Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 441 441: 3 Man 1 Dog Coup De Tat I

Chapter 441 441: 3 Man 1 Dog Coup De Tat I

A dive out of a moving plane with no parachute or safety measures. This might be the 23rd century but humanity had not developed the power of flight biologically….. until now that is.

The wind rushed past Cole's ears, suffering his body as the tight fitting clothes he had hugged his body. It was weird, how could carry out an assault with only a black long sleeves turtle neck, black cargo pants and steel toes black combat boots. He was not even wearing out any sort of bullet proof vest, whatever Cole was coming to face down here, it would be no challenge and he was tired of acting as if he did not have the power to turn the whole world upside down if he wanted to.

Cole twisted his body in the air with the freefall. They were lucky that they had not triggered the Villa's security systems, even a fly triggers it much less the grown people that just droop3d in. Cole of course was of the idea they only needed to be stealth like to get through the perimeter, from here on out it would be making as much noise and destruction as possible.

This way the innocents or those who know better, and more often than not, people around here knew better. No wants to die before their time, and even if it was their time, Cole was sure none of them would want leave this earth with the kind of violence this family of revenge seeking half-enemies could dish out.

They fell like missiles from the sky, the whistling sound their bodies made was what the guards in duty could hear first. And it was weird but then again the sound was only obvious for a few seconds as Cole, Kaito and Their Aunt dropped through the domed main hall of the presidential villa with Metal right in tow, using Thrusters for a more controlled fall.

*Crash!* *Crumble!* *Bang!*

They went through glass and concrete before landing on the ground, the force of gravity in conjunction to the power they had crushed the ground and created a powerful shockwave that carried a cloud of dust with it, covering the entire main hall, which at the moment had multiple entrance that was about to be filled with soldiers all head in their direction.

Cole stretched his hands out as Azazel materialized in his right hand, then imposing his will on the weapon, it's handgun form transformed, shifting into a new standard World Council Ak-717 Space Force standard issue semiautomatic assault rifle. Cole had much familiarity with this Gun than even any other weapon.

This gun had always been a favorite of his grandfather. Half a meter long and a good five meters wide. The gun shot bullets encased in extremely powerful air pockets propelled at close to the speed of Mach 5. So without a doubt the idea behind this gun was not one that anyone could take for granted. Plus then there was the fact that this wasn't the same Ak-717 but rather Azazel, a fallen angel whose body had been transformed into a weapon…..this was probably Overkill.

Under the cover of the dust cloud that they had created with their arrival, Cole opened fire, his brother and Aunt were not the gun types as they each took one of the five tunnels that led out of the hall they had all landed in. There was a lack of vision due to the dust, the soldiers here could not see Cole, and even if Cole could not see through dust….. emotions were going wild all over the place, and with Cole here it was like fish in a barrel.

*Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!*

Four shots, four bodies dropped. The soldiers who had been rushing forwards all came to a screeching a halt as they returned fire, screaming orders at each other and firing into a dust cloud. Which was stupid, on the other side we're other tunnels and other soldiers, friendly fire is a very real thing.

Regardless Cole could not be bothered as he laid himself flat on his stomach and shifted Azazel to it's normal sniper form. From there it was a matter of turning and rotating himself like the hands of a clock as he took shots into each of the tunnels not occupied. Neral on the other hand remained close to his master, Delarosa had not come out to play yet, which was all part of the plan. She was a trump card in case things go sideways and they need an extra hand.

There were screams, but the dust cloud were behind maintained by Neral who was flying above using the wind generated from his thrusters and mini wings to drive the dust Cloud into the tunnels. The extent of the damage the four of them had caused when dropping in was crazy enough that whole pillars were now rubble, in fact Cole could feel a major collapse of this section of the villa was coming soon.


"Hold fire! Hold fire! Sergeant Lawal throw a grenade, aim for the-"


"Sorry Sergeant Lawal! No orders for you today, courtesy of the Night fucking family!" Cole could see when the expression of the Sergeant changed from shock to absolute horror. By that point much of the dust cloud had escaped, there was still massive hole in the roof after all.

Cole stood up with Azazel propped on the ground in his left hand and Black Malakai snugly held in his right. Only half of his visage could be seen, but under the dim moonlight and the reflection of light from other parts of the house, his half exposed all black form, was akin to something from a horror movie.

And as they all watched in shock, Cole pulled out his half face mask. He has never been able to pull out his armor out of his inventory, but Pieces of it like this can work. Cole looked up, eyes a reddish gold that seemed to blaze with malice and hate. Death incarnate, the boggy man made flesh, The Lord of Chaos.


Just that one word, not even technically a word but still. The soldiers went wild, some turned and ran, most cursing in their local dialects. One guard was particularly colorful with his expletives thrown about using the Hausa language. Cole never thought it possible for someone's mother to be insulted so….. vulgarly and colorfully.



Cole really felt bad, it was as if they were trying to slay a very terrifying monster. He used [Gravity] letting it deflect all of the bullets being shot at him. But Cole had kept it close to his body, some to the eyes of the soldiers... Cole was bulletproof.

Even if he said he was done wasting time, Cole was even a lot more broken inside now. Now it was no more about just killing his enemies, no now it was about the torture, psychologically. He enjoyed the fear, he wanted to remember it, to remember what it felt like to be weak! So that he would always continue to strive for his strength.

With the sight of the 'Bulletproof' demon, a little more of the soldiers left turned and ran. These guys will spread the panic to the rest of the villa. Cole put Azazel away, the fallen angel had already done it's job, now it was time for his son to dance.

[Umbra Sword Garden]


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