The World Serpent

Chapter 181 - 181-Realization

At that moment, the light of Evolution shone and pierced through the heavens. As if trying to tell that the Occidental Region was growing and growing without any plans on stopping. After the light of Evolution, the reactions were quite interesting. A lot more interesting than the Daemon Monster Evolution of the Inquisitors. 

After they had entered through the Daemon Monster Category, the Former Daemon Beasts were quite shocked and surprised. They didn't expect the evolution to happen so fast and were a bit frozen while being in their human forms. They were also ignorant of the Humanoid Ways, which made them look like kids after the Daemon Monster evolution. 

The Inquisitors took care of the new citizens. It would take time for them to adapt, and they also needed to get trained. Persia had a lot of plans for the future. Since she had built the foundation of her nation, it was time to place the lifeline. After all, a body was nothing without blood.

In the throne room, an Inquisitor was standing in front of the throne. The citizens got sent into their temporary rooms for now. Managing the citizens of the Nation of Azathoth would also be very hard as it was currently in wartime. Persia gazed upon the Inquisitor and said with a calm voice. 

"Give me the reports of the Great War." Her words echoed as the Inquisitor nodded and took out the papers full of information. Such pieces of information could be related to the Occidental Borders, the Main Fronts of the Great Forest, Information about the foreign enemies, and many more. 

"The Occidental Border is calming down. But there are quite problems in the Central and Southern Outskirts. The Orc and Ogre Armies are planning to fight an all-out battle. The Undead Legion is also planning to pierce through our defense line. Though, they have been wiped out. We have Inquisitors buffering the borders, but the results are still dependent on the battle."

After reporting the first page, the Inquisitor gazed at the Great Ruler of Azathoth. Persia was thinking about the first report. It appears that despite being aggressive, the Inquisition was rather passive in the Great War. That was a problem for Persia. She needed the Inquisition to conquer the Endless Grassland. 

"From the report, you have given, the Inquisition is rather passive. I don't remember ordering the Inquisition to simply protect the borders? If there is a chance, advance. Or else, the Great War would be for nothing. I hope that you give these words to your Sisters." Persia said with her serene voice.

The Inquisitor nodded and answered with a calm voice.

"I'll give them the orders of Master."

"About the second report, The Main Fronts of the Great Forest. The Mountainous Front of the Dwarven Nation, The Desert Front of the Elven Nation of Elda, and the Plain Front of the Beastfolk Nation. There are quite a lot of reports about them. I'll only report the main details about them." 

Persia nodded after hearing the words of the Inquisitor and wanted her to continue the second report. 

"The Defensive of the Mountainous Region is rather successful. The Dwarves used their terrain advantages and decimated the Invading Foreign Army of the North. Though unfortunately, it was only the first wave of the Great Northern Army. They are building fortresses on the mountains and are causing artificial landsides to create choke points."

The Dwarven Empire was better than what Persia had expected. They used the advantage of their Mountainous Region. They even created their own advantages by causing landslides to make choke points. Such strategies were something Persia never thought of. Of course, if she was fighting against the enemies of the dwarves. She would have sunk the entire mountainous region. 

"The Defensive of the Great Wall of the Beastfolks was also successful. Despite the major casualties, the Great Wall is still standing without a single scratch. The Beastfolk have been hiding their fangs for centuries. They would be able to buy time against the Arcanum Region. They also have the spirits assisting them." 

The Arcanum Region was a giant problem for the Great Forest. Having only one Supreme Nation handle an entire Continental Region would be foolish. After conquering the Endless Grassland, Persia planned to help the Arcanum Region. She even planned to help the remaining Supreme Nations conclude their Wars.

"The... The Defensive of the Desert Front was a failure. The Foreign Army of the Calidus Desert is piercing through and is causing problems in the outskirts of the Elven Nation. Refugees are traveling towards the north, and the disaster caused by the Great Army of the Desert is spreading on the Southern Great Forest."

Persia furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing such words. She never expected the Elven Nation to lose against the Great Army of the Desert. With the Magic Technology of the Elven Nation, they wouldn't even lose that many troops against their enemies. It was clear that Persia viewed the Elven Nation highly. There must have been a reason for their loss. 

"Do you have vital information about the Great Army of the Desert?" Persia asked as the vital information might push her to help the Elven Nation first. The Inquisitor started looking through the reports and nodded. She then replied with a calm voice. 

"It appears that the Great Army of the Desert can replicate and evolve. The First Days of the defensive were successful, but the Great Army of the Desert evolved through the tactics and technology of the Elven Nation. They easily pierced through without any problems. I even heard that Troop Factories are being built in the Outskirts of the Elven Nation. They are using the dead bodies of the elves to build more of their troops."

"They are the perfect war machine... The ability to easily replicate and evolve. I even doubt that they are Daemon Beasts. Since other worlds exist, they might be aliens. After all, world transfer seemed to occur more frequently. Especially in the Calidus Desert, which is full of archaic structures."

The Inquisitor had her own opinions about the problem. Even Persia couldn't entirely deny the words of the Inquisitor. There might be more aliens in the Realm of Piksyon. It simply looks peaceful as they hide from the population and never reveal themselves. Thinking of such things, Persia understood that being passive wasn't the way at all. 

"After conquering the Endless Grassland, We will send troops in the Calidus Desert and assist the Elven Nation of Elda. This enemy is very dangerous. We must not let them grow. Also, give the Elven Nation of Elda my simple advice. They must burn the bodies of the dead. They need to use scorch tactics." 

Persia said with a serious voice. The Inquisitor tilted her head and asked with a calm voice. "Scorch tactics? What kind of tactic is that, Master?" 

"Scorch Tactics are simple."

"Burn the Forest, Poison the Rivers, Scorch the Land, Destroy the Food, Spread Plague, Exterminate anything in the affected area, and the whole Southern Part of the Elven Nation must be quarantined." 

Persia explained the scorch tactics. The Inquisitor nodded in understanding and said with the same calm voice as before. "I will do everything the Master has ordered me. The Inquisition will follow the words of the Master. We will accomplish it without any questions." 

"Then, I have high expectations," Persia said as the Inquisitor bowed once again and left the throne room. Persia sighed after the Inquisitor left and thought about the report. Ego then teleported right beside Persia and smiled. It appears that her Sister would be busy working this week. 

"You have gotten stronger, Ego. It won't take much time for you to evolve. If you evolve, your Origin Skill might get profound and get stronger." Persia smiled as everyone around her was gaining strength. There was no need for her to worry. Along with the Inquisition and Ego, they would protect each other in the Realm of Piksyon. 

"I have worked hard these days, Sister. I expect a reward after the Great War." Ego smirked as Persia chuckled after hearing the words of Ego. Ego's face then turned serious as she asked Persia a question. "Is there something you need, Sister?"

"Well, the citizens of Azathoth have evolved into Daemon Monsters. I need a teacher, a good one at that. Someone that has taught before and someone that can be trusted. Someone close to me and someone important to me. Education is an important thing, after all." A sly smile slowly formed on Persia's face. 

"If Sister wants me to take care of them. Then I will do so. I also look forward when the empty cities of the Fortress Bastion become full of life." Ego was looking forward to the future. Despite not displaying that many emotions, Ego was emotional on the inside. She had promised not to force herself onto hiding her emotions, especially in front of her Sister. 

"As expected of Ego, To be honest, during my time in the fringes of the continent. I realized something important." 

"Compared to the bigger world, I'm simply a speck of dust. The Realm of Piksyon is full of mysteries. My strength will never be enough, and there is no such thing as overpowered. I need to stop playing the Great War as a game. After all, the things that would happen in the future would play out differently than the Great War."

"I need to step up my game. As a wise man said, there is always a bigger fish. I'll have to continue growing and overcome the challenges on the way." 

Persia had a genuine smile plastered on her face after saying such words. Ego shook her head and uttered quietly with a smile.. "I look forward to our future together, Sister." 


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