The Prodigies War

Chapter 1743: The Suppressed ‘God’

Chapter 1743: The Suppressed ‘God’

It was a mountain that had once wiped out an Emperor!

Their hearts sank.


Lin Xun took action, and the Broken Blade slashed out.

With a puff, Meng Yi's figure burst like a bubble, turning into a rain of light and disappearing.

Hundreds of miles away, his laughter came from afar, "Brother Lin, there is no need to waste your energy. Since I dare to do this, how could I possibly put myself in danger?"

"Water Mirror Transformation! This is the secret inheritance art of the Qiongqi Battle Clan, which is somewhat similar to ‘one body into thousands,’ but the Water Mirror Transformation is also an extremely magical escape method. The user can silently produce thousands of lifelike figures while the original body has actually escaped far away."

A'hu's voice was full of reluctance, "I should have guessed that it was Meng Yi who had been making trouble for us along the way!"

As soon as they had entered Blood Moon Wasteland, they coincidentally bumped into the Burial Spirit Dead Tree. According to common sense, they could have avoided it without any danger.

But the Burial Spirit Zombies had all been alerted!

Even with the Flying Immortal Tablets, these evil creatures were still fearless, which was out of the norm.

Later on, the weird situations and dangers they encountered along the way were all supposed to be extremely rare, but instead they were frequent, far from comparable to previous accounts.

How could all these anomalies be related to bad luck?

Now, A'hu completely understood what had happened and finally dared to be certain that it had been Meng Yi all along! He had been guiding their path the whole way, so only he could cause all these ‘chance’ encounters!

Unfortunately, figuring it out now was undoubtedly too late for them.

"From the very beginning, I didn't completely trust him, but I didn't expect that I would still be hoodwinked by him once." Lin Xun frowned, "There is no time to lose, let's leave here first."


Before his voice faded away, they heard the sound of a dense collision. From the distant God Binding Heavenly Peak, a chain that resembled a dragon pierced the void and swept over.

The chain glowed with a strange light, like a black dragon, and it disappeared from sight within an instant. It then reappeared above Lin Xun and A’hu's heads, covering them.

The next moment, Lin Xun and A’hu were tied up like dumplings and were in front of God Binding Heavenly Peak.


The terrifying and strange chain fell, suppressing the two of them at the bottom of the mountain before disappearing in the rolling chaotic mist.

"Finally succeeded..."

In the distance, Meng Yi stood in the air, and the Fengshan Monumental Tablet appeared above his head, flowing with an obscure light, covering his figure.

"Brother Meng, what's going on?"

Ji Qian finally realized at this moment that Meng Yi had been plotting along the way to entrap Lin Xun and A'hu!

This made him furious. "If it weren't for Brother Lin, we would have been killed by the Burial Spirit Zombies. Is this how you treat your savior?"

Jiang Heng was also confused and angry.

She had been completely unaware of Meng Yi's sinister plan of entrapping and getting rid of Lin Xun and A’hu. Thinking about it now, she felt a chill in her body.

Meng Yi looked calm and unmoved as he smiled, "I was the one who lured the Burial Spirit Zombies over. I was planning to use those evil creatures to kill Lin Xun and his companion in one fell swoop. Who would have accident would happen?"


Ji Qian and Jiang Heng shuddered all over. Only now did they understand that this plot had started as early as when they had first entered Blood Moon Wasteland!

"To be honest, Brother Ji, I have used all my skills and tricks along the way. I originally planned to use those terrible disasters and evil creatures to kill Lin Xun and his companion, but they resolved them without any true danger every time."

Meng Yi couldn't help but sigh, "Even I have to admit that Lin Xun's methods are really extraordinary, no, they should be extremely amazing. In terms of his peers in the Ancient Nebula Road, there are only a handful of people who can match him."

Immediately, he revealed a forlorn look on his face, "It's a pity that the treasures on Lin Xun, such as the mysterious pagoda that appeared in the Dao War of Emperors, a bronze lamp that can easily defeat the Burial Spirit Zombies, a broken blade with an aura that defies the heavens, a pair of swords that had accompanied the Underworld River Sword Emperor, and a mysterious mutton-fat jade bottle..."

He knew them all because he had long set his eyes on Lin Xun’s treasures during this journey.

But in the end, he sighed, "But this time, they're all gone..."

God Binding Heavenly Peak was the most terrifying mountain in the forbidden lands around Fengshan Platform as it had previously wiped out a real Emperor!

Lin Xun and A'hu were imprisoned and suppressed there, so not only would they die, but even the treasures on them would also be destroyed!

Meng Yi felt sad about that.

Ji Qian said gloomily, "But why do you insist on dealing with Brother Lin? Isn't it better to be friends with him?"

"Yes, Brother Lin had never been passive and lazy along the way. In fact, he has even saved us many times. Why did you still trap and kill him?" Jiang Heng also couldn't accept it.

Meng Yi's expression became cold, and he glanced at the two of them as he said, "In the beginning, you regarded this boy as an enemy and coveted his treasures. Why do you sympathize and pity him now?"

He paused before saying, "Remember, I am helping you!"

After that, he floated away.

Ji Qian and Jiang Heng both looked uncertain and felt extremely uncomfortable. Meng Yi's actions not only made them angry, but also made them feel an indescribable chill.

His schemes went too deep, so no one could guess when he would decide to kill you without leaving any trace!

"Meng Yi, I just want to ask you one question, why?" Ji Qian shouted loudly.

He and Meng Yi had been friends since they were young, but now he suddenly discovered that he didn't seem to know the other at all.

"I made a deal with Wen Qingxue. If I can kill Lin Xun, then she will help me obtain the Saint Path Ritual opportunity on Fengshan Platform."

Meng Yi continued without turning his head, "You two, this is just a dispute over the great dao. I have no relationship with Lin Xun, and I have never had any hatred towards him. I simply killed him because he was an obstacle on my journey to the dao.

"Also, if you two don’t try to catch up soon neither of you will be able to enter the Fengshan Platform."

Hearing this, Ji Qian said angrily, "Bullshit! A dispute over the great dao? That’s nothing more than an excuse you’re using to justify your sinister plots. Scram. From now on, I, Ji Qian, will never treat you as my friend!"

Meng Yi paused in the distance. After a moment, a sneer rose from the corner of his lips, "You are already a supreme Big Saint yet you are still so childish..."

Then, he left without looking back again.

"Senior Brother, you did the right thing!" Jiang Heng took a deep breath and said, "No matter how strong his fighting power and tactics are, Meng Yi is just a despicable and shameless snake."

Ji Qian looked bleak, "I just didn't expect for him to turn out like this... Well, let's think about how to survive in this forbidden area..."

"It's a pity for Brother Lin and the others. They finally walked out of the Ancient Wasteland Domain, but before they could shine in the Ancient Nebula Road they died at the hands of a shameless villain like Meng Yi."

Jiang Heng sighed.


God Binding Heavenly Peak.

The side of the mountain resembled a natural chasm and had one thousand and eight hundred strange chains that were as thick as black dragons hanging down from it. The rolling, chaotic air steamed, covering this place of great evil that made countless people blanch whenever they talked about it. It was a mysterious and odd land.

No one knew that at the bottom of this mountain was a dark, sealed world, because everyone who had come here had been bound and suppressed before meeting their deaths...

Bang! Bang!

Lin Xun and A'hu smashed to the ground, and stars appeared in their eyes. Their bones and flesh had almost ruptured so they couldn't help but groan in pain.

Although they were tied up, they still raised their heads and spread their spirit senses out.

This was a cold, dark, and secret world. The sky was gray, making everything look gloomy and dark.

The ground was densely packed with broken bones and dilapidated pieces of armor and treasure. At a glance, there was no end to this hell!

Was this the land under God Binding Heavenly Peak?

Lin Xun and A'hu looked at each other and wanted to struggle, but they had been completely restrained so they couldn't even lift a finger.

"Two little lambs...are not enough for me to fill the gaps between my teeth. Is the world just getting worse and worse now? Or, is it because after the Dao War of Emperors, all of those youngster Emperors in the Ancient Nebula Road have died out?"

A hoarse and creaky voice echoed, as if it hadn't spoken for a long time, but the disappointment in it was not concealed at all.


In an instant, Lin Xun and A'hu felt their bodies lighten, and the black chain that tied them suddenly moved slightly into the darkness in the distance.

Then, the two saw that the dark sky covering the far distance seemed to collapse, reflecting an ancient Taoist platform.

On the Taoist platform, there was a skinny figure sitting cross-legged with disheveled hair. His whole body was tied up by a series of dark chains that were densely packed. He was clearly a suppressed prisoner.

The chain that bound Lin Xun and A’hu had come out from this skinny figure.

The strange thing was that when the chain was retracted, it whipped the skinny figure fiercely, making the latter howl like a ferocious beast.

He trembled violently, as if in great pain, and the dark chains tied around him rattled and emitted an obscure light.

No matter how he struggled, he was firmly trapped on the Taoist platform and could not move a single step.


Finally, the chain returned and turned into the thickness of a thumb, fiercely piercing the shoulder blade of the skinny figure before passing through and wrapping itself around him.

Lin Xun and A'hu were both stunned.

Originally, they had thought that the chains on God Binding Heavenly Peak were a strange and terrifying thing as anyone who was imprisoned by them would be suppressed and wiped out.

But now it seemed that these chains were not really meant to deal with the cultivators who had strayed into God Binding Heavenly Peak. Instead, they were binding the skinny figure who had been suppressed here for who knows how many years!

Who was he?

And why was he being suppressed by God Binding Heavenly Peak?

The most terrifying thing was that it was clearly this skinny figure who had exerted his strength and controlled a chain that was tied to him, leading the two of them to be captured here!

But at the same time, the skinny figure had also paid a heavy price for this. After the chain escaped from his control, it started to bite back, whipping and suppressing him!

Hu~ Hu~

On the Taoist platform, the skinny figure panted rapidly, and it took a long time for him to recover from the excruciating pain.

In the end, he said in a voice full of resentment, "Old Bodhi, Old Bodhi, when I get out of this predicament, I will definitely destroy your Fangchun Mountain lineage!!!"


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