The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 35

Chapter 35:

After waiting for 10 minutes, the ice wall finely broke down again, revealing a 1,9-meter tall humanoid figure with red hair with a bit of black in it, but the tips on the end of her hair, ears, and tail were white. She was wearing jeans that were sitting tight on her long, lean legs and had a black coat on with a red and back scarf around her neck.

I knew it was a she because I could see between the gap in the front of her coat that she wasn’t wearing a shirt but had bandages around her chest hiding her boobs. Checking her out, I understood why Amari told me not to drool over her body. She was gorgeous.

If it weren’t for me not liking girls with a six-pack and already in love. I would have fallen for her. Looking at her eyes, I saw the same dominating gaze that the fox had, and she also had a sort of lighting bolt coming from her right side under her scarf up, stopping under her right eye.

“It seems you are as short as ever, Yua-chan.” The fox girl said teasingly.

“I am still growing!” I said loudly.

“No need to shout, geez.” She said, holding her ears.

“Sorry, Wait, what did you just call me?” I said at the fox girl in front of me.

Not answering me, she stood right in front of me and lifted her right hand for a fist pump. Doing the same as her, I connected, and without thinking, we did a handshake that I will always recognize.


“So the murderer has become Amaris’ sister and a monster,” I said with anger.

(Kitsuna POV)

“So the murderer has become Amaris’ sister and a monster,” Zagan said with anger.

Hearing what he said, I sighed and took a proper look at him. He had brown hair and eyes and was wearing casual clothes.

Ducking down, I dodge the sudden attack from Zagan. Seeing him trying to kick me, I rolled sideways. Standing up, I looked at him, confused.

“What the fuck are you are doing, Zagan,” Amari said from the side.

“I am killing someone who should not be alive,” Zagan said, running toward me.

“Haha, You killing me?” I laughed and making an ice sword. I blocked both his swords crossed over. Although he was surprised about me suddenly having a weapon, he didn’t let up the attack.

Left, right, downwards. It didn’t matter where or how fast he came at me; I blocked or redirected the attack with my sword holding my other hand behind my back.

‘Speed below 600, and his strength might just be above 600. He is quite strong for his age.” I thought to my self blocking another attack.

The more he attacked and was denied the hit, the more frustrated he became.

“How? How are you defending my attacks!?” He shouted in anger.

“Zagan, stop!” Amari shouted.

“Amari, stay out of this,” I said to her, making her back off. Looking at Zagan and blocking more strikes, I started to talk. “Look at you trying to kill me for something that happened in our past life.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want you to influencing Amari.” Zagan shouted, bringing both swords downwards.

“How do you know that if I influence her, it would be bad for her. My influence might actually be good for her to survive in this world, you know.” I said, moving to the left and kicking him on the butt. While he was busy regain his balance, I said. “You might be her fiance, but I am her family now.

“Family? You killed your own family in your past. What will change with your new one.” He shouted, running at me again.

Having enough of his crap, I kicked him in the stomach, making him fall on his back and lose his swords. Not giving him time to stand up, I put my leg on his chest and stabbed a sword into each of his hands, making it impossible for him to fight back even with his shadow magic.

“AAH!?” He shouted in pain, he was about to activate his shadow magic, but I talked before he could do so.

“I won’t do that if I were you. You might lose your hands. You said I am a murderer. That might be true, but you don’t even know why I did it. Did you ever think that I have might have seen hell with them? You saw all the scars I had on my body, didn’t you? Did you ever think about how I got them? Huh?” Looking him in the eyes, I could see some realization flash through them. Sighing, I walked away, leaving him in his current state. “Also, don’t get arrogant just because you have a class you just had your ass handed to you by a level 27 dumbass. Amari, I will be waiting at our parents for you guys. You can tell him about my father as well.”


Walking towards the mansion, I saw everyone was standing close to where we had our little scuffle.

“He really had his ass handed to him just now,” Granny said when I was close to them.

“Haha, that’s what happens when you rush getting your class. Though he has a good class.” I laughed at granny’s comment.

“You know what class he has?” Dean ask.

“Yeah, I have analysis. I might not see his stats, but I can see some basic info.”

Name: Zagan Anlit (Yua Suzuki)


Race: Human

Gender: Male

Level: 60

Class: Dual Warrior (Exotic)

I told them his basic information.

“Level 60, what a little boy he is.” Mom said sarcastically.

“Yeah, I would say his stats average around 600,” I said, shaking my head in disappointment.

“That’s not bad for a normal person, you know. Dual Warrior, that’s interesting,” Dean said, rubbing his non-existing beard.

“That’s is true, but for a reincarnation, it’s shit,” I said and added sarcastically, “I bet Amari can win against him.”

“Probably.” Mom said, smiling.

“Actually, she won’t stand a chance against him,” Dean said, not catching the sarcasm.

“Have some confidence in your daughter. You were the one that trained her.” Mom said, looking at Dean. Seeing him look away from her, she frowns and says. “Dean, how much have you personally train our daughter in the last three years?”

“Hunny, I was busy with the black ops and never had enough time to train her. So, I got her a personal trainer.” Dean tried to plead his case.

“Who trained her?” Mom said with anger.



“You fucken got a swordsman to train a mage!” I said while mom hit him over the head with enough power sending him face-first into the ground.

“Dean, what were you thinking? No wonder she won’t stand a chance against him.” Mom said, kicking him on the side, making him roll over with a groan.

“But Granny helped her when she had time.” Dean tried to defend himself.

“That’s good to hear, but she is busy with the academy. She actually has less time than you.”

“Are you guys done torturing Dad? Zagan has something to say.” Amari suddenly said.

(Zagan POV)

‘Level 27. How weak am I that a level 27 can do this to me.’

“Are you done brooding?” Amari asks with no emotion in her voice.

“What level is your sister really,” I said, hoping she lied to me.

“27, like she told you,” Amari said, disappointed.

“How strong is she?”

“Hmm, my grandmother said she would win against a mid private no questions ask and high private if they let their guard down for a second.”

“Haha, you joking right,” I said, chuckling a bit.

“She out played my father yesterday in their spar. Do you still think I am joking?”

“Wha...” I was flabbergasted. She did what now.

“He was holding back, though. But was still caught off guard by her attack.”

“What sort of attack was it. Was it a sneak attack?”

“She used her tail in a fight.”

“She...That kind of makes sense. That sounds like something Shiro would do.” I said, thinking about his personality back then.

“Is that so.”

“Can you please take out the swords? It hurts.” I ask. It really hurt having swords in your hands.


“Wha..” I looked at her, surprised.

“I will sum up her past for you, and after you thought about it, then I would remove the swords.” She said, looking down at me.

“Okay. I am listening.”

“Good...” She went and explained to me what her father did to her. She also included something about her start in this life.

After her explanation, the only thing I could say was I was an idiot.

“Woah, for an ex-teacher, I am horrible at listening not just as a teacher but also as a friend,” I said with tears in my eyes. “To think he went through all that, and I also abandon him in the end... Do you think she would forgive me?”


“That depends on what you are going to do now.” She said, walking closer to the swords.

“Apologize to her that I ran away from her, not hearing her side of the story.”

“And?” She asks and pulled one sword out.

“Aah, be careful. I would never judge a book halfway.” I said, flexing my free hand.

“Not that.” She said, moving the other sword around still in my hand.

“Ouch, stop that hurts!” I shouted, trying to grab the sword with my hand, but it made the pain worse.

“There is someone else you also need to apologize to.”

“Ooh, I am sorry, my sweet future wife, that I attacked your sister.”

“Thank you, but there is something else you need to tell me about you and Shiro.”

“No. He didn’t.” I blushed at thinking that he would tell her about us two on earth.

“She told me everything.”

“We were drunk!? It didn’t mean anything. Why would he do that?”

“She has her reasons. Now promises me that I would be your first and only one in this life. Even better, make an oath.” Seeing her eyes and smile on her face, I knew I have no way out of this.

“Sigh, fine. I Zagan Anlit make an oath that I will only have intercourse with Amari Daig my entire life.” I said and felt the oath kick in at the end.

“Good.” She said, smiling, and pulled the last ice sword out of my hand.

“Ow, can’t you be more gentle with that?”

“No. Now come on, you need to go apologize and get your hands fixed before we go out exploring.” Amari said, walking towards her family.

“Exploring for what exactly?” I asked, hoping it was something fun.

“Buy some clothes for my sister, of course. You saw what she was wearing. we will do other things as well don’t worry.” she said winking at me.

“Ugh, I don’t what to,” I said sadly. Even if I was a girl before, I hate shopping for clothes.

“We are going with Rachel as well.”

“Sigh, whatever you say,” I said, defeated.

When we got to Amaris’ parents, I saw that her father was on the ground being kicked and being yelled at. Just when I was starting to enjoy the sight of her father on the ground, Amari talked.

“Are you guys done torturing Dad? Zagan has something to say.” Amari said.


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