The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 277 Nezena's Raid Army

Diru and Yuni exited the colosseum with contrasting expressions.

Diru smiled gleefully, his breath hurried, and his heart racing as he witnessed the greatness of the Palaka battle. He couldn't wait to grow up and join the fights in the colosseum. That way, he would not only acquire a Valkyrie wife but also have the opportunity to evolve into an Asura.

On the other hand, Yuni frowned, her face wrinkled, her eyes heavy, and her heart filled with pity. She saw her Alraune sisters exhausted from saving the monsters who were trying to kill each other. The most heartbreaking sight was Sister Pika.

Yuni witnessed Sister Pika's panic and fatigue as she chased after the Valkyrie's rolling head throughout the Palaka. Just when she managed to capture the mischievous head, Sister Pika had to go back and chase after the other Valkyrie heads that were kicked away by the struggling Alraunes.

At this moment, Yuni wished for time to stand still, so she wouldn't grow up and have to join her other sisters. The madness that unfolded during this Palaka only strengthened Yuni's desire not to grow into an adult Alraune. Unfortunately, no one could stop time except The One. And no matter how many times Yuni prayed to The One to prevent her from growing up, her wish was never granted.

"Yuni, this Palaka was so exciting, wasn't it! I never expected Aunt Kila to have such incredible power!" cheered Diru happily.

Yuni snorted in frustration, "Hmph, she could only fight like that because she's pregnant! If Aunt Kila wasn't pregnant, Aunt Lyla would have definitely defeated her!"

"Hey, isn't Aunt Lyla also pregnant?"

"Shut the fuck up, Stupid Orc!" Yuni yelled angrily.

"Hey, that's racist!"

Since the Valkyries were allowed to participate in Palaka, the number of pregnant Valkyries had dramatically increased. They knew that relying solely on their physical strength would not be enough to defeat adult orcs, let alone Asuras. Therefore, they sought to defeat the orcs using their regenerative abilities.

Only when a Valkyrie was pregnant would they possess regenerative powers several times stronger than those of adult orcs, almost comparable to the Asuras. However, the Asuras who had mastered the Dragon Breath Cultivation Path were nearly unbeatable by other monster races.

Fortunately, there were only a few Asuras left in the Wilwatikta Kingdom, and they were busy with the agenda of hunting mutated animals alongside Moku. The remaining Asuras had joined Nezena's Raid Army to attack the Elf villages outside the outskirts of the Bog Forest.

Diru and Yuni continued walking side by side, engaging in conversation. They planned to head home to assist with their respective household chores. However, their steps came to a halt when they heard commotion coming from the southern gate.

The southern gate of Wilwatikta Kingdom was usually used by Nezena's Raid Army when they returned. Diru and Yuni glanced at each other, their faces lit up with joy.

Not only did it mean that their family members who were part of Nezena's Raid Army had returned, but it was also a rare opportunity to catch a glimpse of their Holy Queen. They both hurriedly ran towards the southern gate, and the other monsters around them did the same, eager to welcome the returning Nezena's Raid Army.

Though they were not worshipped and revered her like KuMoku, the wives of Moku remained idols for the monsters. Nearly ten of ten female monsters dreamed of growing up to be like those queens.

Those who aspired to become brave and strong Valkyries idolized Nevare. Those who sought grace and dignity easily idolized Nerphyl. And those who aimed to be cheerful and kind individuals focused their admiration on Nedira.

However, it was only Nezena who was not just idolized but also revered. Her name, which meant Holy Queen, made all the monsters feel that Nezena was the most sacred creature. Some even worshipped the cloth used to wipe her sweat. This was because the monsters believed that aside from Moku, Nezena was the closest to The One.

Due to her busy schedule, it was extremely difficult to meet Nezena, even for those who worked at The One's Church. Added to her current role as the commander-in-chief of Nezena's Raid Army, she rarely stayed in Wilwatikta Kingdom.

Therefore, the opportunity to see Nezena in person was believed to bring blessings to them. No monster wanted to miss this extremely rare chance.

When Diru and Yuni arrived at the southern gate, the main road was already filled with monsters vying to catch a glimpse of their Holy Queen. The sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, and one by one, the monsters who had joined Nezena's Raid Army started to appear.

Their family welcomed the returning monsters with open arms and warmth. However, they were immediately shocked to see that Nezena's Raid Army, who usually returned in triumph, appeared battered and bruised.

Some Asuras had to be carried by the monsters as they were unconscious. Their numbers were also reduced by a quarter compared to when they first set out.

All the monsters were surprised and agitated. They wondered what had happened, why their formidable forces looked so battered. But before anyone could be further surprised, a white unicorn calmly walked in the midst of Nezena's Raid Army.

They all recognized the unicorn; it was one of their Holy Queen's mounts. A rare mutated animal with a Silver Tier Danger, Nezena named it Sabeth.

No monster was allowed to ride Sabeth except for Nezena alone. So it was certain that the monster sitting atop Sabeth was their Holy Queen herself.

However, what they found was not a Valkyrie whose beauty resembled that of an angel in heaven and whose purity flowed like a river. Instead, it was a Valkyrie who appeared severely injured, with half of her body seemingly disappearing.

Her face covered in bandages left everyone wondering who she was, but Sabeth provided them with an answer they didn't want to admit. It was their Holy Queen, Nezena.


Simultaneously with the cry of anguish, the entire monster community joined in screaming. They groaned and shrieked as if they themselves were the ones injured.

"Holy Queen! What happened to you?"

"Why are you injured like this Holy Queen?"

"Who did this?"

"What have you all done? How could you let the Holy Queen get injured like this!!!"

"You ungrateful bunch of children! I raised you to be strong orcs, but look at yourselves! You're still breathing while our Holy Queen is gravely injured!"

"Have you no shame? I married you because I thought you were a brave Asura, but look at what you've done, allowing our Holy Queen to be hurt like this! Are you a coward hiding behind the Holy Queen? I want a divorce! I want a divorce!"

"Father, wh... wh... why are you still alive while our Holy Queen is severely injured? Didn't you say being a Hobgoblin was a source of pride? What is there to be proud of in you still being alive while the Holy Queen is badly hurt!"

"Sister, you disgust me! I wouldn't even spit on your cowardly face! Weren't you supposed to be the Holy Queen's bodyguard? Then why are you still alive while other Valkyries were killed? Don't ever call us sisters again in front of anyone else! I refuse to live in shame because of you!"

Insults, curses, punches, spitting, and various forms of humiliation were directed at the returning Nezena's Raid Army. Even the unconscious Asuras, who had to be carried and pulled off their stretchers, were beaten until they were bruised.

No member of Nezena's Raid Army resisted or fought back against the monsters. They simply bowed their heads with faces darkened, bearing an immeasurable sense of shame. The insults and curses they received were even seen as a slight relief from the burden of humiliation weighing on their shoulders.


"You're right! These cowards are no longer worthy to call themselves monsters! They are cursed and will forever be barred from entering The One's Heaven and fighting alongside our other brethren there!"

As those words were spoken, the entire Nezena's Raid Army trembled, their knees shaking. They could no longer stand and knelt with their heads lowered to the ground. Tears streamed down their faces, and their complexion turned pale.

Being able to fight again in The One's Heaven was their highest aspiration and dream. Many of them dreamt of meeting their fellow monster siblings who had already arrived in The One's Heaven. They spoke of the immense happiness they experienced there, where they could fight at any moment, feast until they were full, and make love until they passed out.

But cowards could never be accepted into The One's Heaven. And they were all cowards who allowed their Holy Queen to be injured almost to the point of death.

However, before any member of Nezena's Raid Army could decide to end their lives out of shame, a weak and hoarse voice was heard.



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