The World Serpent

Chapter 179 - 179-Completion Of The Evacuation And Extermination

Within the Nation of Azathoth, in the Fortress Bastion Main Hangar. Dozens of Giant Military Aircrafts slowly landed on the metallic floor. The Military Drones returned their former spots, and some Inquisitors guarded the Main Hangar as civilians from outside the Nation were about to exit the transport ships. It has been a while since the operation started. 

It was the evacuation and the extermination of the Daemon Beast. 40% of the Daemon Beast that agreed would be evacuated, while the 60% that disagreed or were hostile would be eliminated. Persia had already thought about the possibility of the destruction of the Daemon Beast Ecosystem. But she wouldn't worry about such things if there weren't any Daemon Beast to begin with. 

As the Military Transport Ships fully landed, their metallic ramps slowly opened. Daemon Beast of the 40% started exiting their respective Transport Ships along with the Inquisitors sent to pick them up. Some Daemon Beast was injured though they were the group near the Outskirts of the Occidental Region. 

The Inquisitors exiting their Transport Ships began ordering the Daemon Beast to get in line. The Daemon Beast followed as they had known the Inquisitor's strength. They had seen the Inquisitor fight, and they knew that they wouldn't stand a chance against the Inquisitors. 

An Inquisitor stood in front of the gargantuan metallic door. She looked at the obedient Daemon Beas and smiled. It appears that the ones who got evacuated were intelligent enough to know that Chaos wasn't the way. While gazing at them, the Inquisitor spoke with a calm voice. 

"Calm yourselves... We are the Inquisitors, the Main Organization managing the Nation of Azathoth. One of the Five Supreme Nations within the Great Forest. I'm sure that your Leaders had reminded you of the situation. About the fact that at this moment, Inquisitors are currently fighting against a foreign region." 

"We brought you here for the simple fact that you wouldn't get annihilated or enslaved under the hands of foreigners. It is also so that there wouldn't be any variables within the Occidental Region. Frankly, there is only one truth for all of you." The Inquisitor sighed as she remembered the words of Ego and her Master. 

Ego and her Master wanted her to be honest when explaining to the Daemon Beast. Although, there was a possibility it would cause anarchy. It appears that Ego and her Master had some plans in mind. It was her job as an Inquisitor to make the plans come to fruition.

The Daemon Beast, along with their Daemon Beast Leaders, was confused at the last words of the Inquisitor. It was rather cold, unlike the calm words that escaped her mouth before it. Their hearts were wildly beating as they waited for the Inquisitor to continue her words. 

"The One Truth is that only those within the Main Hangar are the only Daemon Beast left within the Occidental Region. The Daemon Beast Ecosystem within the Occidental Region has broken down. Resulting in the simple fact that all of you are the last ones within the Region. Even if you leave the Nation of Azathoth, none of you wouldn't be able to live long for a new generation." 

"They have been exterminated by the Inquisitors. None of them were left alive as in the Great War. They would be enslaved and might even be variables in the Great War. Not only that, the Inquisition doesn't have spare time to take care of strays in the forest. It is simply a clean-up of filth that plagues this forest.  "

The Daemon Beasts couldn't believe what they were hearing. They were the Last Daemon Beasts in the Occidental Region? 60% of them have been eliminated, and the Daemon Beast Ecosystem broke apart. They had nowhere to go as Daemon Beast Ecosystem was the only thing making things move in the Occidental Region.

Also, the fact that the Inquisitors exterminated the Daemon Beasts hostile to them was bothering them. It appears that the Inquisitors were willing to do anything for their Master. If this was true, the Daemon Beasts were rather curious about what kind of Master they had. 

The Daemon Beast Leaders, on the other hand, didn't have any reactions. They had already known such a thing before they had left the Nation of Azathoth to pick up their people. If they wanted to continue living in the Realm of Piksyon, they would have to be loyal to the master of the Inquisition. 

"Does any of you have any questions?" The Inquisitor asked as she gazed at the Daemon Beasts intently while waiting for their questions. No Daemon Beasts reacted until a Daemon Beast walked forward. It was the current Chief of the Grim Tigers. Regina, the daughter of the former chief.

"Miss Inquisitor, what would happen to us now? We don't have anywhere to go, and we would die if we returned back to the forest. With the ecosystem broken, it would take decades or centuries to fix them. Does the Master intend to help us?" Regina questioned as the Inquisitor released a creepy smile. 

"The Master does intend to help you. If you pledge her loyalty to her, you would be able to evolve into Daemon Monsters. You wouldn't need to rely on something as flimsy as the Daemon Beast Ecosystem. You can also finally stand on the world stage. Aren't you curious about the world beyond the forest?"

For some reason, the Inquisitor felt like she was a saleswoman or a real estate bastard. How she knew such words were from the library of the Fortress Bastion. A place where the Inquisitors gather their storage. From the romance genre, the Inquisitor had remembered the charismatic bastards who could coerce customers to buy their products by only using their words. 

"That is understandable, we don't know that much about the Daemon Monsters, but I heard that they are the evolutionary level beyond the Daemon Beast. They can be considered as beings with complete sapience. They can gather their intelligence, create tools, educate their people, and grow as a civilization." 

"Correct, it seems that you had done your research. The Master of Azathoth is a Great Ruler. Beings that rule in the zenith of the Realm of Piksyon. They are very strong as they can annihilate mountains and erase them from existence. I can proudly say that even if there are millions of Inquisitors fighting against her, we wouldn't be able to beat her."

The Inquisitor was proudly saying such words with a genuine smile on her face. The Daemon Beasts gazing upon the Inquisitor understood the deep loyalty of the Inquisitors towards their Master. Even if they weren't loyal to the Inquisitor's Master, the Daemon Beasts weren't hostile towards her either. 

Meanwhile, back in the throne room deep within the Fortress Bastion, Persia instantly appeared with a tired expression plastered on her face. She walked towards the throne and sat as Ego revealed herself beside Persia. Seeing the expression of Persia, Ego was rather curious about what happened during the testing. 

"Did something happen, Sister? I thought you were simply testing your skills in an uninhabited place. It looks like something hit your confidence." Ego could guess the reasoning of why her Sister was like that. Though, she was curious about the details of what happened at that moment. 

"I originally thought that I would be extremely strong after entering the Mythical Daemon Category. Unfortunately, I was a frog in a well. I guess there is a bigger fish. That bastard ocean. One day I will conquer it..." Persia said as if she was taking the unaffected ocean personally. 

Ego looked at her Sister with a strange expression. The pride of her Sister was shaking down because of an ocean? That was a joke she had never heard. But if it was the truth. The Ocean must have been truly vast as even her Sister couldn't make any dent against it. 

"Also, I saw something standing in that ocean. I don't know who it was, but in comparison, to the planet I created. That monster was bigger than it. Though, it appears that they don't have any plans on stepping foot onto the continent, which is a good thing. I'd rather not have Colossus Giants bothering me."

Persia wryly smiled upon saying such words. Hearing the words of Persia, Ego raised an eyebrow. A gargantuan monster in the ocean with the size bigger than a planet. The vast ocean of the Realm of Piksyon has its mysteries as well. After a while of thinking, Ego had a conclusion in mind. 

"If that Gargantuan Monster appeared after you tested your skills. Wouldn't that possibly mean that Sister was the one that had awakened it? We aren't even sure if it was alone, and It might even be the weakest one of them." Ego said her worries honestly. Persia furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing Ego's words. 

"That's correct. I'd rather not deal with them. Let's talk about them the moment they stepped foot on the continent. If they don't, I don't think there is any reason to worry about them. Besides, we have greater problems than a Giant Figure standing in the ocean." Upon saying such words, the giant door of the throne room opened. 

An Inquisitor entered the throne room and walked towards Persia. The Inquisitor then kneeled and reported everything about the Daemon Beast to the Great Ruler of Azathtoh.

"Master, the Daemon Beasts have been gathered together. Shall we begin the contract?"

Persia smirked after hearing the Inquisitor and turned her gaze towards Ego.

"Shall we?"


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