Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 40: Crimson Light.

Chapter 40: Crimson Light.

The News Station building started shaking like it was suffering an 8.0 Magnitude Earthquake!

The windows were shattered, the rain of broken glass appearing in the sky of Joyful.

No one could stand inside the building; the Directors, Chairman, and the ordinary workers looked with horror-filled gazes as the building was being shattered apart!

The building was split in half, and now they can see the man who did this very clearly.

He had jet black hair with black and red eyes, his body glowed in crimson color; it is a color of their death.

The large 50-floor News Station building was crumpling apart; a few workers couldn't keep balance and fell towards their demise.


Only splatting noises were heard as they crashed on the hard ground.

''KYAAA!'' Loud, desperate screams came from the crumbling building. People were trying to use the stairs to go to lower floors, but they were the first ones to die.

The bottom floors were crushed like a giant put his hand around it and squashed with all his might.

After the bottom floors were gone, there weren't any more foundations to keep the building standing; soon, the rest of the floors started falling down towards the ground.



The rest of the building fell down, which caused a massive dust cloud to appear.

Jack stopped punching the ground and stood up.

That's right. Jack only punched the ground a few times, which caused the massive 50-floor building to be destroyed; the surrounding buildings had the same fate.

Jack turned his mad-looking eyes towards the ruins of the building; he could still feel few people being alive.

Few people rose from the debris; their Superpowers helped them to survive their demise.

One of them was the Chairman, but all of the Directors died in the fall.

Jack walked towards them with an indifferent face.

''P-Please... Mercy!'' The Chairman kneeled down on the ground, the people behind did the same.

Their bodies were trembling, and a slight stench came from their pants.

Their fear caused them to lose control of their bodily functions, and thus, they pissed themselves.

Jack didn't change his expression; his eyes started glowing crimson red!

The Chairman shakily raised his head and saw Jack's eyes glowing.

He went pale and shouted, ''NO!!''

But those were his last words.


The crimson light left Jack's eyes and traveled towards Chairman and the people behind him.

Once the crimson light hit their bodies, they turned into ashes.

They couldn't even scream or move before they died.

The crimson light destroyed the ruins of the building and turned everyone's corpses into ashes.


His eyes crackled in crimson light, but soon the light vanished, and his demonic eyes reappeared.

He turned his gaze towards the far away Heroes Association building; he felt the anger signal running away.

Jack snorted and leaped towards the sky.

He landed on the nearby building and started running on top of it. He used the buildings to get to his destination quicker, soon he arrived in the Heroes Association building, but the man with anger signal left some time ago.

Jack ignored the Heroes Association building and went after the anger signal.

Only a red blur was shown on the city as the massive pressure started approaching Sungazer's figure.

Sungazer left the Heroes Association building with dozen other loyal Heroes; they planned to leave Joyful before it was too late.

But then they felt massive pressure crushing onto them.

''W-What is this?'' One of the heroes pointed towards the red blur.

Sungazer went pale, ''I-It is him...''

The Heroes went pale after hearing his words.

''L-Let's run away!''

Sungazer shook his head, ''It's too late... We need to fight him!''

The Heroes thought that it was the craziest idea ever, ''WE CAN'T WIN!''

Sungazer snorted, ''There are 20 of us, besides I am 10-Star Hero!''

'Has he gone mad?' The Heroes thoughts.

Sungazer has been a wise leader so far, he has captured many villains with his brilliant mind, but now he seems to have gone mad.

Even if they had 100 Heroes present, they still can't defeat Jack!

The Heroes glanced at each other; they are loyal to Sungazer because he is an intelligent and strong leader.

''M-Maybe he has a plan?'' One of the Heroes said.

Other Heroes nodded and hoped that Sungazer actually had a plan.


The sound of something hard crashing on the ground was heard.

Sweatdrops started forming on their foreheads, and their legs started shaking.

Jack's angry face was shown. The ground around him was in pieces after his heavy landing.

''Jack, I assume,'' Sungazer said without fear on his face; his face was still pale; the pressure coming from Jack is something that can even kill a person.

Jack didn't answer; he only kept glaring towards Sungazer and saw his anger meter.

[Anger Meter: Sungazer - 61% - Main Government... I WILL SHOW YOU THAT I DON'T NEED YOU, I WILL KILL JACK BY MYSELF!]

Jack saw the anger meter and snorted.

His Anger is clouding his judgment; it is time to show the difference between 10-Star Hero and Disaster-Moon Villain.

Sungazer went even angrier after seeing him not answering, ''DON'T IGNORE ME!''

Jack didn't change his expression; Sungazer was only an unimportant piece of rock on the sidewalk.

''RAAA!'' Sungazer roared, and his eyes went fiery red; slight flames started appearing on his pupils, which caused his hair and eyebrow to lit in a fire.

''GRRR!'' Sungazer grits his teeth in pain, but he doesn't stop; his ability was killing him, but he didn't care.

Jack's body started heating up; he looked at his skin and saw it becoming red.

He felt blood inside him starting to boil, and his flesh started smoking.

''RAAA!'' Sungazer's hair and eyebrows were already gone, and his skin started melting away slowly, but he didn't stop. Blood started trickling down from his eyes.

The Heroes were shocked; it seemed that Sungazer's ability was hurting Jack!

''I KNEW HE HAD A PLAN!'' One of the Heroes celebrated loudly.

Jack on the other hand, felt extremely uncomfortable; he felt pain, a lot of pain.


Losing Sophia was a hundred times more painful.

Crimson light appeared in Jack's eyes, he turned his eyes towards Sungazer.


The crimson light left his eyes and traveled towards Sungazer.

Sungazer widened his eyes, but then his face exploded. His body lifelessly fell down on the ground.

Jack's body instantly became normal, and his smoking flesh disappeared. He still had a few injuries, flesh wounds, but Jack didn't even grimace from the sight.

The Heroes paled, but they didn't try to escape; they knew that it was an impossible attempt. Even if they split up, it won't help.

The Heroes know that they can't escape; they only have one chance of surviving... and that is to fight.

''RAAA!'' One of the Heroes roared, and his skin became metal.

With loud stomps, he appeared in front of Jack and punched.

Jack grabbed the punches effortlessly; the crimson light left his eyes and pierced the Hero's head, killing him instantly.

The Heroes flinched, but this time they attacked together.

Jack seeing him being surrounded didn't change his expression; the moment they started attacking, he stomped the ground powerfully, making every Hero present stumble.

Jack grabbed one of the Heroes' throat and crushed it effortlessly.


His eyes again crackled in crimson light. The light left his eyes and traveled through the air, killing three Heroes.

The Heroes did everything they could, but Jack didn't get injured.

Only the crimson light was shown on the battlefield, and the next moment, corpses of Heroes fell down on the ground.

Jack pointed his finger towards Hero; the rage energy left his finger and pierced the Hero's heart.

Then suddenly, a different Hero appeared behind him and started making some Martial Arts moves.

''KILLING FURY!'' The Hero cried out and punched towards Jack's throat.

But Jack easily grabbed the Hero's arm and crushed it

''ARGGGHHH!'' The Hero cried out, but then his head exploded.

Jack's crimson eyes shone brightly.

He shot out the crimson light towards other heroes and killed them as well.

Soon afterward, over 20 heroes corpses' were surrounding Jack's figure.

The crimson light disappeared from his eyes.

Jack sighed and started going through the Heroes' pockets and took their wallets.

[Rage Meter: 0%]

His anger started disappearing quickly, and soon it hit 0%

Jack looked around him and grimaced; he looked towards his hands and saw his hands soaked in blood.

He started walking away from the battlefield while being careful not to step on the corpses.

Once he was far enough from the battlefield, he could finally see his state from nearby window.

His outfit was filled with bloodstains and he saw his demonic eyes slowly disappearing, his beautiful grey eyes soon reappearing.

Jack grabbed his brown sweatshirt and took it off.

It was filled with bloodstains, with final look towards the sweatshirt, he threw it to the trash can.

He found a clothes shop nearby, he grabbed an ordinary-looking shirt, he took few bills from the wallets and put it in the desk.

Jack sighed and looked at him in the window, now he looked like an handsome man in his early 20s.

But looking at his hands, it is far from handsome, he couldn't even see his previous skin color anymore under all that blood.

He tried to wipe it off using his pants, but it didn't help.

Slight teardrops appeared in the corner of his eyes, but he quickly wiped it off.

''Soon... Very soon...'' Jack murmured and started walking towards his next destination.



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