The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 252 - Ch. 252 Kaylee's Diary (part 2)

Britney knew a lot of people made a comparison between her two daughters. One was too wild and uncontrollable, while the other was too quiet and docile. Her husband expected Roxy to be his successor so that his requirements were more demanding and their eldest daughter's space was tighter.

No wonder Roxy felt Hades III loved Kaylee more than Roxy, but Britney has never had favoritism. She treated her two daughters fairly and got mad reasonably if both of them did something wrong. Britney didn't understand why her youngest daughter thought she loved Roxy more than Kaylee.

'September 25th. I take back what I said that my mother was favoritism. My mother is the best mom I could ever have.'

Britney instantly wiped her tears and read the continuation of her daughter's diary.

'Roxy poured her heart to me today. She said mama was picky and loved me more than her. That's when I realized. Mama never had favoritism. It was our own ego that made us think both our parents were favoritism. In fact, they never are and would never be. Roxy was too uncontrollable and loved to counter back every time papa told her something. On the other hand, I'm too quiet and prefer to be in the safest place. I was a coward and didn't dare to get out of my shell, so our parents had to guide us differently.

'Nevertheless, I know now they both love us equally. I already understand this, and I hope Roxy understands one day.'

'October 4th. I did the most outrageous and stupidest thing in my life. For the first time, I… I hurt my sister's feelings. I shunned her and avoided her as if she was a bug. And now… she's leaving. Her departure made our family feel unhappy. Mama doesn't want to eat, and papa rarely comes home to track down Roxy.'

'I don't get how she got out of this city without being tracked down, let alone leaving this country. I tried to call her, but she wouldn't pick up. I texted her, but she never replied. I thought I was doomed, and it made my heart cried.'

'December 25th. This is our first Christmas without Roxy. I wish she were here to complete our family dining. It felt like something was missing when I saw the empty chair and plate on our dining table.'

'February 5th. I can't help but miss my sister. So I ventured out of my shell and sneaked out of the house to go to my sister's regular hangout place. And guess what? I found her friend who helped her get out of this place without being traced. So I also asked for his help to catch up with my sister. But… he gave me an unexpected condition.'

Condition? What conditions? Britney searched for the continuation but found no clues about the terms in question. And all of a sudden, her youngest daughter's diary jumped the day Kaylee left.

'10 June. This is it! Finally, I arrived in Spain and met my sister. At first, I was afraid that Roxy wouldn't want to see me. But when we met face to face, she let me hug her. I feel all the weights in my heart being lifted, and I've never felt so light before.'

'12 June. I took one of my sister's sketches by accident, and guess what I saw? A very handsome and charismatic man.'

Britney took a piece of paper folded neatly in the middle of the page and opened it. There she did see a picture of a handsome man holding a glass with his gaze resting on the drink.

Roxy was indeed a multi-talented child. She could play the piano so well, and she could draw so beautifully.

But… who is this guy? Is this Roxy's imaginary man?

'I was curious about this man, and what was even more surprising was that Roxy drew a dozen of these faces. I wonder if Roxy knows this guy. Who is this man? How come she never told me before? She never even told anyone about this man. I doubt our mama even knows about it.'

Britney's brow furrowed in confusion, reading her daughter's writing. Roxy drew the same dozen of the same man in her sketchbook? That means… this drawing wasn't Roxy's imaginary man!

Britney got to her feet and walked out, looking for her sister-in-law's wife at a brisk pace.

"Anna. Anna!"

"I'm here, Britney. What's wrong?" Anna emerged from the kitchen worriedly at Britney's hasty voice.

"The sketchbook. Do you know where Roxy's sketchbook is?"

"It's in her room. Why?"

"Without answering Anna's question, Britney immediately turned around to head to Roxy's room. She directly looked for a sketchbook belonging to her eldest daughter, and as soon as she found it, she immediately opened it.

And it turned out to be true. Her eldest daughter's sketchbook was filled with the same faces but with different poses.

Some were facing her, and some were facing the side.

But the most stunning picture was when the man looked at her with a gentle gaze and a charming smile.

Who is this man? Why is Roxy drawing the same guy's face over and over again?

"Oh, my. What a handsome guy. Who is he?"

"I… I don't know." Britney wanted to find out and ask Roxy, but… with Roxy's current condition… it seemed impossible. "I want to meet my daughter."

"I heard she hasn't woken up yet. I think you can see her for a second. I'll take the car, then we'll go to the hospital."

Britney nodded slowly with a look that couldn't be shifted from the image of a man's face smiling at her.

This young man… must be someone who means a lot to her eldest daughter.

Arriving at the hospital, Britney marched to her daughter's room and slowly opened the door. Usually, when her daughter woke up and saw her face, Roxy would scream or do extreme things like breaking a vase and hurting her wrist with the shards.

Fortunately, Roxy was sleeping at this time, and Britney could see her daughter's face, whom she missed so much. Her heart cringed at how skinny her daughter was and the dark circles under her eyes.

Britney held her daughter's thin hand very gently as if she was afraid she would hurt her daughter. She held Roxy's hand to her cheek while crying.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry, my baby."

For hours Britney apologized tearfully, but her heartless daughter turned deaf on her and death to the world.

Never did she expected that leaving her youngest daughter's diary on Roxy's side would change everything.


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