Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 74: Second Fortress Part 5.

Chapter 74: Second Fortress Part 5.

''Hmph, disappointing.'' Pride clicked his tongue.

The area around him was a barren wasteland, and the previous Alliance Force's base was long gone.

A figure was lying on the ground next to him in a pool of blood.

Entity's body wasn't moving at all.

His light blue hair was colored in red, and he looked dead.

Pride looked around the battlefield and narrowed his eyes, ''I thought that there was supposed to be some random Villains Association Chairman here? Maybe he ran away?'' He shook his head and returned to the Second Fortress.

After he left... A figure started forming from Entity's blood.

The figure had white hair, while half of his face was badly disfigured.

Raizo looked at the half-dead figure of Entity.

He grabbed Entity's body and started running away from the battlefield.

They are only Disaster-Level individuals they have no place in fights between Sins.


While Raizo was flying, he saw three blurs passing him.

''?!'' He turned his head back to the battlefield and saw the three blurs approaching the place with great speed.

''Reinforcements... Too late.'' Raizo gritted his teeth and kept running away.

Back on the battlefield.

''UGH!'' Solar fell down on his knees after Black Death's heavy hook hit him in the jaw.

Solar's jaw started decaying with terrifying speed.

He lit his head in flames, but the decaying didn't disappear, only stopped decaying from spreading more.

But his jaw was already decayed, and it started crumbling apart.

Solar was too scared to open his mouth because even his mouth might crumble apart.

''Hmph.'' Black Death snorted and looked towards the sky.

Three figures appeared in the sky and looked at Black Death with neutral faces.

Pride and Gluttony were standing on top of the Fortress walls, no fear on their faces.

Lust was gathering flowers from the ground, but she couldn't find any.

She pouted and kept looking.

Black Death's figure turned into black smoke, and he flew through the air and appeared on top of the Fortress walls.

The three individuals in the sky tried to pressure them with their aura.

But Pride, Gluttony, and Black Death fought back.

The Second Fortress walls started cracking.

The first figure in the sky had a stern-looking face with sharp eyebrows. His muscular arms looked like he could hold the sky from falling. He is Hero-Star Hero, Killian from Freedom.

The second figure in the sky had a small cute face. She had a petite body with long white robes, which made it more apparent that she was flat as ground. Her features made her look very adorable, and she looked like some kind of porcelain doll. She is Hero-Star Hero, Zoe from Freedom.

The third figure in the sky was pale-looking youth. He had jet black bowl-cut hair, black eyes, and dead-looking eyes. He is Calamity-Moon Villain, Lone from Eternity.

''Can you help me to find flowers?'' Lust appeared next to Solar and asked with her beautiful voice.

''?!'' Solar flinched and disappeared instantly.

He appeared in the sky, next to the other three figures.

'How did she get near me?!' Solar was shocked.

Lust pouted and crossed her arms, ''Rude...''

''Hmph!'' She humped and turned around.

She started hopping in another direction she is in her quest to find flowers for Ray.

'I wonder what flowers he like... Well, just to be sure, I will try to find every flower!' Lust thought with a giggle.

Pride looked at Lust with dead-looking eyes.

''That bitch, what is she doing?'' Pride clicked his tongue.

''Leave the Second Fortress, this isn't time to fight till death, and you know it,'' Killian said with a powerful voice.

Pride snorted, ''Nah, it's you guys who should fuck off!''

Killian narrowed his eyes, ''Your foolish pride will be your death one day.''

Pride chuckled and puffed his chest in pride, ''My pride is what defines me, and my pride tells me that you guys are way too high up!''

Killian, Zoe, and Lone felt like the sky itself was pushing them down.

They crashed on the hard ground and got buried a few hundred meters.

Pride scoffed, ''That's better! Only I, am allowed to gaze at others from the sky!''

He started floating and went a few hundred meters high up in the air.

He looked at everyone like they were a bunch of ants.

Killian left the hole with an angry-looking face.

Zoe and Lone followed behind him.

They didn't have any significant injuries only their clothes were dirtied.

Pride snorted and cracked his knuckles.

He waved his hand, and soon the battlefield with corpses started transforming!

Green grassland replaced it, and massive forest appeared.

Hundreds of plants and flowers appeared from the ground.

''FLOWERS!'' Lust screamed with happiness, she started collecting the flowers.

Pride's ability is Pride Incarnation which gives him the ability to warp the reality! His Pride Incarnation makes his pride as high as the heavens itself, and in the end, everything he said became a reality itself. If he says that no one is allowed to gaze at him from the sky, then it becomes the reality!

But like every power, it has its own weaknesses.

Killian's body started transforming! Yellow-gold fur started covering his figure, and soon he didn't look like a human anymore!

Instead, he looked like Humanoid Lion!

His ability is Lion Transformation! It gives him the ability to turn into a Lion and become the King of Beasts!

Zoe's body became blurry until she disappeared and appeared in front of Gluttony!

Gluttony opened his massive mouth, trying to eat Zoe.

This is Gluttony's ability! Gluttony Incarnation lets him eat everything! He gets the powers of the people he has consumed and a fraction of their real strength.

Zoe's face was emotionless suddenly, her leg contacted with Gluttony's massive head, which sent him flying to a nearby building in the Fortress!

Zoe's ability is Speed! She can be as fast as she wants to be, but it also has its own flaws.

Black Death was looking around the forest, or more precisely, looking at Lone.

But when he blinked... Lone has disappeared!

''?!'' Black Death looked anxiously around the forest but didn't find him.

''Behind you.'' Suddenly a bone-chilling voice appeared behind him.

Before able to do anything, a punch contacted with his back, which sent him crashing towards the forest.

Black Death spat mouthfuls of blood while crashing through the trees.

Lone's figure became visible, and it looked like he was an invisible only moment ago!

This is his ability, Invisibility! He can turn Invisible, and he can turn everything he wishes Invisible.

Solar looked around the battlefield and saw Lust innocently smiling while collecting flowers.

She had a sweet smile on her face, and she looked like she was enjoying collecting flowers.

A small fireball appeared in Solar's palm.

He aimed it towards Lust and sent the fireball flying towards her!

Lust wasn't concentrating, and soon fireball hit her face.


A loud explosion was heard.

Solar smirked.

The dust cloud soon settled, and Lust's figure came visible.

Her body was completely unharmed, even her face looked as beautiful as always, but the ground around was destroyed entirely.

The flowers she was holding was turned into ashes as well.

''W-Why...'' Lust asked with a sobbing tone tears left her eyes, which stained the ground below her.

Solar snorted, and hundreds of small fireballs appeared all around him.

''DIE, BITCH!'' He roared and sent hundreds of fireballs towards her.

'She can't survive this! If I manage to kill one of the Sins, I will be famous!'

Lust turned her teary eyes towards the fireballs.

''Why are you *Sob* so mean?'' She asked with a sobbing tone, making her look very pitiful.

Suddenly the fireballs stopped and disappeared.

Solar lowered his hand and had small hearts on his pupils.

''I-I am sorry...'' He said with rough breathing.

There was also a bulge on his lower half, while his face obviously showed his lust.

He licked his lips while looking at Lust's innocent face.

Lust wiped her tears and stood up.

''I-It's alright... *Sob*.'' She tried to stop her tears from falling.

Solar started walking towards her with a bright red face.

''I-I am sorry, I will do anything you say, please forgive me,'' Solar said with a rapid heartbeat and blushing cheeks.

He was looking at her breasts, which was almost bulging out of her dress.

''Y-You will do anything?'' Lust asked with an innocent look while her ocean blue eyes was looking at him.

Solar dumbly nodded, ''Anything...''

He looked at her breasts and licked his lips, 'That's right... Anything, kekekeke.'

Lust finally had a bright smile on her face, ''Alright! Can you kill yourself?''

Solar smiled and nodded, ''Alright!''

He touched his head with his hand.


His head exploded, and rain of blood appeared in the sky.

Lust turned around and started hopping around the forest.

''Flowers... Flowers...'' Lust hummed and found a small area with hundreds of flowers!

Her eyes sparkled.

''Flowers!'' She said cheerfully and started collecting the flowers.

''I wonder will he like these, hehe..'' She said with a giggle and happy face.


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