Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 - Body Weight Less than 50 Kilograms

While some of the girls in the class were swooning over Ye Hao, a girl from the next class approached him with her head bowed. She handed Ye Hao an envelope and whispered, “I wrote you this letter.”

With that, she quickly walked away.

Ye Hao gazed at the pink envelope in his hand, wondering, “Could this be a love letter?”

After a brief pause, Ye Hao chuckled to himself. He slipped the letter into his pocket, intending to rejoin his group.

Just then, someone stepped in front of him, blocking his way.

“Ye Hao.”

Bai Hehua swung her hand at Ye Hao's face, but he swiftly dodged.

Ye Hao caught Bai Hehua's wrist and asked, “What's going on?”

“You're despicable,” Bai Hehua hissed through clenched teeth.

“What are you talking about?” Ye Hao was perplexed.

“You're a piece of trash!”

“Bai Hehua, have you lost your mind?” Ye Hao's face grew stern. He wasn't close to Bai Hehua and had no clue why she was lashing out at him.

Before Bai Hehua could say more, Zhang Lan hurried over and asked, “Bai Hehua, what are you doing?”

“I'm trying to get justice for you.”

“There's no need,” Zhang Lan replied firmly.

“He's obviously your boyfriend, yet he's so close with other girls. Why defend him?”

Zhang Lan's face turned icy as she said, “Bai Hehua, I've already told you not to meddle in my affairs.”

“Zhang Lan.”

Zhang Lan didn't respond, but her steady gaze met Bai Hehua's.

With a soft sigh, Bai Hehua said, “Zhang Lan, you're being foolish.”


Shaking her head, Bai Hehua walked away.

Zhang Lan gave Ye Hao an apologetic look and said, “I'm sorry.”

Ye Hao opened his mouth to speak but ultimately remained silent.

Back with his group, Ye Hao noticed his classmates whispering and pointing at him.

He felt a sense of resignation.

“Ye Hao, aren't you going to read the love letter Xu Mengmeng sent you?” Zheng Xiaolong nudged him.

“Do you know that girl?”

“Absolutely! That's Xu Mengmeng, the prettiest girl in Class Three. In our school's beauty rankings this term, Zhang Lan is at the top, with Xu Mengmeng coming in second,” Zheng Xiaolong said with a dismissive twist of his mouth.

Ye Hao glanced over at Xu Mengmeng from Class Three and caught her looking back at him. When she realized he was watching, she quickly looked down.

With a smile, Ye Hao pulled out the love letter from Xu Mengmeng.

It was his first time receiving a love letter.

The letter was brief: “Before I met you, I never imagined I'd write a love letter for anyone.”

Her few words were a full expression of Xu Mengmeng's affection.

The delicate script seemed to carry the fresh scent of grass.

Instinctively, Ye Hao took a gentle whiff of the letter, feeling an immediate sense of calm wash over him.

He carefully folded the love letter and tucked it into his pocket.

Not long after, Ho Jing approached and announced, “Today, we're running ten kilometers. Everyone, stand at attention, turn right, and begin running.”

The 45 students lined up in two rows and followed Ho Jing out towards the school gate.

Upon reaching the gate, they were met with a line of military trucks.

“Board the vehicles,” commanded Ho Jing.

The drive lasted about an hour before they stopped in a mountainous area.


“Regain formation.”

“Follow me,” Ho Jing continued to issue commands.

The mountainous terrain was rough and uneven, making the run particularly exhausting for Ye Hao and his classmates.

While a ten-kilometer run was a breeze for Ye Hao, it proved to be a challenge for the others.

After about two kilometers, many of the girls started to complain. Another kilometer in, they outright refused to keep running.

Ho Jing stated impassively, “Completing the ten-kilometer run is mandatory. Even if you're too tired to run, you must walk to the finish line.”

The students, too intimidated to protest, pressed on with gritted teeth.

In the midst of this, Zhang Lan slipped and was about to fall when Ye Hao, right beside her, quickly caught her.

But amidst the action, Ye Hao heard a sharp crack.

Zhang Lan couldn't suppress a cry of pain.

The students around them quickly formed a circle. Ho Jing made his way through the crowd and hurried over.

“Let me take a look at your foot.” After examining Zhang Lan's foot, Ho Jing realized it was dislocated. Without timely treatment, it could worsen significantly.

“How did you twist your ankle, Zhang Lan?” Ho Jing asked as he gently rotated her ankle.

Not wanting to admit she had been distracted by thoughts of Ye Hao, Zhang Lan replied, “I lost my balance and twisted it.”

Just then, a sharp snap echoed as Ho Jing expertly repositioned her bones.

Zhang Lan let out a yelp of pain, which soon began to ease.

“Your bones are back in place. Ye Hao, please help Zhang Lan walk,” Ho Jing instructed, sensing her reluctance to ask for help.

“I can walk on my own,” Zhang Lan protested, her face flushed.

“Walking alone will only make your foot swell,” Ho Jing cautioned. Standing up, he addressed the others, “The rest of you, keep going.”

Once the classmates had dispersed, Ye Hao spoke gently, “Let's go.”

Zhang Lan nodded, but a sharp pain shot through her left foot as she tried to put weight on it.

Seeing her wince, Ye Hao crouched down before her. “I'll carry you.”

“No,” she refused.

“Don't say no to me.”

“No,” she insisted.

Ignoring her protests, Ye Hao scooped her up in his arms.

Zhang Lan was taken aback, momentarily speechless.

As Ye Hao started moving forward, Zhang Lan's thoughts cleared.

“Put me down, please.”

“I will, but only if you agree to let me carry you.”

“Fine,” she conceded, not wanting to risk further embarrassment in front of her peers.

Ye Hao gently set her down, then squatted and invited, “Climb on.”

Looking at his sturdy frame, Zhang Lan bit her lip and climbed onto his back. Her chest pressed tightly against Ye Hao's back, causing her face to heat up.

”Your breasts aren't small,” Ye Hao remarked abruptly.

“What?” Zhang Lan gasped, caught off guard.

“I used to think they were small, but that doesn't seem to be the case,” he observed.

“Shut up.”

Ye Hao realized Zhang Lan didn't want to discuss the issue, so he fell silent.

He walked with such steadiness that there was no risk of Zhang Lan falling off.

After about ten minutes, Zhang Lan inquired, “Are you tired?”

“You barely weigh fifty kilograms; how could I possibly be tired?”

Zhang Lan retorted indignantly, “I weigh forty-eight kilograms, thank you very much.”

“If you hadn't mentioned that, I would have forgotten something.”

“What's that?”

“Women who weigh less than fifty kilograms are either petite or not particularly well-endowed.”


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