The Prodigies War

Chapter 1741: Blameless!

Chapter 1741: Blameless!


The two Flying Immortal Tablets buzzed with strange ripples of energy, drizzling light to envelop Lin Xun and the others.

Almost at the same time, a corpse sped through the air, and with a boom, a palm slammed hard on the light screen created by the Flying Immortal Tablets.

Lin Xun and the others trembled inwardly, faces blanching.

It was just a palm strike, but it contained the power to smash the sky and crush mountains and valleys.

The deathly energy that burst out from the palm transformed into bizarre law power and spread outwards. A terrifying strike!

But even that terrifying palm strike was silently dispelled upon contact with the light screen of the Flying Immortal Tablets. Light roamed and the light screen only rippled ever so slightly.

Lin Xun and the others all heaved a sigh of relief.

They raised their eyes to see that the corpse was shaped like a giant cat, with a row of thorn-like bones on its back. Its mangled body was surrounded by surging deathly energy, and its eyes were a strange scarlet hue.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As though unwilling to give in, it unleashed a ferocious roar and launched hundreds of violent palm strikes. The power of each one was enough to take the life of a supreme Big Saint.

Even though the barrage of attacks was eventually blocked by the Flying Immortal Tablet light screen, Lin Xun and the others still felt their blood run cold and their hearts pounded violently in their chests.

The strength of the corpse was above the level of supreme Big Saints and even superior to that of Saint-Kings!

Without a Flying Immortal Tablet, no one among them would survive.

“We only just arrived at the Blood Moon Wasteland, and we have already run into the Burial Spirit Dead Tree. It seems like our luck isn’t too good…” Meng Yi did not look too good.

The Burial Spirit Dead Tree was an extremely terrifying and ominous tree. It was like a huge cemetery and buried the corpses of countless strange, vicious creatures.

Those corpses were also called Burial Spirit Zombies. Every one of them possessed powerful strength that could kill Saints as effortlessly as cutting weeds.

In the past, many experts who came to explore the forbidden grounds of the Fengshan Platform had died at the hands of Burial Spirit Zombies.

Ji Qian and Jiang Heng inhaled sharply. They had also heard about the terror of the Burial Spirit Dead Tree. Let alone supreme Big Saints like them, even quasi-Emperors would be doomed before it.

“Brother Lin, I feel something is wrong. Burial Spirit Zombies are known to be terrifying, but they never attack unprovoked.” A’hu sent a voice transmission to Lin Xun, “In other words, even if someone encounters a Burial Spirit Dead Tree, they could safely escape as long as they don’t provoke it.”

Lin Xun’s dark eyes flashed, and he was about to say something when—

A group of Burial Spirit Zombies rushed out from the Burial Spirit Dead Tree, coming straight for Lin Xun and the others, each one exuding monstrous deathly energy.


Within seconds, Lin Xun and the others were completely surrounded. In every direction were terrifying corpses madly charging towards them.

The Flying Immortal Tablet light screen spewed out a waterfall of light to neutralize all those attacks.

“This isn’t right! This is very unusual. We hold Flying Immortal Tablets, which can easily resolve this calamity, so why did they charge at us with killing intent?!” Ji Qian raged with disbelief.

Petrified, Jiang Heng trembled uncontrollably and her pretty face became deathly pale. Those corpses were too ferocious and murderous like evil spirits from hell.

“In the Three Forbidden of Kunlun, anything can happen. Everyone, we are in trouble...” Meng Yi’s face was overcast.

What horrified them the most was that as time went by, more and more corpses emerged from the Burial Spirit Dead Tree, like a tide rushing in to flood the entire world.

Each one of them was frightening.

They only barely avoided being struck thanks to the power of the Flying Immortal Tablets’ light screen, as if they were standing on an isolated island surrounded by seawater.

But if they continued to be attacked like that, the power of the Flying Immortal Tablets would soon be exhausted. When that happened...

…the consequences would be unimaginable!

Lin Xun and A’hu both tried to move with the Flying Immortal Tablets, but they couldn’t budge at all.

In other words, the Flying Immortal Tablets’ light screen could only be used as a means of passive defense and not to fight against the enemy!

Their faces turned glum.

“The forbidden ground of Fengshan Platform is too terrifying. If I knew...I would rather give up on the fortune than to come here…”

Jiang Heng’s pretty face was miserable and pale.

Evil, vicious spirits were everywhere as far as the eye could see, all over the mountains and plains. Being trapped here felt like they were waiting for the judgment of death at the gates of hell.

It was chilling and despairing.

“Brother Meng, what should we do?” Ji Qian pinned his hopes on Meng Yi, staring at him with hopeful eyes.

“I also did not expect to run into this predicament shortly after we entered the forbidden grounds of ​​Fengshan Platform...” Meng Yi’s face was overcast.

He was also at his wit’s end!

Who would have imagined that they would encounter the Burial Spirit Dead Tree as soon as they reached the Blood Moon Wasteland?


Those violent Burial Spirit Zombies were still charging wildly in their direction and roaring viciously, like thousands of evil spirits hunting down prey upon detecting blood.

The Flying Immortal Tablets buzzed and vibrated as they magically turned showers of light into a light screen to block all attacks.

But everyone could tell that the power of the Flying Immortal Tablets was rapidly being exhausted!

“Let me try,” Lin Xun suddenly said aloud.

He had not uttered a word before. But now that he spoke, it attracted everyone’s attention.

“Brother Lin, do you have a way to get us out of this crisis?” Ji Qian asked excitedly.

It was like a desperate person seeing a glimmer of hope.

Jiang Heng was also gleaming with hope. At this moment, she no longer cared about her past grudge with Lin Xun.

As long as they could get out of this trouble, she would be happy to owe Lin Xun a huge favor.

Lin Xun’s words took Meng Yi aback, then his eyes glinted a strange light. “Brother Lin, if you have a way of getting out of this crisis, then that’s fantastic.”

“I don’t.” Lin Xun shook his head.

Those two simple words were like a bucket of cold water poured over their heads.

“But I can give it a try. It’s better than sitting here and waiting for death.”

Although Lin Xun said that, disappointment still clouded the faces of Ji Qian and Jiang Heng.

So what if they were supreme Big Saints?

In the face of death, they would still fall into distress!

Meng Yi sighed quietly and said nothing.

Only A’hu kept calm and said aloud, “I will protect us while you try.”

Lin Xun nodded.


He drew a deep breath and his face turned solemn and serious. Buddha light emanated from his body, as though he was a legendary Buddha.

Born in the Pure Land, sitting atop the great lotus flower!

He proceeded to chant ancient sutra like Buddhist hymns. The next moment, magical power spread outwards from him.

Great Treasury Silent Scripture!

A supreme scripture created jointly by Saint Monk Du Ji and the Black Phoenix Saint Queen. It contained endless wonders and secrets.

For example, Lin Xun was chanting the Great Art of Relieving Calamity, an art specifically designed to subdue and extradite evil spirits in the world.

“Is that an art of the Earth Treasury Realm?” Ji Qian asked, looking perplexed.

Meng Yi and Jiang Heng were also in disbelief.

Earth Treasury Realm!

One of the Three Dark Giants in the Ancient Nebula Underworld. Their successors were known as Netherworld Ferrymen, and they mercilessly killed anyone they regarded as a heretic.

Their way of taking care of things was not much different from that of the Holy Illumination Ancient Sect!

Could Lin Xun be connected to the Earth Treasury Realm?

Meng Yi and the others were a little bewildered.

Lin Xun did not explain and A’hu was in no mood either. At such a critical moment, who would have the time to care about these details?

The chanting echoed far and wide like the Buddha expounding on the classics, generating a wonderful and mysterious power, but when it spread out, it had no destructive power on the Burial Spirit Zombies at all.

They were still as violent and ferocious as ever!

“It didn’t work.” Ji Qian sighed.

Jiang Heng bit her lip, her pretty face turning even paler. She had only just reached the supreme Big Saint Stage, how would she be willing to die here?

Meng Yi remained silent.

Lin Xun, however, did not lose hope. They might be in a bit of trouble, but he had seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood before. This was not enough to make him lose his composure.

However, A’hu’s graceful body trembled. “Brother Lin, the power of the Flying Immortal Tablet is weakening.”

Ji Qian and Jiang Heng cried out.

Sure enough, under the relentless attack of a group of Burial Spirit Zombies, the Flying Immortal Tablets’ light screen rippled violently, no longer as sturdy as before.

“It seems like our only option left is to fight to the death...” Meng Yi’s voice sounded grave.

Lin Xun furrowed his brows.

After a thought, he turned his hand over and there sat a bronze lamp.

Dim, dappled light floated around, creating a mysterious and calming power, like a flicker of light shining in darkness.

The Dao Blameless Lamp!

The moment that the lamp appeared, a broken corpse shaped like a giant dog exploded with a boom, as if struck by lightning.

Its body disintegrated into billowing black mist.

Faintly, a shadow seemed to emerge from the black mist and bowed to Lin Xun from a distance.

A voice sounded in Lin Xun’s heart. “Thank you, fellow daoist, for freeing me.”


Ji Qian and Jiang Heng both widened their eyes.

They did not notice the illusory figure or voice, but the scene of Lin Xun killing a vicious corpse with just a lamp caught their full attention!

Meng Yi’s gaze was instantly fixed on the bronze lamp in Lin Xun’s hand. His face twisted with an expression of disbelief and shock.

Lin Xun perked up. It worked!

As the dim light spread, nearby Burial Spirit Zombies exploded into billowing black mist one after another.

Faintly, shadows emerged from the black energy, all different creatures, but without exception, they all bowed to Lin Xun.

“Fellow daoist, thank you!”

“Fellow daoist, thank you!”

Voices of gratitude rang one after another in Lin Xun’s heart.

This made Lin Xun realize that the Burial Spirit Zombies were imprisoned by a forbidden power, just like the terrifying creatures he had encountered in the Mulberry Woodland back then.

It was not until today that they were liberated by the power of the Dao Blameless Lamp.

But unlike those terrifying creatures, their liberation meant death.

Next, all Burial Spirit Zombies that sped over were defeated under the mighty power of the Dao Blameless Lamp and reduced into deathly black mist.

This incredible reversal stupefied Ji Qian and Jiang Heng. They never imagined that Lin Xun had such an ability!

Meng Yi was flabbergasted, a look of surprise flashing across his eyes.

Evil spirits were found everywhere in this world, like a purgatory of darkness interwoven with death, but a lamp brought brightness to the world!


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