Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 77: Second Fortress Part 8.

Chapter 77: Second Fortress Part 8.

Next Day.

Jack and Lilith were standing on top of a tall mountain, about 20km away from the Second Fortress.

No one was aware that they were here because Lilith made it so that their life signals wouldn't spread anywhere. That is usually how Demon-Moon individuals find out that someone of their level is at the Continent by hearing their powerful life signals.

There is a common mistake, that stronger people concentrates on Aura's to find out how strong the person is, but that is not correct.

People can control their Auras to make it weaker, while no one can lie with Life Signals.

Life Signals with Demon-Moon individuals is very strong, filling with vitality.

There is a huge difference between Calamity and Demon-Moon individuals. Calamity is like a house fire, while Demon is wildfire.

Lilith used her powers to make their life signals look like they are pair of mortals while they hid their aura's by themselves.

Only one person can know that they are here, and that is William.

But, if he doesn't want to live in eternal agony, he will listen to Jack's orders.

They watched as Alliance Forces were building their bases around 15km away from the Second Fortress.

They can also feel two powerful individuals battling with their aura's.

''What is the plan, Jacky?'' Lilith asked curiously.

She was sitting on the edge of the mountain while innocently looking at the beautiful red dome.

Jack was standing some distance away from her.

''How strong are you?'' Jack asked curiously.

Lilith went into thinking posture.

Her beautiful face had a frown, ''Pretty strong.''

''Strong enough to defeat Lucifer or Infinity?''

Lilith looked at him with surprise.

Suddenly she started giggling, ''Your plan is to defeat both of them? Jacky, if we fight against them, I am afraid that the battle won't end in a few months.''

Jack looked thoughtful, ''I am confident on defeating both of them, but you have to stall another one while I take down the other.''

''I am curious, why did you want to stop the war?'' Lilith asked while her beautiful blue eyes gazed at him.

''Do you know... Why does the Alliance Forces want to destroy Death Continent?'' Jack asked.

Lilith shook her head.

''I don't know the full details, but... I am sure it has something to do with the Gods.''

''Gods?! What does the Alliance Forces want from them...'' Lilith looked thoughtful she furrowed her brows and started thinking.

Jack looked towards the Second Fortress and said, ''Death Continent is the birthplace of the first Power Core... Maybe this place has something else than only the Power Core and Alliance Forces found out about it only recently...''

''You still haven't answered my question,'' Lilith said.

Jack wryly smiled, ''I don't know... One day, I had a dream and heard a certain voice telling me that my daughter will be in danger if this War went much longer.''

Lilith looked shocked, ''Gods communicated with you!''

Jack sighed, ''I had some hunch about that as well... I don't care if God lied to me, but I have now another reason to stop the War.''

Lilith smiled sweetly, ''You must know that if you kill both Lucifer and Infinity that Alliance Forces won't stop attacking.''

Jack had a small smile, ''Do you believe in Lucifer? He says that he doesn't have any desire to conquer other Continents.''

''I think he is speaking the truth.'' Lilith said with a confident look she turned her gaze towards the Second Fortress, ''I am more worried about his Sins...''

''I guess we will have to take care of them,'' Jack said with a cold face.

Lilith nodded she used her excellent eyesight and noticed the soldiers preparing for the war while the Sins was doing their things.

Pride was barking orders.

Greed was preparing for the upcoming battle.

Gluttony was eating.

Black Death was preparing the defenses of the Fortress.

Lust was... giving flowers for soldiers.

The soldiers took them with blushing faces and trembling hands.

Lust had a beautiful smile on her face which made everyone's heart stop.


The soldiers paled and dropped the flowers.

Lust pouted and stormed towards her room.

Lilith looked at the scene with a weird look on her face.

She could still see Lust, who was sulking in her room.

Lust was wiping her tears but still tried to act cheerful.

She looked at the mirror in front of her and used her fingers to make a smile.

Lilith had slight blush on her soft-looking cheeks while looking at her.

But she quickly shook her head, 'What am I thinking... She is cute and all, but she is enemy!'

She can lie to herself, but her pounding heartbeat couldn't lie.

''They are attacking.'' Jack suddenly said.

Lilith turned her gaze towards the battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of Alliance Forces soldiers are marching towards the red dome!

5 powerful individuals appeared on top of the red dome and started attacking the dome.

A minute later, the red dome exploded.

That explosion alone killed thousands of soldiers, but they kept marching.

The 5 Hero-Star Heroes returned to the base.

The Second Fortress gated disappeared, and their soldiers started marching towards the incoming Alliance Forces soldiers.

There was a broken forest around them, with damaged trees and dirty grassland.

But the forest didn't block the view of the armies.

The forest was almost nonexistent.

A man was leading Death Continent's soldiers. He had jet black armor with a helmet that looked like a skull. His name is Daniel, and he is the General of Death Continent.

In front of Alliance Forces soldiers, an average-looking man was seen while wearing majestic-looking armor. His name is Ray, and he is General of Alliance Force.

The five Hero-Star Heroes were concentrating on the Sins.

While Pride, Greed, Gluttony, and Black Death stood on top of the walls.

Lust appeared shortly afterward and stood some distance away from them.

The two armies stopped a hundred meters away from them.

Daniel used his sword and hit the shield with it.


Hundreds of thousands of soldiers behind him did the same.

A majestic sound echoed on the battlefield, but that sound alone made the Alliance Forces soldiers scared.

This is the ability Generals need to have to increase your soldiers' morals.

Ray sighed and looked at the two swords in his hands.

He already noticed that there are more Death Continent soldiers.

They hadn't won even when they had more, but now they have less how can they win?

That same thought was shared by Alliance Forces soldiers.

Daniel grinned he noticed that Ray was an inexperienced General.

'Increase morale... Increase morale...' Ray kept thinking options.

If he can't increase morale, they will lose before the fight even began.

Maybe, if he increases morale, fewer soldiers will die and can go back to their families.

He turned his gaze towards the Death Continents soldiers.

He felt his survival instincts working.

Ray grabbed his helmet and put it on his head.

He unsheathed his two swords and took a step forwards.

The Alliance Forces soldiers didn't move they didn't want to march to their deaths, that's why they didn't follow Ray.

But Ray didn't care.

He started running.

He alone attacked the hundreds of thousands of Death Continent soldiers.

The Alliance Forces soldiers thought that he had lost his mind!

Daniel looked disappointed he pointed his sword towards Ray and planned to kill him with one strike.

Thousands of spears and swords were aimed at Ray's lonely figure.


Hundreds of arrows flew through the sky, straight towards Ray!

Everyone thought that he will become a porcupine, but the next scene made everyone shocked.

Ray put his two swords in front of him and started deflecting the incoming arrows.

Hundreds of arrows were deflected with ease, and soon... Ray found himself being in front of Daniel.

Daniel was shocked, but he swung his sword, aiming to behead Ray.

Ray used his left sword and blocked it he used his right sword and stabbed it towards Daniel's abdomen.

Daniel quickly put his shield as a block, but the impact of the clash made him stumble backward.

That was all Ray needed.

He swung his left sword, and only the sound of flesh getting slashed was echoing on the battlefield.

Daniel dropped his sword and shield soon, another thing fell to the ground.

It was his head with a face of disbelief and fear.

The Death Continent soldiers around him couldn't believe their eyes.

Ray took advantage of their stupor and started slaughtering dozens of soldiers, hundreds of soldiers.

Soon the Death Continent soldiers were panicking, they tried to kill the General of their enemy, but they couldn't!

The Alliance Forces soldiers looked shocked they didn't know what to do!

Their General alone is slaughtering their enemy!

Ray killed another one he took a deep breath and shouted, ''ATTACK!''

That shout caused everyone to wake from their stupor.

''KRAAAAAAAAAH!'' The Alliance Forces soldiers shouted and started running towards the Death Continents soldiers.

The Death Continent soldiers couldn't focus on Ray anymore they attacked the incoming Alliance Force instead.

The final battle between Alliance Forces and Death Continent...



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