The Prodigies War

Chapter 1742: God Binding Heavenly Peak

Chapter 1742: God Binding Heavenly Peak

The hundreds and thousands of Burial Spirit Zombies continued to scatter into black mist, covering the sky and earth.

The Dao Blameless Lamp was suspended in midair, wick swaying, dim light flickering, but that faint brightness eliminated all enemies!

Bathed in the pale yellow glow, Lin Xun exuded an aura of mystery.

Meng Yi and the others were dumbstruck.

Ever since ancient times, countless cultivators had come to the forbidden grounds of ​​Fengshan Platform and died with hatred and regret before the Burial Spirit Dead Tree.

In fact, previously Ji Qian and Jiang Heng also were filled with despair and lost all hope.

But who would have thought that Lin Xun, who they thought little of, was able to avert the devastating disaster with a bronze lamp?!

In particular, when they witnessed the violent creatures that were capable of killing Saints with ease disintegrating into mist, they were all utterly stupefied.

Black fog rolled in, filled with the aura of death, sweeping across the sky and earth.

No more Burial Spirit Zombies rushed out from the tree.

They looked around and saw nothing but endless blackness.

Lin Xun and A’hu put away their Flying Immortal Tablets.

Almost at the same time, the deathly black fog roared into the Dao Blameless Lamp like a river that burst its banks.

From afar, it looked like a whale drawing up water!

Lin Xun was not surprised and very quickly he noticed that the deathly energy had turned into drops of pure black lamp oil and soaked into the wick of the Dao Blameless Lamp.

This mysterious unfathomable ancient treasure, one of the nine Emperor weapons of Kunlun, radiated an indescribable wondrous aura.

It seemed to have gained a divine vitality!

When all the deathly energy eventually gathered into the lamp, a layer of pure black lamp oil that was as deep as the length of a finger was sitting inside the Dao Blameless Lamp.

Meanwhile, all traces of the Burial Spirit Dead Tree were gone. Only the nine blood-red moons were still hanging in the sky, casting a pale red light upon the world.

Ji Qian and Jiang Heng breathed a long sigh as if they had escaped the jaws of death. They could barely conceal their delight and excitement.

Meng Yi stood dazed, as though feeling emotional, stunned, and relieved.

A’hu pursed her lips and smiled softly, her beautiful eyes glistening like water.

Lin Xun seemed oblivious to all this and just stood in the same spot.

As the Dao Blameless Lamp absorbed the layer of black lamp oil, insights of an inheritance quietly emerged in his mind, like the sound of the great dao echoing in him.

“With Blameless as the guide, lights burn for eternity, leading the lost souls back home…”

Finally, those insights turned into a secret text called Soul Guidance and were imprinted in Lin Xun’s mind. After a brief check, it dawned on him that this was an art of controlling the Dao Blameless Lamp!

Lin Xun was surprised to come into the possession of this mysterious art of the Dao Blameless Lamp through this lucky chance.

“Brother Lin, we survived all thanks to you.” Ji Qian looked down in shame. “I want to apologize for my previous hostility towards you, and in the future, I promise to compensate you accordingly.”

Jiang Heng nodded beside him.

If Lin Xun had not taken action, they would have all met with their ends. How could they not be full of gratitude to their savior?

“No need for any compensation, let’s just think of it as an exchange of blows allowing friendship to grow,” Lin Xun said casually.

Meng Yi smiled. “This time, we all owe Brother Lin a huge favor. How about this? Once we reach the Fengshan Platform, if we find any opportunities or fortunes, Brother Lin can be the first to get them.”

Ji Qian and Jiang Heng nodded in agreement.

Of course, Lin Xun had no objection.

After a brief rest, the group continued onwards.

The Blood Moon Wasteland was desolate and barren, the sky and earth were vast and dark, creating an oppressive atmosphere. It felt like they were treading through the dark underworld. Even their spirits felt oppressed.

Their journey could not be called smooth at all, but rather treacherous and full of deadly dangers.

They encountered a bizarre cold current that turned into a storm of ice and snow, freezing the entire world. The bone-chilling blast of cold had a terrifying destructive effect on cultivators’ spirits.

The cold current was also called the Soul Blowing Wind. A slight blow down at a cultivator could blast away and dissipate their spirit.

They also came across silver dust swirling in the sky. Each one was tiny and sparkling like a fine crystal, but despite their dainty appearance, they could tear through the sky and shatter the stars.

They also saw strange creatures hiding in the void, which looked like black-haired monkeys, but they had green faces and razor sharp fangs.

Those ferocious creatures were known as Ghost Faced Water Monkeys and could travel through space, coming and leaving without a trace, which made it extremely difficult to guard against them.

Their cry could shatter the mind of a cultivator and destroy their entire cultivation; it was spooky and frightening.

If they did not hold the Flying Immortal Tablets, Lin Xun and his friends would have met with grave dangers for who knows how many times!

Several hours later.

An incredibly tall and majestic mountain suddenly loomed on the horizon.

From the mountain peak, countless dark chains hung down like giant dragons, entwined with streaks of eerie blood-colored light.

A mere glance at it from afar sent shivers down the spine of Lin Xun and the others. They felt a cold blast at their faces as if they had fallen into an ice cave. An incomparably strong feeling of danger flooded their bodies.

“God Binding Heavenly Peak?!” Ji Qian cried out, trembling, as if he had witnessed the most terrible thing in the world.

He was the number one true successor of the Xuanji Dao Sect, a core descendant of the Imperial Ji Clan, and a renowned and unparalleled supreme Big Saint.

But since entering the forbidden zone around ​​Fengshan Platform, he had repeatedly lost his composure and been scared witless.

Not only him, it was the same with Jiang Heng.

Meng Yi, Lin Xun and A’hu were slightly better, but not by much, because the forbidden grounds were far too frightening.

There were far too many dangers and bizarre things that could easily take their lives!

Traveling through it was akin to dancing on the edge of a blade, hovering between the line of life and death. Not only were they in a constant state of anxiety and dread, but they were also under tremendous pressure to survive.

However, Ji Qian had never panicked as much as he did at this moment.

“That...that legendary mountain…actually...exists?” Jiang Heng’s teeth chattered and her pretty face paled.

According to legend, a mysterious mountain existed in the forbidden zone of ​​Fengshan Platform, which was like a heavenly barrier extending all the way across the world, with one thousand eight hundred mysterious chains hanging down. Each one contained the mysterious power to bind gods and kill Saints.

The most terrifying thing was that almost none who saw the mountain lived to tell the tale!

This mountain was God Binding Heavenly Peak!

However, Ji Qian and Jiang Heng could not believe that they would be so unlucky as to encounter this deadly mountain along the way!

Suddenly, the two seemed to have lost all their strength and their faces became deathly pale.

“It’s over. There’s no way we can survive this...The Flying Immortal Tablet has no use here. The God Binding Heavenly Peak is an omen of death. Anyone who encounters it is doomed...”

Ji Qian mumbled incoherently with a miserable expression.

“Our luck is so bad. As far as I know, most of the experts who came to the forbidden grounds of ​​​​the Fengshan Platform in the past would arrive safely at the platform within six hours.” Jiang Heng uttered bitterly. “Also, the dangers they encountered along the way were not as frequent as we did. the heavens playing with us or do they want us dead?”

Meng Yi’s face was overcast.

Lin Xun and A’hu looked at each other, expressions flickering across their faces.

If they thought about it carefully, the deadly dangers and murderous attacks they encountered along the way were indeed too frequent.

The moment they entered the area, they encountered the Torrent of Time, quickly followed by the Burial Spirit Dead Tree, and then they were surrounded by countless Burial Spirit Zombies.

After they finally escaped that calamity, they were then faced with vicious attacks from the Soul Blowing Wind, Silver Dust and Ghost Faced Water Monkeys.

This was indeed very unusual, making them feel a sense of oppression and fear. Ordinary cultivators would have broken down long ago and not been able to hold on this far.

But now, they even came across the legendary God Binding Heavenly Peak!

“Brother Lin, have you noticed that we did not see any cultivators along the way, and we only ran into all sorts of deadly dangers and murderous attacks?” A’hu quickly sent a voice transmission with a suspicious look on her face. “This can only mean that either our luck is really bad or that we took the wrong route!”

“Do you suspect…” A thought struck Lin Xun and he was about to say something when—


A terrifying force came slamming down at Lin Xun and A’hu from behind.

So quick!

Caught off guard, Lin Xun and A’hu could only instinctively dodge it.

Amid a deafening collision, Lin Xun staggered and reeled several steps in the air. Although uninjured, his clothes were torn in the back and his skin was burning with pain.

A’hu was struck on the shoulder and grunted, her pretty face turning pale.

“It’s you!”

Lin Xun and A’hu simultaneously turned to Meng Yi, their eyes as cold as ice. The one who had launched the sudden attack at them was none other than Meng Yi.

If it wasn’t him, how would the two fail to react in time?

“I apologize for deceiving you two along the way. I feel guilty about this, but I had no other choice,” Meng Yi said aloud.

Even though he apologized, there was not a tinge of remorse on his handsome face. Instead, a faint smile played about his lips.

At this moment, he held onto Ji Qian with his left hand and Jiang Heng with his right, standing a thousand feet away.

“Why?” A’hu questioned coldly.

Ji Qian and Jiang Heng also widened their eyes in disbelief. They had not expected Meng Yi to betray them at such a time.

The two were about to say something when to their shock and bewilderment, they discovered that their power was restrained and they could not utter a sound.

What on earth does Meng Yi want?

“Because I made a deal with someone.” Meng Yi sighed, “This deal was too tempting. I had no choice but to give up working with you two and make the painful decision to deal with you two instead.”

“But it seems like you didn’t succeed.”

Lin Xuns dark eyes were ice-cold, swirling with murderous intent.

Meng Yi smiled and his voice became resolute. “No, you will definitely die this time!”

His gaze shifted over to the God Binding Heavenly Peak in the distance. “Do you see it? In a short while, the mysterious divine chains on that mountain will bind you two to the foot of the mountain. Then, they will wear away your flesh, blood, and spirit bit by bit until you are completely obliterated...”

At the end of the sentence, he gave Lin Xun and A’hu a look of pity, “I might as well tell you two that a long time ago, a true Emperor was annihilated under this mountain. Do you actually think you can escape this time?”


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