Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 71: Second Fortress Part 2.

Chapter 71: Second Fortress Part 2.

''God of War... Give me your strength.'' A man in his 40s was praying.

He had short dirty brown hair, with an average face which was dirtied by dirt. His body wasn't muscular or athletic, instead very average.

He was wearing the same military outfit as thousands of others around him.

This man's name is Ray, and he is the Warliner of Alliance Forces.

He is a pretty average person with a decent job and a happy family.

He is father of 3 children, while his wife is the light of his life.

His wife is way above his league that it was a miracle that he even married her.

But for some reason, his wife fell in love with him, and they have been happy ever since.

But a few weeks ago, he got recruited into war.

The Government promises eternal glory and their names in history books if they join the war, some people might feel very tempted, but not Ray.

He was happy with his life, but rejecting the recruitment notice was equal to announcing him as a villain.

To keep his family safe, he had no other choice.

''ATTENTION!'' The Military General shouted with a stern and angry look.

Ray and thousand others saluted.

They were standing at the bottom of the hill, and their base was at the top of the hill.



Sounds of fighting already echoed in the battlefield and the screams of agony.

Many soldiers flinched because of the noise, Ray as well.


The soldiers hardened their faces, but some tried to keep their tears in control. Today might be their last day in the life, and not many can withstand such emotional pressure.

Ray kept thinking about her beautiful wife and cute children.

He wanted to turn around and start running away from the war.

But that would be a war crime, and it would be the fastest way to die.

The Military General turned towards the battlefield and saw that it was their turn.

''MEN, START MARCHING!'' The Military General shouted he and his horse didn't move because they weren't part of this assault.

Ray and the thousand soldiers started marching with loud steps towards the battlefield, which was filled with corpses and men fighting.

Around 100 soldiers from Death Continent noticed them.

They started approaching them with fearless gazes.

Ray and others felt slightly relieved because only 100 soldiers were against them, while they had 1000!

But that relief soon disappeared.

Ray and the other soldiers started walking on top of the corpses some of the soldiers even vomited because of the stench.

Ray grimaced the stench wasn't the worst thing, in his opinion.

The sound of the corpses getting stepped on was.

Soon, the Death Continent soldiers appeared in the attacking distance.

''RAAAAA!'' The first line of Alliance Forces shouted and attacked.

But soon, their faces of relief disappeared, and looks of despair replaced it.

The soldiers from Death Continent started their slaughter.

Soldiers around Ray flinched and retreated step back.

''D-Demons!'' The soldiers shouted.

Ray grabbed his shield and sword tighter.

The reason why they aren't using guns is because the resources aren't limitless.

The guns are expensive and very scarce. Especially after Superpowers appeared, guns seemed in some way unnecessary, and the production stopped.

The soldiers around Ray started disappearing some started running away, but they were in the middle of the battlefield, and they couldn't get far before dying.

1000 soldiers were reduced all the way down to 100.

And only few soldiers from Death Continent have died.

''RAA!'' A soldier died in front of Ray, making Ray's outfit colored with blood.

With shaky eyes, he saw as Death Continent soldier appeared in front of him, his eyes were ice cold, and he had only one purpose.

Kill the enemy!

The Death Continent soldier swung his sword, aiming to behead Ray.

But a tingling feeling came into Ray's brain, and only using his instincts, he put the shield in front of him.


The sword clashed with his shield, but Ray was still pushed backward because the Death Continent's soldiers' physical strength was much higher than his.

Ray is after all only an office worker.

He sits on a chair day after day.

While the Death Continent soldiers have been training since birth.

The Death Continent's soldier narrowed his eyes, but he again swung his sword, this time towards Ray's unguarded leg.

The tingling feeling returned, and Ray raised his leg, which caused the sword to barely miss his leg.

The Death Continent soldier became more serious, 'He is expert!'

Ray's face was pale, while his forehead was drenched in sweat.

Ray's ability is Survival Instinct, it is rank D ability, but it also depends on the situation.

His ability's true strength is revealed in war... During the war, it might reach rank B!

Survival Instinct gives him the ability to survive as long as the situation isn't completely hopeless, he will find a way to survive.

The Death Continent's soldier started swinging the sword ruthlessly, while Ray kept using his shield to block all the attacks, but his arm was getting numb, and he was being pushed back.

The soldiers of Alliance Forces are nowhere to be seen, and Ray could only see the pitch-black outfits of Death Continent surrounding him.

The 1000 soldiers have reduced all the way down to 1!

The Death Continent soldiers surrounded Ray, but they were planning to let the current soldier battling with Ray have the finishing blow.

'Yui... I might not survive...' Ray felt his heart sinking, the memories of his time with his wife, Yui surfaced into his mind.

The first time they became intimate, he held her soft body and listened to her heavenly moans.

The memories of her happy face as she became pregnant.

The birth of their first child.

The crying face of Yui when he left for war.

The memories of her kissing him last time.

The Death Continent soldier swung his sword one more time, and everyone thought that this was the end.

The sword kept getting closer, and Ray still didn't react.

The Death Continent soldiers had smirks on their faces, but then...

Ray's eyes became cold he swung his sword faster than ever before!


''?!'' The Death Continent soldiers widened their eyes.

The one who was battling against Ray started crying in agony.

Ray slashed his arm off!

His arm flew in the sky, and it was still holding the sword which he tried to use to kill Ray.

Ray swung the sword one more time, and this time he separated his head from his shoulder.

The battlefield around Ray went quiet.

Ray was the victor!

Other Death Continent soldiers became angry and unsheathed their weapons. There was only 90 left, but it was an incredibly powerful line-up.

And Ray was alone.

Ray's Survival Instincts was going on overkill.

If his Survival Instincts are working... It means that the situation isn't hopeless.

Ray dropped his shield and grabbed another sword from the ground.

He wielded two swords, and the aura he released made many pale.

But the arrogance of the Death Continents soldiers didn't decrease.

They have grown to disdain soldiers from Alliance Forces, mainly because they are very weak.

''GRAAAH'' The 90 Death Continent Soldiers went into motion.

Ray was in the middle of them and looked like he had no way to survive this.

But Ray didn't look scared he simply moved his swords in perfect sync.

The first 3 Death Continent soldiers appeared in front of him, but not for long.

Ray swung his right sword and beheaded them in an instant.

Then he used his left sword and deflected the incoming sword, which came behind him.

Ray moved like lightning and started ruthlessly slaughtering the incoming Death Continent soldiers.

The Death Continents soldiers didn't get scared instead, they pushed even harder.

But harder they pushed forwards, faster their deaths came.

Ray was like dancing on the battlefield and his swords became his item of destruction.

It looked mesmerizing, and his green soldier outfit was soon covered in red.

This battlefield also gathered the attention of others.

The Military Generals from Alliance Forces used their binoculars they have never been this shocked!

One man was slaughtering the Demon army!

Soon the mighty 90 men Death Continent soldier group was reduced all the way down to 5!

''W-W-What are you..?'' The Death Continent soldiers asked with fear.

First time in this war... They felt fear!

Ray wiped his blood-soaked face and glared at them.

''I am only a man... But I am a man who has a lot to lose.'' Ray pointed his swords towards them.

The Death Continent soldiers gulped and aimed their swords towards Ray.



Every time Ray's sword moved, a person died.

And soon, the group of 5 lied on the ground, their heads missing.

There were hundreds of different battles going on the battlefield, but Ray's battle gathered the most attention.

Ray was standing alone, while hundreds of Death Continent soldiers were lying on the ground as dead.

Even an ordinary office worker like him.... Became War Hero.


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