The Moon Thief

Chapter 40: Formation Works!

Chapter 40: Formation Works!

When Heinald returned to Morena, he told her that their priority was to focus on the Fire Element. If it could be added, the Lightning Element would also be added, but this was still difficult because the structure of the entire formation had to change when a second element entered the equation.

Heinald left two more months behind his busy schedule. In those two months he only worked on the formation. Fortunately, this two-month busy schedule brought him success and really managed to create a formation blueprint. Everything was just a sketch because a large amount of Elemental Energy was required to activate this formation, and unfortunately only had one Righides Bull Horn, he could not use it for testing. Moreover, although the formation was ready on the draft, it might not actually be ready, he wasn't sure.

No matter how hard Heinald tried, he was able to build a formation that amplified the effect of Fire-based spells in just a small area. But he wasn't sure how much it would increase or how long the Elemental Energy in the Righides Bull Horn would last. It was all an assumption until he activated the formation and saw the results.

"So, the big day has finally come..." Elder Honyon was looking at Heinald, and Elder Yana was with him. After Heinald and Morena had finished working on the formation, they quickly went to report to the elders.

"Yes, Morena and I did our best and we managed to create a formation." Heinald exhaled loudly. But he didn't have an expression of joy on his face, he actually had an anxious expression. There was no certain probability that the formation he created would be successful, the formation might not work, and his months of labor could be wasted.

"In fact, Heinald did most of the work. I only came up with certain runes and ideas. Moreover, the model of the formation is completely in his mind, i don't understand how he was able to model such a complex formation in his mind in such a short time. He is a true genius. " Morena looked at Heinald and Elder Honyon in turn.

"Thank you, Morena. But you don't have to be so humble. You really helped me through this process." Heinald looked at the beautiful girl beside him and smiled.

"Can you show the formation?" Elder looked to Yana curiously.

Heinald built the model of the formation in his mind and integrated the Magic Energy with the model in his mind. Dozens of circles began to emerge around him. All of these circles had hundreds of runes intertwined within them, these circles were actually Seals. The entire room was surrounded by an energy field, this energy field actually representing the field in which the formation would be effective. At the moment, the only thing missing was the energy source. But of course the place and time were not correct, after making sure the elders saw it, he stopped sending the Magic Energy to the model he had formed in his mind. Thus, the seals around immediately disappeared.

"To create a formation in such a short time and to be able to model it completely in your mind ... You are truly something." Elder Honyon lightly nodded.

"Do you think enough Elemental energy has been stored in the Horn of the Righides Bull?" Heinald did not want to be talked about anymore and changed the subject. In this case, the energy source to be used for the formation was at least as important as the formation. The characteristic of the Righides Bull's Horn was that it could store Elemental Energy, and it was a very appropriate and logical choice to use Elemental Energy as an energy source in a formation that would basically increase the effect of the Fire Element.

However, the amount of this energy was also very important. Although Fire-based Spells would deal more damage, it would have to be done over and over again for a long time, as the bones they aimed to damage belong to a beast that have a Level 4 Ainsar power.

"Your friends and the Ainsars in our town have cast various elemental spells over the months to exploit the Elemental Energy around the horn continuously until the Magical Energies are completely exhausted. I guess a large amount of Elemental Energy must have accumulated inside the horn, but how long it will last depends on how much energy the formation you create will consume." Elder Honyon patted his beard.

"We don't have many options ... If the energy inside the horn runs out, the same process will have to be repeated to recharge." Morena made a hand gesture.

"Elder Honyon, there's something I want to ask you... Did you send scouts to observe the surroundings?" Heinald asked another question in his mind. In fact, all of the thoughts that gnawed part of his brain for a long time were all about the beast raid.

"Yes. All reports I have received say no Magical Beasts have been seen around." Elder Honyon nodded.

"Were the watchers ordinary people?" Heinald asked thoughtfully. If so, it would also make sense for them not to be attacked at all. Since waves of Magic Energy are not emitted from the bodies of ordinary people, it would be very difficult for Magical Beasts to detect them.He only saw two Magical Beasts, though.

"They were." Elder Honyon nodded.

Heinald wondered where the Magical Beasts were gathering. He learned from the Elders that they had hidden places but did not understand how they were hiding. He thought he might be a Magical Beast with dimensional powers, but that would be absurd. Dimensional forces could only be controlled when one understood the depths of the Space Concept, while the Magical Beasts were far from such intelligence and mindset.

"When do you think the attack will take place?" Morena asked worriedly.

"We cannot know that, they will appear out of nowhere and attack with all their might." Elder Honyon shook his head.

"Let's not waste any more time talking, let's go and make preparations and see if we can damage the bones." Elder Yana stood up. With her standing, Elder Honyon also stood up, news was given to everyone, and gathered in front of the building where the Ainthros Bison's Hipbone was held.

"We will move the Ainthros Bison's Hipbone to an open field." Elder Honyon said. The Hipbone of the Atthros Bison was lifted by dozens of Ainsar around and moved to an empty and vast area.

"Well done! You really managed to create a formation in such a short time." Dane looked at Heinald and Morena. In fact, it could be said that he saw them quite rarely, all the while he was dealing mostly with the Horn of the Righides Bull with the others.Those two were working on formation, so they didn't meet very often.

"Thanks! But it's too early to say anything, I don't know how effective this formation will be or how long it will last. Maybe it might not work ..." Heinald was quite nervous.

"Calm down. We did our best, if not, there is nothing to do. Nobody can blame us." Morena glanced at Heinald standing next to her.

"Bring the Horn of the Righides Bull!" The Elder Yana ordered. Shortly after, two Ainsars brought the horn. The horn radiated intense energy around it. The magnitude of the energy in it was evident from the deterioration of the surrounding area due to intense energy.

"Well, it's time!" Heinald took a deep breath and built in his mind the pattern of the formation, which he called the Fire Stream Formation, and he told everyone to move away from the Ainthros Bison's Hipbone.

Various Seals began to emerge around Heinald, then a great circle of energy emerged wrapping the Ainthros Bison's Hipbone. Any fire-based spells cast within this energy circle would be much more effective. A seal shining a pale red light was flying around him on his hand.

With that seal, Heinald went out of the energy field with the others and signaled them to bring the Horn of the Righides Bull. When the horn was placed on the seal on his hand, the entire circle of energy began to emit a fiery red light. The Elemental Energy flowing from the horn towards the formation was so intense that it was visible even with the eye.

"It should work!" Heinald cried in excitement. An intense energy waves of Fire was emanating from the formation.

"Did it work?" Morena asked excitedly.

"I'll use the first spell, now we know!" Elder Honyon took a deep breath and held up his hand. When he raised his hand, five enormous fiery snakes shot out of his hand, more than twenty meters in length, all of them gliding over the formation for some time and then flocked to the Hipbone of the Ainthros Bison.

* BOM! * When the fire snakes hit the Ainthros Bison's Hip, there were strong and scorching waves of fire. Suddenly the surrounding temperature increased so much that everyone there felt their bodies burning.


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