Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 177 - The Sexy Female Goblin (Part 1)

Chapter 177: Chapter 177: The Sexy Female Goblin (Part 1)

On my way back to the dorms, I called Jinwoo.

– Yes?

To my surprise, he had picked up before the first ring.

“Hi, Mr. Park.”

– What is it?

He didn’t sound too happy. He was probably still upset about me beating up Jang-chun.

“I need to see you again.”

– Again? Why? I just got home.

“Just for a second. It’s not like you have anything important to do...”

– (...)

For a while, Jinwoo remained speechless. Then, he finally replied.

– And how would you know?

“You’re probably just watching porn, aren’t you?”

– (...)

Again, no answer. And then…

– I don’t watch that stuff.

“Anyways, come out. I have to ask you something.”

– Sigh...

That was one exasperated sigh he let out, but I still wanted to ask him something. I wanted to talk to him about Goblin Entertainment. I’ve never heard of it before, but Jinwoo must know something about them.

– Where are you?

“Near the dorms.”

– Then I guess I’ll see you in thirty minutes.

“No. Five.”

– Huh? You said you’re near the dorms.

“I’m going now. I’ll see you in five.”

– (....)


After exactly five minutes, I was in front of Jinwoo’s house, but it took the man another five minutes to leave his house.


“Why are you late?” I snapped, slightly irritated. Please understand. I’m on my period again. This whole PMS thing seriously sucks.

“Uh, sorry. Anyways, how did you get here so fast…? You said you were near the dorms…?” Jinwoo’s eyes begged for an explanation.

“I just ran.”

“You ran? Even a cab would’ve taken longer than this. Did you actually run?” Jinwoo said, looking almost offended. He probably thought I was joking with him, but it’s the truth. Nothing I can do about that.

“Do you want to see?”

“No, it’s okay. I’m too scared,” Jinwoo said, shaking his head in wonder. It’s for the best. Those who demanded proof were usually so shocked that they passed out. Then, they couldn’t sleep for the next few days. It’s probably for his good that he didn’t see it.

“Never mind then.”

“But what was so important that you had to see me? Why couldn’t you tell me about it earlier?” Jinwoo demanded. Considering that it was cold outside, I couldn’t blame him for being irritated.

“I had to ask you something. Let’s go to a café.”


We soon headed for a nearby café. It was late so there weren’t that many people. There was one couple in the back corner over there, but the girl wasn’t my type so I wasn’t jealous. Unfortunately, the guy was staring at Jinwoo with pure envy in his eyes. He probably thought I was some call girl or something. I wanted to go over there and give him a piece of my mind, but I refrained in the end. I’m an idol, after all.

“So what is it?” Jinwoo asked me.

“Can you buy me some chocolate cake?” I asked in response.

“Am I your wallet or something?”



Jinwoo then bought me some cake before sitting down across from me again.

“So what is it?”

“Do you know anything about Goblin Entertainment?”

“Goblin. It’s the newest entertainment agency, but they have a lot of money so it’s growing pretty rapidly. I hear they’re poaching all the talented actors and singers. There’s going to be a lot more free agents next year. I bet a lot of them will go into Goblin.”

“Are they that big of a deal?”

“Yeah. I have no idea where they got all that money from, but it’s just a rumor. Some say there may be some politicians backing the company up as well.”


Could it truly be goblins?

“But why? Did they make you an offer?” Jinwoo asked warily.

“No,” I answered. Jinwoo let out a sigh of relief.

“That’s good. Don’t you dare go there. After all the trouble I’ve gone through for you, the least you can do is not betray me.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Really. He had nothing to worry about. I had no intention of betraying Jinwoo. Ever. Look at all the tasty food he buys me.

“Great. So is that all?”

“Yes. Oh, is there anything else I should know?”

“Hmm,” Jinwoo thought about it. Just then, the chocolate cake came out and I dug in. It was doubtful that this little cake would fill me up but I was just eating to keep my mouth occupied anyway.

“You know Han Entertainment, right?”

“Of course.”

“Apparently, they really don’t like Goblin Entertainment.”

“Oh, really? Why?”

“I don’t know myself. All I know is that the people at Han Entertainment can’t stand the ones at Goblin.”

“But why?”

“I don’t know. They just do.”


Well, there’s no way Jinwoo would know anyway. But I bet I did though. Han Entertainment has a lot of people like me – people who were reborn with superpowers. And Goblin Entertainment has a lot of goblins. With the goblins hunting out people like me, of course, the relationship between the two companies would be hostile. Oh no, the cake is all gone.

“I’m done.”

“Done already? You really are a pig.”

“Bet you’ve never seen one this skinny.” And with that, I stood up.

“Huh? You’re leaving already?”


“Was that it then?”



“I’ll get going then. See you tomorrow.”


And then, I left the cafe. Only five minutes after meeting with Jinwoo.


Instead of returning to the dorms, I was on my way to Goblin Entertainment. I sure am busy today. Oh, why am I going at such a late hour? Goblins are nocturnal. Don’t think so? Then don’t wake them up.

“Here it is.”

After a while, I found myself in front of the building. It was big. What kind of company needs a building this big? Isn’t it a brand new company? And yet, it was ten times bigger than ours. Maybe our company building was just small? No way. It was Goblin Entertainment that was too big. It was like a conglomerate building.


The front door was locked. How can I get in? Should I just break in? Oh, there was a security guard over there. But when he saw me, he looked confused. I doubt he’d open the door if I asked. For the moment, I decided to retreat. I looked up at the building. Way, waaaay up there, I saw a light in the window. It looked suspicious. I bet it was the goblins. And so, I began to scale the wall. What if someone saw? It was late at night, so I had a feeling no one would see.

Soon, I was at level with the window. I leaned over to peek inside...and what I saw made my eyes widen. I saw the most beautiful woman pacing in her office, reading a document in her hand.


I almost lost my grip. Just then, the woman looked up and her eyes met mine. With a perplexed look on her face, she approached me.


I found myself caught off guard. I did not expect a goblin to be this beautiful. It wasn’t just her face either. Her body was incredibly sexy. Her chest was especially voluminous and amazing. Soon, she was at the window and opened it slightly.

“Who are you?”

“A human,” I said, still holding onto the window.

“A human? You’re telling me a human was able to scale this wall?”

“Of course.”

“Sweetheart, this is the 50th floor.”

“Oh, really?”

With a mere shrug, I swung myself into the office. I straightened up and stared at the woman again. Her body really was amazing. Especially her curves. I almost reached out to touch them.

“You’re a goblin, right?” I asked.

“Do I look like one?” she asked with a smile.

“Now that I think about it, you kind of do.”

“Fine, then. And what about you?”

“I’m a human,” I answered politely. We might be from two different worlds but I still had manners.

“A human, huh? Well, I can see that’s true. I got confused for a second because I can sense another soul inside you.”


Who was this woman?

“You’re actually a man, right?”

“You know?”

Seriously, who was this woman?

“No need to be surprised. I am a goblin, after all. That’s how I know.”


I was shocked. It hasn’t even been a minute since we met and this woman already knew everything.

“So you’re one of those reborn superhumans, right? What are you doing here?” the woman asked, still smiling. Meanwhile, I still couldn’t take my eyes off her chest. It looked bigger than mine. I’m a C-cup. So if she’s bigger than me, then…would you be able to focus if you were me? I definitely couldn’t.

“Before we start, would you mind covering up your chest? I can’t concentrate.”

“And if I don’t?”

‘If you don’t, I’m going to touch them.’

Luckily, I said that to myself. But then…

“Go ahead. Touch them then.”


What the hell? Did she just read my mind? And what does she mean go ahead? I’ve never seen a woman so cool before.

“Your face says it all.”


Is she a mind-reader? How could she know what I’m thinking?

“You can touch them. You’re a man, right? I’m sure you prefer big sizes.”


I once read in a book that you’re dead meat if you allow yourself to be lured by a goblin. I’m sure that’s what this woman was doing. I have to control myself. Yeah. Haven’t I done that every time I took a shower with the other members of Lovely Girlz? I can take this much. I was already well-practiced in the Buddhist hymns.

“Not really.”

“Oh, really? Well, that’s the first time I’ve heard such a response.”

“Heh,” I smirked. Good job, Sian. I truly am the best of the best.

“Alright then, sweetheart. I’ll cover them up.”

With that, the woman took a cardigan and put it over herself. I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed at that. Anyways, she spoke up again.

“There. Better, right? So let me ask again. Why are you here?”

“I was curious.”

“Oh, really? You’re not here to fight us?”

“I have no reason to fight you.”

“Really? Then why did you attack my boys?” she asked, still smiling. She looked so composed. Like a real boss.

“They were bothering me, so I hit them. Then...are you Heejin Kim, the Head Manager?”

“Yes, I am. The beautiful Heejin Kim. What do you think now that you’ve met me?”

“You are beautiful.”

‘And your chest.’

“Well, that much is obvious. I’d been hoping for something more original.”

I should’ve said that last part out loud then.

“Fine. So what are you curious about?”

“What are the goblins doing here?”

“Well, what are you doing here?”

“What’s your plan?”

“Well, what’s your plan?”

“How old are you?”

“Well, how old are you?”


What the hell? How am I supposed to talk to her this way? The woman laughed at the look on my face.

“Okay, okay. Go ahead and ask me. I’ll answer.”


Seriously, what’s with this woman? Anyways, I asked again.

“What are the goblins doing here?”

“We’ve been here since the beginning.”


“What’s your plan then?”

“I told you, we’ve always been here.”

Was this woman deaf or something?

“How old are you?”

“360 years old.”


360 years…I knew goblins could live for a long time, but I didn’t expect her to be this old.

“So you’re a grandma.”

“You’ve ever seen a grandma this hot?”


I could see that it would be hazardous to carry on a conversation with this woman.


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