The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 112: Poking a Corpse

Chapter 112: Poking a Corpse


Wolfie is acting fearful for some reason.

I reach out and pat her head and give a reassuring smile.

No matter what awaits inside we will be fine. It cannot be worse than a bone dragon, right?

I carefully step inside. There are no light sources inside but somehow, we can still discern the surroundings. There is a soft red glow surrounding the area, the same color as the moon once again. If I had to say it seems like the fog doesn't affect this place at all.

How peculiar.

Everything seems surreal. It takes me a few seconds to figure out what it is. This place gives both an ancient vibe and yet a pristine one. As if there were servants actively caring for it, but no one is seen. So far it seems empty. Way too empty.

The walls are decorated with various paintings giving it all a regal feeling. Whoever lives or lived here is doing well financially. I wonder if this place used to be some empire? Perhaps it got overrun by the undead?

Could this place have been banished from the outside world through a complex spell? Just imagining it makes me shiver. How else would one explain needing a portal to come here?

Otherwise, perhaps the castle was used as a bastion to populate this place. Maybe the unkillable undead made them give up on the project. Perhaps there used to be more undead and the old residents dealt with most of them at the cost of their own lives.

Actually, we barely fought the wraiths. Maybe they could deal with the slow skeletons but got overrun once the flying ethereal army mobilized.

Still, this is weird. Why are these creatures avoiding this place? Could it be some sort of ultimate warding spell? If it truly worked why would this place be so empty? The bone dragon? Something else?

Ah never mind. I'm clearly overthinking this. We'll deal with whatever comes our way.

[Stay vigilant, we'll slowly proceed with me in front. I doubt there will be traps but just in case.]

They all nod.

We tread slowly. From room to room. Entrance hall, a great hall, what seems to be guardrooms, an empty kitchen, some storerooms, a huge dining room, some unidentifiable rooms too. We keep moving about without seeing any sign of life whatsoever.

Yet everything is in pristine condition. Probably the effect of the seal I broke to head in.

As I'm wondering what is up with the place, we come across big golden double doors. These look really fancy. Add some boss music and it would be perfect for an RPG action game. Of course, there is no way a strong monster is just awaiting us in there.

We push the doors very carefully. There is a long black carpet. That should be red, what an oversight. On the walls torches glowing with seemingly magical eternal fire. The room is huge. At the end of it stairs leading to a throne. Small compared to the surroundings. On it is a silhouette.

What?! There is someone here?

Hum. It's not moving. Would this place be the final resting place of some bigshot?

The last protector of this castle. I can already picture it giving its life away to seal this place forever protecting it from the outside world. Will the enemies be able to force their way in now that we disturbed the peace here? I really hope not.

I come close to it. The corpse seems really well preserved. Sitting upright somehow. All its hair is completely white. The skin seemingly still supple and looking great. This is perhaps the most photogenic corpse I've ever seen. The guy looks somewhat young, but still has a mature feeling to him. Hard to explain.

If anything I get the feeling of him being regal. Sometimes the posture makes every bit of difference. The embroidered golden dragon robe he is wearing does play a part too.

I'm truly glad not to be gay at the moment, otherwise, this corpse right here might have tempted me into necrophilia. He is that good-looking.


What is up with Wolfie now? She looks at the corpse seemingly feeling threatened. Oh, she worries too much haha. She's the cutest white creature around. Even if I seem to be showing interest in this corpse, I'm just curious.

I bring my finger closer to it. I want to see if it will disintegrate into ashes once it's touched. I get the feeling it might actually happen.

Closer and closeruntil. I quickly poke it. As my finger is reaching toward its head.

It moves. It fucking moves!

The corpse just moved!


My finger is pressing onto a now opened eyeball. How did this happen? I wasn't aiming there at all.

The corpse looks at me.





What the fuck is happening?! Am I dreaming?!

"Who are you? Are you going to stop poking my eye anytime soon?!"

I quickly bring back my hand. Apparently, this is no corpse. Some guy in a magically induced nap?

[Sorry about thatI thought you were dead.]

"Hum, understandable. So what brings all of you here? And more importantly, why are you going around poking corpses?!"

Hum how do I explain myself? I'm not some weirdo! I was just a bit curious you know.

[So the thing is we came here chased by]

"Wait! I would be lacking in my duty as a host if I didn't properly receive you all! Let's head to the dining room and I will show you how hospitable I can be!"

He cheerfully starts leading the way. Humming some kind of unknown tune. I'm really not sure how to react to this. The good thing is he forgave me fairly easily it seems. Note to self, less random poking in the future.

Now that I think about it there is something peculiar about this man. Well besides his cheerfulness. That can be easily explained if he was locked away here for a while. Human contact is somehow necessary for everyone no matter how reclusive they are.

Why do you think hermits in stories always have 1 or 2 disciples? Is it because they want to share their legacy? Nope, it's because they are bored as fuck haha. Once you see these powerful characters as simply bored old men it all makes sense.

Still, there is something peculiar about this man that we are now following. White hair, great-looking, pale skin, red eyes, piercing, and intense gaze. He's that, isn't he?

An albino!


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