Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 39: A Man Who Wields Power Of Gods.

Chapter 39: A Man Who Wields Power Of Gods.

[Rage Meter: 15%]

Jack's nice-looking grey eyes started changing colors, slowly the black and red color started spreading, and his devilish look was back.

He didn't turn his head towards Tewin and others; instead, he started walking in the opposite direction from the amusement park.

''J-Jack!'' He heard Tewin's shout, but he ignored him and didn't look back.

Tewin and others looked with shock-filled gazes as Jack's figure started getting further and further.

''Mommy, where is he going?'' Joy asked innocently.

Talia didn't answer; she couldn't believe the News at all; the man who helped her daughter selflessly is supposed to be a lunatic who has killed millions of people?

''Dad...'' Tessa said towards Tewin; she was as shocked as others, she couldn't believe it.

Tewin didn't move; he kept looking at Jack's retreating figure.

He heard about Jack before and things he did... but especially one thing was stuck on his mind.

'Heroes killed his wife...' Tewin remembers that very clearly, but when Jack spoke with him, he talked like his wife is still alive.

Like it was an impossibility that his wife was actually dead.

Tewin clenched his fists, 'He is like me...'

He actually lied as well about his wife... His wife died 5 years ago, but he still felt like he could feel her presence.

''Dad...'' Tessa's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

He saw Tessa's pale face; the news probably impacted her the most.

Tewin hugged her and said gently, ''Don't always believe what news tells you... Jack isn't a bad man.''

Tessa nodded softly and grabbed her father's clothes on tight hold.

The children were confused; why did the kind mister leave all of a sudden?

The Breaking News was broadcasted everywhere in Joyful.. and you can imagine the scene that happened.

People didn't leave their houses - but some panicked, packed their stuff and started driving towards the exit of Joyful.

The Villains who heard Jack appearing here were celebrating loudly.

The Heroes Association was in turmoil.

''WHO LEAKED IT?!'' One of the Heroes screamed angrily; this made their job even harder.

The ones who were keeping an eye on Jack were already informed that he was on the move!

The people from Government and ordinary workers in Heroes Association were pale.

Heroes tried to find the one who leaked, but they had no idea that someone very close to them was the one who leaked it...

Sungazer looked at the scene with a smug smile; he was the one who spread the news.

His plan is simple; he is trying to make Jack angry, so he will start killing civilians.

He did that because the Main Government gave a simple answer.

[He isn't a threat to civilians]

That comment enraged Sungazer; he plans to make Jack a threat! Maybe then the Main Government sends Super-Star Heroes to subdue Jack.

But Sungazer underestimates Jack... If he genuinely wants to... he can destroy Joyful before any reinforcements arrive.

The News Station's Helicopter has left the News Station building and started circling in the sky, filming Jack.

It was shown everywhere on Happyland, and soon the filming rights were sold to nearby countries.

The Directors of News Station were swimming in money.

They didn't have any remorse knowing that thousands of civilians might die now; they earned more money than they did in a year.

The Heroes Association assured that they would be fine. Apparently, reinforcements from Main Government will arrive.

The Directors were comfortably sitting in the big office, looking at the screen.

''Where is he going?'' One of them asked.

All of the Directors were thinking the same thing; Jack wasn't that far from their building, which made them slightly fearful, but they sighed in relief remembering the Heroes Association's message.

Sungazer was expectantly waiting for Main Government's message; they had already sent a distress signal.

''Chairman! The message is here!'' His secretary entered his office and shouted.

''Finally.'' Sungazer sighed in relief and took the paper from the secretary.

[You are on your own]

Sungazer's hands started trembling, his face went pale.

''ARGHH!'' He roared angrily and ripped the paper in half.

His secretary flinched and tried to run away from the office, but then he felt his body heating up dangerously.

Sungazer glared at his secretary murderously and watched as his secretary started slowly melting away until he was a pile of melted flesh.

Sungazer's ability is Gazing into Sun.

He can heat up his target's body temperature with his gaze, but it only works as long as his eyes are open; his target's body temperature goes normal instantly after he closes his eyes.

Red and yellow colors were shown on Sungazer's eyes until his eyes went normal.

He bit his fingers; his plan failed horribly.

He was trying to use the Main Government.

But he greatly underestimates the Main Government; since Jack arrived in Joyful, they have kept an eye on him, they know that Jack wasn't there to cause havoc, and they also know that Sungazer gave the anonymous tip of the News Station.

''What to do...'' Sungazer scratched his head out of frustration; he did it with such force that even his hair started falling out.


With his demonic eyes, Jack walked in the streets; in front of him, a crowd of citizens was running away from him.

Some older people and children got left behind.

Even the parents of the children completely abandoned them.

An old lady in her 80s saw the scene and shook her head out of disappointment; with sloppy steps, she approached the children and gently smiled, ''Are you alright little ones?''

The group of 15 children looked at the old lady with teary eyes.

They were currently on the field trip with their kindergarten, but the teachers ran off instantly after seeing Jack appearing.

''Let's see...'' The old lady grabbed her purse and took a few lollipops and candies for the children, ''Here.'' She gently smiled.

The children stopped crying and took the candies.

The screams of adults still resounded in their ears.

A young boy asked innocently, ''Why is everyone running?''

The old lady chuckled and turned her head towards the lonely-looking man.

The children also turned their heads. First, they saw a black-haired man walking in the streets silently, but then they saw his demonic-looking eyes.

''I-Is he demon?'' The young boy asked fearfully.

The old lady chuckled and shook her head, ''No... Only a man... Very powerful man.''

Jack reached the group of children and the old lady.

The old lady didn't bat an eye, while the group of children looked scared.

But Jack didn't care about them; he walked past them without even glancing at them.

''D-Did he not notice us?''

The old lady shook her head, ''He didn't care about us, simple as that. A man as powerful as he is too proud to glance at beings weaker than them.''

The children looked shocked.

Then the young boy asked, ''You say it like he is a... god.''

The old lady smiled, ''He is only a man... who wields the power of gods.''


Jack's head was hurting.

The screams of people make him angrier, and some time ago, he felt anger coming from the Heroes Association building.

Usually, anger makes him stronger.

But that anger made him... Disgusted.

The anger he felt mainly was of humiliation, fear, greed, disdain.

Only one of those won't make him disgusted, but all four combined... almost made him vomit.

He will visit that person and rip his head off, but first... He needs to get rid of his source of anger.

He saw a building in the distance with words [Joyful's News Station].

Jack growled and started approaching the building, the Helicopter was still filming his every move, but now the people in the Helicopter were shocked and pale.

They finally know Jack's location, and it is their News Station!

''It seems that Jack is approaching the News Sta...'' Before the News Anchor in the helicopter could finish his words, the helicopter exploded!



Jack sent a beam of Rage Energy towards the helicopter, which instantly destroyed the Helicopter and killed everyone inside.

The Helicopter was in flames and crashed on the street behind him.

Inside the News Station...

The Directors were shocked.

The screen went blank, but they could see Jack's destination... and he is currently outside the News Station building!

''WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE FROM THE HEROES ASSOCIATION?'' The Chairman of Joyful's News Station roared.

''T-They aren't replying!'' One of the Directors anxiously shouted.

''WHAT!'' The Chairman shouted with a pale face; he fell down on his chair.

Today was supposed to be the day their News Station becomes Nation Wide!

It was his choice to make the breaking news about Jack. He only did it because the Chairman of Heroes Association Sungazer assured him that they would be fine!

The Chairman of News Station isn't stupid, he knows that you need Super-Star Hero to defeat Jack, and Sungazer assured that Main Government would send one of their Thrones.

The Chairman of News Station believed him because they had already sent one of the Thrones after him.

The Second Throne, Entity!

But they wouldn't make it in time anymore; he wasn't sure if they sent reinforcements at all.

''Sungazer...'' The Chairman muttered murderously, he clenched his fist.


But then...

The building started shaking!


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