The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 33

Chapter 33:

“At least it wasn’t 10 years this time,” Dean said sarcastically.

“That’s not true for me being from earth it was, and I never had the chance to kill the bastard. That is most likely why I went straight to wrath instead of just berserk last night.”

“That is a big problem, though. If people find out about you holding it, they will try to kill you or take control of you.” Dean said with a heavy expression.

“Kitsuna, if you have the power to take over the world, would you do that?” Granny asks seriously.

“PFFFT, are you crazy? Why the hell would I do that. Take over the world equals taking responsibility. No thanks. I might have set my goal to become a god, but I won’t go power crazy and try destroying the world way too troublesem.” I looked at her as if she was crazy in the head.

Narrowing her eyes at me, she said. “Why would I believe you?”

“Hey, don’t use my words against me.”

“Mom, you don’t need to worry about her becoming power-hungry like the last wrath holder. She hates responsibilities over other people but loves to have her own life under control. In other words, you leave her alone she will leave you alone.” Mom explains.


“If you say so.” Granny shrugged.

“Geez, Granny, not every sin holder is all about power. Well, I might have said that and all, but I will be destroying the Federation.” I said awkwardly.

“Not surprised.” Everyone said with no change in emotions.

“Really no reaction?” I said, confused.

“Why would we. We already know what you think about the federation.” Mom said.

“Fine, I will be going then I am going to do some laps around the mansion then go sleep.”

“Why it is 5 in the afternoon dinner will be ready in 2 hours,” Amari ask.

“Yeah, and we haven’t talked about your curse yet.” Mom said.

“Don’t tell them about my curses, please. With the change, it is most likely not the same, anyways.” I said to mom.

“Why not?” Mom asks, confused.

“Just don’t. Before I go, when will your fiance be here tomorrow.” I said and asked Amari about Yua.

“7 in the morning, why?” Dean answered.

“Because I am taking some day off from training. I want to sleep in for a while.” I said, melting the ice on the walls again.

“If you are taking days of training, why are you running now,” Amari ask confused.

“Because that has something to do with my fitness. Also, don’t wet your pants when you see a fox outside. I need to test some...things.” I said, walking out.

‘Sigh, why am I getting so irritated by everything, all of a sudden. Hopefully, running for a while will help me calm down. If not, I need to figure something out about this.’ I thought to myself.

(Still in the dining hall)(Stacy POV)

Seeing her leave, I sigh and look back at my family just to see them starring at me.

“What?” I said, annoyed.

“She left now tell us about her curses,” Mother said.

“Not happening she told me not to say. So I am not telling.” Shaking my head at my Mother.

“Is she your boss now.” Mom said sarcastically.

“No, she is my daughter. I will not push her too much. If it weren’t for me, she would have never talked about what has happened to you guys.” I said with anger in my voice.

“Mom, I just want to know about her year after she killed her father. What did she do the entire year before she came to my school? She didn’t go into much detail about it.” Amari asks hesitantly.

“She went site seeing, and if someone attacked her, she would torture them things like that.”

“Torture them?” Amari said worriedly.

“Yeah, she found it as an outlet for all her frustrations. Before you think too much, she always did it to bad people, never the innocent people.” I explain.

“Talking about torture. Kitsuna wants to do that with the guards from yesterday.” Mom said, interrupting Amari.

“I was planning on that. I want her to teach out IT people some fun ways to get information out of people.”

“Yeah, with her knowledge about the human body, it will help a lot,” Dean said

“Before I forget, Dean, go tell everyone about us having a giant fox pet called Nova,” I said, standing up and walking out.

“Huh?” Dean looked confused at his wife’s words.

“Dean, just go and tell them you will understand later,” Rebecca said, also walking out. “Also, don’t prepare a room for her yet I don’t think she will be sleeping inside.” The last part she said to the maids that were busy cleaning the table again.

“I guess I need to do some work. See you guess at dinner,” Dean said, standing up and walking away to go warn his troops.

(Kitsunas POV)

‘What the fuck is this!? I have been running for 5 hours, and I still don’t feel any fatigue!’ I was lived about this. No matter how long and fast I was running, it didn’t feel like anything is happening to my body. The only thing that has risen is my irritation.

“Sigh.” Coming to a stop, I sighed and looked around for a place to sit down. Seeing as I could see perfectly in the dark, I guessed that night vision active automatically.

While I was looking around, I felt that something was pulling me. Looking in the direction the pull came from, I saw a tree. I would have thought I was crazy that this tree was calling me if it wasn’t for me, knowing that a tree being over 20 meters tall and 30 meters thick wasn’t normal. I mean, the thing is thicker than its height.

Sighing to myself again, I started walking to the tree and sat down under it.

“I guess I will try out my new skills and learn what has happened to my body. First my new fox form.”

Making Ice walls around to hide my self, I undressed and changed back to my fox form. To my surprised, I didn’t change back to the same size as the morning but to an 8-meter high and 25-meters in length fox. In the process of changing, I broke the walls that were covering me.

‘Is this my true size?’ I thought to myself.

I moved around under the tree until I figure out why I was so irritated a while ago.

“It’s because I wasn’t in the true form that I was so irritated. But that means I won’t be able to sleep in a bed.” I wasn’t pleased about the last discovery, but my happiness to find out why I was irritated over showed it by a lot.

‘I will just need to get used to living outside. How hard can it be.’ I thought and started walking around again. While walking, I thought about all the changes. Like my body, that is an obvious one and my skills like Analysis that wasn’t there before, but Self-Analysis was.

Looking at the tree, I said it in my head, and to my surprise, a small screen pops up in front of me.

‘Guru Tree’ was all it said on the small screen.

‘That’s all? Whatever.’ Dismissing the screen, I walking in small circles and lying down in a circle on the ground.

‘The ground doesn’t feel so bad after all. It’s a bit too warm through.’ Thinking to myself, I thought about covering the ground with my ice to keep myself cold through the night.

‘What is it going to hurt to do that.’ Shrugging, I covered the ground with my ice with 3 meters bigger circle around me.

Resting like that for a while and going through all my skills and status, I started to doze off.

‘Now that I think about it, why did I walk in circles before laying down? Ugh, I hope no one saw that. That’s way too embarrassing.’ It was the last thing that went through my mind before gone to sleep.

To my own demise, 2 people did see it.

“Hehe, that was just too cute. She was like a dog that was looking for a comfortable spot to sleep at.” Lily said, standing next to Rebecca that also had a smile on her face.

“That’s true. She was cute. About this afternoon, I am sorry for looking at Kitsuna.” Rebecca said apologetically.

“It’s fine. If I didn’t walk away, I would have been in the same state as you.” Lily confest.

“Is that so. It doesn’t surprise me. She was so lean but built like a beast, and let’s not started with her six-pack and back muscles any woman will fall for her.”

“That’s true. Wasn’t she walking through the entire mansion like that?”

“Yes, Yes she was,” Rebecca said, looking at the sleeping fox under the tree.

“I wonder how loud the maid sleeping area will be tonight?” Lily said thoughtfully.

“Haha, that’s nothing. I heard some of the black ops say she was also walking around like that during their spar. Just think about the barracks tonight,” Rebecca said with a laugh.

“Poor guys, they will hear it but won’t get anything from tonight.”

“Who cares about them? It’s their fault that they are split up now. Tsk, trying to pick up girls while still being in private rank how pathetic.” Rebecca said disdainfully.


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