Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 442 442: 3 Man 1 Dog Coup De Tat II

Chapter 442 442: 3 Man 1 Dog Coup De Tat II

Screams filled the air as hundreds of blades surged out of the ground, stabbing through the bodies of any of the soldiers that were still attacking or unoccupied with attacking either Cole his family members of his deranged mechanical dog.

lightsΝοvel However some of the soldiers or rather just three of them were actually aspirants, silver ranked from what he could tell. They were no where as close to his power, but they were aspirants none the less which meant they were a threat. That was the thing with aspirants, you can never tell who had a skill or an ability or knowledge that fully counters you, the situation with Tiana was more than enough proof.

They rushed at him, shooting at him in the process as Cole waved BlackMalakai left and right, deflecting the bullets that they were firing at him, as he slid to the ground but used his left hand to halt his momentum by digging into their tiles in the ground. His hand went it like it was butter and he pulled himself towards the attacking Aspirants, his body gliding low on the floor.

They shot at him as Cole used [Gravity] to defend against the shots and propel himself into the air, where he transformed Black Malakai into a great sword again and brought it crashing down, awash with chaotic energy unto the heads of the aspirants.


A cone of energy was blasted out of Cole's blade as one part of the presidential villa was turned to rubble. Cole was not delusional or hypocritical, he knew without a doubt that the there were probably innocents that had been caught in his attack, but he was not stopping regardless. This was what it was all about when it came to revenge, the basic truth of the matter was that everyone got hurt, id didn't matter who you fucking were.

Once the dust cleared, all that was left of the two silver ranked aspirants was a splotch of blood. Cole turned to seen Neral wrenching his head left and right as his ripped out the throat of a soldier. It was a brutal sight, but it was at that point Cole finally realized something…..or perhaps he had already come to this realization many times and it was sinking again.

"We're not the good guys." He whispered to himself, with his brother pitching and offering advise when he wasn't asked for one.

"Of Course we're not Cole, that fucking system has made it so that there are no good guys. Only power and those strong enough to weld it. We're here for revenge and not just that I also know we're here to make a statement or at least some level of change to make our people take the threat of the incoming system more seriously, and the only way to do that is to g8ve them an enemy that scares everyone, even the powers that they're selling us out to."

Cole raised an eyebrow, he had no idea what Kaito was talking about. It did not even cross his mind about scaring people or making a statement. But it seems there were many others thinking on his behalf, not that he asked them to. But never the less, it was good to know that he had more reputation than he originally thought.

Never the less he still had work to do. He looked around, by this point he was sure there would be moving the president to a bunker somewhere deep in the Villa. But it did not matter, finding him would not be too hard. Cole shrugged his shoulders and moved forwards, his Aunt and brother right behind him, both also cutting a bloody figure just like him, as Neral flew out the hole they had made in the roof to disable any external defenses and ensure the president doesn't choose to run rather hide somewhere.

Cole took closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There were alarms blaring, people screaming and the sounds of feet pounding across the entirety of the villa. Cole focused on the scents, they were many of them, literally thousands of scents.

But somehow he was isolating them, using them to form a mental image of the entire area but observing how the scents moved against the wind. But it was not just the scents though, it was the sounds too. Cole could see far better without his eyes than with it. And then he spread his senses through his shadows, shuddering a bit at the cold feeling that rushed through him as he did so.

He found a large groups of people making their way to an underground hanger. He had no idea what sort of vehicle was placed there but he knew exactly where the president was….or at least someone of incredible importance. He stretched his hand back and touched Kaito and their Aunt on the shoulder, then the world seemed to fall away from there, lurching from normal to freezing to vertigo to standing in front of a 100 people and fighting the urge to puke.

[Shadow Dance]

"Next time you want to do that, a little warning would go a long way." Kaito cursed softly as he said to Cole who was standing in front of the security detail of the president, the president in this case being the middle aged woman holding her children and husband as close to her as possible.

"Well good morning Mrs. President, forgive us for dropping in unannounced like this, but it was pretty much the same thing you did when you sent soldiers in to slaughter my family." His Aunt greeted as she smiled, showing pearly white that promised pain unimaginable.

"Killing me will not bring your grandparents back. You should know that my hands were tied, I'm one president in a Council of over two hundred! When the majority chooses to play around in your backyard, you can't do anything about it because they've got me by the fucking balls!" The president screamed at them, causing Cole to blink as he asked.


"So! It means that I did not want to fuck with you fucking people! The Night family were one of my supporters when I was running for the presidency. We don't betray our own, but I did not have a choice. It's one thing to be a major power

But it's another thing to share that power with almost every other country on earth. And our allies on the world council are just as afraid of you as our dissenters. No one wants to give 7p the power they have, you did not have to attack like this, I came back here to serve as bait to draw you out.

Which was their plan when they used Nigeria military and forces to raid your estates. The businesses swallowing up your night family assets belong to the government yes, but not ours. So what are you going to do now, I want to live, I want my family to live, the people that have died today have done so because of me. So I will take responsibility for that, but as you are now you can't go against the government. They have aligned themselves with that bloody pirate Aleron!

So they have tools and weapons from the 9thwr universe and some place called the soul realm. Weapons capable of defeating you and doing exactly what you claim to be able to do….. breaking worlds."

Cole listened to everything the woman had to say, and seeing how his Aunt relaxed a bit, it was easy to tell that there was no deceit she was Raen now….., she could smell emotions or sense it in her own way. The president was telling the truth.

"Why should I trust you?" Cole asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"For one I can give you the location of the rest of the World Council, two I believe you gave a deal, anything you need from us. Money, land, technology we will pay, as long as you can train some of our soldiers and get them prepared, but not just soldiers. Civilians or any other person who wants to learn from the nation. Whatever you demand as long as it is within our power, we will fulfill it."

Kaito turned to Cole quickly and said to his brother. "This is obviously a trap." Cole nodded to him and said.

"I know brother, but she's also not lying either. And this is too much of an advantage to not take into consideration, or what do you think aunt." Cole asked their Aunt, frankly speaking she was older and for some time she had been their grandfather's shadow. Learning everything from the old man and being one of the Brightest minds of the family, she was just too damn emotional.

"Id say we should kill the bitch and be done with it, but that is not a smart play. Raen Valley might never grow strong enough to face the true powers of the coming universe, but we could be like ants. Have enough individuals with enough force to give any power pause, then grow from behind that. Raen Valley already had an ally in The Boreas and the Dragon Queen's Dungeon.

Having more, especially when you consider she and the soldiers or people who learn or go through King Solomon's Collegium would ultimately have karma with Raen Valley. A bond that will tied them inexplicably to us. So instead ask her right now….."

"Ask her what?" Cole asked impatiently after his aunt had fallen silent fro dramatic effect."

"Ask her to renounce and break away from the World Council!"

"That will be War!" the president screamed horrified to which Cole's Aunt just smiled and said.

"Yes, yes it is!"


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