Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 41: Final Revenge.

Chapter 41: Final Revenge.

Jack reached the airport, and it was mostly empty; most of the citizens probably ran off after hearing him approaching this place.

He entered the terminal and looked at the planes about to leave; none of them were going for Charity though, the biggest reason could be Charity being forbidden area at the moment.

There have been rumors of toxic air filling Charity; none of the airplane companies want to risk going there.

He quickly exited the terminal and started running towards the runway. He saw a couple of cars driving off from the airport, but a few were only about to leave; Jack recognized their clothes.

'Pilots...' Jack thought and started running after the black-colored car.

The Pilot driving the car saw Jack approaching with a breath-taking speed; he accelerated and started driving the car like his life depended on it.

But Jack quickly caught the car, which was going over 200km/h; he grabbed the door and ripped it apart.

The Pilot looked with mouth agape, but Jack grabbed him and threw him out of the car.

The Pilot rolled on the ground until he finally stopped.

His arms and legs were scratched, slight blood gushing out of his wounds, but nothing serious.

''P-Please... Mercy, I have a family!'' The Pilot instantly started begging.

''What is your name?'' Jack asked without changing his expression.

The Pilot gulped, ''Mark.''

Jack nodded, grabbed him from his collar, and pulled him from the ground, ''Well, then... Mark, you are going to take me to Charity.''

Mark went pale, ''B-But the t-toxic gas.''

Jack grabbed the collar even tighter, ''There is no such thing, besides. You don't need to land there; I can jump off; all it matters is that I get there.''

Mark gulped and nodded shakily.

Jack started dragging him towards a nearby plane, which had at least over 100 seats. It was a massive airliner.

They entered the plane easily because it was already open. The aircraft was also fueled, it was supposed to leave soon, but after news of Jack appearing, they didn't get permission to leave because Jack could shoot down the plane from the sky.

Mark entered the flight deck and sat down on his seat.

Jack took the co-pilot's seat.

Mark shakily started the plane's engines and started controlling the aircraft towards the runway.

Jack sat comfortably while thinking, 'Charity... Laurence...'


-In the Charity-

Heroes Association Headquarters.

Three figures were sitting in the office.

They were Chris, Ariane, and the strongest Hero in Charity currently, 8-Star Hero - Minibig.

Minibig is a tall man with a bald head and a very serious-looking face. His face is below average; it can be called ugly even. His body was muscular, closing on the level of the bodybuilders. He was wearing his hero outfit, which was primarily blue, with grey outlines. The outfit also had a small cape, with letters MB on it.

Chris scratched his head out of frustration. The fight between Disaster-Level beings was worse than he thought; it wasn't only the city that got destroyed but also their business. No one wanted any items from Charity because of a rumor that says there is toxic gas in the air. It is an unfounded rumor, probably spread by other countries to make their own business larger while lowering Charity's influence.

Ariane was also concerned that the business becomes even worse at this rate, and the rest of the Heroes will leave Charity if they don't get paid, and they can't get paid if the business doesn't work out. If the Heroes leave, Charity will become a City of Outlaw, ruled by violence and strength.

Minibig, on the other hand, couldn't really care. He got an offer to be a Mayor in Delight after Noah died; it is a very important status, way higher than being only an 8-Star Hero. But he can't just leave Charity's Heroes Association because that would make him a villain. He needs to wait for Charity's economy to worsen, so they can't pay him anymore. Then he will leave, and no one can blame him.

Chris has been trying to fix the situation, but no one is really being cooperative. The crime rate in Charity is on the rise; the heroes don't bother wasting their energy to do their jobs; after all, they don't think they get paid this month. He has been trying to get help from the Main Government to get rid of this stupid rumor, but they said they will bring experts next month to test the toxicity level; if it's 0%, they will tell everyone that it is false rumor.

But... Next month is already too late; they need to fix their business issue in a few days; otherwise, the Heroes will leave.

Ariane, on the other hand, has become quite important member of Charity. Even though she is only a 3-Star Hero, she has more influence than most of the Heroes. Her popularity among citizens is at an all-time high; even while doing her Hero jobs, she has been helping the citizens; if their houses got destroyed, she would help rebuild. If she finds children, who have their parents missing, she will find their parents.

If Ariane was stronger, she probably would have become the Chairman of Heroes Association by now, but sadly she isn't. She doesn't want to become the Chairman either; she knows that Chris will do a great job; they need to get rid of this current problem to develop their city again.

But the reason why they are currently sitting in the office... There is a rumor saying that a plane was heading towards Charity, with Jack onboard.

So far, it is only a rumor. No one knows if the plane goes to Charity even, but currently, it seems like it is going to be.

Chris quickly informed the strongest Hero and Ariane because, as far as he knows, Ariane seems to have some kind of connection with Jack.

''The plane is only half an hour from Charity, it can still change courses, it isn't too late, but we need to be prepared for the worst,'' Chris said.

Ariane stays silent; she knows how much Jack wants his revenge. She doesn't know who is the target, but this will only end after he is done with his revenge.

But the things that happen after the revenge is what frightens her. She doesn't know what Jack is planning to do; she is afraid of the things he might do to himself.

His actions have been suicidal since he got his powers; instead of being low profile and not catching the eye of the Main Government, he did something that no one else has ever done. Going against the Main Government.

If Villains of Disaster-Moon caliber starts going rampage, that is a clear sign of going against the Main Government; that's why they sent Entity after Jack to see what kind of person he is. They aren't going after Jack and finishing him off because Disaster-Level beings are rare; one of them is an equal of billion ordinary citizens. As long they have more Disaster-Moon Villains in their Continent, nearby Continents are less likely to attack them.

Disaster-Moon Villains has their own territory, and they won't let anyone infiltrate it, especially not people from other Continents.

If people from other Continents attack Kindness, the Disaster-Moon Villains will definitely protect their territory, which is basically free military power for Kindness.

Jack is an anomaly. He has no territory; he has no desire for it either. He has been only after revenge since day one. The Main Government keeps a close eye on him and hopes that he will make his own territory somewhere after his revenge.

They talked for another half an hour, waiting for the information, where the plane currently was.

But then... A familiar sound was heard from the sky.


Chris widened his eyes and rushed towards the nearby window. He looked towards the sky and saw a massive airplane appearing in the skies of Charity; usually, it is ordinary sight because there is an airport not far from them. But since the battle between Entity, Raizo and Jack, there has been zero planes.

''I-Is it him?'' Chris wondered with a pale face, and he got his answer very quickly.

The door of the plane opened and a black-haired man jumped from there, it would look like a suicide to fall from that height.

But the man who jumped from the plane was Jack.

''I-It is him!'' Chris' voice started shaking.

Ariane widened her pretty eyes, and gasped.

Minibig gulped, fear started crawling onto his face.

Jack jumped towards the south gate and he can see a massive pit not far from him.

But he ignored it and rushed towards the south gate, and once he reached there, he exited Charity and looked around him.

From some distance away, he saw his refrigerator, coated in rage energy.

A sad smile was painted on his handsome face, he strolled towards the refrigerator and started carrying it on his back.

''I am back...'' Jack murmured and entered the Charity through the gates.

His next destination is...

Charity's News Station.

Time for the final revenge.


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