Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 176 - Catching the Goblins (Part 2)

Chapter 176: Chapter 176: Catching the Goblins (Part 2)


I was currently staring down at the two goblins that I had tied up to some chairs. Oh yeah, I had taken them to an underground cellar. Okay, fine. It’s not underground. It’s more like a warehouse. How did I get a warehouse? I asked Nayoung for a favor.

“They’re seriously goblins?” Nayoung asked, staring at the two goblins. At that moment, they looked nothing more than two average-looking men.

“Yeah. That’s what they said.”

“Really? How do you know they’re telling the truth?”

“Because they’re a lot faster than the average human,” I said, giving the goblin on the left a good poke on the forehead. He was still out. Then again, he’s lucky he’s not dead. The moment I realized that they were goblins, I had used some of my powers on them. If they had been average humans, they would’ve died. But considering that they’re still alive, there was no doubt that they’re not.

“Wow. This is so cool. So can they change into flames and stuff?”

“I don’t know. Can they?”

Just in case, I placed a fire extinguisher next to us. If they do change into flames, I would use it on them.

“But how did you catch these goblins?”

“It just...happened.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah. It wasn’t that hard.”

Goblins just happen to be a bit stronger than humans. Other than that, no big deal.

“You really are something, Sian. So what planet are you from?” Nayoung finally asked. Then again, I’m sure she’s been curious for a long time. I should probably tell Nayoung now. She’s proven that she can keep a secret.

“I’m actually not from another planet. Just from another century.”

“Another century?” Nayoung said.

“Yeah. Same planet, but I’m from the Goryeo Dynasty.”

“Oh? Then you’re from Goryeo?”

“Yeah. I was killed in battle and ended up here. You’ve seen martial arts movies, right?”

“Yeah. When I was little.”

“I’m from that era.”

“Wow!!” Nayoung gasped. She eyed up me up and down. “Really?”

“Yeah.” I nodded before smiling. I took a step and began to walk up until I was walking on air. With that, Nayoung gasped once more.



“It’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Anyways, there you go.”

“Wow…it’s so cool…then…was it really like in those movies?”

“There are some parts that aren’t true, but for the most part, it was like that. When I saw my first martial arts movie, I was so shocked because it looked so much like where I used to live. I wondered if someone had taken a trip back to my time and came back.”

I really do. How else could they have gotten such an accurate depiction of my world? I’m sure someone had time-traveled to my world and came back.

“Wow…this is super cool…”

“But keep this a secret, okay?”

“Okay!” Nayoung promised with a firm nod.

“And the truth is…”


“The thing is…”

The truth is I’m a man, but can I tell her that? This is probably a good time to say that I’ve been to the bathhouse together with Nayoung. Aside from her flat chest, the rest of her body was pretty amazing. Her butt is so round and firm. And…no, let’s leave it at that. I don’t want to make things R-rated.

“What is it?” Nayoung asked, dying of curiosity. Now that I think about it, what if I tell her I’m a man and she slaps me? For now, I’ll keep this to myself. Yeah, I should. I’ve also touched Nayoung on the chest before. It’s not like I wanted to, it’s just that Nayoung grabbed my hands and placed them on her boobs herself. Saying something how she was jealous of mine. I’ve also touched her butt…after all this, how can I tell her I’m a man…she’d hit me for sure.


“Aw, come on.”

“I’ll tell you next time. Now’s not the right time.”

Yeah. Now is not the right time.

“Okay. But you have to tell me next time, okay?”


“But shouldn’t we buy these goblins something to eat?”

“It’s fine. I’ll let them go after a bit.”


“You should go now, Nayoung. Thanks for the warehouse.”

“Okay. Don’t make a mess. I’ll get going.”


After that, Nayoung left. Couldn’t she stay? Absolutely not. There’s no knowing what these goblins might do to Nayoung. They’re complete trash, so if it comes to it, I’ll kill them right here.

“Hey. Wake up.”

I untied the gag around the mouth of the goblin on the left. Then I gave him a hard slap on the back of his head. His eyes burst open in response.

“What the-!”

“Shut it,” I ordered, glaring down at him. His face hardened. He did not look happy.

“Where did you come from?” he shouted as he tried to burst out of his chair. How dare he? He should be on his knees right now. So I gave him another whack on the back of his head.



“Hey, goblin. Are you really a goblin?”

“Yes…you asshole…” he muttered, glaring up at me.

“And what do you think you’re looking at?”

At that, he hurriedly lowered his eyes. I continued.

“I asked if you’re really a goblin. How many times are you going to make me repeat myself? Are you deaf?”

“Okay, I am!” he shouted. I gave him another smack on the back of his head. No, wait a second. Let’s be nice. Control. I should control myself.

“What are the goblins doing here?”

“We were always here in the first place!”


Makes sense. Where I came from, there were no goblins. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this, but I have supernatural powers. I can actually see ghosts. I don’t like using it but right now, I’ll have to. So, I drew up my powers. My eyes turned blue as ghosts began to appear right around me.


There was one in the left corner over there, another in the right corner. And another one below my feet. Oh, it was a baby.

“What are you doing?”

“Sniff…my mom…threw me into the water…sniff sniff…”

“The water? So why are you here?”

This isn’t the water. This is a warehouse.

“This was a river before. Sniff sniff…”


Now that I look at it, his clothes were from the Joseon era.

“Hey, kid. Your mom is probably already gone. So you should move on as well.”

“No!” the baby ghost suddenly shouted and began to cry. His face began to bloat, just like it did when he drowned. Anyways, the goblin watching all this finally spoke up.

“Hey, you. Quit being so loud and fuck off.”

“Waaahaaaa!” Surprisingly, the baby did stop. So he listens to the goblin, huh.

“Oh, so you really are a goblin.”

“That’s what I said!” He snapped. I stopped myself from hitting him. Really, I’m so nice. And now that I’m looking at him, I can sense the supernatural aura coming off of him as well. Alright, he’s a goblin.


“You are? Who are you?”

“No need for you to know!”

I picked up the fire extinguisher. I planned to hit him with it. If he really was a supernatural creature, it won’t kill him. But just then, it happened. The goblin began to transform into a blue ball of fire!



With that, the goblin was now a blue ball of flames and flew up to the ceiling with a cackle. Then, he came down towards me just as quickly.

“Bet you didn’t expect this, did you? Die, you insolent brat!”

He flew towards me with incredible speed. I swung that fire extinguisher with all my might.


The chemicals hit its mark. And just as I expected, the goblin fire flew away from the gas, out of the hole in the ceiling, and up towards the sky before he disappeared.

“Where did he go?”

I couldn’t see him. He didn’t fly out into space, did he? I stared at the other goblin who was still tied to his chair. He was still out cold.


“No answer.”




Finally, he flinched. Now I knew for sure he was awake. He should’ve been more careful.

“I know you’re not sleeping. Wake up.”


He looked up with a sheepish expression on his face. I could see the fear in his eyes. Considering he’d seen what I did to the one on the left, that’s to be expected. But just then, this one began to change into a ball of blue fire, too! He started to burn everything. In response, I took the pin out of the fire extinguisher and sprayed him as well.



“So there’s already a lot of goblins throughout the entertainment industry?”

“Yes…” the goblin answered. He was currently back on the chair, looking miserable. As soon as he got hit by the extinguisher, he passed out. Maybe he’s weak towards it. Anyways.


“To take over the entertainment world…”


“Because it makes a lot of money, and second, it has the most influence over humans.”



“And what’s your final goal?”


“Tell me.”

“I…I can’t tell you that…please…” the goblin began to beg, but I kept my face stern and he finally pulled a business card out towards me.

“What is this?”

“Our boss.”

“Your boss?”

“You should go to our boss if you want to know anything…”


I eyed the business card. It read Goblin Entertainment Head Manager, Heejin Kim.

“Your boss is a woman?”

“Yeah…you can ask her…and let me go…”

“Let you go?”

“Yes, please!” he begged. Maybe he was uncomfortable.

“Fine. Then go tell this Heejin Kim that I’m going to meet with her soon. Understand?”

“Yes!” he replied obediently. I then untied him. As soon as he was free, he ran out.

“What’s with him?”

I turned back to the business card. Heejin Kim. Her name was pretty. I began to wonder if her body was just as beautiful.


The neighborhood playground. Instead of immediately returning to the dorm, I sat down on one of the swings and began to think. Then I took out my phone to call Jinwoo…when two young men approached me.

“Hey, miss. You alone?”


“Do you want to go for a drink? Our treat,” one of them said, miming a drinking gesture. He let out a drunken snicker. I turned away.

“I don’t drink.”

“Aw, come on~ let’s go. You look lonely. Isn’t that why you’re out here by yourself? We’ll give you a good time.”

“Go away~”

That would be my second attempt to turn him down politely. See how nice I am? Of course, I couldn’t keep it up for long because one of the guys reached out to grab my hand.

“Come on. Come and have fun with us. I said we’ll give you a good time.”

My hands began to clench. I was tempted to snap his wrist, but I decided to give him one more chance and simply pushed him off. Unfortunately, he grabbed my hand again.

“I said go away,” I growled, with some of my murderous wrath behind it for good measure. The two men began to pee on the spot soon after. I guess I accidentally overdid it.

“Ugh. That’s just disgusting.” I stood up. The two remained frozen. Soon, one of them passed out and then the other one followed. Pathetic.


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