The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 113: An Otherworldly Dining Experience

Chapter 113: An Otherworldly Dining Experience

This man is so cheerful. How long has it been since he's had any visitor? Damn. There is something weird to some guy just sleeping in such a place for sure. But then again that is coming from some random dude that can use divine power. SOOO yeah. Me simply existing leads me to believe him just sleeping here for a long time isn't that weird after all.

Thus I gladly follow him. My companions seem extremely on edge, even Wolfie. Ah, perhaps it's their first time seeing someone with white hair? Maybe they are even wondering if he is human with how red his eyes are and everything.

I've watched enough anime to not be disturbed by it. Some of my favorite characters have red eyes. Usually the anti-hero type of character that looks extremely badass. Actually, I wonder if the eye color is some byproduct of some magic? If yes, I need to learn it!

I'd go from plain side character to the main character in one go! You know that spot the main character game people be playing? Well, right now I wouldn't be picked no matter what.


What can I say, most of the world is still blind to my handsomeness. It's fine.

So we follow the guy. Me following close while pondering this serious topic. The others trailing behind. Until we reach the big dining room we saw earlier.

It is as regal as the rest of the castle. I mean it is a damn castle what would you expect? A super long table, lots of chairs, he lights up some magical-looking torches. There is already cutlery and everything there. Looks to be silver. Also very shiny.

"Please sit! Make yourselves comfortable. It's been years since I've had people over for dinner! I will make sure to show you guys a good time! Please be at ease while I go busy myself in the kitchen."

Damn his smile is so radiant. I usually dislike pretty guys but that dude is an exception. There is some kind of innocence behind his smile. He is so happy about us being here. How lonely was he?! Probably a lot.

[Alright! Thank you!]

And he leaves leaving us to our own devices.

"We need to leave right now! This guy is obviously a vampire!"

Wait, what? A vampire? I don't know I'm not getting a vampire vibe at all. These guys should be evil-looking, with long fangs and mostly shrieking and salivating while looking at humans. Then again there are also the fancy vampires with the charm and everything. Still, he seems too innocent for that.

[I don't believe so. What makes you think that?]

"The hair, the eyes, the sleeping in a death domain, everything! Everything makes me think that!"

Oh, I can kinda see it now. Still, I don't think that one is evil at all. Call it gut feeling.

[Alright, I know exactly how to prove it once and for all. Believe in me. Later I'll give you guys a signal. If I say that I love his hospitality we get the fuck out. If I say I fucking love his hospitality, we stay.]

"T-that what if it's too late to run when he's back."

Wolfie looks at me with pleading eyes too.

[We'll stay here for now. Need to find information about this place in any case.]

They all nod. We can't leave just yet. He is about to bring food after all, and I'm famished! EhI mean we need to gather some information! Yes, that's it!

He comes back without a sound at all. Walking slowly, then he sits at the main seat of the table. I can see him showing a self-deprecating smile. He still seems happy, but obviously has some regret.

I can hear gulping sounds around me. What are these guys even getting excited about? He came back empty-handed after all.

"You guys dig in; I wish I could serve something better, but this is all I have left at the moment."

I hear exclamations on the side.

"How fragrant!"

"How tender!"

"How delicious!"

"This is the best thing I've ever eaten!"

"I'm so glad to be alive at the moment!"

"Is it even possible for anything to be better than that?!"

My companions are all drooling. They have all picked up their cutlery and are enthusiastically stabbing the air. Then they proceed to bring it to their mouth as fast as possible before making blissful faces. They are eating. Or are trying to. How the fuck did all these mercenaries all become mimes suddenly? They are so damn good at it too!

Ah, I see. This is an illusion somehow. Guess the divine energy coursing through me protected me from it. I see. We did see the kitchen earlier. It was completely empty, wasn't it? Even the best chef cannot cook without ingredients.

"You are not eating?"

Our host looks at me with an amazed expression.

[I'm not especially hungry but thank you for the offer.]

"S-should we ... not eat too?!"

The mercenary leader manages to stop his silly show through sheer will. He looks about to cry from refraining himself, awaiting my reply.

[Go ahead, eat your fill. Just don't spend that newfound energy. Keep it for later use.]

He looks extremely relieved and keeps digging in. God looking at them go I'm almost jealous. It looks so fucking amazing! But now that I know that I'd just be consuming air it kinda kills it for me.

Turns out this guy can use illusion magic? Or perhaps it's mind alteration magic? After all, I can still see the magic that has special effects. If he was affecting light directly and turning this into a natural phenomenon, I'd see it too. But nope, I'm out of this fun party.

Oh well. That only proves he can use magic. That much I guessed already. After all, there is no way a normal villager would be living here. Then again it might be a fun prank to do. Bring some really weak dude here and film his reaction. Okay, that actually might be evil.

Still, should we stay here or not? So far his only crime is trying to fake being a great host. It can be seen as kindness, kinda. After all, they seem to be having the time of their life. So much that I'm jealous.

Alright, let's first figure out if he is a vampire or not. Would make sense if this whole thing was a vampire's charm attack. I slowly grab a cup. Like with everything else it is shiny and silver looking. Isn't silver super effective against vampires? Then again maybe that was werewolves I'm not sure.

I raise it slowly.

[Let me make a toast to everyone for finding solace on this auspicious day!]

I raise my glass to our host, then I turn around and raise it to my companions that are on the opposite side of the table. In the shiny cup a reflection. Or actually a lack of. This means something serious!

Oh wait, I'm actually not well aligned. I rotate it slightly.

Turns out our host does have a reflection. Yep, that settles it! Not a vampire!

[I fucking love your hospitality!]

I can see a delighted and relieved smile appear on the guy's face! Who the hell ever thought this guy to be a vampire!?


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