Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 73: Second Fortress Part 4.

Chapter 73: Second Fortress Part 4.

''WHAT!'' William roared in shock, he was watching the map, and suddenly three dark red spots appeared in the fortress.

''This is bad! Solar is in danger!'' William anxiously shouted.

On the map, he couldn't see how far his reinforcements were.

He can only tell if someone is danger towards him.

He thought about calling Infinity, but it would be a bad decision.

''Think... William, think!'' William rubbed his forehead and kept thinking about solutions.

Meanwhile, Ray and others returned to the base.

In the eyes of the Military Generals and soldiers, Ray looked like the incarnation of war!

Ray's rush of adrenaline finally ended, and he remembered the things he had done.

His two swords in his hand felt incredibly heavy.

He hasn't even killed animals before, but now he killed hundreds of humans.


But then he felt someone patting his shoulder.

He turned his head and saw a man whose outfit was stained in blood.

He had a shield tied on his back while holding his sword in his other hand.

Ray remembered him.

He was the one who courageously jumped in the middle of Death Continent soldiers and killed them.

If Ray had the most kills, this man had second most.

''My name is John, nice to meet you.'' He said and offered a hand for a handshake.

Ray grabbed his hand and shook it.

''You are fucking beast in the battlefield, I would follow you than any of these so-called Generals,'' John said while looking at the Generals who were riding their horses with disdain.

A thousand soldiers around them also nodded they would follow Ray as well. While the Generals hide in the base, Ray takes control of the whole battlefield and single-handedly changed the tide of the battlefield.

Generals doesn't even give proper instructions.


Don't Retreat!

Kill them!

Those are the only words coming from the General's mouth, and they have lost the respect of the soldiers a long time ago.

Ray was speechless.

He saw the eyes of worship aimed towards him, and he felt like he doesn't deserve those.

He did everything he could out of despair and his will to see his children and beautiful wife once again.

'I am not a leading figure...' Ray kept thinking.

''RUN AWAY!'' Suddenly terrified sound came from one of the tents.

Everyone turned their heads towards William, who started running away, ''RUN AWAY!''

''?'' Everyone was confused, but then they heard something coming from the sky.

A figure flew in the air and crashed in the middle of the base.

Everyone unsheathed their weapons and aimed their weapons towards the unknown figure.

But when the dust cloud disappeared, everyone went pale in fear.

  A tall man is seen. He was standing at the height of 300cm at least - he had messy long black hair with a majestic-looking beard. His face wasn't ugly or handsome - it was instead very masculine. He was wearing a usual tank top and pants, but his muscular body was barely hidden, and if he flexed his muscles even a little bit, I am confident that his shirt would be ripped apart. He is Pride - Calamity-Moon Villain!

The soldiers and Generals started retreating.

Pride looked at everyone with a grinning face.

''Insects, is no one here worth of fighting?''

A tent was opened, and Entity came with a solemn look.

Pride turned his head towards him and snorted, ''Disappointing.''

''EVERYONE, RUN!'' Entity shouted, and the ground below him started turning into ice.

Pride crossed his arms and looked with boredom.

Soldiers and Generals started running away.

Ray was with them.

Battle of this level is way above ordinary soldiers!

It is a battle between two godly figures!

The base, in seconds, turned into icy hell.

The soldiers and Generals had already left the base.

The Military Generals was greatly faster than others they left the soldiers behind with their horses.

The soldiers can only curse inside their minds and keep running.

''Where are you guys going? Let's have some fun~'' Everyone heard the sweetest voice they have ever heard.

The soldiers and Generals turned their heads towards the sky and saw the most beautiful woman they had ever seen.


The woman has long blond-colored hair. Her face was like a perfect masterpiece, one of a kind. Her delicate eyebrows and rose-colored lips can steal a breath away from anyone. Her beautiful ocean-like blue eyes are shown clearly, and her perfect hourglass body is definitely sexy enough to make every man drool. Her big breasts and a big ass made every soldier and General blush heavily. She is Lust - Calamity-Moon Villain.

Everyone was affected by her charm... Except for one person.

Ray felt his survival instincts going in overdrive.

Lust landed on the ground and crossed her arms, making her already big breasts look even bigger.

The soldiers and Generals gulped.

''Am I beautiful?'' Lust twirled with her beautiful blond hair and asked.

The soldiers and Generals nodded dumbly.

Lust smiled, which brightened the atmosphere instantly.

That smile alone gave new meaning to their lives.

They feel like they have to do everything in their power to protect that smile.

''Who wants to be my husband?'' Lust asked with her beautiful voice.

The soldiers and General's eyes brigthened.

''Last one to survive... Will be my new husband.'' Lust said with an innocent smile, even though she suggested everyone to start a battle royale.

The soldiers and Generals didn't think it was a strange request instead, they started using their swords.

Suddenly, mayhem started, and soldiers started killing everyone around them.

'They must be under some kind of spell!' Ray anxiously thought.

Soon, a sword appeared in front of him, and it was aimed towards his neck.

Ray's survival instincts did their magic, and Ray quickly put his two swords as block.


He finally could see his attacker.

It was John, and his face was lustful.

The same face as every soldier and General has.

''John, stop it!'' Ray shouted.

''She is mine!'' John screamed and swung his sword one more time.

Ray gritted his teeth and deflected the incoming sword strike.

He raised his leg and kicked at John's torso, which made him fall down on the ground.

Ray quickly moved out of the battlefield and started running away.

''Oh, someone wasn't affected?'' Lust looked surprised as ordinary-looking man was running away.

She licked her rose-colored lips, ''Interesting.''

She turned into pink smoke and started flying in the sky.

Ray was running like he was being possessed, he already felt exhausted, and his lungs were burning.

But he didn't plan stopping.

The sound of battle already seemed very distant, and he thought that he will be safe, but then... A pink mist appeared in front of him!

''Huff... Eh? Huff...'' Ray was panting heavily and was confused because of the mist.

The pink mist started forming a figure, and soon blond-haired woman became visible.

Ray went pale and pointed his swords towards Lust.

He didn't know why he did that, but his survival instincts told him to do that.

''Why are you pointing those sharp items at me? I am scared...'' Lust looked very pitiful and scared.

Ray didn't fall for it he clenched his swords tighter.

''You are different from other lustful men... I like you.'' Lust said with a sweet smile, ''What is your name?''

''Ray...'' He replied with a pale face.

''Ray... That's a nice name.'' Lust said with a smile, she had small blush on her cheeks, ''Ray, I think I like you would you want to be my husband?''

''Sorry... I already have a wife.'' Ray replied with a pale and fearful face.

Lust's face turned sad, ''I see... Your wife is lucky woman... I am jealous...''

But then she smiled, ''I hope you will have a happy life. I am sad that my first love ended this quick, but your happiness gives me happiness.''

She started walking towards Ray.

Ray didn't move, and he didn't even dare to look into her eyes.

Lust passed him and started walking back to the battlefield.

Ray's survival instincts stopped working.

It can mean that he isn't in danger anymore...

Or it means that he has no chance of survival.

He turned his body around and saw Lust's retreating back.

Her waist was moving side to side, making the scene breathtaking.

But Ray wasn't concentrating on that.

In the battlefield between Generals and soldiers... Only one man was standing.

He had short black hair with a stern-looking face. He wasn't handsome or ugly, instead in the middle.

It was John!

Lust walked in front of him and clapped.

''Congratulations, you won.''

John turned towards her and blushed, ''D-Does it mean that I-I am now your husband?''

Lust went into thinking posture.

Then she sweetly smiled, ''Sorry, my heart has been stolen away, and only that person is worthy enough of becoming my husband.''

''W-Who?!'' John shouted angrily he gritted his teeth with such strength that made his teeth broken.

Lust smiled sweetly and glanced towards Ray, ''My little Ray.''

John turned his enraged look towards Ray, but then Lust touched his cheek.

He blushed once again and turned his lustful face towards Lust.

But Lust's sweet look was gone instead it was replaced with absolute anger, ''You dare to look at my Ray? DIE!''


John's head exploded.

Lust's beautiful figure was stained in his blood.

''Hmph.'' She pouted and wiped the blood from her face.

She turned her gaze towards Ray and sweetly waved her hand.


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