The Moon Thief

Chapter 41: The Raid Arrived

Chapter 41: The Raid Arrived

"Back off! Get away!" Everyone around started to retreat. However, the temperature was so high that they felt the scorching heat no matter how far they went.

"The effect has really increased exponentially! That's great!" Elder Honyon cried out with excitement and joy.

"When the elders finish their spells, we will approach and perform our spells!" Heinald shouted, there was great excitement in him. He had really managed to create a formation, it had been very difficult, but he still succeeded. An unstoppable pride and self-confidence began to rise within him. However, now it was not the time to be affected, it was the priority to damage the Ainthros Bison's Hip Bone as much as possible.

The only thing that wasn't positive about this pattern was energy consumption. Once activated, the formation did not stop until the source energy was drained. So the Ainsars around would rest to gather their energies when their Magic Energies ran out, but the formation would not rest. It would continue to consume energy all the time, a huge waste but nothing to do.

"I hope the Ainthros Bison's Hipbone will be damaged a good amount until the energy runs out. Otherwise we may not have time to fill the Horn of the Righides Bull with that much Elemental Energy again ..." Heinald began to examine the horn on the seal anxiously. It was obvious that this formation was consuming crazy energy because it really increased the effect.

Elder Yana and Elder Honyon began sending the most powerful Fire-based spells they knew to the Ainthros Bison's Hipbone. The scorching heat did not hurt them as much as the others, as they had Level 2 Ainsar durability, but even their bodies were starting to burn slightly, even though they were never directly exposed to fire. It was one of the biggest indicators of the scorching heat and the effect of the formation in this formation.

For five days, everyone in Tulan Town, including Heinald and his friends, cast their familiar fire-based spells to damage the Ainthros Bison's Hipbone. By the end of the fifth day the Elemental Energy stored inside the Horn of the Righides Bull was completely finished, and the result was a complete disappointment. Ainthros Bison's Hipbone was only superficially burned, but its structure did not take the slightest damage.

"Let's face it, we knew deep down that we could not damage the bones of a Magical Beast that had the power of a Level 4 Ainsar. But we still followed a piece of hope within us." Dane looked at his brothers and Heinald standing next to him. They were all gathered in his room and they were going to talk about what to do.

"Damn, Morena and I worked like crazy for that formation, and for this damn horn..." Heinald shook his head. He had a sad, exhausted, and uneasy expression on his face, really felt really bad when all that labor went for nothing.

"If we could damage that bone, we would get a High Rank spell..." Ruske swallowed.

"Never mind about spell now, what do we do about the raid?" Morena took a deep breath.

"I don't know if it's a failure, but I don't want to stay here for even a minute." Heinald shrugged.

"If we leave this place, we don't know what will happen to us." Dane shook his head.

"It is unclear what will happen to us if we stay here  ..." Mady exhaled loudly.

"If the formation protecting the town is not activated ... That means we are dead!" Heinald's expression darkened.

"Do you know anything about this town's Defense Formation?" Morena glanced at Heinald.


"I know,we had a short conversation with Elder Honyon about the formation protecting this town." Heinald nodded. 

"The name of this protective formation is The Touch of Hell. When the formation is activated, a barrier that covers the boundaries of the town is created. Only Level 4 Ainsar or a Magical Beast equal this power could destroy this barrier."

Heinald did not say anything for couple of seconds, and than he continued.

"If the energy source of this formation is weak, maybe even a Level 3 Ainsar Magical Beast could cross the barrier. However, just because it's a defensive formation doesn't mean it doesn't cause damage. This barrier, which covers the town, was made entirely of lightning. In other words, if the Magical Beasts come into contact, they are struck by lightning bolts. Moreover, this formation can also throw violent lightning waves to the external environment."

"So where is the energy source of this formation? Can't we control it?" Morena made a small hand gesture.

"The horrible energy it radiates would instantly destroy us. So hundreds of meters below ground. In fact, before I talked to Elder Honyon, I thought we could replace the Defense Formation's energy source with a new one. But I learned that it was not possible." Heinald shook his head.

"How so? What is this energy source?" Mady asked curiously.

"I do not know."

"Anyway ... Let's go back to our main question ... Are we going to leave this place?" Dane took turns looking into everyone's eyes.


Heinald and others argued for a while, but decided it was safer to stay in this town anyway. The Magical Beasts that had Level 2 Ainsar power they encountered on their way here showed them well how big the difference between the levels was. If they managed to survive the raid, they could foresee that the Magical Beasts would not be around for a while, so they could take the opportunity to return to the upper world.

Another month passed quickly in Tulan Town... During this time, Heinald had worked on the spell Morena gave him called Dragon Instinct. Moreover, he did regular exercises to get better with the spell called Fire Vines. One day he felt an earthquake while walking towards an empty area to study the magic called Dragon Instinct.

"Hm?" He started looking at his etaf. At that moment he saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds. Then, the sounds of thunder started to be heard one after the other.

"Raid!!" One of the guards shouted with all his might.

"Damn it!" Heinald's heart began to beat rapidly. He immediately rushed towards the elder's building. However, he soon saw that the two elder were in front of the building and were shouting orders to the surrounding Ainsars.

"Honyon, go and activate formation! I'll keep this place in check." Elder Yana looked at the dark clouds above with an uneasy expression.

Elder Honyon nodded and went to activate the formation.

* ROOOOAAAARRRRR !!! * Incredibly loud roaring sounds began to be heard at the same time. The ground was still shaking violently. It was as if an army of millions was marching at the same time.

Thousands of lightning flashed over the town at that time, and the sudden light was so strong that even Heinald had to look away.


Dane and the others rushed towards Heinald.


"The raid finally here..." Heinald muttered gravely.

"The size of this defensive formation ... is huge !!" Morena looked at the lightning-covered sky. In fact, she knew that this defensive formation would cover the whole town, but seeing it was different.

* HYAAA! * An eagle cry fierce enough to shake hearts was heard. It was so severe that some people around had fainted and blood started to come from their ears.

"What is that!?" Dane cried out.

* BAM! * BOM! * BOOM! * Violent lightning sounds began to be heard one after the other. Magical Beasts outside were flocking to the formation and trying to overcome it.

"Will it hold on?" Morena cried out in concern.

"Lightning is preventing us from seeing the situation outside!" Heinald gritted his teeth.

* BAM! * There was a violent thunder again.

"Oh, no!" Heinald cried out in fear.

A huge worm pierced the lightning barrier  and crashed into the ground. When the body of the giant worm fell, there was a big shock explosion and the surrounding houses were completely destroyed. The giant worm's body was completely burned by lightning struck,a disgusting burning smell spread all over. This worm was much larger than the worm Heinald and others had previously encountered.

"They're coming out of the worm!" Dane cried out in concern.

The giant worm was dead but obviously dead for a purpose, and that was to bring in various Magical Beasts. 5 different Magical Beasts emerged from the gigantic worm, it was evident from the aura they emitted that they were all had Level 2 Ainsar power.

"Rsita Lightning Spider, Darhlorst Sarpent, Spearfang Wolf, Poison-eyed Kru Frog and White Jaengtra Tiger!" When Heinald observed the Magical Beasts emerging from inside the giant worm, his expression became darker and darker. From the books he had read he knew the appearance and characteristics of these monsters, they were all very powerful monsters.

"All Ainsars listen to me! Cast the strongest spells you know or we will not be able to defeat these monsters!" Elder Yana shouted with all her might, when Elder Honyon also came to his wife.


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