The World Serpent

Chapter 180 - 180-Citizens Of Azathoth

After their arrival within the Main Hangar of the Fortress Bastion, the Daemon Beast got gathered in the empty city in the Fortress Bastion. It has rather been a while since the Fortress Bastion got built. Even then, most of it was still empty, with no one managing most of the land. It was more like a ghost fortress due to the small population of the Inquisitors. 

Anyway, they have been gathered in the Vast Square of the Western City of the Fortress Bastion. They were about to meet the Master of the Fortress Bastion, the Great Ruler of Azathoth. Not only that, during the way, they have been strapped with translators, so that all of them could understand with each other without any problems. 

"I heard that the Great Ruler of Azathoth has an appearance of a young humanoid girl. An appearance that makes anyone think that she is fragile. But, according to the Leaders. It appears that she was stronger than all the Inquisitors combined. The Inquisitor wasn't exaggerating anything if our Chiefs who personally met with her also agreed."

A Random Daemon Beast said while standing in the Main Square. She was surrounded by numerous Daemon Beasts of different races. It looks like due to the translator, they easily got along and didn't cause any trouble. That was rather beyond the Inquisitor's expectations since they had expected the Daemon Beasts to have a prejudice against each other. 

"I also heard the same from my Chief. There is also information about her feats. I can't believe any of them, but the Inquisitors seemed to be treating her feats as facts. Destroying Mountains, Massacring entire cities, Sinking an entire Region, and being one of the strongest beings within the Realm of Piksyon." 

The Daemon Beasts had doubts after hearing the feats of the Great Ruler of Azathoth. But even if they wanted to doubt it, the Inquisitors gave evidence over the feats. The Daemon Beasts couldn't disagree with any of them. After the revelation of the evidence, the Daemon Beast realized that the Master of the Fortress Bastion wasn't someone or something to be trifled with. 

"Though, I can't believe what I saw. That strange thing that reveals images was kind of magical. It revealed the power of the Master and made us realize that we are nothing but ants for her nation. There should be no reason for someone so great to be picking up ants from the Occidental Region." 

"If we were interfering with her plans. We would have been exterminated without anyone left. The Inquisitors knows no mercy. They would kill anything that dares to defy their master." A Daemon Beast shook his head as he wondered about the loyalty of the Inquisitors. 

"Didn't you hear that the Inquisitors were the Silver Wolves of the Occidental Region? I didn't hear much about them, but according to some of their neighbors. Long ago, they got attacked by the Foreign Daemon Monsters. The Great Ruler of Azathoth saved them, and they swore absolute loyalty to her. After that, they began growing and became stronger than anyone and anything."

It was rather fast for rumors to spread amongst the Daemon Beast. Though, the doubts within their hearts were clearing up due to such rumors. The Daemon Beasts also understood that one Inquisitor could turn the Occidental Region upside down. They wouldn't be able to stop the Inquisitor no matter what they had done. 

"The Rumors are incredibly fast. It's almost unnatural." The Grim Tiger Former Chief in the distance carefully listened to the words of the talking Daemon Beasts. Regina chuckled after hearing the words of her Father and answered with a calm voice. "Isn't it because it is not natural?" 

"The Inquisitors must have spread the rumors so that the Daemon Beasts could gain information not from the Inquisitors but from their fellow Daemon Beast. With their abilities to control the rumors, I doubt that there would be a civil problem in the Fortress Bastion." Regina smirked and explained. 

"I see... As expected of my daughter, You can easily guess their intentions." The Grim Tiger Former Chief was always surprised at the intelligence of his daughter. Even with the truth about her past life, the Former Chief still continued doing what he had always done like before. With little to no information, Regina could always pick up piece by piece and complete the puzzle. 

Though, whether the image of the puzzle was correct or not was dependent on the puzzle itself. 

'I heard that Lord Persia is about to make an announcement for the Daemon Beasts. Such announcement should be about the citizenship of the Nation of Azathoth. Since such was the reason why the Daemon Beast got evacuated.' Regina quietly thought to herself. 

Never did Regina know, an Inquisitor was observing her from the background. Reading through the thoughts of the Daemon Beasts was the Inquisitor's job. They would be able to take care of problems before they would even become a problem. The Inquisitor was supposed to observe Regina. The more she had observed Regina, the more surprised she had become. 

'The Reincarnator is rather intelligent. More intelligent than normal. With her extraordinary information piecing ability. She might be a good help for the Inquisition in the future.' The Inquisitor reported, which echoed throughout the Inquisitors in the Main Square of the Western City. 

'Don't bother the Reincarnator. Our Master is about to arrive. Ready yourselves.' A new order echoed, which resulted in the Inquisitors standing still. They were frozen without any change in their expressions. The sudden change of the Inquisitors got instantly noticed by the Daemon Beast. It was at that moment they had understood what was about to happen. 

"The Master of Azathoth is about to arrive. Quiet yourselves and calm down. Don't speak up without the permission of the Master if you don't want to get exterminated." Such words sounded in the Daemon Beasts in the Main Square. Even with the rumors, it was still a fact that Persia had exterminated over half of Daemon Beasts within the Occidental Region.

The Inquisition had no intention of hiding such a fact. They were even the first ones to release such a piece of information. According to some random guy, one is intelligent enough to think for himself, while a group is incredibly dumb and simple. Either due to the fact that a group speaks through the voice of the mass or maybe the sense of invincibility?

Thankfully, that wasn't the case, as the Daemon Beasts had understood that group power has no power in such a situation. Grouping themselves and creating a voice of the mass wouldn't work in front of a being that could get considered as the God of the Occidental Region. 

The metallic door right beside the stage slowly opened. A Silver-haired young girl exited from the metallic door and walked towards the center of the stage. The Daemon Beasts intently gazed upon her as she arrived at the center and looked at the Daemon Beasts with her golden amber eyes.

The Great Ruler of Azathoth had finally revealed herself. Their Future Master and the known exterminator of the Occidental Region. From the Daemon Beasts' perspective, the Rumors that said about her body feeling like a fragile glass were true. Not only that, but the Rumors about some heavy pressure escaping from her body were also true. 

Persia stood calmly at the center of the stage. The Inquisitors were right beside her, guarding every nook and cranny of the square. The Daemon Beasts Leaders, on the other hand, were interested in what the Great Ruler of Azathoth had to say towards the Daemon Beasts. 

"It's nice to meet you, Daemon Beasts of the Occidental Region."

"I am Persia, the Great Ruler of Azathoth."

"I have gathered you here so that you would be unaffected by the war. Or so what you think. Let me ask you one thing, Daemon Beasts.."

"Do you wish to be always protected? Kept in a small area without knowing anything about the Greater Outside World? I am sure that the Occidental Region is already too big for you but aren't you interested in the World Stage?"

"All of you have been doing everything so that you can have the next generation. You were always worried about food or other predators. No matter how much you had waited. None of you would be able to evolve into the Daemon Monster Category naturally. Even if you took thousands of years as a price." 

"I do not ask for your loyalty. Though, I do want you to consider staying in Fortress Bastion during the Great War. Speaking of loyalty, if some want to join the Inquisition. I can make them evolve into Daemon Monsters." 

"There is no need to be forceful as the relationship takes time. My Inquisitors didn't grow that way in an instant. They simply have a long amount of time serving me. So, let me ask you Daemon Beasts once again. Do you wish to join the Nation of Azathoth?" Persia had a smile of a saint when speaking such words. 

A relationship born from benefits was something easily broken. But who said that such a relationship wouldn't evolve into something better? Persia was laying the foundation for the Daemon Beasts. Even if they were some betrayers in the future, she could simply crush them the moment they betrayed her. 

Despite the uncertainty on the Daemon Beasts' faces, the Daemon Beasts Leaders walked forward and bowed towards their Master. 

Loyalty wasn't something bought from benefit but something cultivated from it.

"I look forward to your cooperation.." Such was the last words of the Demon Lord. 


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