The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Zagan Anlit

(Zagan Anlit POV)

It has already been 8 years since my class, and I have been reincarnated into this world. Even though I was a teacher in my previous life, I still loved to read mangas and stories about this kind of thing. That made it easy to figure out what was happening to me, but it didn’t help me to get used to this life. It wasn’t easy to get used to having people do things for you, but after so many years of having them, I got to say it is nice having them. The best part about being young and being in a new world was learning new things and experiencing new things.

And let me tell you, this world is my ideal world. We didn’t have modern weapons like guns and explosives, etc., this world had swords, war hammers, and many other close combat weapons that I loved to collect in my past life.

Thinking about my collection and how I always bragged about them to Shiro made me happy, except for the person to who I bragged about it. Shiro Adachi one of my students and my best friend. That is how I saw him until I knew who he really was, a mass murderer that killed his family and everyone that worked for him.

‘Whatever, I don’t care about him anymore. I need to worry about Amari.’

I still can’t believe that I will marry Amari. She is so cute. I have never seen some so gorgeous. I fell for her at first sight, and the funny part is she is also a reincarnation from my class. When I found out, I had mixed feelings about marrying an old student of mine, but after we talked about it, I accepted that she would be my future wife.

Did I forget to mention that I was a girl in my past life and is a guy now? Yes, I was gender-bent, not that it changed anything.

Back to my cute wifey, she and her father planned to go to their border mansion 2 days ago to meet her adopted sister. The sister they adopted 3 years ago and never came to the capital in all that time. I was happy for her to meet her sister finely. But when I found out about her mansion at the border being attacked, I was scared that something happened to her, so I contacted Sabastian, their head butler, and he told me that nothing happened with Amari. But their mansion was destroyed, so they returned to the capital the same day.


Thanks to our 2 creators in the royal family being 2 nerd group reincarnations, they could make the trip in a couple of hours. After talking to the butler for a while, I made arrangements to meet her today at her mansion. That is also where I am right now, standing outside their gates waiting for them to open for me. Right on cue, the gates started to open, and I run inside to find Amari.

Running to the main entrance, I was surprised that the only person that greeted me was Amari’s mother that I haven’t seen in 3 years. Walking towards her, I said.

“Good morning Lady Draig. It has been a long time,” I said, bowing to her. After she didn’t answer me, I looked up, and I saw her look at me with a conflicted expression.

Shaking her head, she said. “How many times do I have t tell you don’t do this formality stuff here. Where are your guards?”

“I told them to leave. I want to be alone with Amari for the day,” I answered.

“I don’t think that will happen today. Remember, her sister is here, and they are catching up.”

“I almost forgot. I hope nothing happened to her with the attack.”

“Haha, you don’t have to worry about her. She isn’t a pushover.”

“If I may ask, how many attacked you that your mansion got destroyed with you the Weapon Queen being there.”

“Uhm, 70 or so, and they didn’t destroy the mansion, but my daughter did. Where did you get this information anyway.”

“Sabastian and your daughter did what?” I asked, really confused at how a 13-year-old was able to destroy a giant mansion.

“Haha, you will find out later. When you see Amari tells her she can tell you the truth about Nova and Kitsuna. After all, you will be family in a couple of years. Amari is at the back in the garden.” She said, smiling at me and walking inside again.

Shaking my head, I started to run to the back of the garden.

Being engaged for 4 years already, I knew my way around their mansion, and I knew where she would sit if she were in the garden. Seeing her sitting on her bench, I walked towards her, smiling. She didn’t seem to notice me walking towards her.

“Good morning, beautiful lady. May have a seat next to you?” I bowed and smiled at her.

“Zagan!” She said happily and jumped into my arms. “Nice to see you again.”

“Same here. When I heard about the attack, I was afraid you were caught up in it also.”

“Ooh no, I wasn’t. When father and I got there, the battle was already over.” She said, sitting back down on the bench.

“That’s good to hear,” I said, nodding and sat next to Amari.

“Last time we met, you said you are going to get your class. So did you?” Amari asked.

“Yes, I got an exotic class,” I said, beaming.

“Congratulations, Zagan!?” She said, hugging me again.

“Thank you. My family is still a bit upset about it. But they would get over it.”

“I wonder how you will fare against Kitsuna, though”

“Kitsuna?” I said, confused.

“My sister.”

“Where is your sister anyway? I heard she is also here.”

“Yes, she is. She is sleeping somewhere. If you want to meet her, we need to wake up Nova.” Amari explains, looking away from me.

“Nova? Who is that?” She didn’t say anything and pointed in the same direction she was looking.

Looking at where she was pointing, I saw a beautiful snow-white tree that was 30 meters wide and 20 meters high. It was over 200 meters away from us. I knew about their guru tree, but it should not look like that. I looked back at Amari, frowning, and said.

“Isn’t that your Guru tree? What happened to it?”

“I don’t know, but I wasn’t talking about that look at the ground under the tree that’s Nova.”

Looking back again, this time to the ground, I saw a giant red fluff ball with some black markings in between the fur lying on the ground.

“How did I miss that? Is it the fluff ball on the ground?”

“Yes, that’s her.”

“Is it like your sister’s pet?”

“You can say that. Let us go wake up, Nova.” She said, standing up and walking towards the guru tree.

“What kind of creature is it,” I ask, also standing up and followed Amari.

“She is a fox.”

“What! How can a fox be that big?”

“Special fox.”

“I see.” Walking for a while, I remember what Amari’s mother said to me. “I forgot to tell you that your mom said you could tell me about Nova and Kitsuna, something like that.”

“Is that so,” Amari said, not stopping.

The closer we got to the tree, the colder the air became. When we were 50 meters out, my teeth started to shudder.

“Is someone getting cold?” Amari next to me said, amused. Looking at her, I saw that she looked fine even though we could see our own breath.

“How are you not cold?”

“Hehe.” Chuckling, she brought her hands up, showing that she had covered her hands with lava mana.

“That’s unfair,” I said, feeling betrayed.

“We are almost there, don’t worry,” She said, moving closer with her lave to me.

“Please wake it up fast so we can get out of here.”

“Why are you calling her ‘it’ the entire time?” She said, annoyed.

“Because it’s a monster, it won’t care what I call it..'” I was surprised that she would get annoyed about something about this.

“Kitsuna will beat you up most likely if she hears you.”

“Haha, your joking, right? She is the same age as me and doesn’t have a class. I am sure that I would win because I have an exotic class and I am level 60.”

“It seems you have become arrogant just because you have a class.” A deep female voice said.

Getting surprised at the sudden voice, I pulled both my great sword out of my shadow and stood in front of Amari. Looking in the direction the voice came from.

Seeing the fluff ball moving, my jaw drop.

“It can talk!?” I shouted in surprised

“Yes, I can talk. Didn’t Amari tell you who I am?” The Fox said, standing up and shaking itself.

Looking at the giant fox standing over me with 8 meters in height and easily 25 meters long. I also saw that most of the fur is red with some black in it, but her tail and ears’ tips were white.

“We can’t tell everyone who and what you are. Although mom said it was fine to tell him I wanted to make it a surprise,” Amari said, walking past me.

“Sigh, what do you want.” The fox said, looking at Amari.

“I want you to meet my fiance Zagan,” Amari said, pointing at me that still had my swords out, not taking my eyes of the fox. Seeing Amari point at me, the fox looked at me, and our eyes met.

‘I was a fool. This fox is not weak. I don’t think I would even scratch her if I go all out with everything I had.’ I shuddered at my thoughts and heard the fox speak again.

“Nice to meet you, Zagan. You can call me Nova in this form.” Nova said, with annoyance in her voice.

“Yes, nice to meet you. Form?” I said and ask.

“Now we have met, you may leave. I want to sleep some more,” Nova said, laying down again and closing her eyes.

“Kitsuna, we need to go do some shopping for you. Wake up and change into your human form.” Amari said.

“No.” Was the only reply Amari got?

“Kitsuna? Human form?” I ask again, getting more confused the more they talked.

“You will see,” Amari said before looking back at Nova. “We can get food with lots of bones in it.”

“Fine,” Nova said after a while, and ice walls started to encased her.


“Don’t come out half-naked again!?” Amari shouted before it closed up.

“What is going on?” I ask, really confused.

“You will see, and you better not drool over her body,” Amari warned me.



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