The Moon Thief

Chapter 42: Unexpected Fortune

Chapter 42: Unexpected Fortune

The Magical Beasts started walking towards different parts of the town, destroying everything that came in their way.

"Let's stand together!" Dane looked at his brothers and Heinald. Elder Yana headed in the direction towards which the Rsita Lightning Spider was pointed. Elder Honyon, on the other hand, headed to where the Spearfang Wolf was.

The Poison-eyed Kru Toad jumped to where Heinald and the others were. When it landed, a toxic gas rush spread around, and the surrounding buildings immediately began to melt.

"Watch out! The toxicity of this frog is top notch!" Heinald warned solemnly.

"I'll use the Fire Vines!" With Morena's shout out, burning vines appeared surrounding the frog. However, the Poison-eyed Kru Frog jumped right away and quickly got rid of the vines that were wrapping it.

"Lightning Spear!" Heinald cried out from within and sent the Lightning Spear from his hand to the frog in the air. When the Lightning Spear hit the Poison-eyed Kru Toad, a violent lightning explosion occurred in the air. The frog fell to the ground, out of balance.

Seeing this opportunity, the surrounding Ainsars cast the powerful spells they knew and sent them to the Poison-eyed Kru Toad. Because the frog was subjected to too many spells at the same time, serious injuries occurred in various parts of its body. However, he recovered and jumped again, and when he landed, a wave of toxic gas began to spread around again.

However, a wind spell cast by Ruske prevented the toxic gas wave from coming to them.

"Heinald, let's cast Dragon Instinct!" Morena looked at Heinald beside her.

Heinald nodded and started casting Dragon Instinct.

A total of ten fireballs from Heinald and Morena flew towards the Poison-eyed Kru Toad, and they all hit it. However, these fireballs were slightly different from their counterparts, their purpose was to mark the target rather than to damage it. Fireballs stuck to the body of the Poison-eyed Kru Toad. After a while, fireballs began to expand and expand at the same time, then they formed a massive explosion of fire, a scorching heat spread around.

The Poison-eyed Kru Toad, who already had multiple wounds, was more severely injured and began to flee for its life.

"Don't let him escape!" Dane shouted.

With this warning, the surrounding Ainsars again cast the effective spells they knew and sent it to the Poison-eyed Kru Frog, who was running away. The enormous frog, struck by these spells, could no longer stand it and fell to the ground, and died soon after.

When Heinald and the others looked around, they saw that the other beasts were also dying. Although all of these beasts were very strong, they could not resist the damage caused when so many Ainsar attacked together. Violent explosions and roars were heard both inside and outside the town.

* BAAM! * A violent thunder sound was heard. The Lightning Sphere had been attacked heavily from above. The earth and sky began to shake violently, it was like an apocalypse. The ground was shaking so violently that the whole town seemed to fall to the bottom. Most buildings around were beginning to collapse.

"Why are we shaken so violently?" Dane was looking around cautiously.

"Don't tell me ..." The thought that came to Heinald's mind made his expression seriously darkened.

* WUAAA! * There was a roar from the middle of town. The scene they saw when those around turned towards it made their eyes wide open and they lost hope.

Five huge worms had emerged from the ground, and all of the worms exploded after they had surfaced. When they exploded, seven Magical Beasts emerged from each of them. These Magical Beasts all had the power of a Level 2 Ainsar.

"Damn it!" Heinald gritted his teeth. This time he was really at the end of the road, it would be a miracle he got out of here. His expression was full of despair and fear, looking for a way out, but he could not think of any way out.

The situation was pretty bad for everyone in this town.

"Dane, use it!" Morena cried out in concern.

"W-What?" Dane clenched his teeth.

"If you don't use it, we'll die!" Morena went over to Dane and grabbed his shoulders.

Dane turned and looked again at the Magical Beasts ahead. He clenched his fists so hard that his veins would almost burst.

"Damn! Everyone gather around me!" Dane cried in anger. Heinald and the others immediately went over to him.

"What's going on?" Heinald asked.

"I will use our last chance." Dane's face had a solemn expression. He took off his necklace from under his robe and it looked at it for a few seconds. The necklace was a silver ring necklace. There were a few strange symbols on it. Dane clenched his teeth and started sending his Magical Energy to the necklace ..

When Dane sent the Magic Energy to the necklace, the necklace began to shine a faint silver glow. At that moment, the silver necklace started to radiate energy. When Heinald felt this energy, his eyes widened. This emitted energy was the same as the energy emitted by the portal formed by the Spirit of the Palace.

Space and time in Heinald and others' immediate surroundings began to twist. Everyone in the field felt intense pressure on them. They all started getting dizzy, seeing their surroundings blurred. The noise they heard from the environment disappeared and was replaced by a deep silence. Although this was a momentary thing, everyone felt it very deeply. All had experienced the momentary silence of emptiness.

When the warping of space and time ended, they found themselves in the middle of a field full of greenery. When they saw the sunlight months later, they felt quite awkward. The air they breathe and the sounds of the various animals around made them feel as if they came to a different world.

"Where is here?" Heinald asked.

"We are in the territory of the Kingdom of Yaleclaw. We are located near the Hunran City." Ruske replied.

"I didn't know you had a Space type Magical Treasure." Heinald glanced at Dane standing next to him.

"I don't have such a treasure anymore ..." Dane took off the necklace from his neck and took it in his hand. The silver pendant had completely darkened and turned into a charcoal structure. Then, like a heap of ash, it was mingled with the wind and scattered.

"This necklace was an treasure our father gave us. Its value could not be measured with Arkana Stones." Dane sighed sadly.

"Dane! The purpose of this Magical Treasure was to save our lives in an emergency, and it did." Morena shook her head.

"I know! I know, but ... Dane had a sad tone.

"Dane, what I am trying to say is that this item saved our lives, which is our most precious treasure. There is no point in being sad!" Morena exhaled loudly.

"So how did you know where we are?" Heinald asked.

"The concept behind this treasure is very complicated, but its use and purpose is simple. When you first send Magical Energy to this necklace, it leaves a dimensional anchor to the place it is in, the second time it sends Magical Energy it brings you back to that place." Dane explained.

"Last year we decided that this area was safe and we dropped the anchor here to return to this area in an emergency. Mady said.

"Sad that it was only for single use..." Heinald smiled bitterly.

"It would be the most precious treasure in the world if it were not for single use." Dane shook his head.

"All those poor people will die..." Ruske muttered after a short silence.

"Unfortunately there was nothing we could do for them ..." Heinald shook his head.

The group traveled together to the nearest city, Hunran City. When they reached the city, they found an inn and rented a room for them. As soon as Heinald arrived in his room, he took off his clothes and went straight into the bathtub to take a hot bath. He thought about what he was going through as the hot water slowly took all the tension on him.

Seeing so many Magical Beasts side by side he thought he was sure to die, fortunately the younger members of the Shidu Family had a strong trump card and they were able to escape. He had been rescued twice by them when he thought about it.

"Ah ... I have to find a way to thank them in a beautiful way." Heinald muttered.

Heinald spent hours in the bathtub and, quite relaxed, came out of the bathtub, went straight to his bed, and immediately went to sleep.

He opened his eyes with the knock on his door the next day. When he got up from his bed and opened the door, he saw Dane and the others coming.

"Good Morning!" Dane seemed to be in a much better mood than yesterday.

"Good Morning." Heinald responded with a slight smile.

"There is something we need to talk to you about." Dane and the others entered Heinald's room.


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