The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 253 - Ch 253 Good And Bad News

One of the nurses at Zouch hospital entered the room to check on Roxy's condition according to her routine. But she didn't expect that Roxy had opened her eyes and was looking at her with interest.

This was the first time this happened, so she greeted the girl hoping to get a response.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"


The nurse blinked a few times and then smiled widely.

"What do you want to eat? We have porridge, soup, and…."

"I'm craving fish soup. Do you have that?"

"Yes, we have that. Wait a moment, I will call the doctor and get your soup." the nurse dashed in lightning speed to get the doctor, leaving the baffled Roxy.

Doctor? Why does she need a doctor?

The confused girl's eyes shifted around her, and she realized she was in a hospital room.

Not long after, the doctor came in and checked the girl's condition with various questions, but Roxy mainly chose to remain silent.

"I heard you're craving fish soup. I guess you have an appetite now."

"..." Roxy didn't answer and just stared at the doctor in confusion. She glanced in all directions as if looking for someone's figure but sighed in disappointment when she couldn't find it.

"What is it, dear? What are you looking for?"

"Where is my family? Where is my mother?"

For a moment, the doctor gasped in confusion. He turned to the nurse before returning his gaze toward the girl.

"Do you want to meet your family?"

Roxy's brows furrowed in displeasure. She felt this doctor did not want her to meet her family.

"Who are you? Where is this?"

"Get doctor Zouch here." ordered the doctor to one of the nurses.

Doctor Zouch? Does he mean Uncle Pierre? Is Uncle Pierre here? But she thought Uncle Pierre was in Spain.

After waiting for a few minutes, the door to her room opened again, and her uncle entered in a hurry but approached her slowly.

Roxy smiled beamingly when she saw one of the people she knew. At first, Roxy was worried because unfamiliar faces surrounded her, and it scared her a little. However, upon seeing her uncle's face, Roxy felt immense relief and smiled broadly as she greeted her uncle.

"Uncle Pierre! It's been a while. What are you doing here?"

"..." Pierre turned to his partner with a question mark only to find the answer shaking his head from his partner. "I work here, Roxy. Of course, I'm here."

"You work here? But I think you're in Spain."


"But… why did you call me Roxy?"

"..." Pierre sensed that something was wrong. Her drastic change as well as her appetite…

Of course, Pierre was happy that Roxy's mental state was recovering and improving, but… something wasn't right.

"Then… what should I call you?" asked Pierre cautiously.

"I'm Kaylee."

"..." At that moment, Pierre felt something pierce his heart when he heard his niece's answer.

"Aren't I?"

Pierre shifted his eyes to calm himself and his eyes caught something on the floor. He walked over to pick up a book, and his eyes darkened when he realized it was Kaylee's diary.

"Is this yours… Kaylee?"

"No. I've never seen it before," answered Roxy… Kaylee without hesitation.

Pierre bent over to give his niece a warm hug. "It's okay. From now on, all your suffering is over."

The girl frowned in confusion and looked at the other doctors and nurses looking at her with sympathy.

What happened?



"What happened to me?"

"You've been unconscious for a while. That's why you are a skinner now. Don't you realize it?"

"Yeah, now you mention it. My head is a little dizzy, and I feel no strength in my muscle. And that too…."


Kaylee's face turned to beat red while clutching her stomach. Her adorable gesture invited a chuckle from her uncle.

"I'll get the meal for you. And do you want some pancakes?"

"Oh, you do know I love pancakes."

"I'll let your parents know."

"Do they still love me?" asked Kaylee in a dejecting tone.

"Of course they do. Why do you think otherwise?"

"Then… why aren't they here? Why aren't they the first ones I see when I wake up?"

Pierre's gaze softened at the disappointment in his niece's voice. Oh, how he wished the girl knew that her parents came to visit her every day. But the girl refused to meet anyone.

"They come to attend you every day, Ro… Kaylee. They couldn't even sleep, so I forced them to go home because I was already here to take care of you. Don't misunderstand them, okay?"

"Okay," replied Kaylee in a lighter mood.

Pierre ordered his employees to buy pancakes and increase the portion of Roxy's meal so that the girl could increase her energy.

He returned home to inform his brother about the progress of Roxy's condition.

"There is a good news and bad news for you. The good news is that Roxy has woken up and is currently eating her favorite fish soup."

"She did?" there was hope in Britney's voice.

"She did, sister-in-law. She even finished two servings of fish soup and three pancakes. Her appetite returned to normal. I think after a few days, she will be able to return home."

"This is really great news!" cried Britney while shedding tears of excitement.

Hades III also breathed a sigh of relief at this good news, but his smile disappeared as he remembered his brother's words. "Then what's the bad news?"

Pierre took a deep breath before saying, "Roxy believes she was Kaylee. I think… she created a fortress and decided to be her sister after reading this." Pierre gave a book to his brother, but Britney took it and looked at Pierre with a look demanding an answer.

"What do you mean?"

"Her behavior, thinking and also… her taste… are all like Kaylee. The psychiatrist has also checked her and asked her several questions, like how old she is, her date of birth… all the answers she gave were things that Kaylee should have answered."

An eerie silence surrounded them for a moment.

"Brother, Roxanne isn't around at the moment.. It's like we have Kaylee with Roxy's face."


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