Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 - Shocking

“People who weigh less than a hundred pounds either have small breasts or are short.”

Ye Hao mused, “Zhang Lan stands at 168 centimeters, which is not short for a girl. That leaves only one possibility.”

“Ye Hao.”

“Are you a dog?” Ye Hao blurted out.

Zhang Lan released her bite and whispered, “I want to leave my mark on your shoulder.”

“That might be a tough wish to fulfill.”


“I have thick skin,” Ye Hao said, taking a deep breath because Zhang Lan had bitten his shoulder again, this time with more force.

Ye Hao quickly suppressed the urge of his vital spirit to retaliate.

If his vital spirit had retaliated, it would have certainly shattered Zhang Lan's teeth.

As a result, Zhang Lan's bite drew blood from him.

He wondered, “Why did I say I have thick skin?”

As Zhang Lan continued to bite, tears streamed down her face. “I know I'm not as beautiful, smart, or elegant as Tang Pianpian. I fall short in every comparison, but for some reason, I just like you.”

Ye Hao was deeply moved.

“Tang Pianpian and I are not in a relationship,” he said after a pause.

“Really?” Zhang Lan asked, her voice filled with excitement.

“Really,” Ye Hao confirmed with a nod.

“Put me down,” Zhang Lan requested after a moment.

“What's wrong?”

“Just put me down.”

Ye Hao crouched to let Zhang Lan off his back.

Zhang Lan held Ye Hao still and lifted his military uniform, revealing the blood-soaked T-shirt. She gently touched Ye Hao's wound and asked, “Does it hurt?”

“It doesn't.”

“You're lying.”

“It hurts.”

“Are you even a man?”

Zhang Lan then lay back down on Ye Hao's back.

As Ye Hao rose to his feet, he suddenly heard a shout of alarm.

“Someone has fallen off the cliff!”

Upon hearing this, Ye Hao quickly carried Zhang Lan on his back and ran towards the scene. In no time, they reached the site of the accident.

Ye Hao and Zhang Lan made their way up the winding mountain path toward the summit. Despite the gentle gradient, the ten-kilometer trek brought them to a significantly higher elevation.

“Bai Hehua didn't understand why she fell,” someone said.

“It was as though she was pushed. She tumbled down the slope,” another voice added.

Zhang Lan's face paled at the news.

Gently setting Zhang Lan down, Ye Hao whispered, “I'll check on her.”

“You must bring Bai Hehua back safely,” Zhang Lan implored.

Ye Hao nodded, making his way through the onlookers toward the front.

Ho Jing was pacing nervously at the cliff's edge. The thought of Bai Hehua being in danger was unbearable; the potential punishment he faced paled in comparison to his desire to rescue her.

Arriving at the precipice, Ye Hao immediately spotted Bai Hehua clinging to a tree branch.

Frozen with fear, Bai Hehua gripped the branch tightly, too terrified to move.

“This branch won't last much longer,” Ye Hao observed.

“I've alerted the military district. They'll send help soon,” Ho Jing stated gravely. “But I'm concerned the branch might snap before they get here.”

“Let's take off our jackets and tie the sleeves together to create a rope,” Zhang Lan suggested, struck by sudden inspiration.

It was an excellent idea.

Ho Jing, invigorated by the plan, quickly shed his uniform, urging, “Do as Zhang Lan says!”

Just then, Bai Hehua let out a sharp cry.

Ye Hao saw the branch splintering.

“This is bad,” Ho Jing muttered, alarmed.

After a moment's contemplation, Ye Hao drew the bronze dagger from his pocket. With the crowd watching in stunned silence, he leaped down.

Zhang Lan, watching from a distance, nearly collapsed.

She had urged Ye Hao to rescue Bai Hehua, not to risk his own life.

The classmates rushed to the cliff's edge, only to witness a sight that defied belief. Ye Hao's dagger had lodged into the rock, and he dangled precariously over the abyss.

“Oh my god,” someone exclaimed.

“How did Ye Hao manage that?”

“Ye Hao's courage is astounding.”

“I'm curious, how can Ye Hao's dagger so easily pierce through such solid rock?”

Zhang Lan, wincing with pain, made her way to the cliff's edge. Only when she saw Ye Hao unharmed did she finally relax.

“Nobody speak,” Ho Jing commanded in a stern voice.

This was not the time to distract Ye Hao.

The students got the message and fell silent.

Ye Hao, clutching the bronze dagger, dangled precariously in midair, now level with Bai Hehua.

Bai Hehua caught sight of Ye Hao, her eyes wide with astonishment.

“When I hold you later, you must cling tightly to my waist, understand?”


“Remember, do not grab my hand. If you do, we're both goners,” Ye Hao cautioned.

“Got it.” Bai Hehua's voice quivered, her lips trembling as she spoke.

Truth be told, Ye Hao's level of cultivation meant he didn't even need the bronze dagger.

With the vital spirit coursing through his hands, he could easily crumble the rock.

Ye Hao edged closer to Bai Hehua as he moved.

Reaching her side, Ye Hao said firmly, “Hold on to me.”

“I'm scared,” Bai Hehua sobbed.

Her fear was palpable.

She thought it might be safer to cling to the tree branch.

But as soon as Bai Hehua's words faded, the branch snapped, and she plummeted with it.

Seeing this, Ye Hao instantly withdrew the dagger and leaped after her. But Bai Hehua had fallen a second before him, and Ye Hao couldn't catch up.

Activating his vital spirit, Ye Hao's descent sharply quickened, and he managed to snatch Bai Hehua from the air.

By then, Bai Hehua had passed out from terror.

Ye Hao glanced at Bai Hehua before plunging the dagger back into the rock.

The immense force of gravity made the bronze dagger carve a long gash in the rock before coming to a halt.

In just that brief moment, they had descended a hundred meters.

Climbing back up was out of the question; their only option was to keep descending.

Ye Hao, cradling Bai Hehua, withdrew the dagger once more and stabbed it into the adjacent rock.

Using this technique, Ye Hao carefully descended to the ground, cradling Bai Hehua in his arms.

“Bai Hehua,” Ye Hao gently shook her.

There was no response from Bai Hehua.

“She's not dead,” a serene voice announced at that moment.

A glint of ice shot through Ye Hao's gaze.

He had already sensed something odd about Bai Hehua's mishap. It appeared now that someone had pushed her.

Rising to his feet, Ye Hao fixed his eyes on the figure approaching at a leisurely pace.

“Who are you?”

“Bai Ruo.”


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