The Prodigies War

Chapter 1744: Ge Yupu and Demon-Beast Emperor Dutian

Chapter 1744: Ge Yupu and Demon-Beast Emperor Dutian

The hoarse voice echoed in the dark space, making anyone who heard it shudder.

Old Bodhi!

Destroy the Fangchun Mountain lineage!

Lin Xun's black eyes flashed, and his heart was in turmoil.

When he first entered the Return Dominion, in the Deva Secret Domain, he discovered a place that held the secret of the Bodhi and obtained a miraculous daoist verse of teaching that then flew into the Dao Endless Pagoda.[1]

From the will wisp of Luo Tongtian, the Omega Lord, Lin Xun learned that the real Omega Lord, who had fought against all and swept across the heavens, had suffered a great loss from a certain someone in the Return Dominion.

That someone had sat on the cloud of the nine heavens, wielded the great dao horsetail whisk, and held the Dao Endless Pagoda. He was neither a Buddhist nor a daoist, neither a scholar nor a demon, and was called the Master of Fangchun Mountain!

There was a critical moment when Lin Xun pushed open the Omega Door and was almost possessed by the trace of will of the Omega Lord. However, it was the power of the daoist verse of teaching that was left by the Master of Fangchun Mountain that shattered the power of the Omega Lord’s will wisp!

And this daoist verse of teaching was the one that had flown into the Dao Endless Pagoda, which Lin Xun had obtained from the place that held the secret of the Bodhi.

Did this mean that the secret of the Bodhi was related to the Master of Fangchun Mountain?

Now, at this time, the skinny figure who was tied up and suppressed on the Taoist platform by chains also let out a resentful roar. He had mentioned the word ‘Bodhi,’ and wanted to destroy the Fangchun Mountain lineage. How could Lin Xun not be shocked?

Lin Xun clearly remembered that when he was in Tragic Death City, Ghost King Xuan Kong once said, "Master's dharma name is like the great dao. It can be understood by the mind, but its meaning cannot be conveyed!"

This meant that the dharma name of the Master of Fangchun Mountain was as ineffable as the great dao. Similar to how the dao can be spoken of, but what was proclaimed was not the real dao. Thus, the name could be named, but it was not the real name!

At this moment, Lin Xun had a strong hunch that the ‘Old Bodhi’ who the skinny figure hated was probably the Master of Fangchun Mountain!

"Brother Lin, we can't escape. This place is covered with a terrifying forbidden power, like a prison, completely abandoning the laws of heaven and earth, as if it is completely isolated from the world..."

At this time, A’hu quickly transmitted a message. Her expression was extremely solemn, and she was absolutely horrified.

Lin Xun had sensed it as well. He realized that something was wrong and couldn't help but gasp.

Just what kind of hell was this place? In order to suppress a single person, the laws of heaven and earth were completely abandoned. It was too scary!

How powerful must the skinny figure on the platform be to be treated in such a ‘taboo’ way?

"Haha, Ge Yupu, why aren’t you saying anything? Didn't you see that I have caught two more little lambs, hahaha..."

On the Taoist platform, the skinny figure laughed sarcastically, "For countless years, even though I have been suppressed by Old Bodhi and cannot see the light of day again, I can still kill some little lambs.

"And you, Ge Yupu...can only watch me do so!"

In this dark world, other than Lin Xun and A'hu, there was only this skinny figure, but he seemed to be talking to another person named Ge Yupu.

Furthermore, every single thing he said showed his contempt for the other person.

"Not going to talk? It seems like your strength has been weakened significantly over the countless years. Otherwise, why wouldn’t you stop me when I killed the others?"

The skinny figure sneered, his voice gloomy.

Lin Xun and A’hu were confused.

God Binding Heavenly Peak.

The skinny figure on the platform was being bound and suppressed by one thousand eight hundred chains. Could he be…an actual ‘god’?

If so, then who was Ge Yupu?

Lin Xun and A'hu weren’t sure, but they had a vague idea that Ge Yupu was here to guard and suppress the skinny figure.

Just like the guard of a prison!

The skinny figure laughed strangely, "Look at the corpses all over the ground, which one didn't die because of your Fangchun Mountain? If you hadn't suppressed me here, then how could I have killed these people?"


Lin Xun's pupils constricted. This revelation shocked him. He instantly realized that Ge Yupu must also be from Fangchun Mountain!

At the same time, A'hu glanced at Lin Xun, and it was obvious that she had come to the same conclusion.

"Not going to say anything? Then I'll kill a lamb first!"

A long period of time had passed, but there was no response. The skinny figure on the platform seemed quite angry. He stood up suddenly, and his eyes locked on Lin Xun through his messy hair.


A chain inserted in the skinny figure's right arm suddenly rushed out, cutting through the void and rushing towards Lin Xun. Its speed was so fast and its aura was so terrifying and weird that it reached an unimaginable power.

However, a person had already rushed out just as Lin Xun was about to dodge.

They waved their sleeves violently, and the chain shook and rustled. It instantly returned and inserted into the skinny figure again.

A painful groan sounded, but the skinny figure laughed and sounded extremely excited, "Ge Yupu, you have finally come out! Hahaha, hahahaha..."

The laughter was like thunder stirring this dark world.

At this time, Lin Xun and A’hu finally saw the figure that had suddenly appeared.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a bamboo hat and a straw raincoat. [2] He looked like a woodcutter and had a simple and ordinary aura.

But when he stood there, he immediately gave off a majestic and immeasurable feeling!

The middle-aged woodcutter said in a dull voice, "Kong Dutian, you are in great trouble."

"Could it be... Could it be that he is..."

A’hu seemed to have guessed something, and there was a look of shock in her eyes.

"Who?" Lin Xun couldn't help but ask in a voice transmission.

A’hu took a deep breath and responded through voice transmission, "I suspect...the one who is being suppressed is most likely the founder of the Imperial Kong Clan...Demon-Beast Emperor Dutian, one of the Primeval Seven Demon-Beast Emperors and the strongest among them!"

Kong Dutian.

Demon-Beast Emperor Dutian!

Lin Xun couldn't help but tremble. Could the skinny figure that was imprisoned on the platform really be such a terrifying existence?

A’hu's voice was filled with surprise, "It is rumored that among the Primeval Seven Demon-Beast Emperors, Dutian is the only supreme figure who has achieved the status of 'one path to Ancestor' in the Emperor Stage. The Imperial Kong Clan has always called him Dao Ancestor Dutian, but whether he had reached that realm or not is subject to many different opinions..."

One path to Ancestor!

Lin Xun's expression changed completely. Even if it was just a rumor, it was enough to make people panic. After all, this was the strongest of the Primeval Seven Demon-Beast Emperors!

"I'm in big trouble?" On the Taoist platform, the skinny figure laughed crazily, "Ge Yupu, Ge Yupu, you are indeed the most stupid one among all the disciples of Fangchun Mountain. Not only are you an idiot, but you are also stubborn. Don't you know that the origin of your dao is on the verge of exhaustion and will be completely destroyed soon?"

Towards the end, his voice became gloomy, "During these endless years, I have killed so many lambs just to lure you into taking action so I could wipe you out. But despite being a fool, you were able to resist the urge. You never showed up, leaving me quite helpless.

"Eons ago I even risked a great loss of vitality and wiped out a youngster in the Emperor Stage, but I still couldn't make you show up.

"But now, I'm wondering, why did you appear today? Do you know that the end is coming and you want to struggle to death at the last moment? Hahahaha."

The skinny figure couldn't help but laugh uproariously again.

He had been suppressed for countless years in the darkness and suffered endless torment and torture, but he did not expect that today, he would have the hope of seeing the light of day again!

At this point, Lin Xun and A’hu had realized that the experts who had come to the forbidden area of ​​the Fengshan Platform in the past were not killed by God Binding Heavenly Peak itself, but instead had died at the hands of this skinny figure!

"Are you done?"

While facing the provocation of the skinny figure, Ge Yupu had remained silent, standing there like a silent mountain. Even his voice sounded very dull when he finally spoke.

However, his indifferent reaction made the skinny figure feel stuffy, as if he had punched cotton, so he felt uncomfortable all over.

He couldn't help but roar, "Ge Yupu, don't you know that you are going to die?! As long as you die, I will have a chance to escape. By then, all of the disciples of Fangchun Mountain will die!"


Ge Yupu's answer was still concise and very calm, as if he felt no emotion at all.

This made the skinny figure furious, "Impossible? Ge Yupu, you are really incredibly stupid, like a dumb lump of wood!"


The next moment, he suddenly stood up from the platform, and the chains on him rumbled, but they were no longer able to make him sit on the ground.

At the same time, a terrifying and boundless power spread from his skinny figure making him resemble a god that had been trapped for eternity and was awakening at this moment.

He looked crazy with his disheveled hair, but he had supreme power, which was completely different from his previous prisoner-like appearance.

Just a glance from a distance caused Lin Xun and A’hu to be terrified. Their souls and minds were about to collapse, and they felt a suffocating feeling of being on the verge of death.

At this moment, the middle-aged woodcutter standing beside the two took a step forward.

However, it was that one step that pulled Lin Xun and A’hu back from the gates of hell, and the physical and mental shock they had suffered from was now completely resolved.


On the Taoist platform, the skinny figure screamed, exuding a mighty power that was enough to suppress the heavens and make the sun, moon, and stars tremble.

At the same time, the middle-aged woodcutter took a deep breath and transformed!

He was like a mountain rising from the earth, rushing out of the clouds, supporting the sky, and soaring around the void. It was immeasurable and towering.

At this moment, neither Lin Xun nor A’hu could see anything, and their consciousness and senses seemed to be sealed.

Within this odd state, they could only hear a voice, "The Great Dao rises and falls, and no one in the heavens is spared."

The strand of the horsetail whisk that had been with Lin Xun flashed and disappeared.

Rise and fall!


Then, the skinny figure immediately screamed in anger, "The great dao horsetail whisk should have been severely damaged a long time ago, but why does its origin power still exist in the world!?"

After an unknown amount of time had passed, perhaps it was only seconds or it could have been quite long, Lin Xun, who was in a blank state, heard a voice again.

"Kong Dutian, my master suppressed you here because he thought it was not easy for you to achieve enlightenment, so he suppressed you in order to allow you to remember and reflect on your mistakes, which was equivalent to leaving you a glimmer of hope.

"Unfortunately, it turns out that your nature is hard to change after all as your vicious self has remained the same..."

The middle-aged woodcutter finally voiced his thoughts, and his voice was still incredibly dull.

But the next moment, Lin Xun was stunned.

Because the voice of the middle-aged woodcutter echoed in his heart, "Little Junior Brother, let me borrow the Dao Endless Pagoda for a moment."

1. see chapter 595 and read on if you want to recall what happened then. ☜

2. See this ☜

2. ☜


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