The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 276 A Special Day


Kila was once again thrown by Lyla's slap, crashing into the arena wall with tremendous force. Blood spurted from her mouth as her internal organs suffered injuries.

Sensing her mother's critical condition, the unborn child immediately provided a supply of Dragon Prana to aid in regenerating the injured organs. Kila stood up and charged toward Lyla.

Lyla didn't look well either, with several of her bones cracked from Kila's powerful blows, and she limped as she walked. Like Kila, her unborn child provided Dragon Prana assistance, aiding in the regeneration of her broken or shattered bones.

"Damn it! If only I could bring my axe now! You would've been killed quickly for sure!" Kila cursed in frustration.

Lyla shook her head and replied, "Don't say that to me! If only I had my claw gloves, your tough skin would've been torn to shreds!"

They both snorted and glanced at the alraunes guarding the arena. Seeing the contestants glowering at them, one alraune couldn't take it anymore and shouted.

"Ungrateful fools! We did it to save your lives! If there weren't rules prohibiting weapons, the two of you would've been dead already!"

"Pika's right!! Can't you see my condition?!" exclaimed a Valkyrie whose neck was being stitched by the alraune named Pika.

Hearing her patient chiming in, Pika grew frustrated and slapped the Valkyrie's head. "SHUT UP!! Who told you to keep fighting even though your neck was broken? If I hadn't saved your severed head, it would've ended up like a ball in the arena!"

However, her slap was too strong, causing the stitches to tear again. The Valkyrie's head detached from her neck and rolled away. Swearing, "Ah, shit!" Pika panicked and chased after the rolling Valkyrie head, kicked away by passing alraunes.

Kila and Lyla turned their attention back to their respective opponents, momentarily forgetting about Pika, who was still frantically chasing after her patient's head. This situation was not unique to Pika alone but could be observed in the outskirts of other arenas as well.

The battle between the two Valkyries resembled a clash of immortal creatures that could not be killed. Every wound on their bodies regenerated rapidly. The Dragon Prana they possessed, along with the Dragon Prana carried by their unborn children, worked together to heal all their injuries.

At this point, the regenerative powers of both Valkyries were equivalent to those of a Valkyrie who had already given birth to more than four children. Male monsters could only shake their heads in disbelief, while unmarried female monsters simmered with jealous envy.

The intense fight continued for another hour until Lyla showed signs of weakness. Her unborn child could no longer supply Dragon Prana, and her own reserve was depleted. As a result, her broken leg bones caused her to stumble.

Kila seized the opportunity and leaped into the air. Clenching her fists, she delivered a powerful punch to Lyla's skull.


Like an exploding bomb, Lyla's skull cracked, and blood gushed from her eyes, nose, and ears. Her Mutated Moon Wolf form reverted back to that of a beautiful woman, and she fell unconscious.

Before Kila could launch a final attack, roots emerged from the ground, shielding Lyla's body. The alraunes cooperated to remove the unconscious Lyla from the arena, saving her life at the last moment.

Thus, Lyla was disqualified, and Kila emerged as the victor of Lolita's arena. The cheers of the spectators reached their peak. They rejoiced in witnessing the intense battle between the two Valkyries.


The entire audience erupted in cheers for Kila.









Kila raised both hands triumphantly. Then she jumped out of the arena and ascended to the podium where Lolita was seated.

Lolita, who had been engrossed in watching the thrilling battle in the arena, realized her time had come. She didn't know what Kila would do to her.

Would Kila tear her clothes apart, exposing her nakedness and humiliating her in front of all the monsters? Would Kila drag her away like a slave to be offered to terrifying monsters? Would Kila subject her to further torment and confine her in a dark chamber, where her monster husband would violate her until her death?

All of Lolita's fears and negative thoughts reached their peak in her mind. Her face turned pale, and her body trembled as if she were freezing. She could only hope that her fate wouldn't be worse than that of the elves in Elf Husbandry.

However, Kila approached with a joyful smile. She opened her arms wide and carefully embraced Lolita. She seemed like someone who had received the most beautiful gift in her life.

With a gentle smile and eyes full of joy, Kila said, "Welcome to the family, Sister Lolita."

Right after those words, Shizz shouted loudly, echoing throughout the Colosseum, "LET'S WELCOME OUR NEW SISTER!! LOLITA!!!"

In response to Shizz's cheer, all the monsters present in the colosseum and the audience stood up. Simultaneously, they cheered so loudly that it could be heard outside the Colosseum.






Not only that, but the cheers could also be heard outside the Colosseum. From the market, from the training grounds, from the school, and even from the construction site. All the monsters in the Wilwatikta Kingdom rejoiced, shouting Lolita's name and welcoming her into their family.

The sound of cheers and shouts of Lolita's name continued to roar until Shizz shouted again at the top of his lungs, "SISTER LOLITA, MAY WE FIGHT TOGETHER IN THE ONE'S HEAVEN!!!"

Shizz's voice was once again met with a collective response from the monsters who heard it. They all clenched their fists to their chests and shouted, 






Lolita could only watch all of this with wide eyes and an open mouth. She had never seen anyone being welcomed so grandly, not even an elven king. All the monsters were truly overjoyed for her from the depths of their hearts.

The chant of "SISTER LOLITA, MAY WE FIGHT TOGETHER IN THE ONE'S HEAVEN!!!" continued to echo for some time, making the Bitter Maja tremble as if in response. They would continue to cheer as if anticipating something. All eyes were fixed on the podium where Lolita and Kila stood.

Seeing Lolita still frozen with her mouth agape, Kila smiled. She whispered gently into her new sister's ear, "Sister, you must shout, 'MAY WE FIGHT TOGETHER IN THE ONE'S HEAVEN,' or they won't stop. Believe me, monsters can shout like this for several days."

There was once an incident where a potential Valkyrie was stunned and paralyzed. She didn't know what to say, and the chants continued to be shouted by the monsters for three days and three nights without stopping.

Eventually, an unwritten law emerged that the winner of Palaka had to inform the potential Valkyrie of how to respond to the chants. Perhaps all the monsters were so zealous towards The One, but the incessant chants disrupted activities throughout the Wilwatikta Kingdom.

Lolita was shocked and nodded her head like a pecking chicken. With hesitation and a trembling body, Lolita raised her hand and choked out, "Myu.. May we fight together in The One's heaven!"

Simultaneously, all the monsters shouted their final chant, "SISTER LOLITA, MAY WE FIGHT TOGETHER IN THE ONE'S HEAVEN!!!"

This incident left the potential Valkyries in the other arenas stunned. Those who were previously resigned to their fate now felt envious of Lolita, who was greeted so splendidly by hundreds of thousands of monsters.

Like Lolita, they had never seen an elf being welcomed with such grandeur, even if the elf were a king. The ancient legends of the war heroes of the first mana species war, which hadn't occurred for a hundred years, no longer held true. So no elf could earn such an honor.

They no longer bowed their heads but looked at their respective arenas and waited for the winners to approach them. Their names would also be welcomed like the heroes of legends by hundreds of thousands of voices.

Day turned into night, and the sun began to set. Starting from Lolita's arena, all the Palaka arenas had completed their matches. Each winner climbed onto the podium and received their respective rewards.

The echoes of cheers from all the monsters continued to proclaim their welcome to their new sisters, even until the sun had set. Some of the potential Valkyries deliberately delayed responding to the chants just to hear their names being shouted for a longer time.

No monster was angry with them, and even the Palaka winners who went to greet them laughed heartily. Palaka was held with great splendor, a sacred battle watched directly by their god.

The potential Valkyries were not slaves but new sisters who had a special significance on that day. If they wanted their names to be echoed for an entire month, perhaps the monsters would gladly do it.

Currently, there is no higher honor in the Wilwatikta Kingdom than being an Asura or a Valkyrie.


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