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Chapter 175 - Catching the Goblins (Part 1)

Chapter 175: Chapter 175: Catching the Goblins (Part 1)

“What’s up with him?”

“Right? That sort of strength is impossible for a human.”

“You mean he’s not human?”

“I mean he is, but…I don’t know.”

“Hey. I heard a rumor that the heavens are sending people from other dimensions into our world with superhuman powers.”

“Really? Why?”

“To catch us. The goblins.”

“Ha. Yeah, right. How can humans catch us?”

“I heard that these humans are different. All the skilled professionals at Han Entertainment are people from different dimensions reborn as people in this world.”

“Oh, really?”

“How do you not know this? Living in Uzbekistan for the last century has really messed with your head.”

“Uzbekistan is full of beautiful people. Rolling around in bed with them every night did make me go a little crazy.”

“Anyways, I think this guy is one of those people reborn from a different world.”

“I want to meet him. What does he do?”

With that, the two men stood up as they held up a tablet. Then, they saw me.

“What’s with her?”

And soon, they left the café.

“What’s with them?”

That was me as I took off my mask while staring at their gradually disappearing figures. If you’re wondering what was going on, it’s been an hour since I beat up Jang-chun and he had to go to the hospital. I was waiting at a café now because Jinwoo called. In other words, I was waiting for him. And that’s pretty much how I ended up hearing the conversation of those two guys.

“What goblins?”

I definitely heard them refer to themselves as goblins, and they were watching a video of me on the tablet. I also distinctly heard them talking about heaven and the people at Han Entertainment. They were surely not your average people.

“Should I follow them?”

I really wanted to ask them what they were talking about earlier.

“Ugh, too bothersome. I’m sure they’ll find me anyway.”

Didn’t they say they were curious about me and what I did? And that they wanted to meet me? I’m sure they will. I can ask them then.

“Speaking of meeting, where the hell is Jinwoo?”

It’s already been fifteen minutes and he still hadn’t arrived. Just then, a middle-aged man entered the café. It was Jinwoo.

“Hey, Jinwoo. I mean, Mr. Park.”

I waved at him. Upon seeing me, Jinwoo speed-walked over to me. He did not look at me.

“What’s with your face?”


Without a response, Jinwoo sat at the table across from me. Then, he downed the coffee in front of him. The coffee I had paid for.


“It just came out.”

“You should’ve told me.”

“You should’ve asked.”


He took another tentative sip after blowing into the cup.

“So why’d you call me?” I asked. Jinwoo scoffed.

“Do you seriously not know?”

“I don’t,” I said, keeping my face innocent. Jinwoo smirked before he answered.

“It’s about Jang-chun.”


“You really did a number on him.”

“I went easy on him.”

If I’d really gone for him, he’d be dead. What was Jinwoo’s problem? But Jinwoo remained silent.


“What? Did his company say something?”

“Of course they did. It’s a huge mess. The agency president is getting on a plane as we speak.”

“I see,” I answered.

“You’re acting as if this is happening to someone else. Well, thanks to you, our Chinese projects are all finished.”

“Right,” I answered, not feeling remorseful at all. Why should I? One, I’m not one to feel apologetic and two, I did nothing wrong. HE was trash so I treated him like one.

“Well, as long as you know. So why’d you hit him?”

“I saw him hit Hak-gyu and I got mad.”

“Jang-chun hit Hak-gyu?”

By the look on his face, this was news to Jinwoo.

“Yeah. He was hitting Hak-gyu all over and beating him up.”

With every word, Jinwoo’s face became more and more hardened, but his voice remained composed.

“Still, you shouldn’t have gotten involved.”

“Would you have been able to?”

“No,” Jinwoo said, shaking his head. See? That’s what I thought.

“Told you. That’s why I hit him. Get it now?”

“Yeah…good job.” In the end, Jinwoo had to praise me. But then, he continued.

“But can I ask just one thing of you?”

“What now?”

“They want an apology. Not that I know if they’ll accept it. But just apologize, okay? They’re not happy in China right now. The amount of people criticizing you is no joke. There are millions of them. ”


The Chinese netizens are on a different level. Millions…that does sound bad.

“I don’t want to.”


“Do you want me to?”

“Yes,” he answered earnestly. I found my resistance crumbling after that.

“Okay, fine. I’ll do it.”

“Thanks, Sian!” Mr. Park said. His face brightened immediately. I mean, it’s just an apology. It shouldn’t be that hard. I’ll just have to close my eyes and do it. But…but…if something happens, there’s no apologizing. I’m just going to beat them up even more.


Now that my meeting with Jinwoo was over, I headed back to the dorms. Just then, Jia called me.

“Hey, Jia.”

– Sian, where are you?

“I’m heading back to the dorms now. Why?”

– It’s late. I’m worried about you.

“Don’t worry. I’m almost there. Did you take a shower?”

Why did I ask that?

– I’m waiting so we can take one together.

“Oh, really?”

Is this why I asked? Because I was hoping she would say that? But to be honest, I didn’t want to take a shower with her. Every time I see her without her clothes off, I feel uncomfortable. I just can’t get used to it.

– Yeah. So hurry up!


And soon, we hung up. Just then, two men came around the corner. They looked rather old. Hey, they were the two men from the café. Wow, that was fast.

“Hey, lady.”

That was the one on the right, so I answered.

“Yeah, asshole?”


They two remained speechless. After about ten seconds, the guy on the left spoke up.

“It’s only our first meeting. That’s a little rude, don’t you think? Then again, I heard you’re pretty rude.”

“Your face is rude,” I said. The man frowned, but then, he started to laugh heartily.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“There really are all kinds of people in this world.”

I tried to pass them but the one on the right blocked me.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Did you just push me?” I demanded. He smirked. He clearly didn’t think much of me.

“Yeah. What are you going to do about it?” he jeered. My fist flew towards his face.


That was the sound of my fist hitting air. In other words, he managed to dodge my fist.


I was shocked. No average human would’ve been able to dodge that, but he did. That means he’s definitely a goblin.

“I knew it. You’re not a normal human. You’re pretty fast,” the guy on the right continued. The guy on the left nodded in agreement. It was he who spoke next.

“So were you really reborn into a new body?”

“How did you know?”

I asked. Were they actual goblins? Does this mean they actually exist? If that’s true, this is big news to me.

“How do you think? There are rumors throughout the goblin community right now. That’s the reason why I asked. And now we know it’s actually true.”

The guy on the left gave my body a thorough scan. I wanted to gauge his eyes out, but I held back. This time, I asked the question.

“So you’re actual goblins?”

“Oh, how did you know?”

“I overheard you guys.”

“You overheard us?”

“At the café.”

“Oh…oh! Oh! So you were the girl at the café with the mask on! I knew there was something strange about you!” the guy on the left cried, pointing at me.

“See! I told you there was something off about her,” the one on the right spat out to his partner.

“Well, whatever. Moving on. So why’d you come to find me?” I asked. I was seriously curious. Why did they come looking for me? I, for one, wanted nothing to do with these guys. Even if I did, I wouldn’t say it out loud.

“Why do you think?” the one on the left asked with a smirk.

“I just asked the same question, asshole,” I said. His face hardened. Then, he answered.

“We just wanted to see what kind of person you were. And why they’re sending people from other worlds into this one. We wanted to know if the rumors were true – that you’re here to get rid of us.”

“Oh, really? I don’t think so. I think my rebirth was an accident.”

Yeah. I mean, me being born in a woman’s body had to be a mistake. I’m sure the others were reborn by accident as well.

“There’s no way it was an accident. Gods don’t make mistakes,” the goblin said with certainty.

“And how do you know that?”

“Because I’m one as well,” the goblin said with a shrug. I snorted. He’s a god? Yeah, right. He wished.

“Did you just laugh at me?”

“You? A god? That’s funny.” I cackled. The one on the left grabbed me by the back of my head. In response, I reached for the back of his. But then, he dodged my hand again and reappeared behind me.

“Still, a human can’t win against a goblin…wait? Where did she go…?”

“Behind you, asshole.”

Yep. The moment the goblin appeared behind me, I put in a burst of speed and sped behind him. At the sight of me, the goblin gasped.


Unfortunately for him, it was too late. My hand made its mark against the back of his head.


It was so loud that it rang throughout the whole neighborhood. And the goblin passed out. So goblins can lose consciousness too, huh? But wow. My hand actually hurt. He must have a really hard head.

“My god, is his head made of rock or what?”

It was really hard. Anyways, I stared at the goblin on the right and he immediately took a step back. He’s the one who giggled when he managed to dodge my fist. Now he looked shocked at how fast I could be.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

“I…I have to go back…miss…”

Well, look at him being polite all of a sudden.

“Go where?” I asked with a smirk.


With that, he turned and began to run. I took off my shoe and threw it at him.



Bullseye. A clean hit. With that, the second goblin went down as well. And that’s how I caught two goblins. I feel like a Pokemon master.


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