Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 440 440: The Northern Campaign X

Chapter 440 440: The Northern Campaign X

The king sat down on his throne and was reading through the reports with a heavy heart. Cole had succeeded in his mission but at a great personal cost, no one has heard from him or his yet.

Never the less, the return of the city of Te Merea back to royal rule was a advantage. The Guilds had a small period of celebration, after all it seemed as if they have finally struck a significant blow to the World Breaker, going around the restrictions that the system has put on them.

But they had scarcely gone through their celebration when another rumor started to spread across the city. In all honesty thinking had to admit that Cole's method were efficient and quite ruthless too. The victory had set a dialogue of the being in a weakened position, and then came along rumors of retribution.

Somehow much of what happened on the battlefield had been expanded with even select clips being used and sent across the city. The Guilds were 0ainednin as much of negative light as possible and the whispers were incensed by the singular fact that the 'World Breaker' was going to return to Te Boreas for revenge.

Of course it was just a rumor that was slowly getting a sort of religious following. It was weird but ultimately the Lord of Chaos as many have taken to start calling Cole now, would return to Te Boreas and get revenge on the guilds that had cost him his friend, and it would be bloody.

This rumor was given even more conjecture as all Raens and their allies within the vicinities of the Adventurer's and Craftsman guilds, left the area. Those who were a part of the guilds too also left, regardless of whatever contract that's binding them to the guilds. It was enough to put a little bit of tension in the hearts of everyone, but no one was more worried than the king.

He had skin in the game after all, it was not just his kingdom that would be in harm's way in regards to Cole's impending revenge, but his daughter who had now become an astute follower of that bloody agent of Chaos.

The king knew he could not deny Cole his vengeance, but given how large this city was….. there would probably be innocents caught in the crossfire, the level of destruction that Cole brings to the table was way beyond what a person of his level of strength should be capable of, but still he was still an environmental hazard wndH3 king was worried about picking up the pieces of his kingdom once Cole was done.

He was quite worried if perhaps the end really did justify the means. If Cole marched up here driven by his anger, the amount of destruction the city would suffer was one he shuddered to imagine. He had received reports on Te Merea, the great walls and much of the city's roots have been destroyed. The casualties were minimal for their side, just some soldiers in the city caught in the shock waves from his battle with the Aspirant the guilds had hired.

If Cole could not be rational and go wild and all out with the guilds, the king would have to go against him in order to protect his own city. And to have a conflict so soon after an alliance with him, would be extremely problematic. Already the guilds were reaching out to him and holding the city ransom, they wanted to force his hand to stand by theirs once Cole gets back.

If he refused they had stated in no certain terms that they would not be going down quietly. The city would also pay the price for his sins. They were promising collateral damage, but the problem was that even if he banded with them in order to stop Cole, there would still be most definitely 'Collateral Damage' and much more so when the person on the other side of the battlefield was Cole fucking Raen Night!

In the end perhaps the only way he would be able to survive this with the least possible fall out for himself and his people would be to be neutral. Support no one and help no one, he wasn't under any compulsion or deals to support the guilds, they were foreign components in his government and he would love to very much get rid of them…. Preferably with less damage to infrastructure.







Cole really likes stealth planes, for example this one was built….well it was built…..he didn't know at all. But bottom line is, he loved stealth planes, they could let someone do cool shit like jumping out of a plane thousands of feet into the air with no parachute.

But if you think that was wild, then maybe you should consider the fact that they were dropping over the presidential villa, where the leader of nation of Nigeria lives and not just the leader but a major representative on the World Council.

The operation that was carried out on the Night estate and the boycotting and seizing of their businesses and was all done from this seat of power. of course the world council would provide manpower and equipment, but ultimately it would be done at the purview and control of the leader living in this house.

"Do you think the president is arrogant? I mean when you think about it, he left their extremely secure location and came back to his house, he knows you're not dead yet. The guy has absolutely no fear, but he will know fear soon enough, the Grand General Neral Raenbond will make sure of it."

Cole rolled his eyes at the cyber dog's posturing, there was no need to water time any more. The doors of the plane slid to the side as the wind whipped loudly through his hair. The stealth plane was actively isolating and jamming any signals. No information lefts it's confine and no information can come close to it. A digital ghost and a physical one too….. invisibility mode was a feature.

"You guys have to go now! Your window is closing!"

Cole nodded as he and his small team of very pissed revenge driven relatives, Undead demonic shadow assassin and a cybernetically enhanced undead demon dog, jumped out of the plane, with Chaos being the only thing on their minds.


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