Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 72: Second Fortress Part 3.

Chapter 72: Second Fortress Part 3.

The Alliance Forces soldiers who saw Ray's unbelievable show of strength became more spirited!

While Death Continents Soldiers couldn't believe their eyes.

They started thinking, do they have more trump cards like Ray?

They had no idea that Ray was an ordinary office worker whose true strength was revealed because of despair and the will to keep living.

Death Continent Soldiers started retreating, while Alliance Forces soldiers chased after them!

The tide of the war changed instantly!

Alliance Forces was about to get steamrolled by Death Continent, but now everything changed!

''RAAA!'' A courageous Alliance Forces soldier jumped in the middle of four Death Continent Soldiers.

Before they could even react, the Alliance Forces soldier swung his sword and beheaded them!

With only his shield and sword, he started causing havoc on the battlefield.

''ATTACK!'' The Alliance Forces soldiers shouted.


The Death Continent soldiers located at the top of the wall noticed their peril and started shooting more powerful attacks.




The battlefield was surrounded by explosions, and hundreds of Alliance Force soldiers died, but thousands of other soldiers kept chasing after the Death Continent soldiers and killing them instantly.

William got news about their soldiers suddenly winning!

He left his tent and walked next to his Military Generals, who were shocked.

William grabbed binoculars and started watching.

The Death Continent Soldiers on top of the Fortress walls desperately tried to help their soldiers but to no avail.

Soon Alliance Forces soldiers were fighting against Death Continent soldiers that they had to stop the bombing otherwise, they might kill their soldiers as well.

The Alliance Forces soldiers are only 300 meters away from the Fortress they have never got this close before!

William stopped watching and said, ''Tell Solar to be ready.''

One of the Military Generals used his horse and started riding towards Solar's tent.

Soon, Solar came with his golden armor, with a beautiful sun symbol in the middle of the armor.

He looked like God of War with this armor.

His fiery red hair flowed gently in the wind, and his handsome face was morphed into confusion. It was supposed to be impossible for them to reach Second Fortress this month.

But with his excellent eyesight, he saw Alliance Forces soldiers winning!

He was holding his golden-colored shield, which had red sun symbol, and his golden-colored axe.

''What happened?'' Solar asked with a powerful tone.

''It all started because one of us men managed to kill hundred of those demons.'' One of the Military Generals said with amazed look.

The Military Generals were men who had trained since birth, and they are confident in their leading ability and strength, but not even they are confident in surviving if 100 Death Continent Soldiers surrounded them.

That made Ray's achievement much more incredible.

Solar looked towards the battlefield, where one ordinary man was wreaking havoc with his two swords.

The soldiers obviously followed behind this incarnation of war.

Soon, the rest of Death Continent soldiers were killed, and only the Alliance Forces soldiers were left.

But this was, of course, only one group of Death Continent soldiers.

They still have hundreds of thousands inside the fortress.

And hundreds of millions more in Capital City Hope.

But this was still the first victory Alliance Forces soldiers had.

There have been few victories before, but only among the stronger individuals.

Alliance Forces military has never won against Death Continents...

But now they did!

The Alliance Forces soldiers instantly covered Ray and the other top fighters under their shields, and they started slowly retreating.

Soon, a black-robed figure appeared on top of the wall, and he looked extremely annoyed.

He pointed his black-coated finger towards the retreating soldiers.

[Death Finger]

A beam of death energy left his finger and flew towards the retreating soldiers.

The Alliance Forces soldiers only gritted their teeth and prepared for impact.


Then a bright light appeared in front of them!

Once the death energy touched with the bright light... It disappeared.

A figure appeared from the bright light. He had beautiful red hair with golden armor, he was wielding a shield and axe, which gave him impression of War God.

Solar turned his bright yellow eyes towards Black Death.

The Alliance Forces soldiers breathed relief and started retreating quicker.

William has already contacted the Alliance Forces Headquarters. Soon, more Hero-Star and Calamity-Moon individuals will come, which means that Death Continent will send more of their Sins.

Instantly, this battle became much more serious!

It was like kids play before while the soldiers fought, but because of Ray, the tide of the war changed, and now the turning point of war appeared!

Out of nowhere!

William went into his tent and started looking at the map.

He needs to know when the Death Continents reinforcements come.


Black Death appeared in front of Solar and punched with his black-coated arm.

Solar put his golden armor on the way and blocked the punch.

But black smoke left his arm and started covering the shield.

But then, the shield started burning in hot flames!

The black smoke disappeared, and the golden shield was visible once again.

Solar swung his axe towards Black Death's unguarded neck.

But Black Death turned into black smoke and appeared behind him.

He reached with his hand towards Solar's back, hoping to turn him into ashes.

But then, Solar's body was lit in flames!

Black Death grimaced and retreated a few hundred meters.

The flames surrounding Solar's body aren't normal.

There shouldn't be flames capable of destroying his death energy.

Solar put his shield in front of him and started chasing after Black Death.

Black Death touched the ground, which was littered with corpses.

[Death's Graveyard]

A black smoke left the hundreds of thousands of corpses and started approaching Black Death's figure.

The black smoke covered his body, and Black Death's strength started growing with an unbelievable rate!

Solar looked with neutral gaze, 'So corpses were here to make Black Death stronger... William was right, but good thing that I am here, otherwise Black Death would be undefeatable!'

Soon, Black Death's flesh disappeared, and only black smoke was seen. Under the black smoke, menacing red eyes were seen.

[Solar Fury!]

Solar put his shield in front of him.

A bright light appeared in the sun symbol, and a yellow-colored beam left the shield, flying straight towards Black Death!

Black Death waved his hand, which caused a massive black wall to appear in front of him.

But the yellow beam effortlessly pierced through the wall and hit Black Death in the face!

Black Death widened his eyes in shock, but then he was sent flying for a few kilometers until he finally managed to stop his body's momentum.

But the black smoke around his face disappeared, and half of his face had a massive burn wound!

''How...'' Black Death was shocked he turned his gaze back to Solar, who was once again chasing after him.

'His powers are perfect counter for me... Coincidence... Or not?' Black Death felt like something was amiss, but he had still enough confidence to defeat the opponent in front of him.

Solar swung his sword, and bright yellow sword energy left his sword.

The energy looked like a long line, which could possibly cut everything on its way.

Black Death jumped towards the sky, but Solar started sending more sword waves.

Black Death's body became smoke again, and he traveled through the sky.

Solar kept shooting solar beams, but soon he couldn't see Black Death's figure anymore.

Black Death appeared behind him, he grabbed Solar's nape, and the black smoke started covering his flesh.

But Solar quickly stabbed with his sword behind him, which caused Black Death to retire.

''ARGH!'' Solar gritted his teeth in pain his body was lit in flames once again, but there was still a visible wound around his nape and back of his head.

A portion of his red hair was also turned into ash, and his bones was visible.

While they were fighting.

Reinforcements from Alliance Forces are only 10km away from the battlefield!

While Greed was in the middle of the spacious room with a grinning face.

The men and women who were building the portal-like item were bowing deeply.

Greed walked towards the portal and pressed the red-colored button.


The portal-like item started trembling, but then violet-colored smoke left the item and surrounded it.

Soon the item was covered in some kind of small dome, with spiral symbols all around.

''It's working!'' Greed cheered.

But then, suddenly...

Three figures left the portal.

They were... Gluttony, Pride, and Lust!

''Oh, it works.'' Pride was quite surprised.

''Of course, it works!'' Greed said loudly.

Pride snorted, ''I didn't have a lot of faith in your capabilities.''

Greed gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes dangerously.


The Fortress around them started shaking.

''What is happening outside?'' Lust questioned with her beautiful voice, which made the male workers around the room blush madly.

''Solar and Blacky are fighting,'' Green replied with an annoyed face.

''There are more powerful individuals approaching...'' Pride said and looked towards Greed, ''Keep the portal open we might need it.''

''You can't order me!'' Greed shouted with bloodshot eyes.

Pride scoffed and started walking out of the room, ''Of course I can you are beneath me after all.''


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