The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 275 Hobgoblin Power

"In Lolita's arena, a fierce duel unfolded between Kila and Lyla. Both of them were renowned as ferocious Valkyries who could easily destroy their enemies! What's more, they were both pregnant with their second children! That means we are witnessing a battle between two immortal beings!" Shizz exclaimed enthusiastically, announcing to the entire audience in the Colosseum. Her voice echoed, met with cheers from the spectators.

Although Palaka had reached its final stages, where the contestants were exhausted, it didn't diminish the ferocity and lethality of their battles.

"Pant.. pant.. pant.. Give up, Lyla! Your claws won't penetrate my iron skin!" retorted Kila, her body glistening under the sun's rays with her iron-like skin. Despite that, there were scratches from the wild creature's claws all over her body.

"Hahahaha... pant.. pant... pant... You're insane, Kila! I've had my eyes on Lolita from the very beginning! No monster can stop me from making Lolita my sister!" Lyla refused to back down.

In her Mutated Moon Wolf form, Lyla appeared fearsome with her sharp fangs and claws. However, her body was covered in sweat, and her white fur was disheveled.

Mana Cream Cultivation and Vithaen Possession Art were two cultivation techniques that Moku acquired from Mak Lampir. Both of them could transform monsters without mana into new creatures that possessed mana.

These two cultivations had different concepts. Mana Cream Cultivation aimed to make a monster's body adapt to mana by incorporating cells from other creatures into their own bodies. On the other hand, Vithaen Possession Art aimed to make a monster's body adapt to mana by incorporating their own souls into a new body.

As a result, monsters using either of these cultivations would gain two different forms of power. Goblins would transform into Hobgoblins, and sylphs would transform into Druids.

Druids had the ability to change their forms into mutated animals that they possessed. By using their souls to adapt, they could harness the power of the mana organs within the mutated animal's body.

As it continues to evolve, Nerphyl divides the levels of Vithaen Possession Art into several realms.

Possession Realm: This is the first stage where a sylph has gained enough soul power to engage in the Battle of Souls. Sylphs who win the Battle of Souls will transform into Druids and gain the ability to assume the form of their mutated animals. However, Druids in this realm are not yet able to harness the power of the mana organs within their mutated animal bodies.

Adaptation Realm: In this stage, a Druid begins to adapt to the mana within their body. The seals of dragon prana that encase the mana organs begin to loosen, allowing mana to seep out. Eventually, all the dragon prana seals disappear, and the Druid can utilize the power of their mana organs.

Ascension Realm: When a Druid becomes capable of utilizing the mana organs within their mutated animal body, they also gain new insights on how to further develop their mana organs. In this stage, Druids become stronger and undergo the same tier progression process as their mutated animals, ranging from Copper-tier danger to Adamantite-tier danger. However, the ascent process can be demanding at times, requiring them to consume the flesh of rare mutated animals or specific rare plants.

As a result, many Druids opt for the fastest method of tier progression, which is to conceive a child with an Asura.

Meanwhile, the development of Mana Cream Cultivation is led by Nedira. However, the first goblin to transform into a Hobgoblin was not Nedira but Volk. Unfortunately, Volk was "killed" during an ambush of a human alliance caravan, leaving Nedira as the spearhead of Mana Cream Cultivation.

With Luna's assistance, Nedira succeeded in categorizing the power development of Mana Cream Cultivation.

There are four transformation groups in this regard: skin, muscle, bone, and organs. Each group undergoes its own transformation process. For example, a Hobgoblin might have skin reaching the Palladium level, but their organs may still be at the Steel level.

To achieve a perfect transformation, a Hobgoblin needs to have a specific number of transformation cell units within its body. Here is the range of transformation cell units required for each level:

Tin: 50-150 transformation cell units.

Zinc: 150-250 transformation cell units.

Silver: 250-300 transformation cell units.

Bronze: 300-400 transformation cell units.

Steel: 400-450 transformation cell units.

Palladium: 450-475 transformation cell units.

Titanium: 475-600 transformation cell units.

Tungsten: 600-750 transformation cell units.

For a goblin to transform into a hobgoblin, their skin, muscles, bones, and organs must reach the Tin level. After the burial process, the hobgoblin will emerge with skin, muscles, bones, and organs at the Zinc level.

The only way to strengthen their skin, muscles, bones, and organs to the next level is by breaking them and then applying Mana Cream. This, of course, carries a high risk and can lead to death. It is not uncommon for a hobgoblin to be killed while attempting to level up their organs.

However, when a hobgoblin becomes a Valkyrie, these concerns can disappear. With regenerative abilities equivalent to orcs, they no longer need to fear their organs being destroyed one by one. All hobgoblins who have successfully reached the Steel level are Valkyries who have conceived an Asura child more than twice.

The same applies to Kila and Lyla; both of them are Valkyries who have conceived more than one Asura child.

Lyla has now reached the Ascension Realm in the form of a Silver Tier Danger Mutated Moon Wolf. Perhaps when her child is born, Lyla can elevate her tier danger to a Gold Tier Danger Mutated Moon Wolf.

Kila currently has Steel skin, Steel muscles, Bronze bones, and Zinc organs. Perhaps after giving birth to her second child, she will choose to improve her skin to Palladium. However, the imbalance with her soft organs would make Kila like an iron egg: hard on the outside but very soft on the inside.

If she encounters an enemy with the power to bypass her outer skin defense, Kila's still-soft organs would become a fatal weakness. That is why Nedira advised her to focus on transforming her organs first before addressing the skin, muscles, and bones.

However, she is currently fighting against Lyla. Although the Mutated Moon Wolf is known for its speed and lethality, its sharp claws and fangs will not be able to penetrate Kila's Steel skin and muscles. Thus, she ensures that this battle will end with her victory.

But Lyla is not an inexperienced Valkyrie. She has accompanied her husband on numerous raids and fought against elves. She knows that she may not have a weapon capable of breaching Kila's defense, but that doesn't mean she cannot inflict damage.

With her significantly larger and stronger body compared to Kila, Lyla slapped her opponent and delivered powerful blows that shook her organs. Not just once did Kila end up being thrown and crashing into the arena wall with great force, coughing up blood.

She herself didn't have punches that could deal significant damage to Lyla's Mutated Moon Wolf body. Nevertheless, Kila continued to attack fiercely, using the force of her body to deliver punishing blows to her opponent.


The battle intensified as the two contestants exchanged blows without regard for defense. Both of them hoped that their unborn child would continue to provide Dragon Prana assistance, allowing them to regenerate their wounds quickly.

If these two women weren't Valkyries, the fight would have undoubtedly ended sooner than expected. However, now the battle had shifted to determine which of their unborn children was stronger and capable of providing the most Dragon Prana aid to their mothers.

That's why monsters were reluctant to fight a pregnant Valkyrie. Not only would they have to contend with the Valkyrie herself, but they would also have to compete in a Dragon Prana contest with the unborn child.

While the audience cheered enthusiastically, there was one person who was more stunned than anyone else. It was Lolita, an elf caught in the midst of the life-and-death struggle between the Valkyries in the arena.

She settled into an opulent velvet chair, its regal blue color emanating an air of luxury. Surrounding her were pristine white pillows adorned with sparkling gold accents. A table stood beside her, showcasing an array of delectable treats and beverages: fresh fruits, exquisite cheeses, delectable cakes, and refined wines. The room itself boasted an assortment of lavish indulgences, including precious jewels, intricate tapestries, and intriguing artifacts.

Taking her place on a spacious armchair, she found herself embraced by its plushness, adorned with deep red cushions and accompanied by velvety throw pillows. A nearby table presented an artistic arrangement of wine and champagne bottles, accompanied by the finest chocolates and decadent pastries. Under the soft glow of the room's subdued lighting, a captivating assortment of luxurious items shimmered and sparkled.

Nestled within an inviting armchair, carefully upholstered with fine velvet and adorned with embroidered flowers, she savored the comfort it offered. In close proximity, a low coffee table beckoned with an enticing selection of snacks, treats, drinks, and desserts. The ambiance was further elevated by the presence of flickering candles and delicate sculptures, creating an aesthetic feast for the eyes and an unmistakable essence of luxury.

The women who became the center of attention in Palaka were given two personal privileges.

First, the arena would be named after them. And second, they would be treated like royalty. This was because it was their special day, and all monsters would respect someone who would soon become their sister.

Lolita never expected to be treated so specially. The reason she accepted the Palaka was that she didn't want to end up like the other elves in Elf Husbandry.

However, as the monsters fought for their lives, shouting, "Lolita will be my sister!" or "Lolita will be my husband's wife!" she felt deeply honored and truly special on that day.


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