The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 111: Braving the Fog

Chapter 111: Braving the Fog

Death domain this dragon slayer is coming for you!

Haha, I feel good just thinking about it.

The next time some idiot starts bragging next to me I'll go . that's cool but have you ever slain a dragon?

That ought to render them speechless. Of course, I wouldn't tell anyone about the circumstances. All of it was possible because of the amazing support, not from my own power.

Still, it does spark joy in me haha.

I probably just need to check that dragons are not considered an endangered species or something before. Given how powerful a decomposing one is probably not. In any case, I can't really even be considered a true dragon slayer as the one I destroyed was already in that state. Oh well.

Now for the actual plan. I'll head straight in and explore.

My scouting ability? I'm getting mentally tired of using it and this fog is really dense. Almost as dense as a Japanese harem protagonist. I can't see shit.

But seriously how does one ever write a character so oblivious?! These dense MC are the worst! They can literally have bitches on their dicks, and they won't think anything of it. Oh ...she just fell. Have you seen the way she did?! That fall was planned to land her on your crotch dude! It doesn't follow physic's laws! She obviously pulled a stunt somehow to make it happen.

Anyway, I digress. The fog is thick. Almost as thick as Zero's mom. I really should not ever say that joke aloud or he might get mad at me haha.

Visibility is so low it will be hard to even see where I'll be walking. How did I even fight the bone dragon then? Well, it's not as bad on the outer edge. Plus that dragon was really huge. Legit just the airflow associated with its movement gave its position away. That and the big discernable silhouette.

Still, this might be dangerous. Better I go alone.

[I'll go and explore you guys stay here and wait for my return.]

"Hell no!"

"We ain't cowards!"

"We'll follow you wherever!"

[It might be dangerous it's better you guys stay here in case something happens.]

"Please, you already saved us once."

"If it turns bad you can just disregard us."

"We'll still do our best to help."

Damn these guys. These guys are seriously seriously . death-seeking, aren't they? Then again, I could also call them loyal. This is something I can respect.

[Alright, we push forward. Until we find the truth of this place. If something bad shows up we retreat instantly.]

"YES! X10"

Seriously how did I become the de facto leader here? Oh, probably because of how tired their actual leader is after sacrificing his lifespan. Would make sense.

I swear I'm not trying to seize power! He doesn't seem bothered by it either. I guess everything is fine.

Time for a march. We stick close together. We can't see anything.

This is actually difficult. Makes me understand how much we humans rely on our vision. It is only once something is gone that you realize how lucky you were. All these years taking seeing for granted I now feel especially vulnerable.

You know these movies where a character puts a blind on and manages to keep going. Even to the point of rowing a boat bringing children or something? Well, I call bullshit haha. Now that I think about it that movie was bad anyway.

Then again this is a new world, with magic. I'm having lots of trouble finding my footing on the perfectly straight ground. My companions are better off. I guess practicing martial arts and fighting for long gave them a better instinctual sense of their surroundings.

Seems like I might actually be the dead weight here. I have divine enhancement running full power to defend myself, but I basically have no way to react should I be attacked by anything.

Still, everything is fine. One step at a time.

Slowly but surely, I will. WTF is that?!

Something big just appeared in front of me. Suddenly and without a sound!


I dash backward and take a defensive position. Whatever it is doesn't seem to be moving at all.

What is up with that?

"Want me to make some fire to light the way?"

Might be worth it. The downside is we'll be extremely visible. Upside we'll get to more clearly discern what we are facing.

[Sure, but don't make it too bright. Don't want to alert anything.]

Who knows if the big silhouette in front of us is not a sleeping giant monster?

He flashes some fire over and appears . a huge wooden door.

Dark and sturdy looking. Gold engravings on it. It looks both regal and serving defensive purposes.

On the side high stone walls. The border town wall is but a dwarf compared to this one.

Overall all of it gives a majestic and mysterious feeling.

No matter what awaits us in there, chances are we can find knowledge about this place in there.

"What should we do?"

[We'll head in. There might be danger inside, but it beats dying of hunger out here.]


I stand on the side while they push the doors wide open. Or try to anyway.

It won't budge for some reason. The doors look massive, but still, it seems weird for it not to move at all.

"There might be a seal on it?"

A seal is it? Possible. Then again anything someone tells me about magic this is my default answer. I can't sense mana after all. I can only see the magic that has special effects.

Maybe I can try something. I stand in front of it and prepare myself.

I think about removing an enchantment. Divine energy I'm counting on you to work your magic again!

Let me see. How about thinking about that index character's power? Focus. Visualize. My right hand can break any spells. Actually, you know what? Let me picture my left hand doing the same too. Hell yeah, the upgraded and improved version! This is epic!

Now just gotta see if this works. Breath deeply and push. It barely moves, but it does!

Victory! Dragon Slayer and vanquisher of stuck doors! TA-DA-DA!

My companions push it open all the way.

A gust of air comes our way blowing the surrounding fog away.


What's that? For some reason Wolfie looks scared.

Should I be worried?!


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