Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 38: Breaking News.

Chapter 38: Breaking News.

The picnic went peacefully; it had already been an hour since Jack joined Tewin and his family for a picnic.

Jack has only spoken a few words, while the others have their own conversations.

Only Tewin has tried to hit up a conversation with him, while Tewin's daughter Tessa has been sitting stiffly next to Jack without letting out a word.

Jack wasn't aware that this hour had been the most nerve-wracking ever for the Heroes Association.

They have been on constant alert since the picnic started, and every time Jack opens his mouth, every time he moves even a little bit, the people from the Heroes Association building flinched.

Tewin turned his head towards Jack. ''What about you, Jack? What are your plans after this?''

Jack opened his eyes, ''Not sure...''

Tessa finally opened her mouth, ''You should join us, we are going to the amusement park after this.''

Tewin turned his head towards Tessa and raised an eyebrow; he saw her blushing cheeks. 'Oh, dear daughter... Going after married man is no go.' Tewin started feeling sorry for her daughter.

Jack looked thoughtful; he had never visited an amusement park before. His parents didn't want to waste money on him, and as an adult, he didn't really want to go.

On the first date with Sophia, he didn't want to embarrass himself. He didn't know what to expect in the amusement park, that's why he decided on the cinema instead and later romantic dinner in a restaurant which cost him 1-month payment, but it was worth it.

''You should come with us!'' The children surrounded Jack and yelled cheerfully.

''It will be fun,'' Tessa said with a hopeful gaze.

Jack thought for a moment and nodded, ''Alright...''

''Yaayyy!'' The children cheered and hugged Jack's body.

Jack sat stiffly, afraid to even move.

He had never touched a child before, and now 5 of them were hugging him.

''Alright, little ones, let's pack it up,'' Tewin said gently and saved Jack from his peril.

''Ayee!'' The children cheered and started helping their parents to pack the things.

Jack sighed in relief and stood up.

He waited for Tessa and Tewin to leave the blanket, and after they stood up as well, he folded the blanket nicely and put it in the picnic basket.

Jack waited for the others to finish packing, and once they were done and the place was cleaned up, they decided to leave.

Walking on the rock path while beautiful nature surrounded them was very peaceful and calm.

Even the usually cheerful and loud children knew to enjoy this scene.

It is very rare, after all.

Birds chirped.

Trees moved with the same rhythm as the wind.

The smell of nature assaulted their nostrils.

They exited the park from the metal gates and entered the busy streets.

Jack followed behind them as they walked past a few buildings and entered a parking lot.

Luke and Thea entered a black-colored car with 3 children.

Niko and Talia entered a silver-colored Mercedes with 2 other children.

Tewin walked towards his pickup truck, and Jack followed behind him.

This time Jack entered the front seat instead.

Tewin didn't mind; instead, a smile crept onto his face.

Tessa surprisingly entered the pickup truck as well; she was sitting innocently on the backseat.

Tewin shook his head and sighed.

Tessa glared towards her father.

Tewin chuckled and started his car.

Jack wasn't aware of their silent conversation; he was still thinking about his money problem.

He can't buy the ticket for the amusement park, and asking others to buy his ticket would be embarrassing.

If people from the Heroes Association heard his thoughts, they would spew mouthfuls of blood from their mouths.

He is Disaster-Moon Villain, the legendary The Jack! But he thinks it is embarrassing to ask for a ticket.

Tewin started driving his pickup truck and followed behind Luke's and Niko's car.

They entered the busy street roads, and slowly, they started making their way over to the amusement park.

While they were driving.

People from the Heroes Association started following their cars, keeping a close eye on them.

They still don't know why Jack is following them, they have already done a background check on them all, and they are an ordinary happy family.

They were nothing special.

But one thing connected them.

The Guards remember that the Old Man gave a ride for Jack.

They started gathering every information they had on Tewin the moment he was born.

But everything was ordinary; he was a typical farmer with a loving family.

They soon stopped investigating them because they weren't anything special, it was only a coincidence that Jack was with them, and they are confident that they don't know Jack's true identity.

But a new problem is rising... No one knew how, but the News Station got an anonymous tip that Jack was in Joyful.

They thought it was a prank, but the anonymous person sent a video clip showing Jack entering the Joyful.

First, they were terrified, but then their professionalism came, and they decided to make it breaking news!

Time till Breaking News... 5:00 minutes.

Jack and the rest parked their cars to the nearby parking lot and started walking towards the amusement park gates.

It was some distance away because it is the holiday season and many people are visiting the amusement park, and because of that they had to park their cars over 1 kilometer away from the place.

There were dozens of families also walking towards the amusement park.

Couples holding hands.

Children holding their parents' hands.

In Jack's group, the children hold their parents' hands as well, except a certain little girl who was hopping excitedly while looking at the buildings around them.

It was a cheerful and heartwarming scene, but then out of nowhere... a car sped up towards her!

Jack and the others were walking on the sidewalks, and the little girl was on the street road; it would be okay since cars aren't supposed to drive this road.

But a black-colored car appeared out of nowhere and drove at a speed that should be illegal in the middle of the city.

Tessa was the first one to notice the scene. ''JOY!'' She screamed with a horror-filled gaze.

Everyone turned their heads towards the little girl named Joy and watched with a horror-filled gaze as the black car was only 10 meters away from her.

''JOY!'' Talia was her mother, she anxiously started running towards Joy, but she would never make it in time.

Everyone in the streets looked with pale faces as the black car closed in on the clueless little girl...

...But then a red blur appeared next to Joy and dragged her towards the sidewalk.

The black car went past them while Joy was standing on the sidewalk with a pale face.

''Eh?'' Joy exclaimed and looked around her in confusion.

She noticed that a strong male hand was holding her clothes powerfully.

She turned her cute blue eyes towards the man who saved him.

Joy saw a handsome black-haired man looking at her with worry.

The man who saved her was... Jack.

''Joy!'' Talia screamed and hugged Joy with force.

''Uhh...'' Joy was buried in her breasts, but tiny teardrops left her eyes; she was very close to dying, and she knew it.

Jack sighed in relief and left them in peace.

Tewin walked towards Jack and hugged him with trembling hands. ''Thank you!''

Jack didn't answer; he felt Tewin's trembling body hugging him; he must have been terrified.

The others also looked at Jack with grateful gazes and shock; the way Jack moved was way above what humans should be capable of doing!

Tewin let go of Jack and wiped the slight tearstains from his face.

Talia finally stopped hugging Joy and looked towards Jack. ''Thank you!''

Jack nodded and waved his hand, saying that it was nothing.

Talia started carrying Joy, not letting go.

The others surrounded Joy and tried to find any injuries but didn't find any.

''BREAKINGS NEWS!'' Their thought process was canceled after a loud voice was heard from the screens, located in some shop windows or simply from large screens of skyscrapers.

Everyone heard that loud voice.

Their heads turned towards the screen, and a middle-aged man was shown.

The News Anchor opened his mouth, ''We have a piece of breaking news, and before that, I hope that you all will stay calm and not panic.

''Earlier today, certain Villain appeared in Joyful, it isn't some ordinary Villain, it is one of the most dangerous beings in the world, and he is currently in the city - Please do not approach him, or make any contact, he is extremely dangerous and proved to be very sensitive to violence.''

Two pictures were shown on the screen.

It was a picture of Jack.

The first picture was of him with black and red eyes, giving him a devilish look.

The second one was his handsome look, with an exquisite face and grey eyes.

''Most of you must know who this is. This is The Jack, Disaster of Charity, and he is currently here in Joyful. Still, I can assure you that Heroes Association is doing everything in their powers to stop him from causing any destruction.''

After those words, the screen became normal once again.

Tewin and others looked towards Jack with shock.

''J-Jack... You...'' Tewin's voice trembled.

Jack didn't show his expression; his face was emotionless.

[Rage Meter: 15%]


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