dodging Gluttony's mouth attacks, which was relatively easy with her speed.

Gluttony is like a tank. He doesn't get hurt, but he also can't hit his target.

Meanwhile, Lust has gathered 50 flowers!

Her hands was full, and she couldn't pick any more flowers.

''Pridey! Can you make a basket for me?'' Lust shouted towards the annoyed-looking male.

Pride's eyebrow twitched, ''NO, YOU BITCH!''

Killian slashed with his deadly-looking claws, which could definitely cut through anything.

''No harm shall happen to my mighty body!'' Pride shouted, and Killian's claws became plastic once they hit Pride's body.

Killian gritted his teeth and retreated a hundred meters, and his claws became normal once again.

'What is the limit of his ability?!' Killian thought anxiously.

Pride clicked his tongue.

He looked at his arm, which had 10 red circles, but after using his reality-warping powers, only 9 circles remained.

This is the weakness of his powers.

He can only use his reality-warping powers 12 times a day!

Lust pouted and stood up, ''Everyone is so mean!''

She started walking away while carrying the stacks of flowers.


''Hmph.'' Lust kept walking while a massive pout was on her face.


Green was sitting in front of the portal and heard Pride's enraged shout.


Pride gritted his teeth hatefully, ''These motherfuckers...''

''FINE, I WILL DO IT BY MYSELF THEN!'' Pride's body started glowing on red, which increased the pressure of the battlefield by a hundredfold.

The trees flew away from their roots, and the sky itself stopped moving.

Zoe used her superspeed and appeared a dozen kilometers away from the battlefield, but she still felt pressure enveloping her figure.

Killian slashed a few times on the air, which made the air in front of him crack!

He entered the crack and was soon teleported a dozen kilometers away.

Pride pointed towards the sky and shouted, ''NO ONE SHALL ENTER SECOND FORTRESS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!''

Another red circle disappeared, and only 8 remained.

A massive red-colored dome surrounded the 5km area around the Second Fortress.

Killian and Zoe was feeling helpless.

They can feel that they can't enter that dome, not with their strength.

Maybe only one man could...


Pride proudly crossed his arms.

Only he, Gluttony, Greed, Lust was in the dome.

Finally, he can see that something was amiss.

''Where is that Black bastard?'' Pride looked around the battlefield.

He frowned, but soon he got his answer.


A figure crashed the ground in front of the Second Fortress.

Pride and Gluttony looked towards the ground and saw the headless body of a skinny-looking man.

Black Death appeared out of nowhere and stood next to the corpse.

''Fucking invisible bastard.'' He cursed and kicked the corpse one more time.

''Hmph.'' Pride snorted and turned away.

The battle of the Second Fortress entered a stalemate.


William was running without stopping.

His face was filled with sweat and fatigue, while his lungs felt like they were burning.

But he didn't stop running because he still heard the noises of fighting, it was like they were fighting right next to him!

He has already run 30km away from the Second Fortress, but there is a long way till he reaches Border City.

''Huff... Huff...'' He stopped running to catch his breath.

He was near a forest called Hopeless Death.

It is a forest where a lot of wild animals are running havoc.

That's why there are no villages, towns, or even cities close.

But that only made it harder for him to keep continuing.

He could go around the forest, which would make his trip week longer, or go through the woods and possibly die.

He has never felt so hopeless and powerless than at this moment.

He is currently using his danger sense, and while using it, his eyes were red.

William could see only one color around him... Black!

He sat down on the ground lifelessly.

''Am I destined to die here..?''

A sound of fighting and the roar of wild animals echoed in his ears.

He covered his ears, ''Ahh... I don't want to die!''

''That's what everyone thought when you sent them to their deaths.'' Suddenly a bone-chilling voice came behind him.

''EEEK!'' William cried out and quickly started crawling away.

He crawled a few meters until having enough courage to look behind him.

He saw two figures standing without a care in the world.

It was like they were on a stroll and not in one of the most dangerous places in the world.

The first figure was a handsome crimson-haired male with delicate and smooth-looking skin. William could instantly tell that the individual in front of him was the strongest man he had ever seen! Because of this male in front of him... The entire Death Continent was black in color!

The second figure was beautiful enough to rival Lust. She had beautiful blond hair and pointy ears, with an adorable face. She was wearing a short white-colored dress, which left her legs wide open.

''J-Jack... The Demon of Kindness... Lilith... The Demon of Freedom...'' William said with a shaky and fearful tone.

A small pond of his urine appeared underneath him.

Jack sighed and looked at the distance where the large red dome was.

''I have a question.'' Jack opened his mouth.

William gulped and stayed silent.

''If you are afraid of death... Why are you the Commander?'' Jack asked curiously.

''E-E-Everyone is afraid of dying... T-That's what makes us human.'' William tried to say his reasoning for being a coward.

''That is why you guys are losing. People from Death Continent doesn't care if they die, as long they will die meaningful death.''

''Jacky, didn't we need him?'' Lilith asked with her cute voice.

''I guess...'' Jack murmured and grabbed William from his collar.

William went pale in fear.

Jack touched his forehead, and a small crimson-energy beam left his finger.

''AARHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!'' William cried in agony he felt his every nerve screaming in pain.

''Oops,'' Jack said with a sad smile.

''I accidentally used 10% of my power.''

Lilith giggled, ''Dummy, be more careful.''

Jack lowered the strength all the way to 0.0001%

William stopped twitching and crying, but his body was still screaming in pain.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his nose was bleeding.

''You will have to suffer this pain for the rest of your life if you don't listen to us. You have only one mission. Accelerate the pace of war!''

''I-I-I c-can't d-do that...''

Jack grabbed him from his hair, ''Yes you can, don't you fucking lie to me.''

''A-Alright... I-I w-will do my best... B-But please... Stop this pain.'' Tiny teardrops left Williams's eyes and soon covered his face in tearstains.

Jack stood up and started walking away, ''You will get used to the pain soon, but every day the pain will increase by another 0.0001%, so you better hurry.''

Lilith followed behind him, and soon the two figures was gone.

William tried to stand up because he was still in danger.

The black color was all around him, but his body was screaming in pain!

But out of nowhere...


A sound of explosion happened, and the forest... Disappeared.

William's vision turned from black to yellow...

All the wild animals.... Are dead!


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